#include "plugin.h" #include "game_saRenderWare.h" #include "game_sacommon.h" #include "game_saCMenuManager.h" #include "game_saCRadar.h" #include "game_saCWorld.h" #include "game_saRenderWare.h" #include "game_saCFont.h" #include #pragma comment( lib, "psapi.lib" ) #define E_ADDR_GAMEPROCESS 0x53E981 using namespace plugin; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct stOpcodeRelCall { BYTE bOpcode; DWORD dwRelAddr; } OpcodeRelCall; #pragma pack(pop) class GPS { private: HANDLE hThread = NULL; public: GPS() { hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)GPS::init, (LPVOID)this, 0, (LPDWORD)NULL); } ~GPS() { // Check if thread still running on process if (hThread != NULL) TerminateThread(hThread, 0); } static LPVOID WINAPI init(LPVOID *lpParam) { MODULEINFO miSampDll; DWORD dwSampDllBaseAddr, dwSampDllEndAddr, dwCallAddr; GPS *sender = (GPS *)lpParam; stOpcodeRelCall *fnGameProc = (stOpcodeRelCall *)E_ADDR_GAMEPROCESS; // Check if E_ADDR_GAMEPROCESS opcode is a relative call (0xE8) while (fnGameProc->bOpcode != 0xE8) Sleep(100); while (true) { Sleep(100); // Get samp.dll module information to get base address and end address if (!GetModuleInformation(GetCurrentProcess(), GetModuleHandle("samp.dll"), &miSampDll, sizeof(MODULEINFO))) { continue; } // Some stupid calculation dwSampDllBaseAddr = (DWORD)miSampDll.lpBaseOfDll; dwSampDllEndAddr = dwSampDllBaseAddr + miSampDll.SizeOfImage; // Calculate destination address by offset and relative call opcode size dwCallAddr = fnGameProc->dwRelAddr + E_ADDR_GAMEPROCESS + 5; // Check if dwCallAddr is a samp.dll's hook address, // to make sure this plugin hook (Events::gameProcessEvent) not replaced by samp.dll if (dwCallAddr >= dwSampDllBaseAddr && dwCallAddr <= dwSampDllEndAddr) break; } // Just wait a few secs for the game loaded fully to avoid any conflicts and crashes // I don't know what the elegant way is :) while (!FindPlayerPed(0)) Sleep(5000); // Run the plugin sender->run(); // Reset the thread handle sender->hThread = NULL; return NULL; } void run() { } } gps;