Locales['en'] = { ['cloakroom'] = 'cloakroom', ['job_wear'] = 'workwear', ['citizen_wear'] = 'civilian clothes', ['vehiclespawner'] = 'choice of truck', ['already_have_truck'] = 'we have allready provided a truck!', ['delivery'] = 'press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to deliver.', ['not_your_truck'] = 'it is not the truck that you have provided !', ['not_your_truck2'] = 'you must be in the truck that you were provided with !', ['need_it'] = 'yeah, but we need it !', ['ok_work'] = 'ok, at work then !', ['scared_me'] = 'ok, you scared me there !', ['resume_delivery'] = 'ok, resume your delivery then !', ['no_delivery'] = 'no delivery no Cash', ['pay_repair'] = 'on the other hand you pay the repairs !', ['repair_minus'] = 'truck repairs : -', ['shipments_plus'] = 'shipments : +', ['truck_state'] = 'no money dude, seen the state fo the truck !', ['no_delivery_no_truck'] = 'no delivery, no truck! Its a joke?', ['truck_price'] = 'truck price : -', ['meet_ls'] = 'go to the delivery point at Los Santos', ['meet_bc'] = 'go to the delivery point at Blaine County', ['meet_del'] = 'go to the delivery point', ['return_depot'] = 'return to the depot.', ['blip_job'] = 'Dominos Pizza', ['blip_delivery'] = 'Dominos Pizza : Delivery', ['blip_goal'] = 'Dominos Pizza : Delivery point', ['blip_depot'] = 'Dominos Pizza : depot', }