Section 8 – “At the Edge” (TL: Read as “kazuaru hazama-nite”) Kazuma This is... Ciel It’s very similar to the room we found hidden beneath Ishana. Raabe So... this is the “innermost part.” Hazama Oh? What’s with you guys all of a sudden? You’ve all got this shocked look on your faces. Have you guys been here before? >We’ve been somewhere like this before. Hazama Really? Normally I’d ask to hear more about what sort of place that was but... Hazama We’re not exactly in the best place to be taking our time, wouldn’t you agree? >Never seen it before in my life. Hazama Hey now, don’t just leave me in the dark like that. Hazama You’ll just make me even more curious if you keep it a secret, y’know. Hazama But... now isn’t really the best time to get into that, is it? Fuzzy Raabe’s right though. This is the innermost part you guys have been so keen on getting to. Fuzzy You brought those six keys here so you could activate the elements... and finally escape. Raabe What happens next then? Fuzzy You’ll just have to find out for yourself, right? You will, won’t you? Really though, even I don’t have any idea what’s supposed to happen next. Ahahaha. Raabe We don’t have much of a choice either way, it would seem. Kazuma As soon as we activate the elements, all of the mana we’ve collected will activate with them and accumulate around us. Kazuma Much more mana than we’re used to will gather together in one place. Hazama Will that be problematic for us? Kazuma There’s no reason why it should be. This is probably the perfect place for it actually... Fuzzy If you’re gonna go ahead and start it up, I’d let Kazuma do it. Since he’s a magician he should be used to working with mana and the elements already. Ciel Kazuma-san, would you be willing to activate the elements for us? Kazuma I, uh, yeah, I can do that. That shouldn’t be too difficult. Kazuma Let’s see here... Hazama You’ve looked like you’ve had something on your mind for a while now. Hazama I agree that Kazuma-san’s the best suited out of all of us to carry this out but... don’t push yourself if you don’t think you can handle it. Hazama If we really have to we can always looks for another way to activate them... Kazuma ...... Kazuma ...No. Kazuma I can do it. Raabe Hey, hold on... Hazama Are you sure? Kazuma Yes. Please, allow me. [a green magic circle appears, surrounded by the six elements] Hazama Oh my... I can already feel how the air around us has changed. Looks like you managed to pull it off without a hitch after all. Ciel Is this... activated mana? But this feeling, where have I... Raabe It can't be. This is...! Hey, Kazuma! Stop whatever it is that you’re doing! Kazuma ...... Raabe Are you even listening!? Earth to Kazuma!! Kazuma ...Ah... it’s just like I thought. I was wondering... if that’s what it was... >What’s wrong, Kazuma-san? >Who are you talking to? Kazuma Who... [a dark green shadow with veins and one glowing eye starts to materialize] Hazama Uuh, guh, ghh.... Ciel Hazama-san? Is something wrong? Hazama Please be careful... Something’s... coming...! [the shadow becomes fully visible] Raabe Wh... What’s going on? Fuzzy Hmm, I wonder what it could be~? What do you think? Fuzzy What about you, Rei? What do your “eyes” see? You can see it, can’t you? Raabe Don’t look. ...I guess that’s impossible, huh. Try not to focus as much as you can. This... isn’t a collection of mana. Ciel Raabe-san, Rei-san! We’ve got a problem. Ciel I’ve confirmed the appearance of the cauldron. Ciel But... there’s nothing around here that looks like it could be the cauldron. And if there’s a cauldron here, then who is the Observer...? Raabe They’re both right in front of us. Ciel Eh? Wh-What do you mean? Raabe The cauldron came into existence across this entire world the moment this guy appeared. In other words, that shadow... it’s the Observer. Raabe It’s also the cauldron. There’s no other explanation for this sort of reaction. This much condensed seithr... this is the cauldron. Hazama What’s that now? Seithr? Hazama You mean what Kazuma-san’s magic is activating right now isn’t... Raabe It’s not the elements or mana, no. It’s seithr! ??? Ahh~ god, you losers took fore~ver to show up. Ciel !? ??? Shit though, you guys sure have been through a lot, huh? But thanks to you I can talk as much as I want again. >The shadow spoke! ??? Kyahahahaha, just a shadow, eh... Well, I guess that’ll have to do for now. >Who are you? ??? What, you wanna know my name? You really wanna know who I am? Sure, I’ll humor you... Kazuma ...Yuuki Terumi... Spirit Terumi Oops, looks like you beat me to it. But yeah, the kid’s right. Don’t go forgetting it, numbskulls. Spirit Terumi Yuuki Terumi. That’s the name, folks. Hazama You were lurking inside of me. Hazama Earlier when we were fighting Saya-san, she said she had sensed something within me... I wasn’t entirely sure what she meant at the time. Hazama I had no idea that it would turn out to be something like this. Spirit Terumi Hyahahahaha! Damn, I didn’t realize you were so out of the loop, Hazama-chan. Ciel So you’re familiar with Hazama-san as well. Spirit Terumi Oh yeah, best of buddies, thickest of thieves, call it what you like but we’re rea~l intimate. In fact, I know all you guys. Spirit Terumi You’re the morons who’ve been running all over the city doing my dirty work for me. Hyahahahahahaha! Kazuma So you were... using us? Does that mean that Fuzzy-san was also...? Fuzzy Can’t say I know about any of this. I’m only here to fulfill my role. Really I’m just a pawn here. Fuzzy You guys are all just pawns too. But even the pawns are necessary in the end, right? It’s not really a game if all the pieces aren’t in order, after all. Spirit Terumi The trap over here gets it. And now since you’ve been such good little slaves so far, how’s about you do me one last teensy-weensy favor... Spirit Terumi And die for me, will you? Hyahahahahaha! Raabe I see now. We’ve been playing right into his hands this entire time. Raabe When Kazuma started the activation sequence, he wasn’t channeling the mana or the elements. He wound up summoning this guy instead. Ciel No way... Then does that mean the whole story about escaping from the city was a lie? Spirit Terumi Come on, even if I’m not that cruel. I’ll still let you guys out. Spirit Terumi All aboard the Terumi express! Now serving a one-way trip straight into the Boundary! Just make sure to keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle, or you might lose them! Hazama Are you always this egotistical? Hazama Things may have gone your way up until now, but we’re not going to just stand here and let you do whatever you want. Hazama ...It was wrong of me to bring you all this way when I sensed something was amiss, no matter how small it may have been. Hazama Looks like I got you all mixed up in something undesirable after all... I’m really sorry, Rei-san. Hazama But I don’t think I’ll be able to handle this one by myself. I’m afraid I must ask for your assistance one last time. >Let’s all get out of here together. Hazama Thank you. I’m... truly glad to have met you. >Let’s kick his ass and get the hell out of here! Spirit Terumi Ooh, someone’s a little touchy. That sort of enthusiasm is contagious, y’know. Ciel Assuming combat position. All eyes on target. Ready when you are! Raabe His form is still unstable. It’s hard to say if his existence has fully taken root yet or not. Raabe The reaction he’s giving off is definitely strong but... he might not be able to use the full extent of his power the way he is now. Raabe We need to strike before all of the seithr has finished gathering in one place. Let’s get this over with quickly. Fuzzy Go, go! You can do it! Hazama Are you ready for this, Kazuma-san? Kazuma Ah, uh... Right. Spirit Terumi Oh? You wouldn’t really team up against little ol’ me, would you? Heheheheh. Hazama Well then. Let’s go, Terumi-san. Spirit Terumi Guh, shit...! My power... no, none of this shit. None of it’s good enough! Kazuma ...... Fuzzy Whoa. You guys really creamed him. Hazama ...I think that shadow inside of me... Terumi-san detached himself completely from me during the course of that fight. Hazama It’s the strangest feeling. It’s unsettling but also like a... weight’s been lifted, in a sense. Spirit Terumi Ha, haha... Hyahahaha...! Damn, that really could’ve gone better. Spirit Terumi I guess you win this one. I really lost to some lame spin-off side characters. Ain’t that right? Kazuma Yes. I... think that’s what happened. Spirit Terumi Heh, hahahaah! Yeah, them’s the breaks, huh. Tch, what a pain in the ass. Spirit Terumi Man, this sucks... you’re really blue-balling me here. Taking on a bunch of pussies like you should’ve been a joke. Spirit Terumi Sure screwed myself on that one. Kazuma ...Please send us back. Kazuma As long as you do that... I don’t think we’ll have to hurt you anymore. Spirit Terumi Ha! Hurt me? You really think you can hurt me? Hyahaha, you don’t have a lot going on underneath that pretty face, do you, kid? Spirit Terumi Don’t make me laugh. Ciel Are you going to continue resisting? Spirit Terumi Oooh, close but no cigar! This isn’t what you’d call resistance... Spirit Terumi This is an escape! [static] Kazuma ...Ah. H-Huh? Ciel This is... >It’s Ishana! Kazuma Yes, this is Ishana. It’s the same place we were before we found ourselves in that strange city... >Are we back? Ciel ...It would appear so. This is where we were standing before we were taken to that strange city. Ciel But what does this mean? It’s safe to say that we took out the Observer but we weren’t able to destroy the Cauldron... Ciel Regardless... we managed to escape the Phantom Field. Raabe I still need to look into everything further so this is just a hypothesis for now, but... Raabe I don’t think that city was an undiscovered Phantom Field. Raabe It’s foundation was built on Ishana who had already lost its Observer. Raabe Using the power of Observation, that shadow calling itself Terumi must have found its way in and overwrote things when it took over. Kazuma So it was... re-Observed? Raabe That’s exactly what it was. Raabe In other words, we weren’t so much moved somewhere else as it was our surroundings themselves were changing before our eyes... That’s probably what happened. Hazama Well, it was certainly an experience I could have lived without and I’m still not overly sure how any of it was possible but... Hazama Everything worked out in the end, right? Hazama We all made it out safe and sound. Let’s be thankful for that, shall we? Hazama Ahh~, truly all’s well that ends well. Ciel Hazama-san. And Fuzzy-san, too. The two of you came back to Ishana as well I see. Fuzzy Bzzt, wrong answer. Really, did you hear a thing Raabe just said? None of us actually came back anywhere. Fuzzy We were all just sort of displaced. Ciel Ah, so we were. So then would Fuzzy-san and Hazama-san be considered foreign entities in this situation? Raabe There’s no way to know for sure what the Phantom Field has classified them as but... that’s probably the case. Raabe Neither of them are involved with Ishana. Hazama Hmm~, while this place does look incredibly delightful, I’m afraid this isn’t where I belong. Fuzzy Me either. I’m not getting any good vibes from the ambience around here. I don’t think I’d fit in very well. Raabe ...Once a Phantom Field has been liberated of its Observer, any foreign materials left behind should gradually start to return to where they were originally from. Raabe Here soon your existential information should be sent back to your own worlds. Fuzzy I guess we’re stuck hanging around here until that happens, huh~. Fuzzy Well, not like it matters. I’ve never been here before so there’s no harm in exploring a bit. Don’t you think? [Fuzzy leaves] Hazama And there he goes. I suppose it’s best to just let him have his fun while he can. Hazama But more importantly... Rei-san, Ciel-san, Kazuma-san, Raabe-san. Hazama Thank you all so much for your help. Hazama When I was still wandering around all by myself, I was at a loss as to what I was supposed to do... Hazama But as soon as I joined up with you guys, everything just sort of naturally clicked into place. Hazama A lot happened back there, but I want you to know that from the bottom of my heart I’m grateful we were able to escape from that bizarre city. Raabe ...Is that all you have to say? I can’t say I’m very convinced. Raabe It still feels like you’ve been manipulating us this entire time. Hazama Don’t be ridiculous! It must’ve been fate that I ran into you when I did. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. Hazama I’d even go so far as to say that you saved me. Hazama I’m honestly in your debt. If you ever need an extra hand for something, I’ll be sure to do everything in my power to help you out. Hazama Then again... I can’t guarantee that the me you’ll encounter then will be the same as I am now. Hazama Let’s do this the right way this time. My name is Hazama. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Hazama Rei-san. >Pleased to meet you. Hazama Yes. I wish you all the best. Ciel ...... Raabe ...We still need to head back and check the data to see if this was indeed the abnormality the System was detecting. Raabe We’ve overstayed our welcome. Let’s return to base. Kazuma ...I guess this is goodbye then. Kazuma Hadn’t you said earlier that you couldn’t stay for long? Ciel That’s correct. We’re still only outsiders in this world. Kazuma ...... Kazuma ...I’m really glad I was able to see you again. Getting to spend more time together... it was really fun. Kazuma I feel like I know myself a little better now. Kazuma Thank you so much. Ciel There’s no need to thank us. We were merely here for our mission. Kazuma You’re as blunt as always, Ciel-san... Kazuma ...I think I have my own perplexing “mission” in front of me... nevermind. Hang in there for me, will you? Kazuma I’m rooting for you. >Thank you. >Good luck, Kazuma-san. [static] Kagami Rei! Ciel! Thank god you guys made it back in one piece~! Ciel Oh. You startled me. What’s the matter, Kagami-san? You seem out of sorts. Kagami Well, what did you expect!? Almost as soon as you two got in you just fell off the grid! Kagami I wasn’t able to pinpoint where either of were for a long time... Kagami Your signals only reappeared inside Ishana’s Phantom Field a little while ago, y’know! Kagami So what happened? Nevermind, it’ll be faster to get the answers from Raabe’s internal data. Kagami Either way, I’ll get an investigation started. First you guys need to go get a medical check. Kagami And watch yourselves this time, got it!? Ciel Y-Yes, ma’am. Kagami I can’t let you out of my sight for even a second. Geez... [Kagami leaves] Ciel It would seem we’ve caused quite the stir in our absence. Ciel Let’s head to the medical room. I’ll go with you, Rei-san. Hazama So this is supposed to be the famous Ishana, huh? Now that I’ve finally gotten a good look at it, it truly is nothing more than a ghost town. Hazama ...Well then. I wonder where I should be heading next? With the help of those suckers, I was able to remove the chain that was inside me. Hazama I should be able to go just about anywhere now. Hazama At any rate, Terumi-san is right back where he should be. Although I can’t say I’m overly thrilled that he left me to do all the grunt work by myself. Hazama ...I would have been in quite the bind if it weren’t for that boy, though. Heheh. Hazama But still, what a successful endeavor that turned out to be! Hazama For me, for Terumi-san... Even for him. Hazama “End Gazer”... The One Who Sees the End. I can’t wait to see how this will play out. Kazuma ...... Kazuma Ishana... All these years here, and I still haven’t learned a thing. Kazuma But... I feel like I finally know why I’m here... Just a little... Kazuma I feel like I’m home.