[INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Server Info Version ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][GameServer:logVersionInfo:306]: Update: .................. Classic - Kamael [Dawn of Heroes] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][GameServer:logVersionInfo:307]: Protocol: ................ [272] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][GameServer:logVersionInfo:308]: Build Version: ........... 1.5.0 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][GameServer:logVersionInfo:309]: Build Revision: .......... [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][GameServer:logVersionInfo:310]: Build date: .............. 2020-04-28T03:28:45.280+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][GameServer:logVersionInfo:311]: Compiler JDK version: .... 14 (Oracle Corporation 14+36-1461) [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Datasource Settings ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][HikariDataSource::80]: HikariPool-1 - Starting... [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][HikariDataSource::82]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------=[ Server Configuration ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:07][Config:load:2092]: Network Config: ipconfig.xml doesn't exists using automatic configuration... [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:08][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:08][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:08][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:08][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:08][Config:autoIpConfig:2176]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:09][Config:load:1641]: Loaded 6 Filter Words. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:09][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Scripting Engine ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:09][ScriptEngineManager:registerEngine:68]: Java Engine 14 (Java [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]) [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:11][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 18:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.GlobalVariablesManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:12][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\ai\others\DimensionalMerchant\DimensionalMerchant.java 15:48 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is not visible (package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is declared in module org.l2j.gameserver, which does not export it) [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 13:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 8:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 3:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 4:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 85:96 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 17:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static formatDateTime location: class org.l2j.commons.util.Util [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 7:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 95:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:14][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 36:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MONSTER location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:14][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 37:57 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_RAID location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:14][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 38:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:14][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:14][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable DAMAGE_TAKEN location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:15][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\RealDamage.java 34:91 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable REAL_DAMAGE_RESIST location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:15][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 135:89 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:15][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 137:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:15][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 141:106 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:15][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 144:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:15][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 180:112 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:15][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 198:114 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:15][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 272:74 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:15][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 273:94 - cannot find symbol symbol: method checkArenaProgress(org.l2j.gameserver.model.Clan) location: class org.l2j.gameserver.data.xml.ClanRewardManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:15][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminSpawn.java 286:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: method init() location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.DBSpawnManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 49:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method setNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 55:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 66:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 72:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 104:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 108:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 120:69 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 92:41 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.ClanWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 36:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.PrivateWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:16 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeAPI location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:49 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeType location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 54:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 62:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:58 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 80:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 42:8 - handlers.communityboard.DropSearchBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 135:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 22:8 - handlers.communityboard.ClanBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 28:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.RegionBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 41:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.FriendsBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 44:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 43:14 - handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 60:19 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable COMMUNITYBOARD_ENABLE_PREMIUM location: class org.l2j.gameserver.Config [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 84:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 105:5 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 269:38 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getLCoins() location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 272:31 - cannot find symbol symbol: method addLCoins(long) location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.HomepageBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.MailBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 24:8 - handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 57:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 62:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 71:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 88:42 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 117:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 119:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext::56]: Could not compile Java Scripts org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaCompilerException: at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compile(JavaExecutionContext.java:101) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compileModuleInfo(JavaExecutionContext.java:68) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.(JavaExecutionContext.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaScriptingEngine.createExecutionContext(JavaScriptingEngine.java:45) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.registerEngine(ScriptEngineManager.java:69) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.lambda$loadEngines$0(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at java.base/java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.loadEngines(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.init(ScriptEngineManager.java:42) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:251) [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Identity Factory ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][BitSetIDFactory:cleanUpDatabase:50]: Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][BitSetIDFactory::25]: 102912 Identifiers available [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Lineage II World ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][World:initRegions:113]: World Region Grid set up: 288 by 272 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][MapRegionManager:load:64]: Loaded 56 map regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:16][ZoneManager::68]: Zone Region Grid set up: 19 by 18 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:17][ZoneManager:load:76]: Loaded 24 zone classes and 2723 zones. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:17][ZoneManager:load:77]: Loaded 0 NPC spawn territories. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:17][ZoneManager:lambda$load$2:79]: Last static id: 200224 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:17][GeoEnginePathFinding::35]: Loaded 7 path node buffers. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:19][GeoEngine:loadGeodataFiles:69]: Loaded 210 geodata files. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][DoorDataManager:parseDocument:59]: Loaded 1483 Door Templates for 21 regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][FenceDataManager:load:56]: Loaded 1 Fences [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------=[ Server Data ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][GlobalVariablesManager:restoreMe:47]: Loaded 4 variables [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][ActionManager:load:43]: Loaded 214 player actions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][CategoryManager:load:43]: Loaded 33 Categories [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SecondaryAuthManager:load:38]: Loaded 0 forbidden passwords. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for MEMBERS_ONLINE [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for HUNTING_MONSTERS [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][MissionData:load:54]: Loaded 91 missions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][ElementalSpiritEngine:load:49]: Loaded 4 Elemental Spirits Templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][TeleportEngine:load:46]: Loaded 87 Teleports [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][GameServer:printSection:319]: ----------------------------------------------------------=[ Skills ] [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Slash (1, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Confusion (2, 1) effect RandomizeHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Strike (3, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (3, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (15, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Burst (17, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Burst (17, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Shot (19, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Shot (19, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Recovery (21, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burst Shot (24, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (24, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unlock (27, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Iron Punch (29, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Punch (29, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Backstab (30, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Backstab (30, 1) effect backstab [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (34, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Storm (35, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Storm (35, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Remedy (44, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Heal (45, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Strike (49, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Strike (49, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Force (50, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lure (51, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Blaster (54, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Blaster (54, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Shot (56, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (56, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Heal (58, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect FakeDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Bleeding (61, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect Fear [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice (69, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (70, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Will (72, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Insect Weakness (75, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Aura (77, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Cry (78, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Beast Weakness (80, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (86, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Animal Weakness (87, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Dragon Weakness (88, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense Aura (91, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Stun (92, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:20][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Stun (92, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rage (94, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cripple (95, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cripple (95, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bleed (96, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sanctuary (97, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (99, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Attack (100, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Shot (101, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Entangle (102, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Plant Weakness (104, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil (106, 1) effect Passive [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Arrow (112, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Long Shot (113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Break (115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician's Movement (118, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Roar (121, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Barrier (123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring (127, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (129, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toughness (134, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (137, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guts (139, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Mastery (143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Mastery (144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Limit (150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellcraft (163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Recovery (164, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Atk. Spd. (168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Step (169, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatics (173, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Frenzy (176, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Revival (181, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Revival (181, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Mind (191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky (194, 1) effect Lucky [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Breath (195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Blade (196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Armor (197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost HP (211, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast HP Recovery (212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Mana (213, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Recovery (214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sting (223, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect Relax [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Mana Recovery (229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sprint (230, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (244, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1) effect take-castle [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil (254, 1) effect Spoil [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Smash (255, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (255, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Crush (260, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Blessing (262, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Earth (264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Life (265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Warding (267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Wind (268, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hunter's Song (269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Light (277, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Light (277, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burning Fist (280, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Fist (280, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Higher Mana Gain (285, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Provoke (286, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Provoke (286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Leech (289, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Frenzy (290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Fortress (291, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Sense (294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Body (295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chameleon Rest (296, 1) effect ChameleonRest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duelist Spirit (297, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Festival (302, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vitality (304, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vengeance (305, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Snipe (313, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1) effect physical-attack-hp-link [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aegis (316, 1) effect PhysicalShieldAngleAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect PolearmSingleTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pride of Kamael (329, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Raging Force (346, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Earthquake (347, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Bash (352, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Slam (353, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect PhysicalMute [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Death (355, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Chance (356, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Power (357, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Power (357, 1) effect stat-position-based [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bluff (358, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Blast (361, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Armor Crush (362, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Vengeance (368, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Body (370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Spirituality (371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Soul (372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Regeneration (373, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Morale (374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Clarity (375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Might (376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (377, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Empower (378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan M. Def. (379, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Guidance (380, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Agility (381, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Defense (382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Block (383, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Cyclonic Resistance (384, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Magmatic Resistance (385, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Stun Resistance (386, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hold Resistance (387, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Sleep Resistance (388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Wind Walk (389, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Luck (390, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Fortune (392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Soul Finding (393, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Soul Finding (394, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tribunal (400, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Judgment (401, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Shackling (404, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dead Eye (414, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Sagittarius (415, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pain of Sagittarius (417, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quiver of Holding (418, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Zealot (420, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Braveheart (440, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mirage (445, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (446, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counterattack (447, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Move (451, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Break Duress (461, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Break Duress (461, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Immunity (466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Mastery (472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapier Mastery (474, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Smash (477, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Smash (477, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disarm (485, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Courage (499, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Break (501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Real Target (522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect TransferDamageToPlayer [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Wound (531, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Over the Body (536, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Slash (560, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel's Blessing (561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Angel (562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Doom (563, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn Assault (565, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Heal (567, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Buster (568, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Buster (568, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Storm (569, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Storm (569, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Dust (571, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Slasher (572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Cutter (575, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paw Strike (576, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (577, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Cloud (581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Claw (584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Moving (585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rolling Attack (586, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Storm (587, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Darkness (588, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Body (590, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Spirit (591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Soul (592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Health (593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Moral (594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Clarity (595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Might (596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield (597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Empower (598, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Magic Barrier (599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Guidance (600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Agility (601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Block (602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Defense (603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Typhoon Resistance (604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Lava Resistance (605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Fortitude (606, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Freedom (607, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Vigilance (608, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Movement (609, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Death Fortune (610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Squad (614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Cross Slash (675, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Sonic Blaster (676, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Transfixion of Earth (677, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior War Cry (678, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Hate (680, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Aggression Aura (681, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Double Shot (687, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Agility (690, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Flare (692, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Strike (693, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Curtain (694, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Surrender to Holy (696, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Major Heal (698, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Battle Heal (699, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Clans (702, 1) effect dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Servitor Hill (713, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Hold (716, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Concentrated Attack (717, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Dancing Sword (718, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Vampiric Rage (719, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Holy Light Burst (720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Energy Attack (721, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Divine Beam (722, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sunshine (723, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Clans (724, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Power Smash (725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Sonic Storm (726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Disillusion (727, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Beast Attack (728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Sword Stab (729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Dark Explosion (731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Double Cutter (733, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Air Blade (734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Spinning Weapon (735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal (738, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Battle Heal (739, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal Side Effect (741, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Bursting Flame (742, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Explosion (743, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Flare (744, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Cure (745, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Bite (746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Sprint (748, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Arm Flourish (751, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Throwing Knife (753, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Clairvoyance (754, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (767, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Shot (790, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (791, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Critical (794, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Brandish (795, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Explosion Attack (796, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Piercing Attack (797, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Obstacle (806, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over-hit (807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Tornado Swing (809, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Full Swing (814, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Swing (814, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Repair Golem (822, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repair Golem (822, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Encase Armor (828, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dismount (839, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Outpost Construction (844, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Territory Benefaction (848, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dion Territory Benefaction (849, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giran Territory Benefaction (850, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oren Territory Benefaction (851, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Territory Benefaction (852, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Innadril Territory Benefaction (853, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goddard Territory Benefaction (854, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rune Territory Benefaction (855, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Schuttgart Territory Benefaction (856, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mercenary Power Strike (869, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Royal Guard Captain Power Strike (870, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (871, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer Captain Power Shot (872, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Captain Flame Strike (874, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (875, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Enuma Elish (876, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Power Strike (878, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Twister (881, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Blaze (882, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Magic (913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frog Jump (959, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Race Running (960, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Swift Dash (961, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's March (962, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Claw (968, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Dash (969, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (970, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (971, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (975, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation - Wind Strike (976, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Strike (984, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Death Sting (990, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (994, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Flame (1002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Gift (1003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Wisdom (1004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Blessing (1005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fire (1006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Battle (1007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Glory (1008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Shielding (1009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Shield (1010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (1011, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Poison (1012, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Recharge (1013, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (1013, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Heal (1015, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Resurrection (1016, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Resurrection (1016, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Purify (1018, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Group Heal (1027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might of Heaven (1028, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invigor (1032, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (1033, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repose (1034, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (1035, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (1036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (1040, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (1044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (1045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Regeneration (1047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (1048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Requiem (1049, 1) effect Passive [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return (1050, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return (1050, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (1056, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (1059, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (1064, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (1068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Kiss (1073, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Peace (1075, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (1077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (1078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (1085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (1086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (1087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (1090, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom (1095, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Chaos (1096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Slow (1099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (1100, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (1101, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Winter (1104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Madness (1105, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Flame (1107, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Flame (1108, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Recharge (1126, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Heal (1127, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Shield (1139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Physical Shield (1140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Haste (1141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Wind Walk (1144, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Boost (1145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mighty Servitor (1146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (1147, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Spike (1148, 1) effect magical-attack-range [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Forget (1156, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body To Mind (1157, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Death Link (1159, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (1160, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Discord (1163, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Weakness (1164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poisonous Cloud (1167, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Poison (1168, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (1171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (1172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (1174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (1175, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (1176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Strike (1177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (1178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (1181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Shackle (1183, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (1204, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Shackle (1206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Poison (1209, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Mirage (1213, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Heal (1216, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (1217, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Battle Heal (1218, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Group Heal (1219, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (1220, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Chaos (1222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Poison (1224, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (1229, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (1230, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (1231, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decay (1233, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (1234, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (1235, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (1239, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (1240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (1242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (1243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Essence (1245, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Silence (1246, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Scourge (1247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Suspension (1248, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Vision (1249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Protection (1250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fury (1251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Evasion (1252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Rage (1253, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Party Return (1255, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Party Return (1255, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (1257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (1258, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (1259, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Tact (1260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Spark (1264, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (1265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Spark (1266, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Flare (1267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (1268, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Disease (1269, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Benediction (1271, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Benediction (1271, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Serenade (1273, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Bolt (1274, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Bolt (1275, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Haste (1282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Revenge (1284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Symphony (1288, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Assault (1292, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Symphony (1293, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Storm (1294, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (1295, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (1296, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clear Mind (1297, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Slow (1298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Cure (1300, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Blessing (1301, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (1303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Advanced Block (1304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Honor (1305, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Life (1306, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Predator (1308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Eagle (1309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Vampire (1310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body of Avatar (1311, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dwarven Craft (1321, 1) effect OpenDwarfRecipeBook [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Common Craft (1322, 1) effect OpenCommonRecipeBook [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Balance Life (1335, 1) effect RebalanceHP [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Disease (1367, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Dwarven Craft (1368, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Common Craft (1369, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Trade (1370, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Warehouse (1371, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Inventory (1372, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Link (1378, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Sense (1379, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse Gloom (1382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Might (1388, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Shield (1389, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Chant (1390, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Earth (1391, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (1392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (1393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (1396, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clarity (1397, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (1398, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1) effect call-pc [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Inspiration (1405, 1) effect EnlargeAbnormalSlot [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cleanse (1409, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Salvation (1410, 1) effect ResurrectionSpecial [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect CpHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Miracle (1426, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect dispel-myself [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Recharge (1428, 1) effect ManaHealByLevel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1) effect CallParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Power (1432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Divinity (1440, 1) effect steal-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Art of Rapier (1444, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Voice Bind (1447, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Power (1459, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect PhysicalAttackMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Abyssal Power (1474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect CpHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord of Vampires (1507, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (1515, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stigma of Shilen (1539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (1543, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Cure Poison (1550, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Purify (1551, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Heal (1553, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Shield (1556, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1) effect servitor-share [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Pump (1565, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1) effect skill-evasion [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect IgnoreDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Saver (1610, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Force (1612, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Body Crush (1613, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Recovery (1618, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (1619, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (1620, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood of Sacrifice (1622, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect ReduceDamage [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect Root [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect dispel-probability [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect SkillTurning [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Might (1810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Shield (1811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Wind Walk (1812, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Return (1813, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Focus (1814, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Death Whisper (1815, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Guidance (1816, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Heal (1817, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Haste (1818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Acumen (1819, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Vampiric Rage (1820, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Empower (1821, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Clarity (1822, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Agility (1823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Lightness (1824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Recharge (1825, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Greater Heal (1826, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:21][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fall Down (1896, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Field of Shilen (1897, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Potion (2001, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Drug (2002, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Squash Seed (2003, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Large Squash Seed (2004, 1) effect summon-npc [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Nectar (2005, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Endeavor Potion (2010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk Potion (2011, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Potion (2012, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Potion (2031, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater HP Potion (2032, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Walk Potion (2034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Haste Potion (2035, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major HP Potion (2037, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade HP Potion (2038, 1) effect hp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antidote (2042, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Antidote (2043, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (2044, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Emergency Dressing (2045, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition check-residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1) effect SummonPet [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Food (2048, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Guidance (2050, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Death Whisper (2051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Focus (2052, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Acumen (2053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Haste (2054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Agility (2055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Empower (2056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Might (2057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Wind Walk (2058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Shield (2059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Medicine (2060, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hatchling Food (2063, 1) effect feed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Mana Regeneration (2064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Box Key (2065, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Decrease Hate (2075, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Blessing (2076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mysterious Potion (2103, 1)) condition non-transformed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2122, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2123, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2124, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2125, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2126, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2127, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2128, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2129, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2130, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2131, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2132, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2133, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Momentum Stone (2165, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CP Potion (2166, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll (2167, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Haste Enhancement Potion (2169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Cancel Sleep (2170, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Food (2180, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1)) condition can-add-bookmark-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1) effect AddTeleportBookmarkSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (3005, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Evasion (3009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3018, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3019, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3020, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3021, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3022, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3024, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Anger (3026, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3028, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3029, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3030, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3031, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mortal Strike (3035, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3039, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3040, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3041, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Damage (3049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3059, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3060, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3061, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3062, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3069, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3070, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3074, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Empower (3076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3078, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3080, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Physical) (3081, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3082, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Physical) (3083, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Physical) (3084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3089, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Physical) (3091, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Physical) (3092, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3093, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3095, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Magic) (3096, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Magic) (3097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3098, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3102, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Magic) (3104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Magic) (3105, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3106, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Up (3108, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Down (3109, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3110, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Critical) (3111, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Critical) (3112, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3113, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Critical) (3119, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Critical) (3120, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3121, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3123, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3124, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Battle Roar (3125, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3127, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3128, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3130, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3131, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3132, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3135, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3138, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3145, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Rage (3148, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3149, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Active) (3150, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Peace (3151, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Trick (3152, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Touch (3153, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3154, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Celestial Shield (3158, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3162, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3163, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3164, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3165, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3167, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3168, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3169, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3170, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3173, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3175, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3179, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3180, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3182, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3183, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3186, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3193, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3195, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3196, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3197, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Refresh (3199, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Refresh (3200, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Refresh (3201, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Refresh (3202, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3204, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3207, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3208, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3209, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3211, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3212, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3213, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3214, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3215, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3216, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3217, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3218, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3219, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3220, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3221, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3222, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3223, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3224, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (3225, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3226, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3227, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3228, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3229, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3230, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3231, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3232, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3233, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3234, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3235, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3236, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3237, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weight Limit (3251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3255, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3256, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3257, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3258, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Agathion (3267, 1) effect UnsummonAgathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Castle (3268, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Rainbow Clan Hall (3269, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Beast Farm (3270, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Crit. (3271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Atk. (3272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Def. (3273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Physical Skill Evasion Rate (3274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Crit. (3275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Atk. (3276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Def. (3277, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Magic Skill Evasion Rate (3278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. HP (3279, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. MP (3280, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman Box - Guard (3281, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Denial (3282, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Block (3284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Bond (3286, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Guard (3287, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Denial (3288, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Block (3290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Bond (3292, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Healing Power (3293, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Power of Healing Magic (3294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Bracelet (3322, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bronze Bracelet (3323, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Light (3498, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Devotion, 3-piece (3501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: P. Critical Damage (3542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3543, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3544, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3546, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3548, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3549, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3550, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3571, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Slow (3574, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Hold (3577, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Protection (3584, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Immortal (3590, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Vampiric Mana (3596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Mana Limit (3598, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Multi-attack (3599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Burst (3630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Flow (3631, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect clan-system-message [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residential Stun Immunity (3633, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (4001, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Siphon (4002, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Body (4003, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fragile Skull (4004, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Skin (4008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Blow (4017, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant (4021, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4024, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Master Recharge (4025, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Flame (4026, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Heal (4027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (4031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4032, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4033, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4035, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4036, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (4038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Drain (4039, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4040, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruma Blaze (4041, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurka Blaze (4042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Flame (4043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Heal (4044, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Magic Attack Resistance (4045, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4046, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4047, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4048, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Strike (4049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Drain (4050, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Heal (4051, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Poison (4052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Weakness (4053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hex (4054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Shackle (4055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Vulnerability (4057, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animal Vulnerability (4058, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Plant Vulnerability (4059, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beast Vulnerability (4060, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Vulnerability (4061, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen (4062, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4064, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4065, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4066, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blow (4067, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mechanical Cannon (4068, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curve Beam (4069, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4070, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Weapon Resistance (4071, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4074, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4075, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4077, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4078, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Siege Hammer (4079, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Heal (4080, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kalis' Poison (4083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Attack Resistance (4084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (4085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (4086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4087, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4088, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Wolf (4090, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (4093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (4094, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4097, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4098, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4100, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (4104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Stink (4110, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4112, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4113, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Flame (4114, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Heal (4115, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Attack Resistance (4116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4118, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4119, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun (4120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoned Monster Magic Protection (4121, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4124, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reduce Delay (4126, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Attack (4127, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Of Force (4128, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (4129, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning (4130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4131, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4132, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4133, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Heal (4135, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium's Gift (4136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Screw (4137, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boom Attack (4139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Contract Payment (4140, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Fist (4141, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Wind Fist (4142, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb (4143, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic Attack (4144, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel (4147, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4148, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4149, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (4150, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4151, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4152, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (4154, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4156, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4157, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4158, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4159, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4160, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Ice (4165, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Stun (4166, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4168, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4170, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4171, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4173, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel (4177, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4179, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4181, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4182, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4185, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4186, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4188, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease MP (4190, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4191, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (4192, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (4193, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4194, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4195, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4197, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4198, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4201, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4202, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4203, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4204, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4205, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (4206, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4207, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4209, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4219, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Attack (4220, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Dual Attack (4221, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack Resistance (4225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ban Heal (4226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Regeneration (4227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Dagger Attack (4228, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Wind Fist (4229, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Cannon (4230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spit Attack (4231, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Attack (4233, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Cooldown (4238, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venomous Poison (4243, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (4244, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4247, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Drain (4248, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4250, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4251, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4252, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4253, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4254, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4255, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4256, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (4257, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hinder Strider (4258, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toxic Smoke (4259, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Blood (4260, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mega Storm Strike (4261, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Wind Walk (4262, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Haste (4263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Empower (4264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Might (4265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Shield (4266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4272, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Resistance (4273, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Vulnerability (4274, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Vulnerability (4276, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (4277, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Magic Attack Resistance (4283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Resistance (4284, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Resistance (4285, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Resistance (4287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4288, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Light Burst (4314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4315, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4316, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Rage Might (4317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4319, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4320, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (4322, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (4323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (4324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (4325, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (4326, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (4327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (4328, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (4329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (4330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (4331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Aegis (4332, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (4333, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SSQ Cancel (4334, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Vulnerability (4336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (4337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4342, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (4343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (4346, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4347, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4348, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4350, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (4351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4354, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4367, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Physical Attack Resistance (4376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wield Temper (4377, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Damage Shield (4378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Resistance (4379, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena CP Recovery (4380, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Lake Ghost (4382, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Resistance (4388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Resistance (4389, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4391, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4394, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4395, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4399, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4403, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4404, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4405, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (4406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Atk. (4410, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Atk. (4411, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Def. (4412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Def. (4413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Undead (4416, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animals (4417, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Resistance (4424, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Resistance (4425, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Resistance (4426, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Resistance (4427, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fire Resistance (4429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Water Resistance (4430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Resistance (4431, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Earth Resistance (4432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Holy Attack Resistance (4433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dark Attack Resistance (4434, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Stun Resistance (4435, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Poison Resistance (4436, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bleed Resistance (4437, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4438, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4439, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Paralysis Resistance (4440, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Mental Attack Resistance (4441, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fist Weapon Resistance (4442, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blunt Weapon Resistance (4443, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4444, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spear Resistance (4445, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dualsword Resistance (4446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sword Resistance (4447, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dagger Resistance (4448, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Vulnerability (4450, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Vulnerability (4451, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Vulnerability (4452, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Vulnerability (4453, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Vulnerability (4454, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Vulnerability (4455, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Vulnerability (4456, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Vulnerability (4457, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Vulnerability (4458, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Vulnerability (4459, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Vulnerability (4460, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Vulnerability (4461, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Vulnerability (4462, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Water (4463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Wind (4464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Earth (4465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (4466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Holy (4467, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4468, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Strike (4472, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (4474, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Complete Bleed Resistance (4475, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (4476, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (4477, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (4478, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Fairy's Blessing (4479, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (4480, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (4481, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4483, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devour Subordinate (4484, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4486, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (4487, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4488, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4489, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy War (4490, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlarging Head Curse (4492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4493, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4515, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen Heal (4516, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Attack Resistance (4521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eye of Assassin (4522, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon (4526, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore (4527, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4528, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (4529, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4530, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4531, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep/Stun Resistance (4542, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Stun (4543, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annulment (4548, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mutation Resistance (4555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease A D (4556, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease B D (4557, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease C D (4558, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4560, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4561, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4562, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4563, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4564, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4565, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4566, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4567, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4568, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4569, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4570, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (4571, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (4572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (4573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (4574, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4575, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4576, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4577, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4581, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4583, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Evasion (4586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4589, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4590, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4591, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4592, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4597, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4598, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4599, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magma Attack (4607, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4609, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wide Sweep (4612, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Heal (4613, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4614, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4615, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Petrification (4616, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Petrification (4617, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Target Cancellation (4618, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Sleep (4619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4620, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4621, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4622, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4623, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disease (4624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4625, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Barrier (4626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Barrier (4627, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4629, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4630, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4640, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Strike (4641, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (4642, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4643, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4643, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4644, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4645, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4646, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4647, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4648, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4649, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hold (4650, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Slow (4651, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Silence (4652, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4654, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4655, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4656, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4657, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4657, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4658, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4658, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4659, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4659, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4660, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4660, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4661, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4661, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4662, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4662, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (4663, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4664, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4665, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4666, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4667, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4668, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4669, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4670, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (4671, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (4671, 1) effect TargetMe [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Remove (4672, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Attack (4673, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Defense (4674, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Fighter (4675, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Mage Empower (4676, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Fighter Shield (4677, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Mage Barrier (4678, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas (4679, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas (4679, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Lava Skin (4680, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Lava Skin (4680, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Trample (4681, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Trample (4682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4683, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4683, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4684, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4684, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Tail Stamp (4685, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Tail Stamp (4686, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Fear (4689, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Fear (4689, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Meteor Storm (4690, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Recovery (4691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Enlargement (4692, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annul Enlargement (4693, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4695, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (4698, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Queen (4699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Queen (4699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Queen (4700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Queen (4700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure of Queen (4701, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Seraphim (4702, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Seraphim (4702, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Seraphim (4703, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Seraphim (4703, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure of Seraphim (4704, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shade Sacrifice (4707, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Strike (4708, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Strike (4708, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Blow (4709, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Stun (4710, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Stun (4710, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bright Burst (4712, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bright Heal (4713, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal Trick (4717, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal Trick (4718, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4719, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4721, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4722, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4723, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4724, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4724, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4725, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4726, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4727, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4727, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4728, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4729, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4730, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4731, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4732, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4733, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4735, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4737, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4738, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4739, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4740, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4741, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4742, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4743, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4744, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4744, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4745, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4745, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4746, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4747, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4748, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4748, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4749, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4750, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4751, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4752, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4753, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4754, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4755, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4756, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4757, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4758, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4759, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4759, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4760, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4760, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4761, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4761, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4762, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4763, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4763, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4764, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4765, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4766, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4768, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4769, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4769, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4770, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4770, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4771, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4772, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4773, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4774, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4775, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4776, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4778, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4779, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4780, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4781, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4782, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4783, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4784, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4785, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4786, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4787, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4788, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Lv. (4789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Lv. (4789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Mineral (4990, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Strike (4993, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Storm (4994, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alfred Strike (5000, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alfred Life Drain (5001, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giselle Vampiric Rage (5002, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giselle Tempest (5003, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Pose (5005, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Fighter (5009, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Mage (5010, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Bomb (5011, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Breath of Scarlet (5012, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Energy Drain (5013, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Attack (5014, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yoke of Scarlet (5016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Field (5018, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Energy Drain (5019, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Potion (5040, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb Dispel (5042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb Dispel (5042, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Supersonic Blaster (5043, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5045, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5051, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5052, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (5053, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (5056, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5065, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5073, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill The Victor of War (5074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill The Vanquished of War (5075, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Critical Damage (5078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Focus (5079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Focus (5079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Might (5080, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Might (5080, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5081, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5081, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5082, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blinding Blow (5084, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blinding Blow (5084, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anesthesia (5085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Poison (5086, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (5092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (5092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Meteor (5093, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Self-destruction (5094, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Strike (5095, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Power Shot (5096, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Self-destruction (5097, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Capture Penalty (5098, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Force (5104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Force (5105, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Big Bang (5111, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Big Bang (5111, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Big Bang (5111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5112, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Buff Dispel (5113, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hate (5115, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hold (5116, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hold (5116, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5117, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Sailren Use (5118, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5119, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailren Use Might (5122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-music (5124, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Resist Status (5125, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Recovery Bonus (5126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Recovery Bonus (5126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recover Momentum (5127, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recover Momentum (5127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximize long-range weapon use (5128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximize long-range weapon use (5128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Smokescreen (5129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Smokescreen (5129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Volcano (5130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tsunami (5131, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cyclone (5132, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gehenna (5133, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect Unsummon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slash (5135, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Slash (5136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grip of the Cat (5137, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grip of the Cat (5137, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whiplash (5138, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whiplash (5138, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tidal Wave (5139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Curse (5140, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Curse (5140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dicing Death (5141, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailren Use Blow (5143, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5146, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (5147, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prayer (5148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (5149, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (5150, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (5151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual (5152, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cheer (5153, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (5154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (5156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Might (5157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Might (5157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (5158, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (5159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Weakness (5160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Weakness (5160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (5161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (5162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (5163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (5164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (5165, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5166, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Winter (5167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5168, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5169, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5169, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (5170, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (5170, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralyze (5171, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Medusa (5172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5173, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5173, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5174, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5175, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5176, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Doom (5177, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Doom (5177, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill NPC Burn (5178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Protection (5182, 1) effect ProtectionBlessing [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Presentation - Magic-type Guard (5185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Haste (5186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Vampiric Rage (5187, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Regeneration (5188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Blessed Body (5189, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Blessed Soul (5190, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Guidance (5191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Wind Walk (5192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Acumen (5193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Empower (5194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Greater Heal (5195, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Wind Shackle (5196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Hex (5197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Slow (5198, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Curse Gloom (5199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Recharge (5200, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Concentration (5201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5202, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5203, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5203, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5205, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (5207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (Event) (5208, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (Event) (5209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (Event) (5210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (Event) (5211, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (Event) (5212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (Event) (5213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (Event) (5214, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (Event) (5215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (Event) (5216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (Event) (5217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Stun (5219, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Fear (5220, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Fear (5220, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Physical Close Range Vulnerability (5221, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Physical Long Range Vulnerability (5222, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Magic Vulnerability (5223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5230, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5231, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5231, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5232, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Weak (5233, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Mid (5234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Strong (5235, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Up (5236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Down (5237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing (5238, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing (5238, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5240, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5240, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5241, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5241, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Up (5244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Up (5244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Up (5245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Up (5245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Explosion (5246, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed of Darkness (5247, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed of Darkness (5247, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed Explosion (5248, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Circle (5249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5250, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5251, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5251, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5252, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5253, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5253, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invasion of Spirit (5254, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invasion of Spirit (5254, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5255, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Announcement of Death (5256, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (5257, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5258, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5259, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5259, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (5260, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rising Shot (5262, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Lightning (5263, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Emission (5265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (5266, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trap Explosion (5267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5268, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash Trap (5270, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash Trap (5270, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5271, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5271, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decoy Provocation (5272, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5273, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5274, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5275, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5276, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5277, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5278, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5280, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5282, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5283, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5284, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5285, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5286, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5287, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5288, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5289, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5290, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5291, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5292, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5293, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5294, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5295, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5296, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5297, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5298, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5299, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5300, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5301, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5301, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5302, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5302, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5303, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5303, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5304, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5304, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5305, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5305, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5306, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5306, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5307, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5307, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5308, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5308, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5309, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5309, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (5310, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (5311, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (5312, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5313, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5315, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (5316, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Hydro Blast (5317, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (5318, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5328, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Blast (5329, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Circle (5330, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (5331, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5332, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5333, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5334, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5335, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5336, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5338, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5340, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5342, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5350, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5356, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5358, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5359, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5360, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5363, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5363, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5364, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5364, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5365, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5365, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5366, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5366, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5367, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5369, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5369, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (5371, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (5372, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5374, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5376, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (5380, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (5382, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rock Strike (5383, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5389, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Blast (5390, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Circle (5391, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (5392, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5393, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5394, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Burn (5398, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heat of Desert (5399, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Beast Farm (5413, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Rainbow Clan Hall (5414, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Castle (5415, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5423, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5423, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5424, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5424, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Bomb (5430, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5438, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5439, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bite Attack (5442, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cry of the Wolf (5443, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maul (5444, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maul (5444, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5447, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Fortress (5458, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5461, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Shot (5468, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boss Petrification Resistance (5479, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Baylor Invincibility (5480, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Atk. Spd. Reduction (5491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5495, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Fireball (5496, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-Destruct (5498, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Lightening (5499, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Black Dragon Claw (5500, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Black Dragon Claw (5500, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5501, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5501, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5502, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5502, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Defense (5504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Blossom (5505, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Blossom (5506, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Blossom (5507, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Blossom (5508, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Power (5509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Power (5510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Power (5511, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Power (5512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Taint (5513, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Taint (5514, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Taint (5515, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Taint (5516, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurture (5517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Vampiric Shield (5520, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Vampiric Shield (5520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Dark Explosion (5522, 1) effect MagicalAttackByAbnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Melee Resistance (5525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Melee Resistance (5525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overflow (5527, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (5529, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Cute Trick (5535, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Cute Trick (5536, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rudolph Cuteness Trick (5537, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Escape (5540, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Escape (5540, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5541, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5541, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Ability of Blessed Escape (5544, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Ability of Blessed Escape (5544, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5545, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5545, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Momentum Attack (5548, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Momentum Attack (5548, 1) effect FocusSouls [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Vulnerability (5549, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Stun (5550, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5551, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5551, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal Up (5552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Bonus (5553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhanced Silence Resistance (5554, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Silence Resistance (5555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Cure (5579, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Bite (5580, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Stun Attack (5581, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Stun Attack (5581, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Fire Breath (5582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Roar (5583, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Howl (5584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Howl (5584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Roar (5585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Roar (5585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Might (5586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Shield (5587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Focus (5588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Death Whisper (5589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Battle Heal (5590, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (5592, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mana Burn (5593, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mana Burn (5593, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Invalid Skill (5597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrification Resistance (5598, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (5599, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (5600, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Resistance (5601, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transform Sacrifice (5602, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transform Sacrifice (5602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (5603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (5603, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (5604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (5604, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Vulnerability (5620, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aerial Recharge (5621, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (5627, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (5628, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (5629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (5630, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (5631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (5632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (5633, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (5634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (5635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (5636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Magic Barrier (5637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Blessed Body (5638, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Blessed Soul (5639, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Haste (5640, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Acumen (5643, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill not_used (5645, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Wild Magic (5646, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Clarity (5647, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Empower (5648, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Death Whisper (5652, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Focus (5653, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Guidance (5654, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Prominence (5657, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Prominence (5657, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Flame Strike (5658, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Flame Strike (5658, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Resistance (5663, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Vulnerability (5664, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5665, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5666, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5667, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5668, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5669, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5670, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5671, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5672, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oblivion Trap (5679, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oblivion Trap (5680, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - CP Drain (5681, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Cancel (5682, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Ignore Shield Defense (5683, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Attack Rate (5684, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Casting (5685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Rapid Fire (5686, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Decrease Range (5687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Decrease Resist (5688, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Shield - Reflect Damage (5689, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman - Increase Momentum (5695, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman - Increase Momentum (5695, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dizziness (5696, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dizziness (5696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal (5697, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal (5697, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (5699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (5700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (5701, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adiantum Round Fighter (5702, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Cannon (5708, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whirlpool (5709, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sword (5710, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Ditch (5712, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blade Cut (5720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blade Strike (5721, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hammer Assault (5722, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hammer Swing (5723, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broom Strike (5724, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broom Thrust (5725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scissors Attack (5726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scissors Strike (5727, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shovel Attack (5728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shovel Whirlwind (5729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Made Fireball (5730, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Incense of Death (5731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5732, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust of Wind (5734, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Katar Trusting (5736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Stamp (5737, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Roar (5738, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5739, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5739, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Pot (5741, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (5745, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Attack (5746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Attack (5747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Attack (5747, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Bolt (5749, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Bolt (5749, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash (5750, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash (5750, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Wave (5751, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Wave (5751, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flare (5752, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flare (5752, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5761, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wink (5763, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5765, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5766, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5768, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Transform Effect (5779, 1)) condition class [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Air Assault (5805, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (5826, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fireball (5827, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Flare (5828, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Flare (5829, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Thrust (5830, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Swing (5831, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Swing (5831, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (5832, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (5833, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (5834, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Heal (5835, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (5836, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (5836, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Throw Javelin (5837, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throw Javelin (5838, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Breath (5839, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (5840, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multi Defense (5841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multi Defense (5841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5842, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5843, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5843, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (5844, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Bleed (5845, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5846, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5849, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5851, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5851, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destruction of the Body (5862, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destruction of the Soul (5863, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Puncture (5878, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Puncture (5878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Expunge (5879, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Pommel (5882, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Pommel (5882, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Meggling Injury (5883, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5884, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5884, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5885, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5885, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ground Shaker (5886, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ground Shaker (5886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Shaker (5888, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cunning Coercion (5892, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Pain (5899, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Oblivion (5900, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mist of Oblivion (5901, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel NPC Trigger Target (5902, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Misplace (5903, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mist of Souleater (5904, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Entombment (5907, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Entombment (5908, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stronghold Attack (5909, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stronghold Attack (5910, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Putrefaction Cleanse (5913, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Root Vulnerability (5918, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Obey (5919, 1) effect BlockResurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tentacle of Agony (5920, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goring Charge (5925, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shielding of the Lost (5930, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Blade (5932, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Blade (5933, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Ring (5935, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Ring (5936, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5951, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5952, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5953, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Tinplate Golem (5954, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Joy (5955, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Angry Devil (5956, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Sorrow (5957, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Teddy Boy (5958, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Teddy Girl (5959, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (5969, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (5969, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (5975, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Storm (5976, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Isolation (5980, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6038, 1) effect BlockChat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6039, 1) effect BlockParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6040, 1) effect Flag [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Rush (6041, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Cleanse (6042, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Flame Feather (6043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Flame Beak (6044, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Piercing Attack (6046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whirlwind (6047, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lance Smash (6048, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (6050, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Burst (6051, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shock Wave (6052, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6055, 1) effect block-action [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6056, 1) effect block-action [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6057, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (6059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (6060, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (6090, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (6091, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (6092, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Hide (6093, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Hide (6093, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Cancel (6094, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Dark Claw (6095, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Dark Claw (6095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Fatal Claw (6096, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Neolithica (6124, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6125, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6126, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-limit (6127, 1) effect block-abnormal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Juju (6136, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Curse (6150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Yearning (6152, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Despair (6154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Presentation - Tyranno (6172, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Oink Oink (6197, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Light of the Dawn (6198, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tail Strike (6199, 1) effect physical-attack [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Server Info Version ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][GameServer:logVersionInfo:306]: Update: .................. Classic - Kamael [Dawn of Heroes] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][GameServer:logVersionInfo:307]: Protocol: ................ [272] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][GameServer:logVersionInfo:308]: Build Version: ........... 1.5.0 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][GameServer:logVersionInfo:309]: Build Revision: .......... [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][GameServer:logVersionInfo:310]: Build date: .............. 2020-04-28T03:02:59.945+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][GameServer:logVersionInfo:311]: Compiler JDK version: .... 14 (Oracle Corporation 14+36-1461) [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Datasource Settings ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][HikariDataSource::80]: HikariPool-1 - Starting... [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][HikariDataSource::82]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------=[ Server Configuration ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:41][Config:load:2092]: Network Config: ipconfig.xml doesn't exists using automatic configuration... [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:42][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:42][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:42][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:42][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:42][Config:autoIpConfig:2176]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:42][Config:load:1641]: Loaded 6 Filter Words. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:42][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Scripting Engine ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:42][ScriptEngineManager:registerEngine:68]: Java Engine 14 (Java [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]) [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:43][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 18:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.GlobalVariablesManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\ai\others\DimensionalMerchant\DimensionalMerchant.java 15:48 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is not visible (package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is declared in module org.l2j.gameserver, which does not export it) [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 13:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 8:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 3:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 4:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 85:96 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 17:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static formatDateTime location: class org.l2j.commons.util.Util [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 7:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 95:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 36:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MONSTER location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 37:57 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_RAID location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 38:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable DAMAGE_TAKEN location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\RealDamage.java 34:91 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable REAL_DAMAGE_RESIST location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 135:89 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 137:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 141:106 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 144:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 180:112 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 198:114 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 272:74 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 273:94 - cannot find symbol symbol: method checkArenaProgress(org.l2j.gameserver.model.Clan) location: class org.l2j.gameserver.data.xml.ClanRewardManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:45][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminSpawn.java 286:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: method init() location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.DBSpawnManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 49:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method setNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 55:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 66:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 72:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 104:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 108:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 120:69 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 92:41 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.ClanWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 36:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.PrivateWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:16 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeAPI location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:49 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeType location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 54:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 62:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:58 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 80:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 42:8 - handlers.communityboard.DropSearchBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 135:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 22:8 - handlers.communityboard.ClanBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 28:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.RegionBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 41:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.FriendsBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 44:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 43:14 - handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 60:19 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable COMMUNITYBOARD_ENABLE_PREMIUM location: class org.l2j.gameserver.Config [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 84:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 105:5 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 269:38 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getLCoins() location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 272:31 - cannot find symbol symbol: method addLCoins(long) location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.HomepageBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.MailBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 24:8 - handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 57:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 62:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 71:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 88:42 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 117:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 119:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext::56]: Could not compile Java Scripts org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaCompilerException: at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compile(JavaExecutionContext.java:101) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compileModuleInfo(JavaExecutionContext.java:68) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.(JavaExecutionContext.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaScriptingEngine.createExecutionContext(JavaScriptingEngine.java:45) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.registerEngine(ScriptEngineManager.java:69) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.lambda$loadEngines$0(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at java.base/java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.loadEngines(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.init(ScriptEngineManager.java:42) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:251) [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Identity Factory ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][BitSetIDFactory:cleanUpDatabase:50]: Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][BitSetIDFactory::25]: 102912 Identifiers available [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Lineage II World ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][World:initRegions:113]: World Region Grid set up: 288 by 272 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][MapRegionManager:load:64]: Loaded 56 map regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:46][ZoneManager::68]: Zone Region Grid set up: 19 by 18 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:47][ZoneManager:load:76]: Loaded 24 zone classes and 2723 zones. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:47][ZoneManager:load:77]: Loaded 0 NPC spawn territories. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:47][ZoneManager:lambda$load$2:79]: Last static id: 200224 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:47][GeoEnginePathFinding::35]: Loaded 7 path node buffers. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:51][GeoEngine:loadGeodataFiles:69]: Loaded 210 geodata files. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:51][DoorDataManager:parseDocument:59]: Loaded 1483 Door Templates for 21 regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:51][FenceDataManager:load:56]: Loaded 1 Fences [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:51][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------=[ Server Data ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:51][GlobalVariablesManager:restoreMe:47]: Loaded 4 variables [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:51][ActionManager:load:43]: Loaded 214 player actions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:51][CategoryManager:load:43]: Loaded 33 Categories [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:51][SecondaryAuthManager:load:38]: Loaded 0 forbidden passwords. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:51][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for MEMBERS_ONLINE [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:51][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for HUNTING_MONSTERS [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][MissionData:load:54]: Loaded 91 missions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][ElementalSpiritEngine:load:49]: Loaded 4 Elemental Spirits Templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][TeleportEngine:load:46]: Loaded 87 Teleports [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][GameServer:printSection:319]: ----------------------------------------------------------=[ Skills ] [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Slash (1, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Confusion (2, 1) effect RandomizeHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Strike (3, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (3, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (15, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Burst (17, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Burst (17, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Shot (19, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Shot (19, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Recovery (21, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burst Shot (24, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (24, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unlock (27, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Iron Punch (29, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Punch (29, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Backstab (30, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Backstab (30, 1) effect backstab [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (34, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Storm (35, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Storm (35, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Remedy (44, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Heal (45, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Strike (49, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Strike (49, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Force (50, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lure (51, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Blaster (54, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Blaster (54, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Shot (56, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (56, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Heal (58, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect FakeDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Bleeding (61, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect Fear [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice (69, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (70, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Will (72, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Insect Weakness (75, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Aura (77, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Cry (78, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Beast Weakness (80, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (86, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Animal Weakness (87, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Dragon Weakness (88, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense Aura (91, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Stun (92, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Stun (92, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rage (94, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cripple (95, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cripple (95, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bleed (96, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sanctuary (97, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (99, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Attack (100, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Shot (101, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Entangle (102, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Plant Weakness (104, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil (106, 1) effect Passive [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Arrow (112, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Long Shot (113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Break (115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician's Movement (118, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Roar (121, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Barrier (123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring (127, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (129, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toughness (134, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (137, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guts (139, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Mastery (143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Mastery (144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Limit (150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellcraft (163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Recovery (164, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Atk. Spd. (168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Step (169, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatics (173, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Frenzy (176, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Revival (181, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Revival (181, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Mind (191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky (194, 1) effect Lucky [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Breath (195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Blade (196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Armor (197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost HP (211, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast HP Recovery (212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Mana (213, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Recovery (214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sting (223, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect Relax [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Mana Recovery (229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sprint (230, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (244, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1) effect take-castle [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil (254, 1) effect Spoil [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Smash (255, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (255, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Crush (260, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Blessing (262, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Earth (264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Life (265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Warding (267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Wind (268, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hunter's Song (269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Light (277, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Light (277, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burning Fist (280, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Fist (280, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Higher Mana Gain (285, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Provoke (286, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Provoke (286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Leech (289, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Frenzy (290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Fortress (291, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Sense (294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Body (295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chameleon Rest (296, 1) effect ChameleonRest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duelist Spirit (297, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Festival (302, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vitality (304, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vengeance (305, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Snipe (313, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1) effect physical-attack-hp-link [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aegis (316, 1) effect PhysicalShieldAngleAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect PolearmSingleTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pride of Kamael (329, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Raging Force (346, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Earthquake (347, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Bash (352, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Slam (353, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect PhysicalMute [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Death (355, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Chance (356, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Power (357, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Power (357, 1) effect stat-position-based [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bluff (358, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Blast (361, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Armor Crush (362, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Vengeance (368, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Body (370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Spirituality (371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Soul (372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Regeneration (373, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Morale (374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Clarity (375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Might (376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (377, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Empower (378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan M. Def. (379, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Guidance (380, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Agility (381, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Defense (382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Block (383, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Cyclonic Resistance (384, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Magmatic Resistance (385, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Stun Resistance (386, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hold Resistance (387, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Sleep Resistance (388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Wind Walk (389, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Luck (390, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Fortune (392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Soul Finding (393, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Soul Finding (394, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tribunal (400, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Judgment (401, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Shackling (404, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dead Eye (414, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Sagittarius (415, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pain of Sagittarius (417, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quiver of Holding (418, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Zealot (420, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Braveheart (440, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mirage (445, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (446, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counterattack (447, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Move (451, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Break Duress (461, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Break Duress (461, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Immunity (466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Mastery (472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapier Mastery (474, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Smash (477, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Smash (477, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disarm (485, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Courage (499, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Break (501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Real Target (522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect TransferDamageToPlayer [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Wound (531, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Over the Body (536, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Slash (560, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel's Blessing (561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Angel (562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Doom (563, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn Assault (565, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Heal (567, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Buster (568, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Buster (568, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Storm (569, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Storm (569, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Dust (571, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Slasher (572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Cutter (575, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paw Strike (576, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (577, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Cloud (581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Claw (584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Moving (585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rolling Attack (586, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Storm (587, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Darkness (588, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Body (590, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Spirit (591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Soul (592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Health (593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Moral (594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Clarity (595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Might (596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield (597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Empower (598, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Magic Barrier (599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Guidance (600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Agility (601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Block (602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Defense (603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Typhoon Resistance (604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Lava Resistance (605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Fortitude (606, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Freedom (607, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Vigilance (608, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Movement (609, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Death Fortune (610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Squad (614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Cross Slash (675, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Sonic Blaster (676, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Transfixion of Earth (677, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior War Cry (678, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Hate (680, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Aggression Aura (681, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Double Shot (687, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Agility (690, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Flare (692, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Strike (693, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Curtain (694, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Surrender to Holy (696, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Major Heal (698, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Battle Heal (699, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Clans (702, 1) effect dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Servitor Hill (713, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Hold (716, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Concentrated Attack (717, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Dancing Sword (718, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Vampiric Rage (719, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Holy Light Burst (720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Energy Attack (721, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Divine Beam (722, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sunshine (723, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Clans (724, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Power Smash (725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Sonic Storm (726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Disillusion (727, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Beast Attack (728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Sword Stab (729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Dark Explosion (731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Double Cutter (733, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Air Blade (734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Spinning Weapon (735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal (738, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Battle Heal (739, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal Side Effect (741, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Bursting Flame (742, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Explosion (743, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Flare (744, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Cure (745, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Bite (746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Sprint (748, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Arm Flourish (751, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Throwing Knife (753, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Clairvoyance (754, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (767, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Shot (790, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (791, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Critical (794, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Brandish (795, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Explosion Attack (796, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Piercing Attack (797, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Obstacle (806, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over-hit (807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Tornado Swing (809, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Full Swing (814, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Swing (814, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Repair Golem (822, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repair Golem (822, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Encase Armor (828, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dismount (839, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Outpost Construction (844, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Territory Benefaction (848, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dion Territory Benefaction (849, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giran Territory Benefaction (850, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oren Territory Benefaction (851, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Territory Benefaction (852, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Innadril Territory Benefaction (853, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goddard Territory Benefaction (854, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rune Territory Benefaction (855, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Schuttgart Territory Benefaction (856, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mercenary Power Strike (869, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Royal Guard Captain Power Strike (870, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (871, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer Captain Power Shot (872, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Captain Flame Strike (874, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (875, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Enuma Elish (876, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Power Strike (878, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Twister (881, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Blaze (882, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Magic (913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frog Jump (959, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Race Running (960, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Swift Dash (961, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's March (962, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Claw (968, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Dash (969, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (970, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (971, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (975, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation - Wind Strike (976, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Strike (984, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Death Sting (990, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (994, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Flame (1002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Gift (1003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Wisdom (1004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Blessing (1005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fire (1006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Battle (1007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Glory (1008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Shielding (1009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Shield (1010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (1011, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Poison (1012, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Recharge (1013, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (1013, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Heal (1015, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Resurrection (1016, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Resurrection (1016, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Purify (1018, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Group Heal (1027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might of Heaven (1028, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invigor (1032, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (1033, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repose (1034, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (1035, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (1036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (1040, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (1044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (1045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Regeneration (1047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (1048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Requiem (1049, 1) effect Passive [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return (1050, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return (1050, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (1056, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (1059, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (1064, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (1068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Kiss (1073, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Peace (1075, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (1077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (1078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (1085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (1086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (1087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (1090, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom (1095, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Chaos (1096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Slow (1099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (1100, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (1101, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Winter (1104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Madness (1105, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Flame (1107, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Flame (1108, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Recharge (1126, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Heal (1127, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Shield (1139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Physical Shield (1140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Haste (1141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Wind Walk (1144, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Boost (1145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mighty Servitor (1146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (1147, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Spike (1148, 1) effect magical-attack-range [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Forget (1156, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body To Mind (1157, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Death Link (1159, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (1160, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Discord (1163, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Weakness (1164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poisonous Cloud (1167, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Poison (1168, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (1171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (1172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (1174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (1175, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (1176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Strike (1177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (1178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (1181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Shackle (1183, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (1204, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Shackle (1206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Poison (1209, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Mirage (1213, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Heal (1216, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (1217, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Battle Heal (1218, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Group Heal (1219, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (1220, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Chaos (1222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Poison (1224, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (1229, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (1230, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (1231, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decay (1233, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (1234, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (1235, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (1239, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (1240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (1242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (1243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Essence (1245, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Silence (1246, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Scourge (1247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Suspension (1248, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Vision (1249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Protection (1250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fury (1251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Evasion (1252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Rage (1253, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Party Return (1255, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Party Return (1255, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (1257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (1258, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (1259, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Tact (1260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Spark (1264, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (1265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Spark (1266, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Flare (1267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (1268, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Disease (1269, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Benediction (1271, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Benediction (1271, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Serenade (1273, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Bolt (1274, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Bolt (1275, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Haste (1282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Revenge (1284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Symphony (1288, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Assault (1292, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Symphony (1293, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Storm (1294, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (1295, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (1296, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clear Mind (1297, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Slow (1298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Cure (1300, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Blessing (1301, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (1303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Advanced Block (1304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Honor (1305, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Life (1306, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Predator (1308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Eagle (1309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Vampire (1310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body of Avatar (1311, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dwarven Craft (1321, 1) effect OpenDwarfRecipeBook [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Common Craft (1322, 1) effect OpenCommonRecipeBook [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Balance Life (1335, 1) effect RebalanceHP [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Disease (1367, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Dwarven Craft (1368, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Common Craft (1369, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Trade (1370, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Warehouse (1371, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Inventory (1372, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Link (1378, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Sense (1379, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse Gloom (1382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Might (1388, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Shield (1389, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Chant (1390, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Earth (1391, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (1392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (1393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (1396, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clarity (1397, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (1398, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1) effect call-pc [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Inspiration (1405, 1) effect EnlargeAbnormalSlot [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cleanse (1409, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Salvation (1410, 1) effect ResurrectionSpecial [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect CpHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Miracle (1426, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect dispel-myself [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Recharge (1428, 1) effect ManaHealByLevel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1) effect CallParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Power (1432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Divinity (1440, 1) effect steal-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Art of Rapier (1444, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Voice Bind (1447, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Power (1459, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect PhysicalAttackMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Abyssal Power (1474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:52][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect CpHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord of Vampires (1507, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (1515, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stigma of Shilen (1539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (1543, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Cure Poison (1550, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Purify (1551, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Heal (1553, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Shield (1556, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1) effect servitor-share [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Pump (1565, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1) effect skill-evasion [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect IgnoreDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Saver (1610, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Force (1612, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Body Crush (1613, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Recovery (1618, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (1619, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (1620, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood of Sacrifice (1622, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect ReduceDamage [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect Root [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect dispel-probability [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect SkillTurning [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Might (1810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Shield (1811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Wind Walk (1812, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Return (1813, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Focus (1814, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Death Whisper (1815, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Guidance (1816, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Heal (1817, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Haste (1818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Acumen (1819, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Vampiric Rage (1820, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Empower (1821, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Clarity (1822, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Agility (1823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Lightness (1824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Recharge (1825, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Greater Heal (1826, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fall Down (1896, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Field of Shilen (1897, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Potion (2001, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Drug (2002, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Squash Seed (2003, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Large Squash Seed (2004, 1) effect summon-npc [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Nectar (2005, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Endeavor Potion (2010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk Potion (2011, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Potion (2012, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Potion (2031, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater HP Potion (2032, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Walk Potion (2034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Haste Potion (2035, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major HP Potion (2037, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade HP Potion (2038, 1) effect hp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antidote (2042, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Antidote (2043, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (2044, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Emergency Dressing (2045, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition check-residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1) effect SummonPet [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Food (2048, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Guidance (2050, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Death Whisper (2051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Focus (2052, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Acumen (2053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Haste (2054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Agility (2055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Empower (2056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Might (2057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Wind Walk (2058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Shield (2059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Medicine (2060, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hatchling Food (2063, 1) effect feed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Mana Regeneration (2064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Box Key (2065, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Decrease Hate (2075, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Blessing (2076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mysterious Potion (2103, 1)) condition non-transformed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2122, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2123, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2124, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2125, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2126, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2127, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2128, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2129, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2130, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2131, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2132, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2133, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Momentum Stone (2165, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CP Potion (2166, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll (2167, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Haste Enhancement Potion (2169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Cancel Sleep (2170, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Food (2180, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1)) condition can-add-bookmark-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1) effect AddTeleportBookmarkSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (3005, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Evasion (3009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3018, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3019, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3020, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3021, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3022, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3024, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Anger (3026, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3028, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3029, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3030, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3031, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mortal Strike (3035, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3039, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3040, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3041, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Damage (3049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3059, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3060, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3061, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3062, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3069, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3070, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3074, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Empower (3076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3078, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3080, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Physical) (3081, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3082, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Physical) (3083, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Physical) (3084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3089, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Physical) (3091, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Physical) (3092, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3093, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3095, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Magic) (3096, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Magic) (3097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3098, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3102, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Magic) (3104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Magic) (3105, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3106, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Up (3108, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Down (3109, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3110, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Critical) (3111, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Critical) (3112, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3113, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Critical) (3119, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Critical) (3120, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3121, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3123, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3124, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Battle Roar (3125, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3127, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3128, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3130, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3131, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3132, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3135, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3138, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3145, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Rage (3148, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3149, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Active) (3150, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Peace (3151, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Trick (3152, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Touch (3153, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3154, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Celestial Shield (3158, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3162, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3163, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3164, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3165, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3167, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3168, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3169, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3170, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3173, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3175, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3179, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3180, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3182, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3183, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3186, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3193, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3195, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3196, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3197, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Refresh (3199, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Refresh (3200, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Refresh (3201, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Refresh (3202, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3204, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3207, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3208, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3209, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3211, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3212, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3213, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3214, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3215, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3216, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3217, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3218, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3219, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3220, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3221, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3222, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3223, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3224, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (3225, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3226, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3227, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3228, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3229, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3230, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3231, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3232, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3233, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3234, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3235, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3236, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3237, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weight Limit (3251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3255, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3256, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3257, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3258, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Agathion (3267, 1) effect UnsummonAgathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Castle (3268, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Rainbow Clan Hall (3269, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Beast Farm (3270, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Crit. (3271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Atk. (3272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Def. (3273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Physical Skill Evasion Rate (3274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Crit. (3275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Atk. (3276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Def. (3277, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Magic Skill Evasion Rate (3278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. HP (3279, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. MP (3280, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman Box - Guard (3281, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Denial (3282, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Block (3284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Bond (3286, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Guard (3287, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Denial (3288, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Block (3290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Bond (3292, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Healing Power (3293, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Power of Healing Magic (3294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Bracelet (3322, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bronze Bracelet (3323, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Light (3498, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Devotion, 3-piece (3501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: P. Critical Damage (3542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3543, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3544, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3546, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3548, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3549, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3550, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3571, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Slow (3574, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Hold (3577, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Protection (3584, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Immortal (3590, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Vampiric Mana (3596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Mana Limit (3598, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Multi-attack (3599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Burst (3630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Flow (3631, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect clan-system-message [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residential Stun Immunity (3633, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (4001, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Siphon (4002, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Body (4003, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fragile Skull (4004, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Skin (4008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Blow (4017, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant (4021, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4024, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Master Recharge (4025, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Flame (4026, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Heal (4027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (4031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4032, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4033, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4035, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4036, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (4038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Drain (4039, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4040, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruma Blaze (4041, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurka Blaze (4042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Flame (4043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Heal (4044, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Magic Attack Resistance (4045, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4046, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4047, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4048, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Strike (4049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Drain (4050, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Heal (4051, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Poison (4052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Weakness (4053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hex (4054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Shackle (4055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Vulnerability (4057, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animal Vulnerability (4058, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Plant Vulnerability (4059, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beast Vulnerability (4060, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Vulnerability (4061, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen (4062, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4064, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4065, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4066, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blow (4067, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mechanical Cannon (4068, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curve Beam (4069, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4070, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Weapon Resistance (4071, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4074, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4075, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4077, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4078, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Siege Hammer (4079, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Heal (4080, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kalis' Poison (4083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Attack Resistance (4084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (4085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (4086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4087, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4088, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Wolf (4090, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (4093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (4094, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4097, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4098, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4100, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (4104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Stink (4110, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4112, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4113, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Flame (4114, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Heal (4115, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Attack Resistance (4116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4118, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4119, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun (4120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoned Monster Magic Protection (4121, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4124, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reduce Delay (4126, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Attack (4127, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Of Force (4128, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (4129, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning (4130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4131, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4132, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4133, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Heal (4135, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium's Gift (4136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Screw (4137, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boom Attack (4139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Contract Payment (4140, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Fist (4141, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Wind Fist (4142, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb (4143, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic Attack (4144, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel (4147, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4148, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4149, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (4150, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4151, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4152, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (4154, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4156, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4157, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4158, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4159, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4160, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Ice (4165, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Stun (4166, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4168, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4170, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4171, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4173, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel (4177, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4179, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4181, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4182, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4185, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4186, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4188, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease MP (4190, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4191, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (4192, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (4193, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4194, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4195, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4197, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4198, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4201, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4202, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4203, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4204, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4205, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (4206, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4207, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4209, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4219, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Attack (4220, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Dual Attack (4221, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack Resistance (4225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ban Heal (4226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Regeneration (4227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Dagger Attack (4228, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Wind Fist (4229, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Cannon (4230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spit Attack (4231, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Attack (4233, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Cooldown (4238, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venomous Poison (4243, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (4244, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4247, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Drain (4248, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4250, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4251, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4252, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4253, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4254, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4255, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4256, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (4257, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hinder Strider (4258, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toxic Smoke (4259, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Blood (4260, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mega Storm Strike (4261, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Wind Walk (4262, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Haste (4263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Empower (4264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Might (4265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Shield (4266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4272, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Resistance (4273, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Vulnerability (4274, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Vulnerability (4276, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (4277, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Magic Attack Resistance (4283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Resistance (4284, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Resistance (4285, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Resistance (4287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4288, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Light Burst (4314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4315, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4316, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Rage Might (4317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4319, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4320, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (4322, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (4323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (4324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (4325, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (4326, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (4327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (4328, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (4329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (4330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (4331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Aegis (4332, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (4333, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SSQ Cancel (4334, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Vulnerability (4336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (4337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4342, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (4343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (4346, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4347, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4348, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4350, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (4351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4354, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4367, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Physical Attack Resistance (4376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wield Temper (4377, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Damage Shield (4378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Resistance (4379, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena CP Recovery (4380, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Lake Ghost (4382, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Resistance (4388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Resistance (4389, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4391, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4394, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4395, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4399, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4403, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4404, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4405, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (4406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Atk. (4410, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Atk. (4411, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Def. (4412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Def. (4413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Undead (4416, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animals (4417, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Resistance (4424, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Resistance (4425, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Resistance (4426, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Resistance (4427, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fire Resistance (4429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Water Resistance (4430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Resistance (4431, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Earth Resistance (4432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Holy Attack Resistance (4433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dark Attack Resistance (4434, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Stun Resistance (4435, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Poison Resistance (4436, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bleed Resistance (4437, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4438, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4439, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Paralysis Resistance (4440, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Mental Attack Resistance (4441, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fist Weapon Resistance (4442, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blunt Weapon Resistance (4443, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4444, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spear Resistance (4445, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dualsword Resistance (4446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sword Resistance (4447, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dagger Resistance (4448, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Vulnerability (4450, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Vulnerability (4451, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Vulnerability (4452, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Vulnerability (4453, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Vulnerability (4454, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Vulnerability (4455, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Vulnerability (4456, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Vulnerability (4457, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Vulnerability (4458, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Vulnerability (4459, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Vulnerability (4460, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Vulnerability (4461, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Vulnerability (4462, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Water (4463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Wind (4464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Earth (4465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (4466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Holy (4467, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4468, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Strike (4472, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (4474, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Complete Bleed Resistance (4475, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (4476, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (4477, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (4478, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Fairy's Blessing (4479, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (4480, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (4481, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4483, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devour Subordinate (4484, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4486, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (4487, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4488, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4489, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy War (4490, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlarging Head Curse (4492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4493, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4515, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen Heal (4516, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Attack Resistance (4521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eye of Assassin (4522, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon (4526, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore (4527, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4528, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (4529, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4530, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4531, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep/Stun Resistance (4542, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Stun (4543, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annulment (4548, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mutation Resistance (4555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease A D (4556, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease B D (4557, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease C D (4558, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4560, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4561, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4562, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4563, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4564, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4565, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4566, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4567, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4568, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4569, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4570, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (4571, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (4572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (4573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (4574, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4575, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4576, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4577, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4581, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4583, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Evasion (4586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4589, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4590, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4591, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4592, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4597, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4598, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4599, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magma Attack (4607, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4609, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wide Sweep (4612, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Heal (4613, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4614, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4615, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Petrification (4616, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Petrification (4617, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Target Cancellation (4618, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Sleep (4619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4620, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4621, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4622, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4623, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disease (4624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4625, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Barrier (4626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Barrier (4627, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4629, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4630, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4640, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Strike (4641, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (4642, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4643, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4643, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4644, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4645, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4646, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4647, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4648, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4649, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hold (4650, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Slow (4651, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Silence (4652, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4654, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4655, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4656, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4657, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4657, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4658, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4658, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4659, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4659, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4660, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4660, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4661, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4661, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4662, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4662, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (4663, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4664, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4665, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4666, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4667, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4668, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4669, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4670, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (4671, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (4671, 1) effect TargetMe [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Remove (4672, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Attack (4673, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Defense (4674, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Fighter (4675, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Mage Empower (4676, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Fighter Shield (4677, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Mage Barrier (4678, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas (4679, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas (4679, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Lava Skin (4680, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Lava Skin (4680, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Trample (4681, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Trample (4682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4683, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4683, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4684, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4684, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Tail Stamp (4685, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Tail Stamp (4686, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Fear (4689, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Fear (4689, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Meteor Storm (4690, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Recovery (4691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Enlargement (4692, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annul Enlargement (4693, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4695, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (4698, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Queen (4699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Queen (4699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Queen (4700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Queen (4700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure of Queen (4701, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Seraphim (4702, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Seraphim (4702, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Seraphim (4703, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Seraphim (4703, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure of Seraphim (4704, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shade Sacrifice (4707, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Strike (4708, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Strike (4708, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Blow (4709, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Stun (4710, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Stun (4710, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bright Burst (4712, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bright Heal (4713, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal Trick (4717, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal Trick (4718, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4719, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4721, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4722, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4723, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4724, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4724, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4725, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4726, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4727, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4727, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4728, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4729, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4730, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4731, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4732, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4733, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4735, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4737, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4738, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4739, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4740, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4741, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4742, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4743, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4744, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4744, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4745, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4745, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4746, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4747, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4748, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4748, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4749, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4750, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4751, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4752, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4753, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4754, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4755, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4756, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4757, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4758, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4759, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4759, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4760, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4760, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4761, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4761, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4762, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4763, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4763, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4764, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4765, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4766, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4768, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4769, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4769, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4770, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4770, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4771, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4772, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4773, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4774, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4775, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4776, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4778, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4779, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4780, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4781, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4782, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4783, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4784, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4785, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4786, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4787, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4788, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Lv. (4789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Lv. (4789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Mineral (4990, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Strike (4993, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Storm (4994, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alfred Strike (5000, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alfred Life Drain (5001, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giselle Vampiric Rage (5002, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giselle Tempest (5003, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Pose (5005, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Fighter (5009, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Mage (5010, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Bomb (5011, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Breath of Scarlet (5012, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Energy Drain (5013, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Attack (5014, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yoke of Scarlet (5016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Field (5018, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Energy Drain (5019, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Potion (5040, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb Dispel (5042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb Dispel (5042, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Supersonic Blaster (5043, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5045, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5051, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5052, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (5053, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (5056, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5065, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5073, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill The Victor of War (5074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill The Vanquished of War (5075, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Critical Damage (5078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Focus (5079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Focus (5079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Might (5080, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Might (5080, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5081, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5081, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5082, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blinding Blow (5084, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blinding Blow (5084, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anesthesia (5085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Poison (5086, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (5092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (5092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Meteor (5093, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Self-destruction (5094, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Strike (5095, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Power Shot (5096, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Self-destruction (5097, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Capture Penalty (5098, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Force (5104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Force (5105, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Big Bang (5111, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Big Bang (5111, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Big Bang (5111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5112, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Buff Dispel (5113, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hate (5115, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hold (5116, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hold (5116, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5117, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Sailren Use (5118, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5119, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailren Use Might (5122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-music (5124, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Resist Status (5125, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Recovery Bonus (5126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Recovery Bonus (5126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recover Momentum (5127, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recover Momentum (5127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximize long-range weapon use (5128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximize long-range weapon use (5128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Smokescreen (5129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Smokescreen (5129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Volcano (5130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tsunami (5131, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cyclone (5132, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gehenna (5133, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect Unsummon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slash (5135, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Slash (5136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grip of the Cat (5137, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grip of the Cat (5137, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whiplash (5138, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whiplash (5138, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tidal Wave (5139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Curse (5140, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Curse (5140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dicing Death (5141, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailren Use Blow (5143, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5146, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (5147, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prayer (5148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (5149, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (5150, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (5151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual (5152, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cheer (5153, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (5154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (5156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Might (5157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Might (5157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (5158, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (5159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Weakness (5160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Weakness (5160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (5161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (5162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (5163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (5164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (5165, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5166, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Winter (5167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5168, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5169, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5169, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (5170, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (5170, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralyze (5171, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Medusa (5172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5173, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5173, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5174, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5175, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5176, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Doom (5177, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Doom (5177, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill NPC Burn (5178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Protection (5182, 1) effect ProtectionBlessing [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Presentation - Magic-type Guard (5185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Haste (5186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Vampiric Rage (5187, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Regeneration (5188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Blessed Body (5189, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Blessed Soul (5190, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Guidance (5191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Wind Walk (5192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Acumen (5193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Empower (5194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Greater Heal (5195, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Wind Shackle (5196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Hex (5197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Slow (5198, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Curse Gloom (5199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Recharge (5200, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Concentration (5201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5202, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5203, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5203, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5205, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (5207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (Event) (5208, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (Event) (5209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (Event) (5210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (Event) (5211, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (Event) (5212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (Event) (5213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (Event) (5214, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (Event) (5215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (Event) (5216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (Event) (5217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Stun (5219, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Fear (5220, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Fear (5220, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Physical Close Range Vulnerability (5221, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Physical Long Range Vulnerability (5222, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Magic Vulnerability (5223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5230, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5231, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5231, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5232, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Weak (5233, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Mid (5234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Strong (5235, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Up (5236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Down (5237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing (5238, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing (5238, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5240, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5240, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5241, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5241, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Up (5244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Up (5244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Up (5245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Up (5245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Explosion (5246, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed of Darkness (5247, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed of Darkness (5247, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed Explosion (5248, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Circle (5249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5250, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5251, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5251, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5252, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5253, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5253, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invasion of Spirit (5254, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invasion of Spirit (5254, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5255, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Announcement of Death (5256, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (5257, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5258, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5259, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5259, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (5260, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rising Shot (5262, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Lightning (5263, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Emission (5265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (5266, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trap Explosion (5267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5268, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash Trap (5270, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash Trap (5270, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5271, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5271, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decoy Provocation (5272, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5273, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5274, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5275, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5276, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5277, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5278, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5280, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5282, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5283, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5284, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5285, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5286, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5287, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5288, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5289, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5290, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5291, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5292, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5293, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5294, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5295, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5296, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5297, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5298, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5299, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5300, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5301, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5301, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5302, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5302, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5303, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5303, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5304, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5304, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5305, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5305, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5306, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5306, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5307, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5307, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5308, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5308, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5309, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5309, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (5310, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (5311, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (5312, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5313, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5315, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (5316, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Hydro Blast (5317, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (5318, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5328, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Blast (5329, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Circle (5330, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (5331, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5332, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5333, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5334, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5335, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5336, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5338, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5340, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5342, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5350, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5356, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5358, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5359, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5360, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5363, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5363, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5364, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5364, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5365, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5365, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5366, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5366, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5367, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5369, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5369, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (5371, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (5372, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5374, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5376, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (5380, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (5382, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rock Strike (5383, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5389, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Blast (5390, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Circle (5391, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (5392, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5393, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5394, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Burn (5398, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heat of Desert (5399, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Beast Farm (5413, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Rainbow Clan Hall (5414, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Castle (5415, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5423, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5423, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5424, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5424, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Bomb (5430, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5438, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5439, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bite Attack (5442, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cry of the Wolf (5443, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maul (5444, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maul (5444, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5447, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Fortress (5458, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5461, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Shot (5468, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boss Petrification Resistance (5479, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Baylor Invincibility (5480, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Atk. Spd. Reduction (5491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5495, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Fireball (5496, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-Destruct (5498, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Lightening (5499, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Black Dragon Claw (5500, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Black Dragon Claw (5500, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5501, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5501, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5502, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5502, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Defense (5504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Blossom (5505, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Blossom (5506, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Blossom (5507, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Blossom (5508, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Power (5509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Power (5510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Power (5511, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Power (5512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Taint (5513, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Taint (5514, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Taint (5515, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Taint (5516, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurture (5517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Vampiric Shield (5520, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Vampiric Shield (5520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Dark Explosion (5522, 1) effect MagicalAttackByAbnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Melee Resistance (5525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Melee Resistance (5525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overflow (5527, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (5529, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Cute Trick (5535, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Cute Trick (5536, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rudolph Cuteness Trick (5537, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Escape (5540, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Escape (5540, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5541, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5541, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Ability of Blessed Escape (5544, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Ability of Blessed Escape (5544, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5545, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5545, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Momentum Attack (5548, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Momentum Attack (5548, 1) effect FocusSouls [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Vulnerability (5549, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Stun (5550, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5551, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5551, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal Up (5552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Bonus (5553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhanced Silence Resistance (5554, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Silence Resistance (5555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Cure (5579, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Bite (5580, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Stun Attack (5581, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Stun Attack (5581, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Fire Breath (5582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Roar (5583, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Howl (5584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Howl (5584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Roar (5585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Roar (5585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Might (5586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Shield (5587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Focus (5588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Death Whisper (5589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Battle Heal (5590, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (5592, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mana Burn (5593, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mana Burn (5593, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Invalid Skill (5597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrification Resistance (5598, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (5599, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (5600, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Resistance (5601, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transform Sacrifice (5602, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transform Sacrifice (5602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (5603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (5603, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (5604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (5604, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Vulnerability (5620, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aerial Recharge (5621, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (5627, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (5628, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (5629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (5630, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (5631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (5632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (5633, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (5634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (5635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (5636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Magic Barrier (5637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Blessed Body (5638, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Blessed Soul (5639, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Haste (5640, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Acumen (5643, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill not_used (5645, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Wild Magic (5646, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Clarity (5647, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Empower (5648, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Death Whisper (5652, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Focus (5653, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Guidance (5654, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Prominence (5657, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Prominence (5657, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Flame Strike (5658, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Flame Strike (5658, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Resistance (5663, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Vulnerability (5664, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5665, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5666, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5667, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5668, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5669, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5670, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5671, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5672, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oblivion Trap (5679, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oblivion Trap (5680, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - CP Drain (5681, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Cancel (5682, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Ignore Shield Defense (5683, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Attack Rate (5684, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Casting (5685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Rapid Fire (5686, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Decrease Range (5687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Decrease Resist (5688, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Shield - Reflect Damage (5689, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman - Increase Momentum (5695, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman - Increase Momentum (5695, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dizziness (5696, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dizziness (5696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal (5697, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal (5697, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (5699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (5700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (5701, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adiantum Round Fighter (5702, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Cannon (5708, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whirlpool (5709, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sword (5710, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Ditch (5712, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blade Cut (5720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blade Strike (5721, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hammer Assault (5722, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hammer Swing (5723, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broom Strike (5724, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broom Thrust (5725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scissors Attack (5726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scissors Strike (5727, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shovel Attack (5728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shovel Whirlwind (5729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Made Fireball (5730, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Incense of Death (5731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5732, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust of Wind (5734, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Katar Trusting (5736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Stamp (5737, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Roar (5738, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5739, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5739, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Pot (5741, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (5745, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Attack (5746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Attack (5747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Attack (5747, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Bolt (5749, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Bolt (5749, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash (5750, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash (5750, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Wave (5751, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Wave (5751, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flare (5752, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flare (5752, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5761, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wink (5763, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5765, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5766, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5768, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Transform Effect (5779, 1)) condition class [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Air Assault (5805, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (5826, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fireball (5827, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Flare (5828, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Flare (5829, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Thrust (5830, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Swing (5831, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Swing (5831, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (5832, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (5833, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (5834, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Heal (5835, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (5836, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (5836, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Throw Javelin (5837, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throw Javelin (5838, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Breath (5839, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (5840, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multi Defense (5841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multi Defense (5841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5842, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5843, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5843, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (5844, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Bleed (5845, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5846, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5849, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5851, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5851, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destruction of the Body (5862, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destruction of the Soul (5863, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Puncture (5878, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Puncture (5878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Expunge (5879, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Pommel (5882, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Pommel (5882, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Meggling Injury (5883, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5884, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5884, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5885, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5885, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ground Shaker (5886, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ground Shaker (5886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Shaker (5888, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cunning Coercion (5892, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Pain (5899, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Oblivion (5900, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mist of Oblivion (5901, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel NPC Trigger Target (5902, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Misplace (5903, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mist of Souleater (5904, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Entombment (5907, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Entombment (5908, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stronghold Attack (5909, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stronghold Attack (5910, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Putrefaction Cleanse (5913, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Root Vulnerability (5918, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Obey (5919, 1) effect BlockResurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tentacle of Agony (5920, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goring Charge (5925, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shielding of the Lost (5930, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Blade (5932, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Blade (5933, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Ring (5935, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Ring (5936, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5951, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5952, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5953, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Tinplate Golem (5954, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Joy (5955, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Angry Devil (5956, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Sorrow (5957, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Teddy Boy (5958, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Teddy Girl (5959, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (5969, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (5969, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (5975, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Storm (5976, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Isolation (5980, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6038, 1) effect BlockChat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6039, 1) effect BlockParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6040, 1) effect Flag [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Rush (6041, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Cleanse (6042, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Flame Feather (6043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Flame Beak (6044, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Piercing Attack (6046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whirlwind (6047, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lance Smash (6048, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (6050, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Burst (6051, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shock Wave (6052, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6055, 1) effect block-action [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6056, 1) effect block-action [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6057, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (6059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (6060, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (6090, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (6091, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (6092, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Hide (6093, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Hide (6093, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Cancel (6094, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Dark Claw (6095, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Dark Claw (6095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Fatal Claw (6096, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Neolithica (6124, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6125, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6126, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-limit (6127, 1) effect block-abnormal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Juju (6136, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Curse (6150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Yearning (6152, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Despair (6154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Presentation - Tyranno (6172, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Oink Oink (6197, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Light of the Dawn (6198, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tail Strike (6199, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dispel NPC Transformation (6200, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel NPC Transformation (6200, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Bite (6205, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Bite (6205, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Fear (6206, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Fear (6206, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Dash (6207, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Heatstroke (6240, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Sultriness (6251, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jump Attack (6268, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6274, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6274, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6275, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6275, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Ball (6278, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Nearby Range (6279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Announcement of Death (6280, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cold Judgement (6281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Magic (6282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Storm (6283, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage of Ice (6285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jinia's Prayer (6288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jinia's Prayer (6288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6290, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6291, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (6292, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6293, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leader's Roar (6294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (6296, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cylinder Throw (6297, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Breath - Ice Storm (6299, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Breath - Ice Storm (6299, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6300, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6300, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cold Mana Fragment (6301, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Air (6302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Air (6302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trial of the Coup (6303, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6304, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Gnosis (6305, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Strike (6306, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Opus of the Hand (6307, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Opus of the Wave (6308, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pain of the Ascetic (6309, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Loss of Quest (6310, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Thrust (6311, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Launch Holy Sword Energy (6312, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Bless (6313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Judgment (6314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Blow (6315, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Execution of Authority (6316, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divinity Tacit (6317, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Shield Defense (6318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Magic Protection (6319, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Holy Magic Circle (6320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Holy Magic Circle (6320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Flash (6321, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Impact (6322, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Bolt (6323, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Strike (6324, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Nova (6325, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Martyr's Happiness (6326, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divinity Worship (6327, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Judgement (6328, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Blow (6329, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Salmon Porridge Attack (6330, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Tired (6331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Full (6332, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Full (6332, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Bolt 1 (6333, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Bolt 1 (6333, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6334, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6334, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Rain 1 (6335, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Rain 2 (6336, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Slash 1 (6337, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Slash 2 (6338, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Hammer Attack (6339, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Hammer Attack (6339, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6340, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6340, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trap Over Steam (6342, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Power (6343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Power (6343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Roar (6380, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Roar (6380, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Soul Beam (6381, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Soul Beam (6381, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Rolling Claw (6382, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Roar (6383, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Roar (6383, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Blow (6384, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Critical Klaus (6385, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earth Rise (6386, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earth Rise (6386, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earthquake (6387, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Poison Breath (6416, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Poison Shot (6417, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Fury Poison Bomb (6418, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Fury Poison Bomb (6418, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light of Scout (6419, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lizard Blow (6420, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Rage (6421, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Resistance Explosion (6422, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6423, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6423, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Shot (6424, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demotivation Hex (6425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Priest's Ire (6426, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cozy Mucus (6429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cozy Mucus (6429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Roar Hip Heal (6430, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Might (6431, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Focus (6432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Guidance (6433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Haste (6434, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1)) condition class [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Core Area (6437, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Wisdom (6439, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Strength (6440, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Agility (6441, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Wisdom (6442, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Strength (6443, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Agility (6444, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Strike (6618, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Strike (6618, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Power Strike (6619, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Power Strike (6619, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Life (6625, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Energy of Life (6626, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Superior Energy of Life (6627, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Mana (6628, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Energy of Mana (6629, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Superior Energy of Mana (6630, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Power (6631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Atk. Spd. (6633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Crtical Attack (6635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Movement Speed (6636, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of HP Drain (6637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of HP Drain (6637, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1)) condition non-transformed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Crtical Rate: Damage (6639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Ball (6641, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (6642, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Strike (6643, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Shield (6666, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Wind Walk (6667, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Death Whisper (6668, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Blessed Body (6669, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Vampiric Rage (6670, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Blessed Shield (6672, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Range Increment (6674, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician's Perversity (6676, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoner's Blow (6679, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Wind Walk (6681, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Maguen Wind Walk (6682, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maguen Return (6683, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Return (6683, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maguen Party Return (6684, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Party Return (6684, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Holy Protection (6686, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awful Soup (6688, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awful Soup (6688, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP/MP Drain (6689, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6697, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6697, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ball Trapping Gnosian Agathion Cute Trick (6699, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ball Trapping Orodriel Agathion Cute Trick (6700, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Penalty Kick Agathion Cute Trick (6701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Piercing Attack (6706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk of Elcadia (6714, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste of Elcadia (6715, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might of Elcadia (6716, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper of Elcadia (6718, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance of Elcadia (6719, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus of Elcadia (6720, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower of Elcadia (6721, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen of Elcadia (6722, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration of Elcadia (6723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal of Elcadia (6724, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal of Elcadia (6724, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Blood of Elcadia (6725, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Blood (6726, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage of Elcadia (6727, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge of Elcadia (6728, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance of Elcadia (6729, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Battle Heal of Elcadia (6730, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Etis Shadow (6731, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mirage (6732, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fierce Attack (6736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (6737, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Wound (6743, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Wound (6743, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6748, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6748, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6749, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6750, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Revival (6752, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Revival (6752, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (6753, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (6754, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6755, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Talon (6756, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6757, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Strike (6760, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Blow Strike (6761, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Earth Strike (6763, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Earth Shot (6764, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Recovery (6765, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Tremor (6766, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6768, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6768, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (6769, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (6770, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6774, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6774, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Breath (6775, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6778, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:58:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6779, 1) effect block-all-actions [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:56][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Server Info Version ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:56][GameServer:logVersionInfo:306]: Update: .................. Classic - Kamael [Dawn of Heroes] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:56][GameServer:logVersionInfo:307]: Protocol: ................ [272] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:56][GameServer:logVersionInfo:308]: Build Version: ........... 1.5.0 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:56][GameServer:logVersionInfo:309]: Build Revision: .......... [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:56][GameServer:logVersionInfo:310]: Build date: .............. 2020-04-28T03:02:59.945+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:56][GameServer:logVersionInfo:311]: Compiler JDK version: .... 14 (Oracle Corporation 14+36-1461) [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:56][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Datasource Settings ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:56][HikariDataSource::80]: HikariPool-1 - Starting... [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:57][HikariDataSource::82]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:57][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------=[ Server Configuration ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:57][Config:load:2092]: Network Config: ipconfig.xml doesn't exists using automatic configuration... [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:58][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:58][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:58][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:58][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:58][Config:autoIpConfig:2176]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:58][Config:load:1641]: Loaded 6 Filter Words. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:58][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Scripting Engine ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:58:58][ScriptEngineManager:registerEngine:68]: Java Engine 14 (Java [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]) [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:59][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 18:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.GlobalVariablesManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:58:59][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\ai\others\DimensionalMerchant\DimensionalMerchant.java 15:48 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is not visible (package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is declared in module org.l2j.gameserver, which does not export it) [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 13:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 8:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 3:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 4:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 85:96 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 17:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static formatDateTime location: class org.l2j.commons.util.Util [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 7:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 95:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 36:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MONSTER location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 37:57 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_RAID location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 38:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable DAMAGE_TAKEN location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:00][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\RealDamage.java 34:91 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable REAL_DAMAGE_RESIST location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 135:89 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 137:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 141:106 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 144:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 180:112 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 198:114 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 272:74 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 273:94 - cannot find symbol symbol: method checkArenaProgress(org.l2j.gameserver.model.Clan) location: class org.l2j.gameserver.data.xml.ClanRewardManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminSpawn.java 286:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: method init() location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.DBSpawnManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 49:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method setNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 55:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 66:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 72:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 104:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 108:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 120:69 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 92:41 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.ClanWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 36:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.PrivateWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:16 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeAPI location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:49 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeType location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 54:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 62:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:58 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 80:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 42:8 - handlers.communityboard.DropSearchBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 135:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 22:8 - handlers.communityboard.ClanBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 28:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:01][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.RegionBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 41:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.FriendsBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 44:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 43:14 - handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 60:19 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable COMMUNITYBOARD_ENABLE_PREMIUM location: class org.l2j.gameserver.Config [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 84:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 105:5 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 269:38 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getLCoins() location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 272:31 - cannot find symbol symbol: method addLCoins(long) location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.HomepageBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.MailBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 24:8 - handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 57:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 62:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 71:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 88:42 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 117:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 119:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:02][JavaExecutionContext::56]: Could not compile Java Scripts org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaCompilerException: at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compile(JavaExecutionContext.java:101) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compileModuleInfo(JavaExecutionContext.java:68) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.(JavaExecutionContext.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaScriptingEngine.createExecutionContext(JavaScriptingEngine.java:45) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.registerEngine(ScriptEngineManager.java:69) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.lambda$loadEngines$0(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at java.base/java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.loadEngines(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.init(ScriptEngineManager.java:42) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:251) [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Identity Factory ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][BitSetIDFactory:cleanUpDatabase:50]: Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][BitSetIDFactory::25]: 102912 Identifiers available [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Lineage II World ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][World:initRegions:113]: World Region Grid set up: 288 by 272 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][MapRegionManager:load:64]: Loaded 56 map regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][ZoneManager::68]: Zone Region Grid set up: 19 by 18 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][ZoneManager:load:76]: Loaded 24 zone classes and 2723 zones. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][ZoneManager:load:77]: Loaded 0 NPC spawn territories. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][ZoneManager:lambda$load$2:79]: Last static id: 200224 [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:02][GeoEnginePathFinding::35]: Loaded 7 path node buffers. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][GeoEngine:loadGeodataFiles:69]: Loaded 210 geodata files. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][DoorDataManager:parseDocument:59]: Loaded 1483 Door Templates for 21 regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][FenceDataManager:load:56]: Loaded 1 Fences [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------=[ Server Data ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][GlobalVariablesManager:restoreMe:47]: Loaded 4 variables [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][ActionManager:load:43]: Loaded 214 player actions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][CategoryManager:load:43]: Loaded 33 Categories [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SecondaryAuthManager:load:38]: Loaded 0 forbidden passwords. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for MEMBERS_ONLINE [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for HUNTING_MONSTERS [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][MissionData:load:54]: Loaded 91 missions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][ElementalSpiritEngine:load:49]: Loaded 4 Elemental Spirits Templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][TeleportEngine:load:46]: Loaded 87 Teleports [INFO ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][GameServer:printSection:319]: ----------------------------------------------------------=[ Skills ] [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Slash (1, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Confusion (2, 1) effect RandomizeHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Strike (3, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (3, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (15, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Burst (17, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Burst (17, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Shot (19, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Shot (19, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Recovery (21, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burst Shot (24, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (24, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unlock (27, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Iron Punch (29, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Punch (29, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Backstab (30, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Backstab (30, 1) effect backstab [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (34, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Storm (35, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Storm (35, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Remedy (44, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Heal (45, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Strike (49, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Strike (49, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Force (50, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lure (51, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Blaster (54, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Blaster (54, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Shot (56, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (56, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Heal (58, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect FakeDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Bleeding (61, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect Fear [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice (69, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (70, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Will (72, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Insect Weakness (75, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Aura (77, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Cry (78, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Beast Weakness (80, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (86, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Animal Weakness (87, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Dragon Weakness (88, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense Aura (91, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Stun (92, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Stun (92, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rage (94, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cripple (95, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cripple (95, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bleed (96, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sanctuary (97, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (99, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Attack (100, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Shot (101, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Entangle (102, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Plant Weakness (104, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil (106, 1) effect Passive [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Arrow (112, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Long Shot (113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Break (115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician's Movement (118, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Roar (121, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Barrier (123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring (127, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (129, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toughness (134, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (137, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guts (139, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Mastery (143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Mastery (144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Limit (150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellcraft (163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Recovery (164, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Atk. Spd. (168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Step (169, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatics (173, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Frenzy (176, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Revival (181, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Revival (181, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Mind (191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky (194, 1) effect Lucky [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Breath (195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Blade (196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Armor (197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost HP (211, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast HP Recovery (212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Mana (213, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Recovery (214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sting (223, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect Relax [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Mana Recovery (229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sprint (230, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (244, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1) effect take-castle [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil (254, 1) effect Spoil [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Smash (255, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (255, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Crush (260, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Blessing (262, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Earth (264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Life (265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Warding (267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Wind (268, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hunter's Song (269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Light (277, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Light (277, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burning Fist (280, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Fist (280, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Higher Mana Gain (285, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Provoke (286, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Provoke (286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Leech (289, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Frenzy (290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Fortress (291, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Sense (294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Body (295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chameleon Rest (296, 1) effect ChameleonRest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duelist Spirit (297, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Festival (302, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vitality (304, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vengeance (305, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Snipe (313, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1) effect physical-attack-hp-link [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aegis (316, 1) effect PhysicalShieldAngleAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect PolearmSingleTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pride of Kamael (329, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Raging Force (346, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Earthquake (347, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Bash (352, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Slam (353, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect PhysicalMute [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Death (355, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Chance (356, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Power (357, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Power (357, 1) effect stat-position-based [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bluff (358, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Blast (361, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Armor Crush (362, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Vengeance (368, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Body (370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Spirituality (371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Soul (372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Regeneration (373, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Morale (374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Clarity (375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Might (376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (377, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Empower (378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan M. Def. (379, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Guidance (380, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Agility (381, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Defense (382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Block (383, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Cyclonic Resistance (384, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Magmatic Resistance (385, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Stun Resistance (386, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hold Resistance (387, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Sleep Resistance (388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Wind Walk (389, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Luck (390, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Fortune (392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Soul Finding (393, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Soul Finding (394, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tribunal (400, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Judgment (401, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Shackling (404, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dead Eye (414, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Sagittarius (415, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pain of Sagittarius (417, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quiver of Holding (418, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Zealot (420, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Braveheart (440, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mirage (445, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (446, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counterattack (447, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Move (451, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Break Duress (461, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Break Duress (461, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Immunity (466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:05][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Mastery (472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapier Mastery (474, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Smash (477, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Smash (477, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disarm (485, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Courage (499, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Break (501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Real Target (522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect TransferDamageToPlayer [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Wound (531, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Over the Body (536, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Slash (560, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel's Blessing (561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Angel (562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Doom (563, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn Assault (565, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Heal (567, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Buster (568, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Buster (568, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Storm (569, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Storm (569, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Dust (571, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Slasher (572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Cutter (575, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paw Strike (576, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (577, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Cloud (581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Claw (584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Moving (585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rolling Attack (586, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Storm (587, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Darkness (588, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Body (590, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Spirit (591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Soul (592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Health (593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Moral (594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Clarity (595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Might (596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield (597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Empower (598, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Magic Barrier (599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Guidance (600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Agility (601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Block (602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Defense (603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Typhoon Resistance (604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Lava Resistance (605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Fortitude (606, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Freedom (607, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Vigilance (608, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Movement (609, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Death Fortune (610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Squad (614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Cross Slash (675, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Sonic Blaster (676, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Transfixion of Earth (677, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior War Cry (678, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Hate (680, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Aggression Aura (681, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Double Shot (687, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Agility (690, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Flare (692, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Strike (693, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Curtain (694, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Surrender to Holy (696, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Major Heal (698, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Battle Heal (699, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Clans (702, 1) effect dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Servitor Hill (713, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Hold (716, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Concentrated Attack (717, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Dancing Sword (718, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Vampiric Rage (719, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Holy Light Burst (720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Energy Attack (721, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Divine Beam (722, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sunshine (723, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Clans (724, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Power Smash (725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Sonic Storm (726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Disillusion (727, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Beast Attack (728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Sword Stab (729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Dark Explosion (731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Double Cutter (733, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Air Blade (734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Spinning Weapon (735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal (738, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Battle Heal (739, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal Side Effect (741, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Bursting Flame (742, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Explosion (743, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Flare (744, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Cure (745, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Bite (746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Sprint (748, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Arm Flourish (751, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Throwing Knife (753, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Clairvoyance (754, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (767, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Shot (790, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (791, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Critical (794, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Brandish (795, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Explosion Attack (796, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Piercing Attack (797, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Obstacle (806, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over-hit (807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Tornado Swing (809, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Full Swing (814, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Swing (814, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Repair Golem (822, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repair Golem (822, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Encase Armor (828, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dismount (839, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Outpost Construction (844, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Territory Benefaction (848, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dion Territory Benefaction (849, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giran Territory Benefaction (850, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oren Territory Benefaction (851, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Territory Benefaction (852, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Innadril Territory Benefaction (853, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goddard Territory Benefaction (854, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rune Territory Benefaction (855, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Schuttgart Territory Benefaction (856, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mercenary Power Strike (869, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Royal Guard Captain Power Strike (870, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (871, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer Captain Power Shot (872, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Captain Flame Strike (874, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (875, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Enuma Elish (876, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Power Strike (878, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Twister (881, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Blaze (882, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Magic (913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frog Jump (959, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Race Running (960, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Swift Dash (961, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's March (962, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Claw (968, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Dash (969, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (970, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (971, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (975, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation - Wind Strike (976, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Strike (984, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Death Sting (990, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (994, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Flame (1002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Gift (1003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Wisdom (1004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Blessing (1005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fire (1006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Battle (1007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Glory (1008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Shielding (1009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Shield (1010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (1011, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Poison (1012, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Recharge (1013, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (1013, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Heal (1015, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Resurrection (1016, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Resurrection (1016, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Purify (1018, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Group Heal (1027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might of Heaven (1028, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invigor (1032, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (1033, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repose (1034, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (1035, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (1036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (1040, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (1044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (1045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Regeneration (1047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (1048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Requiem (1049, 1) effect Passive [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return (1050, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return (1050, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (1056, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (1059, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (1064, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (1068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Kiss (1073, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Peace (1075, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (1077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (1078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (1085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (1086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (1087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (1090, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom (1095, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Chaos (1096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Slow (1099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (1100, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (1101, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Winter (1104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Madness (1105, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Flame (1107, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Flame (1108, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Recharge (1126, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Heal (1127, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Shield (1139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Physical Shield (1140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Haste (1141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Wind Walk (1144, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Boost (1145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mighty Servitor (1146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (1147, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Spike (1148, 1) effect magical-attack-range [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Forget (1156, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body To Mind (1157, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Death Link (1159, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (1160, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Discord (1163, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Weakness (1164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poisonous Cloud (1167, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Poison (1168, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (1171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (1172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (1174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (1175, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (1176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Strike (1177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (1178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (1181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Shackle (1183, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (1204, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Shackle (1206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Poison (1209, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Mirage (1213, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Heal (1216, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (1217, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Battle Heal (1218, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Group Heal (1219, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (1220, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Chaos (1222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Poison (1224, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (1229, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (1230, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (1231, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decay (1233, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (1234, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (1235, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (1239, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (1240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (1242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (1243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Essence (1245, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Silence (1246, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Scourge (1247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Suspension (1248, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Vision (1249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Protection (1250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fury (1251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Evasion (1252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Rage (1253, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Party Return (1255, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Party Return (1255, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (1257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (1258, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (1259, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Tact (1260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Spark (1264, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (1265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Spark (1266, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Flare (1267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (1268, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Disease (1269, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Benediction (1271, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Benediction (1271, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Serenade (1273, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Bolt (1274, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Bolt (1275, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Haste (1282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Revenge (1284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Symphony (1288, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Assault (1292, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Symphony (1293, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Storm (1294, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (1295, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (1296, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clear Mind (1297, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Slow (1298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Cure (1300, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Blessing (1301, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (1303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Advanced Block (1304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Honor (1305, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Life (1306, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Predator (1308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Eagle (1309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Vampire (1310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body of Avatar (1311, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dwarven Craft (1321, 1) effect OpenDwarfRecipeBook [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Common Craft (1322, 1) effect OpenCommonRecipeBook [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Balance Life (1335, 1) effect RebalanceHP [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Disease (1367, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Dwarven Craft (1368, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Common Craft (1369, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Trade (1370, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Warehouse (1371, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Inventory (1372, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Link (1378, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Sense (1379, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse Gloom (1382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Might (1388, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Shield (1389, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Chant (1390, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Earth (1391, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (1392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (1393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (1396, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clarity (1397, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (1398, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1) effect call-pc [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Inspiration (1405, 1) effect EnlargeAbnormalSlot [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cleanse (1409, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Salvation (1410, 1) effect ResurrectionSpecial [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect CpHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Miracle (1426, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect dispel-myself [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Recharge (1428, 1) effect ManaHealByLevel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1) effect CallParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Power (1432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Divinity (1440, 1) effect steal-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Art of Rapier (1444, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Voice Bind (1447, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Power (1459, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect PhysicalAttackMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Abyssal Power (1474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect CpHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord of Vampires (1507, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (1515, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stigma of Shilen (1539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (1543, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Cure Poison (1550, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Purify (1551, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Heal (1553, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Shield (1556, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1) effect servitor-share [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Pump (1565, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1) effect skill-evasion [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect IgnoreDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Saver (1610, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Force (1612, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Body Crush (1613, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Recovery (1618, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (1619, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (1620, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood of Sacrifice (1622, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect ReduceDamage [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect Root [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect dispel-probability [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect SkillTurning [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Might (1810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Shield (1811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Wind Walk (1812, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Return (1813, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Focus (1814, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Death Whisper (1815, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Guidance (1816, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Heal (1817, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Haste (1818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Acumen (1819, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Vampiric Rage (1820, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Empower (1821, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Clarity (1822, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Agility (1823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Lightness (1824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Recharge (1825, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Greater Heal (1826, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fall Down (1896, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Field of Shilen (1897, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Potion (2001, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Drug (2002, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Squash Seed (2003, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Large Squash Seed (2004, 1) effect summon-npc [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Nectar (2005, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Endeavor Potion (2010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk Potion (2011, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Potion (2012, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Potion (2031, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater HP Potion (2032, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Walk Potion (2034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Haste Potion (2035, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major HP Potion (2037, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade HP Potion (2038, 1) effect hp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antidote (2042, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Antidote (2043, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (2044, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Emergency Dressing (2045, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition check-residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1) effect SummonPet [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Food (2048, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Guidance (2050, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Death Whisper (2051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Focus (2052, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Acumen (2053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Haste (2054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Agility (2055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Empower (2056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Might (2057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Wind Walk (2058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Shield (2059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Medicine (2060, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hatchling Food (2063, 1) effect feed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Mana Regeneration (2064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Box Key (2065, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Decrease Hate (2075, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Blessing (2076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mysterious Potion (2103, 1)) condition non-transformed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2122, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2123, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2124, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2125, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2126, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2127, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2128, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2129, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2130, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2131, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2132, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2133, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Momentum Stone (2165, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CP Potion (2166, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll (2167, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Haste Enhancement Potion (2169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Cancel Sleep (2170, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Food (2180, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1)) condition can-add-bookmark-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1) effect AddTeleportBookmarkSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (3005, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Evasion (3009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3018, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3019, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3020, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3021, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3022, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3024, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Anger (3026, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3028, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3029, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3030, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3031, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mortal Strike (3035, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3039, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3040, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3041, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Damage (3049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3059, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3060, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3061, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3062, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3069, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3070, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3074, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Empower (3076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3078, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3080, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Physical) (3081, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3082, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Physical) (3083, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Physical) (3084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3089, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Physical) (3091, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Physical) (3092, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3093, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3095, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Magic) (3096, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Magic) (3097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3098, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3102, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Magic) (3104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Magic) (3105, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3106, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Up (3108, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Down (3109, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3110, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Critical) (3111, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Critical) (3112, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3113, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Critical) (3119, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Critical) (3120, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3121, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3123, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3124, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Battle Roar (3125, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3127, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3128, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3130, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3131, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3132, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3135, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3138, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3145, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Rage (3148, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3149, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Active) (3150, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Peace (3151, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Trick (3152, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Touch (3153, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3154, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Celestial Shield (3158, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3162, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3163, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3164, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3165, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3167, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3168, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3169, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3170, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3173, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3175, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3179, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3180, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3182, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3183, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3186, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3193, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3195, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3196, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3197, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Refresh (3199, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Refresh (3200, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Refresh (3201, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Refresh (3202, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3204, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3207, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3208, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3209, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3211, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3212, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3213, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3214, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3215, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3216, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3217, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3218, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3219, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3220, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3221, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3222, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3223, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3224, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (3225, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3226, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3227, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3228, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3229, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3230, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3231, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3232, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3233, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3234, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3235, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3236, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3237, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weight Limit (3251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3255, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3256, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3257, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3258, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Agathion (3267, 1) effect UnsummonAgathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Castle (3268, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Rainbow Clan Hall (3269, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Beast Farm (3270, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Crit. (3271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Atk. (3272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Def. (3273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Physical Skill Evasion Rate (3274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Crit. (3275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Atk. (3276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Def. (3277, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Magic Skill Evasion Rate (3278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. HP (3279, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. MP (3280, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman Box - Guard (3281, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Denial (3282, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Block (3284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Bond (3286, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Guard (3287, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Denial (3288, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Block (3290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Bond (3292, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Healing Power (3293, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Power of Healing Magic (3294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Bracelet (3322, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bronze Bracelet (3323, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Light (3498, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Devotion, 3-piece (3501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:06][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: P. Critical Damage (3542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3543, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3544, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3546, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3548, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3549, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3550, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3571, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Slow (3574, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Hold (3577, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Protection (3584, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Immortal (3590, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Vampiric Mana (3596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Mana Limit (3598, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Multi-attack (3599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Burst (3630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Flow (3631, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect clan-system-message [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residential Stun Immunity (3633, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (4001, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Siphon (4002, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Body (4003, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fragile Skull (4004, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Skin (4008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Blow (4017, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant (4021, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4024, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Master Recharge (4025, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Flame (4026, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Heal (4027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (4031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4032, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4033, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4035, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4036, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (4038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Drain (4039, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4040, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruma Blaze (4041, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurka Blaze (4042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Flame (4043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Heal (4044, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Magic Attack Resistance (4045, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4046, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4047, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4048, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Strike (4049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Drain (4050, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Heal (4051, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Poison (4052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Weakness (4053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hex (4054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Shackle (4055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Vulnerability (4057, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animal Vulnerability (4058, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Plant Vulnerability (4059, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beast Vulnerability (4060, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Vulnerability (4061, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen (4062, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4064, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4065, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4066, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blow (4067, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mechanical Cannon (4068, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curve Beam (4069, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4070, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Weapon Resistance (4071, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4074, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4075, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4077, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4078, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Siege Hammer (4079, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Heal (4080, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kalis' Poison (4083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Attack Resistance (4084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (4085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (4086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4087, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4088, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Wolf (4090, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (4093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (4094, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4097, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4098, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4100, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (4104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Stink (4110, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4112, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4113, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Flame (4114, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Heal (4115, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Attack Resistance (4116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4118, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4119, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun (4120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoned Monster Magic Protection (4121, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4124, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reduce Delay (4126, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Attack (4127, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Of Force (4128, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (4129, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning (4130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4131, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4132, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4133, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Heal (4135, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium's Gift (4136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Screw (4137, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boom Attack (4139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Contract Payment (4140, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Fist (4141, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Wind Fist (4142, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb (4143, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic Attack (4144, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel (4147, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4148, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4149, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (4150, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4151, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4152, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (4154, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4156, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4157, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4158, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4159, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4160, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Ice (4165, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Stun (4166, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4168, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4170, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4171, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4173, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel (4177, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4179, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4181, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4182, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4185, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4186, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4188, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease MP (4190, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4191, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (4192, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (4193, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4194, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4195, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4197, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4198, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4201, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4202, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4203, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4204, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4205, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (4206, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4207, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4209, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4219, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Attack (4220, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Dual Attack (4221, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack Resistance (4225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ban Heal (4226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Regeneration (4227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Dagger Attack (4228, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Wind Fist (4229, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Cannon (4230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spit Attack (4231, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Attack (4233, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Cooldown (4238, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venomous Poison (4243, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (4244, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4247, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Drain (4248, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4250, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4251, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4252, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4253, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4254, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4255, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4256, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (4257, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hinder Strider (4258, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toxic Smoke (4259, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Blood (4260, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mega Storm Strike (4261, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Wind Walk (4262, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Haste (4263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Empower (4264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Might (4265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Shield (4266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4272, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Resistance (4273, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Vulnerability (4274, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Vulnerability (4276, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (4277, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Magic Attack Resistance (4283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Resistance (4284, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Resistance (4285, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Resistance (4287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4288, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Light Burst (4314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4315, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4316, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Rage Might (4317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4319, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4320, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (4322, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (4323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (4324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (4325, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (4326, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (4327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (4328, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (4329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (4330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (4331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Aegis (4332, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (4333, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SSQ Cancel (4334, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Vulnerability (4336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (4337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4342, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (4343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (4346, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4347, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4348, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4350, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (4351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4354, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4367, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Physical Attack Resistance (4376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wield Temper (4377, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Damage Shield (4378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Resistance (4379, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena CP Recovery (4380, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Lake Ghost (4382, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Resistance (4388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Resistance (4389, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4391, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4394, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4395, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4399, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4403, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4404, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4405, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (4406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Atk. (4410, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Atk. (4411, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Def. (4412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Def. (4413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Undead (4416, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animals (4417, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Resistance (4424, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Resistance (4425, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Resistance (4426, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Resistance (4427, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fire Resistance (4429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Water Resistance (4430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Resistance (4431, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Earth Resistance (4432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Holy Attack Resistance (4433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dark Attack Resistance (4434, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Stun Resistance (4435, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Poison Resistance (4436, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bleed Resistance (4437, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4438, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4439, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Paralysis Resistance (4440, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Mental Attack Resistance (4441, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fist Weapon Resistance (4442, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blunt Weapon Resistance (4443, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4444, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spear Resistance (4445, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dualsword Resistance (4446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sword Resistance (4447, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dagger Resistance (4448, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Vulnerability (4450, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Vulnerability (4451, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Vulnerability (4452, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Vulnerability (4453, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Vulnerability (4454, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Vulnerability (4455, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Vulnerability (4456, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Vulnerability (4457, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Vulnerability (4458, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Vulnerability (4459, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Vulnerability (4460, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Vulnerability (4461, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Vulnerability (4462, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Water (4463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Wind (4464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Earth (4465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (4466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Holy (4467, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4468, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Strike (4472, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (4474, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Complete Bleed Resistance (4475, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (4476, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (4477, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (4478, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Fairy's Blessing (4479, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (4480, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (4481, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4483, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devour Subordinate (4484, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4486, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (4487, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4488, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4489, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy War (4490, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlarging Head Curse (4492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4493, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4515, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen Heal (4516, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Attack Resistance (4521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eye of Assassin (4522, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon (4526, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore (4527, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4528, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (4529, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4530, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4531, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep/Stun Resistance (4542, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Stun (4543, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annulment (4548, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mutation Resistance (4555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease A D (4556, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease B D (4557, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease C D (4558, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4560, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4561, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4562, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4563, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4564, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4565, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4566, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4567, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4568, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4569, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4570, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (4571, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (4572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (4573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (4574, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4575, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4576, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4577, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4581, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4583, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Evasion (4586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4589, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4590, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4591, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4592, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4597, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4598, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4599, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magma Attack (4607, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4609, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wide Sweep (4612, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Heal (4613, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4614, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4615, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Petrification (4616, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Petrification (4617, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Target Cancellation (4618, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Sleep (4619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4620, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4621, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4622, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4623, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disease (4624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4625, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Barrier (4626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Barrier (4627, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4629, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4630, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 03:59:07][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:03:44][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Server Info Version ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:03:44][GameServer:logVersionInfo:306]: Update: .................. Classic - Kamael [Dawn of Heroes] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:03:44][GameServer:logVersionInfo:307]: Protocol: ................ [272] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:03:44][GameServer:logVersionInfo:308]: Build Version: ........... 1.5.0 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:03:44][GameServer:logVersionInfo:309]: Build Revision: .......... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:03:44][GameServer:logVersionInfo:310]: Build date: .............. 2020-04-28T03:02:59.945+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:03:44][GameServer:logVersionInfo:311]: Compiler JDK version: .... 14 (Oracle Corporation 14+36-1461) [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:03:44][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Datasource Settings ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:03:44][HikariDataSource::80]: HikariPool-1 - Starting... [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:03:46][HikariPool:throwPoolInitializationException:587]: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at mysql.connector.java@8.0.19/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:129) at mysql.connector.java@8.0.19/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:97) at mysql.connector.java@8.0.19/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionsMapping.translateException(SQLExceptionsMapping.java:122) at mysql.connector.java@8.0.19/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(ConnectionImpl.java:836) at mysql.connector.java@8.0.19/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.(ConnectionImpl.java:456) at mysql.connector.java@8.0.19/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(ConnectionImpl.java:246) at mysql.connector.java@8.0.19/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(NonRegisteringDriver.java:197) at mysql.connector.java@8.0.19/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlDataSource.getConnection(MysqlDataSource.java:416) at mysql.connector.java@8.0.19/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlDataSource.getConnection(MysqlDataSource.java:128) at mysql.connector.java@8.0.19/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlDataSource.getConnection(MysqlDataSource.java:113) at com.zaxxer.hikari@3.4.2/com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newConnection(PoolBase.java:354) at com.zaxxer.hikari@3.4.2/com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newPoolEntry(PoolBase.java:202) at com.zaxxer.hikari@3.4.2/com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.createPoolEntry(HikariPool.java:473) at com.zaxxer.hikari@3.4.2/com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.checkFailFast(HikariPool.java:554) at com.zaxxer.hikari@3.4.2/com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.(HikariPool.java:115) at com.zaxxer.hikari@3.4.2/com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource.(HikariDataSource.java:81) at org.l2j.commons/org.l2j.commons.database.DatabaseFactory.(DatabaseFactory.java:23) at org.l2j.commons/org.l2j.commons.database.DatabaseFactory.getInstance(DatabaseFactory.java:38) at org.l2j.commons/org.l2j.commons.database.DatabaseAccess.initialize(DatabaseAccess.java:28) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.configureDatabase(GameServer.java:290) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:244) [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Server Info Version ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][GameServer:logVersionInfo:306]: Update: .................. Classic - Kamael [Dawn of Heroes] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][GameServer:logVersionInfo:307]: Protocol: ................ [272] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][GameServer:logVersionInfo:308]: Build Version: ........... 1.5.0 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][GameServer:logVersionInfo:309]: Build Revision: .......... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][GameServer:logVersionInfo:310]: Build date: .............. 2020-04-28T03:02:59.945+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][GameServer:logVersionInfo:311]: Compiler JDK version: .... 14 (Oracle Corporation 14+36-1461) [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Datasource Settings ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][HikariDataSource::80]: HikariPool-1 - Starting... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][HikariDataSource::82]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------=[ Server Configuration ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:39][Config:load:2092]: Network Config: ipconfig.xml doesn't exists using automatic configuration... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:40][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:40][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:40][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:40][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:40][Config:autoIpConfig:2176]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:40][Config:load:1641]: Loaded 6 Filter Words. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:40][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Scripting Engine ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:40][ScriptEngineManager:registerEngine:68]: Java Engine 14 (Java [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]) [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:42][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 18:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.GlobalVariablesManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:43][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\ai\others\DimensionalMerchant\DimensionalMerchant.java 15:48 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is not visible (package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is declared in module org.l2j.gameserver, which does not export it) [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 13:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 8:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 3:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 4:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 85:96 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 17:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static formatDateTime location: class org.l2j.commons.util.Util [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 7:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:44][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 95:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 36:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MONSTER location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 37:57 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_RAID location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 38:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable DAMAGE_TAKEN location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\RealDamage.java 34:91 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable REAL_DAMAGE_RESIST location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 135:89 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 137:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 141:106 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 144:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 180:112 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 198:114 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 272:74 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 273:94 - cannot find symbol symbol: method checkArenaProgress(org.l2j.gameserver.model.Clan) location: class org.l2j.gameserver.data.xml.ClanRewardManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminSpawn.java 286:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: method init() location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.DBSpawnManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 49:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method setNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 55:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 66:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 72:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 104:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 108:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 120:69 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 92:41 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.ClanWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 36:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.PrivateWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:16 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeAPI location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:49 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeType location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 54:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 62:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:58 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 80:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 42:8 - handlers.communityboard.DropSearchBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 135:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 22:8 - handlers.communityboard.ClanBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 28:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.RegionBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 41:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.FriendsBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 44:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 43:14 - handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 60:19 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable COMMUNITYBOARD_ENABLE_PREMIUM location: class org.l2j.gameserver.Config [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 84:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 105:5 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 269:38 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getLCoins() location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 272:31 - cannot find symbol symbol: method addLCoins(long) location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.HomepageBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.MailBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 24:8 - handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 57:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 62:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 71:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 88:42 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 117:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 119:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:04:47][JavaExecutionContext::56]: Could not compile Java Scripts org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaCompilerException: at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compile(JavaExecutionContext.java:101) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compileModuleInfo(JavaExecutionContext.java:68) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.(JavaExecutionContext.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaScriptingEngine.createExecutionContext(JavaScriptingEngine.java:45) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.registerEngine(ScriptEngineManager.java:69) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.lambda$loadEngines$0(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at java.base/java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.loadEngines(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.init(ScriptEngineManager.java:42) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:251) [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Identity Factory ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][BitSetIDFactory:cleanUpDatabase:50]: Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][BitSetIDFactory::25]: 102912 Identifiers available [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Lineage II World ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][World:initRegions:113]: World Region Grid set up: 288 by 272 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:47][MapRegionManager:load:64]: Loaded 56 map regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:48][ZoneManager::68]: Zone Region Grid set up: 19 by 18 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:48][ZoneManager:load:76]: Loaded 24 zone classes and 2723 zones. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:48][ZoneManager:load:77]: Loaded 0 NPC spawn territories. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:48][ZoneManager:lambda$load$2:79]: Last static id: 200224 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:04:48][GeoEnginePathFinding::35]: Loaded 7 path node buffers. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:03][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Server Info Version ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:03][GameServer:logVersionInfo:306]: Update: .................. Classic - Kamael [Dawn of Heroes] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:03][GameServer:logVersionInfo:307]: Protocol: ................ [272] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:03][GameServer:logVersionInfo:308]: Build Version: ........... 1.5.0 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:03][GameServer:logVersionInfo:309]: Build Revision: .......... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:03][GameServer:logVersionInfo:310]: Build date: .............. 2020-04-28T03:02:59.945+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:03][GameServer:logVersionInfo:311]: Compiler JDK version: .... 14 (Oracle Corporation 14+36-1461) [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:03][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Datasource Settings ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:03][HikariDataSource::80]: HikariPool-1 - Starting... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:04][HikariDataSource::82]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:04][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------=[ Server Configuration ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:04][Config:load:2092]: Network Config: ipconfig.xml doesn't exists using automatic configuration... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:05][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:05][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:05][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:05][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:05][Config:autoIpConfig:2176]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:05][Config:load:1641]: Loaded 6 Filter Words. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:05][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Scripting Engine ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:05][ScriptEngineManager:registerEngine:68]: Java Engine 14 (Java [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]) [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:06][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 18:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.GlobalVariablesManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:06][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\ai\others\DimensionalMerchant\DimensionalMerchant.java 15:48 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is not visible (package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is declared in module org.l2j.gameserver, which does not export it) [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 13:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 8:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 3:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 4:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 85:96 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 17:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static formatDateTime location: class org.l2j.commons.util.Util [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 7:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 95:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 36:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MONSTER location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 37:57 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_RAID location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 38:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable DAMAGE_TAKEN location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\RealDamage.java 34:91 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable REAL_DAMAGE_RESIST location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 135:89 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 137:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 141:106 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 144:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 180:112 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 198:114 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 272:74 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 273:94 - cannot find symbol symbol: method checkArenaProgress(org.l2j.gameserver.model.Clan) location: class org.l2j.gameserver.data.xml.ClanRewardManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminSpawn.java 286:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: method init() location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.DBSpawnManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 49:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method setNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 55:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 66:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 72:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 104:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 108:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 120:69 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 92:41 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.ClanWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 36:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.PrivateWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:16 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeAPI location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:49 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeType location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 54:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 62:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:58 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 80:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 42:8 - handlers.communityboard.DropSearchBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 135:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 22:8 - handlers.communityboard.ClanBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 28:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.RegionBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 41:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.FriendsBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 44:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 43:14 - handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 60:19 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable COMMUNITYBOARD_ENABLE_PREMIUM location: class org.l2j.gameserver.Config [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:08][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 84:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 105:5 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 269:38 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getLCoins() location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 272:31 - cannot find symbol symbol: method addLCoins(long) location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.HomepageBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.MailBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 24:8 - handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 57:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 62:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 71:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 88:42 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 117:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 119:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext::56]: Could not compile Java Scripts org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaCompilerException: at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compile(JavaExecutionContext.java:101) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compileModuleInfo(JavaExecutionContext.java:68) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.(JavaExecutionContext.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaScriptingEngine.createExecutionContext(JavaScriptingEngine.java:45) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.registerEngine(ScriptEngineManager.java:69) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.lambda$loadEngines$0(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at java.base/java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.loadEngines(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.init(ScriptEngineManager.java:42) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:251) [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Identity Factory ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][BitSetIDFactory:cleanUpDatabase:50]: Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][BitSetIDFactory::25]: 102912 Identifiers available [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Lineage II World ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][World:initRegions:113]: World Region Grid set up: 288 by 272 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][MapRegionManager:load:64]: Loaded 56 map regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][ZoneManager::68]: Zone Region Grid set up: 19 by 18 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][ZoneManager:load:76]: Loaded 24 zone classes and 2723 zones. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][ZoneManager:load:77]: Loaded 0 NPC spawn territories. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][ZoneManager:lambda$load$2:79]: Last static id: 200224 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:09][GeoEnginePathFinding::35]: Loaded 7 path node buffers. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:12][GeoEngine:loadGeodataFiles:69]: Loaded 210 geodata files. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:12][DoorDataManager:parseDocument:59]: Loaded 1483 Door Templates for 21 regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:12][FenceDataManager:load:56]: Loaded 1 Fences [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:12][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------=[ Server Data ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:12][GlobalVariablesManager:restoreMe:47]: Loaded 4 variables [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:12][ActionManager:load:43]: Loaded 214 player actions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:12][CategoryManager:load:43]: Loaded 33 Categories [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:12][SecondaryAuthManager:load:38]: Loaded 0 forbidden passwords. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:12][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for MEMBERS_ONLINE [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:12][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for HUNTING_MONSTERS [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][MissionData:load:54]: Loaded 91 missions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][ElementalSpiritEngine:load:49]: Loaded 4 Elemental Spirits Templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][TeleportEngine:load:46]: Loaded 87 Teleports [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][GameServer:printSection:319]: ----------------------------------------------------------=[ Skills ] [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Slash (1, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Confusion (2, 1) effect RandomizeHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Strike (3, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (3, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (15, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Burst (17, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Burst (17, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Shot (19, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Shot (19, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Recovery (21, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burst Shot (24, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (24, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unlock (27, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Iron Punch (29, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Punch (29, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Backstab (30, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Backstab (30, 1) effect backstab [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (34, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Storm (35, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Storm (35, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Remedy (44, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Heal (45, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Strike (49, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Strike (49, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Force (50, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lure (51, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Blaster (54, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Blaster (54, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Shot (56, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (56, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Heal (58, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect FakeDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Bleeding (61, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect Fear [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice (69, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (70, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Will (72, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Insect Weakness (75, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Aura (77, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Cry (78, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Beast Weakness (80, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (86, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Animal Weakness (87, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Dragon Weakness (88, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense Aura (91, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Stun (92, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Stun (92, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rage (94, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cripple (95, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cripple (95, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bleed (96, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sanctuary (97, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (99, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Attack (100, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Shot (101, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Entangle (102, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Plant Weakness (104, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil (106, 1) effect Passive [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Arrow (112, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Long Shot (113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Break (115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician's Movement (118, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Roar (121, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Barrier (123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring (127, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (129, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toughness (134, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (137, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guts (139, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Mastery (143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Mastery (144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Limit (150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellcraft (163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Recovery (164, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Atk. Spd. (168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Step (169, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatics (173, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Frenzy (176, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Revival (181, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Revival (181, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Mind (191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky (194, 1) effect Lucky [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Breath (195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Blade (196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Armor (197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost HP (211, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast HP Recovery (212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Mana (213, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Recovery (214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sting (223, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect Relax [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Mana Recovery (229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sprint (230, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (244, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1) effect take-castle [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil (254, 1) effect Spoil [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Smash (255, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (255, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Crush (260, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Blessing (262, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Earth (264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Life (265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Warding (267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Wind (268, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hunter's Song (269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Light (277, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Light (277, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burning Fist (280, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Fist (280, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Higher Mana Gain (285, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Provoke (286, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Provoke (286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Leech (289, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Frenzy (290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Fortress (291, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Sense (294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Body (295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chameleon Rest (296, 1) effect ChameleonRest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duelist Spirit (297, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Festival (302, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vitality (304, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vengeance (305, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Snipe (313, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1) effect physical-attack-hp-link [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aegis (316, 1) effect PhysicalShieldAngleAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect PolearmSingleTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pride of Kamael (329, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Raging Force (346, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Earthquake (347, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Bash (352, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Slam (353, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect PhysicalMute [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Death (355, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Chance (356, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Power (357, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Power (357, 1) effect stat-position-based [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bluff (358, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Blast (361, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Armor Crush (362, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Vengeance (368, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Body (370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Spirituality (371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Soul (372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Regeneration (373, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Morale (374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Clarity (375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Might (376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (377, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Empower (378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan M. Def. (379, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Guidance (380, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Agility (381, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Defense (382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Block (383, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Cyclonic Resistance (384, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Magmatic Resistance (385, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Stun Resistance (386, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hold Resistance (387, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Sleep Resistance (388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Wind Walk (389, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Luck (390, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Fortune (392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Soul Finding (393, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Soul Finding (394, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tribunal (400, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Judgment (401, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Shackling (404, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dead Eye (414, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Sagittarius (415, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pain of Sagittarius (417, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quiver of Holding (418, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Zealot (420, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Braveheart (440, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mirage (445, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (446, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counterattack (447, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Move (451, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Break Duress (461, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Break Duress (461, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Immunity (466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Mastery (472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapier Mastery (474, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Smash (477, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Smash (477, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disarm (485, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Courage (499, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Break (501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Real Target (522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect TransferDamageToPlayer [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Wound (531, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Over the Body (536, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Slash (560, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel's Blessing (561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Angel (562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Doom (563, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn Assault (565, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Heal (567, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Buster (568, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Buster (568, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Storm (569, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Storm (569, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Dust (571, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Slasher (572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Cutter (575, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paw Strike (576, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (577, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Cloud (581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Claw (584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Moving (585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rolling Attack (586, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Storm (587, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Darkness (588, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Body (590, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Spirit (591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Soul (592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Health (593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Moral (594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Clarity (595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Might (596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield (597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Empower (598, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Magic Barrier (599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Guidance (600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Agility (601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Block (602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Defense (603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Typhoon Resistance (604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Lava Resistance (605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Fortitude (606, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Freedom (607, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Vigilance (608, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Movement (609, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Death Fortune (610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Squad (614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Cross Slash (675, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Sonic Blaster (676, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Transfixion of Earth (677, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior War Cry (678, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Hate (680, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Aggression Aura (681, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Double Shot (687, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Agility (690, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Flare (692, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Strike (693, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Curtain (694, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Surrender to Holy (696, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Major Heal (698, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Battle Heal (699, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Clans (702, 1) effect dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:13][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Servitor Hill (713, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Hold (716, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Concentrated Attack (717, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Dancing Sword (718, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Vampiric Rage (719, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Holy Light Burst (720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Energy Attack (721, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Divine Beam (722, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sunshine (723, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Clans (724, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Power Smash (725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Sonic Storm (726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Disillusion (727, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Beast Attack (728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Sword Stab (729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Dark Explosion (731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Double Cutter (733, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Air Blade (734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Spinning Weapon (735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal (738, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Battle Heal (739, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal Side Effect (741, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Bursting Flame (742, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Explosion (743, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Flare (744, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Cure (745, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Bite (746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Sprint (748, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Arm Flourish (751, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Throwing Knife (753, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Clairvoyance (754, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (767, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Shot (790, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (791, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Critical (794, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Brandish (795, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Explosion Attack (796, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Piercing Attack (797, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Obstacle (806, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over-hit (807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Tornado Swing (809, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Full Swing (814, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Swing (814, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Repair Golem (822, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repair Golem (822, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Encase Armor (828, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dismount (839, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Outpost Construction (844, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Territory Benefaction (848, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dion Territory Benefaction (849, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giran Territory Benefaction (850, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oren Territory Benefaction (851, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Territory Benefaction (852, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Innadril Territory Benefaction (853, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goddard Territory Benefaction (854, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rune Territory Benefaction (855, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Schuttgart Territory Benefaction (856, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mercenary Power Strike (869, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Royal Guard Captain Power Strike (870, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (871, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer Captain Power Shot (872, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Captain Flame Strike (874, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (875, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Enuma Elish (876, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Power Strike (878, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Twister (881, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Blaze (882, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Magic (913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frog Jump (959, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Race Running (960, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Swift Dash (961, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's March (962, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Claw (968, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Dash (969, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (970, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (971, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (975, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation - Wind Strike (976, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Strike (984, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Death Sting (990, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (994, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Flame (1002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Gift (1003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Wisdom (1004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Blessing (1005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fire (1006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Battle (1007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Glory (1008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Shielding (1009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Shield (1010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (1011, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Poison (1012, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Recharge (1013, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (1013, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Heal (1015, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Resurrection (1016, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Resurrection (1016, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Purify (1018, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Group Heal (1027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might of Heaven (1028, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invigor (1032, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (1033, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repose (1034, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (1035, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (1036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (1040, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (1044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (1045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Regeneration (1047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (1048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Requiem (1049, 1) effect Passive [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return (1050, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return (1050, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (1056, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (1059, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (1064, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (1068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Kiss (1073, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Peace (1075, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (1077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (1078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (1085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (1086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (1087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (1090, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom (1095, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Chaos (1096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Slow (1099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (1100, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (1101, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Winter (1104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Madness (1105, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Flame (1107, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Flame (1108, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Recharge (1126, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Heal (1127, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Shield (1139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Physical Shield (1140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Haste (1141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Wind Walk (1144, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Boost (1145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mighty Servitor (1146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (1147, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Spike (1148, 1) effect magical-attack-range [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Forget (1156, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body To Mind (1157, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Death Link (1159, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (1160, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Discord (1163, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Weakness (1164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poisonous Cloud (1167, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Poison (1168, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (1171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (1172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (1174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (1175, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (1176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Strike (1177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (1178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (1181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Shackle (1183, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (1204, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Shackle (1206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Poison (1209, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Mirage (1213, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Heal (1216, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (1217, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Battle Heal (1218, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Group Heal (1219, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (1220, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Chaos (1222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Poison (1224, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (1229, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (1230, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (1231, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decay (1233, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (1234, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (1235, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (1239, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (1240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (1242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (1243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Essence (1245, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Silence (1246, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Scourge (1247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Suspension (1248, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Vision (1249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Protection (1250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fury (1251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Evasion (1252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Rage (1253, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Party Return (1255, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Party Return (1255, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (1257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (1258, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (1259, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Tact (1260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Spark (1264, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (1265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Spark (1266, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Flare (1267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (1268, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Disease (1269, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Benediction (1271, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Benediction (1271, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Serenade (1273, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Bolt (1274, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Bolt (1275, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Haste (1282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Revenge (1284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Symphony (1288, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Assault (1292, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Symphony (1293, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Storm (1294, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (1295, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (1296, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clear Mind (1297, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Slow (1298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Cure (1300, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Blessing (1301, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (1303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Advanced Block (1304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Honor (1305, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Life (1306, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Predator (1308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Eagle (1309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Vampire (1310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body of Avatar (1311, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dwarven Craft (1321, 1) effect OpenDwarfRecipeBook [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Common Craft (1322, 1) effect OpenCommonRecipeBook [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Balance Life (1335, 1) effect RebalanceHP [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Disease (1367, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Dwarven Craft (1368, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Common Craft (1369, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Trade (1370, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Warehouse (1371, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Inventory (1372, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Link (1378, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Sense (1379, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse Gloom (1382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Might (1388, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Shield (1389, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Chant (1390, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Earth (1391, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (1392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (1393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (1396, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clarity (1397, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (1398, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1) effect call-pc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Inspiration (1405, 1) effect EnlargeAbnormalSlot [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cleanse (1409, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Salvation (1410, 1) effect ResurrectionSpecial [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect CpHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Miracle (1426, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect dispel-myself [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Recharge (1428, 1) effect ManaHealByLevel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1) effect CallParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Power (1432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Divinity (1440, 1) effect steal-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Art of Rapier (1444, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Voice Bind (1447, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Power (1459, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect PhysicalAttackMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Abyssal Power (1474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect CpHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord of Vampires (1507, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (1515, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stigma of Shilen (1539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (1543, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Cure Poison (1550, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Purify (1551, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Heal (1553, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Shield (1556, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1) effect servitor-share [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Pump (1565, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1) effect skill-evasion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect IgnoreDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Saver (1610, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Force (1612, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Body Crush (1613, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Recovery (1618, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (1619, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (1620, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood of Sacrifice (1622, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect ReduceDamage [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect Root [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect dispel-probability [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect SkillTurning [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Might (1810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Shield (1811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Wind Walk (1812, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Return (1813, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Focus (1814, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Death Whisper (1815, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Guidance (1816, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Heal (1817, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Haste (1818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Acumen (1819, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Vampiric Rage (1820, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Empower (1821, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Clarity (1822, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Agility (1823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Lightness (1824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Recharge (1825, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Greater Heal (1826, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fall Down (1896, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Field of Shilen (1897, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Potion (2001, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Drug (2002, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Squash Seed (2003, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Large Squash Seed (2004, 1) effect summon-npc [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Nectar (2005, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Endeavor Potion (2010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk Potion (2011, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Potion (2012, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Potion (2031, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater HP Potion (2032, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Walk Potion (2034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Haste Potion (2035, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major HP Potion (2037, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade HP Potion (2038, 1) effect hp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antidote (2042, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Antidote (2043, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (2044, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Emergency Dressing (2045, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition check-residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1) effect SummonPet [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Food (2048, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Guidance (2050, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Death Whisper (2051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Focus (2052, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Acumen (2053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Haste (2054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Agility (2055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Empower (2056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Might (2057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Wind Walk (2058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Shield (2059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Medicine (2060, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hatchling Food (2063, 1) effect feed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Mana Regeneration (2064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Box Key (2065, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Decrease Hate (2075, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Blessing (2076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mysterious Potion (2103, 1)) condition non-transformed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2122, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2123, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2124, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2125, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2126, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2127, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2128, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2129, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2130, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2131, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2132, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2133, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Momentum Stone (2165, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CP Potion (2166, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll (2167, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Haste Enhancement Potion (2169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Cancel Sleep (2170, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Food (2180, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1)) condition can-add-bookmark-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1) effect AddTeleportBookmarkSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (3005, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Evasion (3009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3018, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3019, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3020, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3021, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3022, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3024, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Anger (3026, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3028, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3029, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3030, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3031, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mortal Strike (3035, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3039, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3040, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3041, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Damage (3049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3059, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3060, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3061, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3062, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3069, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3070, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3074, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Empower (3076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3078, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3080, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Physical) (3081, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3082, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Physical) (3083, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Physical) (3084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3089, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Physical) (3091, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Physical) (3092, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3093, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3095, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Magic) (3096, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Magic) (3097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3098, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3102, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Magic) (3104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Magic) (3105, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3106, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Up (3108, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Down (3109, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3110, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Critical) (3111, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Critical) (3112, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3113, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Critical) (3119, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Critical) (3120, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3121, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3123, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3124, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Battle Roar (3125, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3127, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3128, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3130, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3131, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3132, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3135, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3138, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3145, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Rage (3148, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3149, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Active) (3150, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Peace (3151, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Trick (3152, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Touch (3153, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3154, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Celestial Shield (3158, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3162, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3163, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3164, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3165, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3167, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3168, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3169, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3170, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3173, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3175, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3179, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3180, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3182, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3183, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3186, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3193, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3195, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3196, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3197, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Refresh (3199, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Refresh (3200, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Refresh (3201, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Refresh (3202, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3204, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3207, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3208, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3209, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3211, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3212, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3213, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3214, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3215, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3216, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3217, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3218, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3219, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3220, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3221, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3222, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3223, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3224, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (3225, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3226, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3227, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3228, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3229, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3230, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3231, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3232, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3233, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3234, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3235, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3236, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3237, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weight Limit (3251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3255, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3256, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3257, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3258, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Agathion (3267, 1) effect UnsummonAgathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Castle (3268, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Rainbow Clan Hall (3269, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Beast Farm (3270, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Crit. (3271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Atk. (3272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Def. (3273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Physical Skill Evasion Rate (3274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Crit. (3275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Atk. (3276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Def. (3277, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Magic Skill Evasion Rate (3278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. HP (3279, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. MP (3280, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman Box - Guard (3281, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Denial (3282, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Block (3284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Bond (3286, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Guard (3287, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Denial (3288, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Block (3290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Bond (3292, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Healing Power (3293, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Power of Healing Magic (3294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Bracelet (3322, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bronze Bracelet (3323, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Light (3498, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Devotion, 3-piece (3501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: P. Critical Damage (3542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3543, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3544, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3546, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3548, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3549, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3550, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3571, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Slow (3574, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Hold (3577, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Protection (3584, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Immortal (3590, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Vampiric Mana (3596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Mana Limit (3598, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Multi-attack (3599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Burst (3630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Flow (3631, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect clan-system-message [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residential Stun Immunity (3633, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (4001, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Siphon (4002, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Body (4003, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fragile Skull (4004, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Skin (4008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Blow (4017, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant (4021, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4024, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Master Recharge (4025, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Flame (4026, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Heal (4027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (4031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4032, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4033, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4035, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4036, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (4038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Drain (4039, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4040, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruma Blaze (4041, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurka Blaze (4042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Flame (4043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Heal (4044, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Magic Attack Resistance (4045, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4046, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4047, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4048, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Strike (4049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Drain (4050, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Heal (4051, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Poison (4052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Weakness (4053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hex (4054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Shackle (4055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Vulnerability (4057, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animal Vulnerability (4058, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Plant Vulnerability (4059, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beast Vulnerability (4060, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Vulnerability (4061, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen (4062, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4064, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4065, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4066, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blow (4067, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mechanical Cannon (4068, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curve Beam (4069, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4070, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Weapon Resistance (4071, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4074, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4075, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4077, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4078, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Siege Hammer (4079, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Heal (4080, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kalis' Poison (4083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Attack Resistance (4084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (4085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (4086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4087, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4088, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Wolf (4090, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (4093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (4094, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4097, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4098, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4100, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (4104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Stink (4110, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4112, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4113, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Flame (4114, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Heal (4115, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Attack Resistance (4116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4118, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4119, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun (4120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoned Monster Magic Protection (4121, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4124, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reduce Delay (4126, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Attack (4127, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Of Force (4128, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (4129, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning (4130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4131, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4132, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4133, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Heal (4135, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium's Gift (4136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Screw (4137, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boom Attack (4139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Contract Payment (4140, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Fist (4141, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Wind Fist (4142, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb (4143, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic Attack (4144, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel (4147, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4148, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4149, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (4150, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4151, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4152, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (4154, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4156, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4157, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4158, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4159, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4160, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Ice (4165, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Stun (4166, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4168, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4170, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4171, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4173, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel (4177, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4179, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4181, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4182, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4185, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4186, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4188, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease MP (4190, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4191, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (4192, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (4193, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4194, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4195, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4197, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4198, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4201, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4202, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4203, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4204, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4205, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (4206, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4207, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4209, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4219, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Attack (4220, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Dual Attack (4221, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack Resistance (4225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ban Heal (4226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Regeneration (4227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Dagger Attack (4228, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Wind Fist (4229, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Cannon (4230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spit Attack (4231, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Attack (4233, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Cooldown (4238, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venomous Poison (4243, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (4244, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4247, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Drain (4248, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4250, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4251, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4252, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4253, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4254, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4255, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4256, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (4257, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hinder Strider (4258, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toxic Smoke (4259, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Blood (4260, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mega Storm Strike (4261, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Wind Walk (4262, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Haste (4263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Empower (4264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Might (4265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Shield (4266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4272, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Resistance (4273, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Vulnerability (4274, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Vulnerability (4276, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (4277, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Magic Attack Resistance (4283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Resistance (4284, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Resistance (4285, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Resistance (4287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4288, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:14][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Light Burst (4314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4315, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4316, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Rage Might (4317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4319, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4320, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (4322, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (4323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (4324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (4325, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (4326, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (4327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (4328, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (4329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (4330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (4331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Aegis (4332, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (4333, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SSQ Cancel (4334, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Vulnerability (4336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (4337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4342, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (4343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (4346, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4347, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4348, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4350, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (4351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4354, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4367, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Physical Attack Resistance (4376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wield Temper (4377, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Damage Shield (4378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Resistance (4379, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena CP Recovery (4380, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Lake Ghost (4382, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Resistance (4388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Resistance (4389, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4391, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4394, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4395, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4399, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4403, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4404, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4405, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (4406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Atk. (4410, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Atk. (4411, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Def. (4412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Def. (4413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Undead (4416, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animals (4417, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Resistance (4424, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Resistance (4425, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Resistance (4426, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Resistance (4427, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fire Resistance (4429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Water Resistance (4430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Resistance (4431, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Earth Resistance (4432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Holy Attack Resistance (4433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dark Attack Resistance (4434, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Stun Resistance (4435, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Poison Resistance (4436, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bleed Resistance (4437, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4438, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4439, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Paralysis Resistance (4440, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Mental Attack Resistance (4441, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fist Weapon Resistance (4442, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blunt Weapon Resistance (4443, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4444, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spear Resistance (4445, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dualsword Resistance (4446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sword Resistance (4447, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dagger Resistance (4448, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Vulnerability (4450, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Vulnerability (4451, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Vulnerability (4452, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Vulnerability (4453, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Vulnerability (4454, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Vulnerability (4455, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Vulnerability (4456, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Vulnerability (4457, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Vulnerability (4458, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Vulnerability (4459, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Vulnerability (4460, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Vulnerability (4461, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Vulnerability (4462, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Water (4463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Wind (4464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Earth (4465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (4466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Holy (4467, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4468, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Strike (4472, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (4474, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Complete Bleed Resistance (4475, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (4476, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (4477, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (4478, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Fairy's Blessing (4479, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (4480, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (4481, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4483, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devour Subordinate (4484, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4486, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (4487, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4488, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4489, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy War (4490, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlarging Head Curse (4492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4493, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4515, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen Heal (4516, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Attack Resistance (4521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eye of Assassin (4522, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon (4526, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore (4527, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4528, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (4529, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4530, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4531, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep/Stun Resistance (4542, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Stun (4543, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annulment (4548, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mutation Resistance (4555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease A D (4556, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease B D (4557, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease C D (4558, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4560, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4561, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4562, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4563, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4564, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4565, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4566, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4567, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4568, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4569, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4570, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (4571, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (4572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (4573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (4574, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4575, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4576, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4577, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4581, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4583, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Evasion (4586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4589, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4590, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4591, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4592, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4597, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4598, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4599, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magma Attack (4607, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4609, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wide Sweep (4612, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Heal (4613, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4614, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4615, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Petrification (4616, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Petrification (4617, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Target Cancellation (4618, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Sleep (4619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4620, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4621, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4622, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4623, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disease (4624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4625, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Barrier (4626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Barrier (4627, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4629, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4630, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4640, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Strike (4641, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (4642, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4643, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4643, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4644, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4645, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4646, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4647, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4648, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4649, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hold (4650, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Slow (4651, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Silence (4652, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4654, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4655, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4656, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4657, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4657, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4658, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4658, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4659, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4659, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4660, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4660, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4661, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4661, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4662, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4662, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (4663, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4664, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4665, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4666, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4667, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4668, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4669, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4670, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (4671, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (4671, 1) effect TargetMe [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Remove (4672, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Attack (4673, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Defense (4674, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Fighter (4675, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Mage Empower (4676, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Fighter Shield (4677, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Mage Barrier (4678, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas (4679, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas (4679, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Lava Skin (4680, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Lava Skin (4680, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Trample (4681, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Trample (4682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4683, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4683, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4684, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4684, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Tail Stamp (4685, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Tail Stamp (4686, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Fear (4689, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Fear (4689, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Meteor Storm (4690, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Recovery (4691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Enlargement (4692, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annul Enlargement (4693, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4695, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (4698, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Queen (4699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Queen (4699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Queen (4700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Queen (4700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure of Queen (4701, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Seraphim (4702, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Seraphim (4702, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Seraphim (4703, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Seraphim (4703, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure of Seraphim (4704, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shade Sacrifice (4707, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Strike (4708, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Strike (4708, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Blow (4709, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Stun (4710, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Stun (4710, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bright Burst (4712, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bright Heal (4713, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal Trick (4717, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal Trick (4718, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4719, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4721, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4722, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4723, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4724, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4724, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4725, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4726, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4727, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4727, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4728, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4729, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4730, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4731, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4732, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4733, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4735, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4737, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:15][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4738, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4739, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4740, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4741, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4742, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4743, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4744, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4744, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4745, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4745, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4746, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4747, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4748, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4748, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4749, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4750, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4751, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4752, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4753, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4754, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4755, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4756, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4757, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4758, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4759, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4759, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4760, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4760, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4761, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4761, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4762, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4763, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4763, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4764, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4765, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4766, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4768, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4769, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4769, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4770, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4770, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4771, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4772, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4773, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4774, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4775, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4776, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4778, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4779, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4780, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4781, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4782, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4783, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4784, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4785, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4786, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4787, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4788, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Lv. (4789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Lv. (4789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Mineral (4990, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Strike (4993, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Storm (4994, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alfred Strike (5000, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alfred Life Drain (5001, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giselle Vampiric Rage (5002, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giselle Tempest (5003, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Pose (5005, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:22][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Fighter (5009, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Mage (5010, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Bomb (5011, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Breath of Scarlet (5012, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Energy Drain (5013, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Attack (5014, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yoke of Scarlet (5016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Field (5018, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Energy Drain (5019, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Potion (5040, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb Dispel (5042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb Dispel (5042, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Supersonic Blaster (5043, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5045, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5051, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5052, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (5053, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (5056, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5065, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5073, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill The Victor of War (5074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill The Vanquished of War (5075, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Critical Damage (5078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Focus (5079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Focus (5079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Might (5080, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Might (5080, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5081, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5081, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5082, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blinding Blow (5084, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blinding Blow (5084, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anesthesia (5085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Poison (5086, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (5092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (5092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Meteor (5093, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Self-destruction (5094, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Strike (5095, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Power Shot (5096, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Self-destruction (5097, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Capture Penalty (5098, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Force (5104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Force (5105, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Big Bang (5111, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Big Bang (5111, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Big Bang (5111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5112, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Buff Dispel (5113, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hate (5115, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hold (5116, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hold (5116, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5117, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Sailren Use (5118, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5119, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailren Use Might (5122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-music (5124, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Resist Status (5125, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Recovery Bonus (5126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Recovery Bonus (5126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recover Momentum (5127, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recover Momentum (5127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximize long-range weapon use (5128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximize long-range weapon use (5128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Smokescreen (5129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Smokescreen (5129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Volcano (5130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tsunami (5131, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cyclone (5132, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gehenna (5133, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect Unsummon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slash (5135, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Slash (5136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grip of the Cat (5137, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grip of the Cat (5137, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whiplash (5138, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whiplash (5138, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tidal Wave (5139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Curse (5140, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Curse (5140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dicing Death (5141, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailren Use Blow (5143, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5146, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (5147, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prayer (5148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (5149, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (5150, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (5151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual (5152, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cheer (5153, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (5154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (5156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Might (5157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Might (5157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (5158, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (5159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Weakness (5160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Weakness (5160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (5161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (5162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (5163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (5164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (5165, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5166, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Winter (5167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5168, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5169, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5169, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (5170, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (5170, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralyze (5171, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Medusa (5172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5173, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5173, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5174, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5175, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5176, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Doom (5177, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Doom (5177, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill NPC Burn (5178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Protection (5182, 1) effect ProtectionBlessing [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Presentation - Magic-type Guard (5185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Haste (5186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Vampiric Rage (5187, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Regeneration (5188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Blessed Body (5189, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Blessed Soul (5190, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Guidance (5191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Wind Walk (5192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Acumen (5193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Empower (5194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Greater Heal (5195, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Wind Shackle (5196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Hex (5197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Slow (5198, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Curse Gloom (5199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Recharge (5200, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Concentration (5201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5202, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5203, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5203, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5205, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (5207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (Event) (5208, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (Event) (5209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (Event) (5210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (Event) (5211, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (Event) (5212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (Event) (5213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (Event) (5214, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (Event) (5215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (Event) (5216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (Event) (5217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Stun (5219, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Fear (5220, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Fear (5220, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Physical Close Range Vulnerability (5221, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Physical Long Range Vulnerability (5222, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Magic Vulnerability (5223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5230, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5231, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5231, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5232, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Weak (5233, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Mid (5234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Strong (5235, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Up (5236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Down (5237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing (5238, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing (5238, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5240, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5240, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5241, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5241, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Up (5244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Up (5244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Up (5245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Up (5245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Explosion (5246, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed of Darkness (5247, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed of Darkness (5247, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed Explosion (5248, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Circle (5249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5250, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5251, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5251, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5252, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5253, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5253, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invasion of Spirit (5254, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invasion of Spirit (5254, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5255, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Announcement of Death (5256, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (5257, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5258, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5259, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5259, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (5260, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rising Shot (5262, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Lightning (5263, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Emission (5265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (5266, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trap Explosion (5267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5268, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash Trap (5270, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash Trap (5270, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5271, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5271, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decoy Provocation (5272, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5273, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5274, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5275, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5276, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5277, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5278, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5280, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5282, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5283, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5284, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5285, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5286, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5287, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5288, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5289, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5290, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5291, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5292, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5293, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5294, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5295, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5296, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5297, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5298, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5299, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5300, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5301, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5301, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5302, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5302, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5303, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5303, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5304, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5304, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5305, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5305, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5306, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5306, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5307, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5307, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5308, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5308, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5309, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5309, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (5310, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (5311, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (5312, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5313, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5315, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (5316, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Hydro Blast (5317, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (5318, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5328, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Blast (5329, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Circle (5330, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (5331, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5332, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5333, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5334, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5335, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5336, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5338, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5340, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5342, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5350, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5356, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5358, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5359, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5360, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5363, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5363, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5364, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5364, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5365, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5365, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5366, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5366, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5367, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5369, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5369, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (5371, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (5372, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5374, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5376, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (5380, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (5382, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rock Strike (5383, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5389, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Blast (5390, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Circle (5391, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (5392, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5393, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5394, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Burn (5398, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heat of Desert (5399, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Beast Farm (5413, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Rainbow Clan Hall (5414, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Castle (5415, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5423, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5423, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5424, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5424, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Bomb (5430, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5438, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5439, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bite Attack (5442, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cry of the Wolf (5443, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maul (5444, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maul (5444, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5447, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Fortress (5458, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5461, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Shot (5468, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boss Petrification Resistance (5479, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Baylor Invincibility (5480, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Atk. Spd. Reduction (5491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5495, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Fireball (5496, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-Destruct (5498, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Lightening (5499, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Black Dragon Claw (5500, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Black Dragon Claw (5500, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5501, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5501, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5502, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5502, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Defense (5504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Blossom (5505, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Blossom (5506, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Blossom (5507, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Blossom (5508, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Power (5509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Power (5510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Power (5511, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Power (5512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Taint (5513, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Taint (5514, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Taint (5515, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Taint (5516, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurture (5517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Vampiric Shield (5520, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Vampiric Shield (5520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Dark Explosion (5522, 1) effect MagicalAttackByAbnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Melee Resistance (5525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Melee Resistance (5525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overflow (5527, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (5529, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Cute Trick (5535, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Cute Trick (5536, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rudolph Cuteness Trick (5537, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Escape (5540, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Escape (5540, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5541, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5541, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Ability of Blessed Escape (5544, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Ability of Blessed Escape (5544, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5545, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5545, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Momentum Attack (5548, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Momentum Attack (5548, 1) effect FocusSouls [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Vulnerability (5549, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Stun (5550, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5551, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5551, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal Up (5552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Bonus (5553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhanced Silence Resistance (5554, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Silence Resistance (5555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Cure (5579, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Bite (5580, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Stun Attack (5581, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Stun Attack (5581, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Fire Breath (5582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Roar (5583, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Howl (5584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Howl (5584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Roar (5585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Roar (5585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Might (5586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Shield (5587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Focus (5588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Death Whisper (5589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Battle Heal (5590, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (5592, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mana Burn (5593, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mana Burn (5593, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Invalid Skill (5597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrification Resistance (5598, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (5599, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (5600, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Resistance (5601, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transform Sacrifice (5602, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transform Sacrifice (5602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (5603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (5603, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (5604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (5604, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Vulnerability (5620, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aerial Recharge (5621, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (5627, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (5628, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (5629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (5630, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (5631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (5632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (5633, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (5634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (5635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (5636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Magic Barrier (5637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Blessed Body (5638, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Blessed Soul (5639, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Haste (5640, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Acumen (5643, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill not_used (5645, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Wild Magic (5646, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Clarity (5647, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Empower (5648, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Death Whisper (5652, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Focus (5653, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Guidance (5654, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Prominence (5657, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Prominence (5657, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Flame Strike (5658, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Flame Strike (5658, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Resistance (5663, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Vulnerability (5664, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5665, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5666, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5667, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5668, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5669, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5670, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5671, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5672, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oblivion Trap (5679, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oblivion Trap (5680, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - CP Drain (5681, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Cancel (5682, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Ignore Shield Defense (5683, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Attack Rate (5684, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Casting (5685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Rapid Fire (5686, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Decrease Range (5687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Decrease Resist (5688, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Shield - Reflect Damage (5689, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman - Increase Momentum (5695, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman - Increase Momentum (5695, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dizziness (5696, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dizziness (5696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal (5697, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal (5697, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (5699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (5700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (5701, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adiantum Round Fighter (5702, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Cannon (5708, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whirlpool (5709, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sword (5710, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Ditch (5712, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blade Cut (5720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blade Strike (5721, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hammer Assault (5722, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hammer Swing (5723, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broom Strike (5724, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broom Thrust (5725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scissors Attack (5726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scissors Strike (5727, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shovel Attack (5728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shovel Whirlwind (5729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Made Fireball (5730, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Incense of Death (5731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5732, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust of Wind (5734, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Katar Trusting (5736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Stamp (5737, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Roar (5738, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5739, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5739, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Pot (5741, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (5745, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Attack (5746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Attack (5747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Attack (5747, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Bolt (5749, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Bolt (5749, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash (5750, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash (5750, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Wave (5751, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Wave (5751, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flare (5752, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flare (5752, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5761, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wink (5763, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5765, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5766, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5768, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Transform Effect (5779, 1)) condition class [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Air Assault (5805, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (5826, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fireball (5827, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Flare (5828, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Flare (5829, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Thrust (5830, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Swing (5831, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Swing (5831, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (5832, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (5833, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (5834, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Heal (5835, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (5836, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (5836, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Throw Javelin (5837, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throw Javelin (5838, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Breath (5839, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (5840, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multi Defense (5841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multi Defense (5841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5842, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5843, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5843, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (5844, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Bleed (5845, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5846, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5849, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5851, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5851, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destruction of the Body (5862, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destruction of the Soul (5863, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Puncture (5878, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Puncture (5878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Expunge (5879, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Pommel (5882, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Pommel (5882, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Meggling Injury (5883, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5884, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5884, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5885, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5885, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ground Shaker (5886, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ground Shaker (5886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Shaker (5888, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cunning Coercion (5892, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Pain (5899, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Oblivion (5900, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mist of Oblivion (5901, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel NPC Trigger Target (5902, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Misplace (5903, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mist of Souleater (5904, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Entombment (5907, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Entombment (5908, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stronghold Attack (5909, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stronghold Attack (5910, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Putrefaction Cleanse (5913, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Root Vulnerability (5918, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Obey (5919, 1) effect BlockResurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tentacle of Agony (5920, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goring Charge (5925, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shielding of the Lost (5930, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Blade (5932, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Blade (5933, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Ring (5935, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Ring (5936, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5951, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5952, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5953, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Tinplate Golem (5954, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Joy (5955, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Angry Devil (5956, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Sorrow (5957, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Teddy Boy (5958, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Teddy Girl (5959, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (5969, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (5969, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (5975, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Storm (5976, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Isolation (5980, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6038, 1) effect BlockChat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6039, 1) effect BlockParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6040, 1) effect Flag [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Rush (6041, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Cleanse (6042, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Flame Feather (6043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Flame Beak (6044, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Piercing Attack (6046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whirlwind (6047, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lance Smash (6048, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (6050, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Burst (6051, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shock Wave (6052, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6055, 1) effect block-action [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6056, 1) effect block-action [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6057, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (6059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (6060, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (6090, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (6091, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (6092, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Hide (6093, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Hide (6093, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Cancel (6094, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Dark Claw (6095, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Dark Claw (6095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Fatal Claw (6096, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Neolithica (6124, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6125, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6126, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-limit (6127, 1) effect block-abnormal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Juju (6136, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Curse (6150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Yearning (6152, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Despair (6154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Presentation - Tyranno (6172, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Oink Oink (6197, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Light of the Dawn (6198, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tail Strike (6199, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dispel NPC Transformation (6200, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel NPC Transformation (6200, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Bite (6205, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Bite (6205, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Fear (6206, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Fear (6206, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Dash (6207, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Heatstroke (6240, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Sultriness (6251, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jump Attack (6268, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6274, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6274, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6275, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6275, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Ball (6278, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Nearby Range (6279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Announcement of Death (6280, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cold Judgement (6281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Magic (6282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Storm (6283, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage of Ice (6285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jinia's Prayer (6288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jinia's Prayer (6288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6290, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6291, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (6292, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6293, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leader's Roar (6294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (6296, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cylinder Throw (6297, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Breath - Ice Storm (6299, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Breath - Ice Storm (6299, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6300, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6300, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cold Mana Fragment (6301, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Air (6302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Air (6302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trial of the Coup (6303, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6304, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Gnosis (6305, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Strike (6306, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Opus of the Hand (6307, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Opus of the Wave (6308, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pain of the Ascetic (6309, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Loss of Quest (6310, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Thrust (6311, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Launch Holy Sword Energy (6312, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Bless (6313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Judgment (6314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Blow (6315, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Execution of Authority (6316, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divinity Tacit (6317, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Shield Defense (6318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Magic Protection (6319, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Holy Magic Circle (6320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Holy Magic Circle (6320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Flash (6321, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Impact (6322, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Bolt (6323, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Strike (6324, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Nova (6325, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Martyr's Happiness (6326, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divinity Worship (6327, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Judgement (6328, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Blow (6329, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Salmon Porridge Attack (6330, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Tired (6331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Full (6332, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Full (6332, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Bolt 1 (6333, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Bolt 1 (6333, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6334, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6334, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Rain 1 (6335, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Rain 2 (6336, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Slash 1 (6337, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Slash 2 (6338, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Hammer Attack (6339, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Hammer Attack (6339, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6340, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6340, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trap Over Steam (6342, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Power (6343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Power (6343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Roar (6380, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Roar (6380, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Soul Beam (6381, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Soul Beam (6381, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Rolling Claw (6382, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Roar (6383, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Roar (6383, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Blow (6384, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Critical Klaus (6385, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earth Rise (6386, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earth Rise (6386, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earthquake (6387, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Poison Breath (6416, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Poison Shot (6417, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Fury Poison Bomb (6418, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Fury Poison Bomb (6418, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light of Scout (6419, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lizard Blow (6420, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Rage (6421, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Resistance Explosion (6422, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6423, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6423, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Shot (6424, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demotivation Hex (6425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Priest's Ire (6426, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cozy Mucus (6429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cozy Mucus (6429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Roar Hip Heal (6430, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Might (6431, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Focus (6432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Guidance (6433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Haste (6434, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1)) condition class [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Core Area (6437, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Wisdom (6439, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Strength (6440, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Agility (6441, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Wisdom (6442, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Strength (6443, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Agility (6444, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Strike (6618, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Strike (6618, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Power Strike (6619, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Power Strike (6619, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Life (6625, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Energy of Life (6626, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Superior Energy of Life (6627, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Mana (6628, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Energy of Mana (6629, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Superior Energy of Mana (6630, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Power (6631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Atk. Spd. (6633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Crtical Attack (6635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Movement Speed (6636, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of HP Drain (6637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of HP Drain (6637, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1)) condition non-transformed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Crtical Rate: Damage (6639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Ball (6641, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (6642, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Strike (6643, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Shield (6666, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Wind Walk (6667, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Death Whisper (6668, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Blessed Body (6669, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Vampiric Rage (6670, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Blessed Shield (6672, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Range Increment (6674, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician's Perversity (6676, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoner's Blow (6679, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Wind Walk (6681, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Maguen Wind Walk (6682, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maguen Return (6683, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Return (6683, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maguen Party Return (6684, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Party Return (6684, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Holy Protection (6686, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awful Soup (6688, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awful Soup (6688, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP/MP Drain (6689, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6697, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6697, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ball Trapping Gnosian Agathion Cute Trick (6699, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ball Trapping Orodriel Agathion Cute Trick (6700, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Penalty Kick Agathion Cute Trick (6701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Piercing Attack (6706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk of Elcadia (6714, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste of Elcadia (6715, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might of Elcadia (6716, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper of Elcadia (6718, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance of Elcadia (6719, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus of Elcadia (6720, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower of Elcadia (6721, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen of Elcadia (6722, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration of Elcadia (6723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal of Elcadia (6724, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal of Elcadia (6724, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Blood of Elcadia (6725, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Blood (6726, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage of Elcadia (6727, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge of Elcadia (6728, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance of Elcadia (6729, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Battle Heal of Elcadia (6730, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Etis Shadow (6731, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mirage (6732, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fierce Attack (6736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (6737, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Wound (6743, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Wound (6743, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6748, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6748, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6749, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6750, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Revival (6752, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Revival (6752, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (6753, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (6754, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6755, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Talon (6756, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6757, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Strike (6760, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Blow Strike (6761, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Earth Strike (6763, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Earth Shot (6764, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Recovery (6765, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Tremor (6766, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6768, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6768, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (6769, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (6770, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6774, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6774, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Breath (6775, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6778, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6779, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Haste (6803, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Wind Walk (6804, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Empower (6805, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Acumen (6806, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Concentration (6807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Might (6808, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Guidance (6809, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Focus (6810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Death Whisper (6811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (6813, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (6813, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Focus (6813, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (6814, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (6814, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Force (6814, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena HP Recovery (6817, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill P. Def. Enhance (6820, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6842, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6842, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6844, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6845, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6846, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoner Strike (6849, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6850, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6851, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Strike (6852, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (6853, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (6854, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Strike (6855, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6857, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6859, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6860, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6861, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6861, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6862, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6863, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6865, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6866, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Strike (6867, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detonate (6869, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6870, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Magic Attack (6871, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6872, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (6873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Magic Attack (6874, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6875, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6876, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6877, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6878, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6879, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (6880, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Strike (6881, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (6882, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Recovery (6886, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Strike (6887, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Shot (6888, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Attack (6889, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Attack (6891, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (6892, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Attack (6893, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (6894, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Attack (6895, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (6896, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Antharas' Cute Tricks (6916, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Kanna's Splendor (6917, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Kallesin's Splendor (6918, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Buff (7001, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Debuff (7002, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel All (7003, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Petrification (7004, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Chant of Vampire (7005, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Chant of Vampire (7005, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill The Love of Pa'agrio (7006, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stationary NPCs (7028, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon King Bugbear (7030, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Hunter Gargoyle (7032, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Focus (7041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Death Whisper (7042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Haste (7043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Guidance (7044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Blessed Body (7045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Blessed Soul (7046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Agility (7047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Acumen (7048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Decrease Weight (7049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Might (7050, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Shield (7051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Magic Barrier (7052, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Vampiric Rage (7053, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Empower (7054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Wind Walk (7055, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Greater Might (7057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Greater Shield (7058, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Wild Magic (7059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Clarity (7060, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Test Stun Charge (7066, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Sharpen Edge (7094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Sharpen Edge (7094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Encase Armor (7095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Blessing of Fire Dragon (7096, 1) effect NoblesseBless [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Shadow Move (7097, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Heal (7098, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Fear (7099, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Fear (7099, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Stun (7100, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Aerial Thrust (7101, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Aerial Thrust (7101, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Clan Pet (7102, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Clan Pet (7102, 1)) condition clan [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Clan Pet (7102, 1) effect SummonPet [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Incubation Possible (7105, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Optimal Temperature Incubation Success (7106, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Incubation Success (7107, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Incubation Failure (7108, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Invincibility Effect (7113, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Invincibility Effect (7113, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Shiny (8256, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Earring (8293, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Earring (8293, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Earring (8293, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Nevit's Messenger Kanna (8522, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:23][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Watermelon Seed (9029, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Honey Watermelon Seed (9030, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Copied Watermelon Seed (9031, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Copied Honey Watermelon Seed (9032, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Moving (9206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dismount (9210, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (Low-grade) (9504, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (Low-grade) (9504, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (Mid-grade) (9505, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (Mid-grade) (9505, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (High-grade) (9506, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (High-grade) (9506, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (Top-grade) (9507, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (Top-grade) (9507, 1) effect PkCount [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yum Yum Candy (9618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yum Yum Candy (9618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nom Nom Candy (9619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nom Nom Candy (9619, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Yummy Gift Box (9620, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yummy Gift Box (9620, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1) effect pull-back [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Throwing Dagger (10539, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Dagger (10539, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Dagger (10539, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Soulshots (11316, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Soulshots (11316, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spiritshots (11318, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spiritshots (11318, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Debuff Immunity (11786, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 1 (13656, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 2 (13657, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 3 (13658, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 4 (13659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 5 (13660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Additional Brooch Effect (13661, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cross Slash (14001, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfixion Attack (14002, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (14055, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Drain Status (14559, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Siege Punch (14767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Intense Slash (14826, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Purity Blast (14828, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Explosion (14830, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Platonic Blizzard (14832, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Weapon (15127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Armor (15128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (15155, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (15155, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15182, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15182, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15183, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15183, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15184, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15184, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15185, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15185, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15186, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15186, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15187, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15187, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Multiple Arrow (15188, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Multiple Arrow (15189, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Multiple Arrow (15190, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Heavy Arrow Rain (15191, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Heavy Arrow Rain (15192, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Heavy Arrow Rain (15193, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clear Target (15218, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Strike (15219, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Explosion (15220, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Explosion (15220, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Spear (15221, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Home Thrust (15222, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Slice (15223, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bloody Breath (15224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bloody Breath (15224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Wave (15225, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Wave (15226, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Wave (15226, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Added Blow (15227, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Wave (15228, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Wave (15229, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Wave (15229, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Added Blow (15230, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Up (15232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Swing (15233, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Spheres (15234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Spheres (15234, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Darkness (15235, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Darkness (15235, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Darkness (15235, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Thrust (15236, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Buster (15237, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15291, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Instant Recovery (15362, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (15394, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (15394, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (15394, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Skill Usage Restriction Area (15396, 1) effect block-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Detonate (15397, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flame Throw (15398, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Darkness (15400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Darkness (15400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Darkness (15400, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wisp's Blessing (15402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wisp's Blessing (15402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Favor Exchange (15403, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unable to Target (15404, 1) effect DisableTargeting [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Break (15411, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Break (15411, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Supersonic Blaster (15431, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (15432, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (15433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15434, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (15435, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wide Sweep (15436, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (15437, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (15438, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15439, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (15440, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (15441, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15442, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15443, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15444, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Strike (15445, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15446, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15447, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (15449, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (15450, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15451, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (15452, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (15453, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's Voice (15456, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's Reign (15457, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memorable Raid Shield (15458, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (15459, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (15460, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15461, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (15462, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (15463, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (15464, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's CON Increase (15466, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's Def. Increase (15467, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's M. Def. Decrease (15468, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rites for Triol (15469, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel HP Regeneration (15470, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spore Spray (15476, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spore Spray (15476, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corrosive Acid Spray (15477, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corrosive Acid Spray (15477, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corrosive Acid Spray (15477, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spread Disease (15478, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spread Disease (15478, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vomit Mucus (15479, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoot Poison (15480, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoot Spider Web (15481, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (15608, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (15610, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tornado Slasher (15611, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (15675, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Stun (15676, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti Leap Attack (16036, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti Leap Attack (16036, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti Leap Attack (16037, 1) effect RealDamage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti (16101, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oasis Energy (16130, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oasis Energy (16130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oasis Energy (16130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absorb Wind (16389, 1) effect vital-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Snowy Squash Nectar (17110, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snowy Squash Seed (17111, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Large Snowy Squash Seed (17112, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Change Hair Accessory (17192, 1) effect HairAccessorySet [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion Seal- Aries (17613, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Pisces (17619, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Cancer (17621, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (17706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (17706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (17706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (17708, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (17708, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (17708, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (17709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (17709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (17709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aquamarine - Mana Drain (18448, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Anniversary Buff (18451, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Garnet (18566, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Advent (19009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Advent (19009, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Seal of Ruler (19034, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (19034, 1) effect take-castle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (19034, 1) effect TakeCastleStart [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Imprint of Darkness (19035, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Imprint of Darkness (19035, 1) effect take-castle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Imprint of Darkness (19035, 1) effect TakeCastleStart [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Light (19036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Light (19036, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape: Castle (19041, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape: Castle (19041, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (19042, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (19042, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill No Clan Return (19113, 1) effect BlockEscape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill No Clan Resurrection (19114, 1) effect BlockResurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Kick (20002, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Slash (20003, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Dash (20004, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Aura (20005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion - Uthanka (21109, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion - Uthanka (21233, 1) effect summon-agathion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Uthanka Agathion Cute Trick (23087, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Singer & Dancer Agathion Cute Trick (23234, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (23298, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (23299, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (23300, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit (32000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit (32000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit - Event (32001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit - Event (32001, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill XP Boost Scroll - Exchangeable (32002, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Exchangeable (32002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Exchangeable (32002, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill High-grade Dye Chest (32012, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Dye Chest (32012, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dye Chest (32013, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Chest (32013, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dandy's Homerun Ball (32030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dandy's Homerun Ball (32030, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (32031, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (32031, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (32031, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Elven Village (32032, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Elven Village (32032, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Elven Village (32032, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dark Elf Village (32033, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dark Elf Village (32033, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Dark Elf Village (32033, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Orc Village (32034, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Orc Village (32034, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Orc Village (32034, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dwarven Village (32035, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dwarven Village (32035, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Dwarven Village (32035, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Gludin Village (32036, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Gludin Village (32036, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Gludin Village (32036, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Town of Gludio (32037, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Town of Gludio (32037, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Town of Gludio (32037, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Cruma Tower (32044, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Cruma Tower (32044, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Cruma Tower (32044, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Dragon Valley (32045, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Dragon Valley (32045, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Dragon Valley (32045, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Dragon Valley Bridge (32046, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Dragon Valley Bridge (32046, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Espcape: Dragon Valley Bridge (32046, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Storm's Energy (32049, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (32049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (32049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant (35006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau (35010, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return of the Refined Romantic Chapeau (35011, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return of the Refined Romantic Chapeau (35011, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ring of Core - Special Ability (35016, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core - Special Ability (35016, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unequip Talisman of Insolence Lv. 6 (35019, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Baium - Removal (35021, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fate Purification (35025, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Enhance (35032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Enhance (35032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Belt (35040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Belt (35040, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Battle - Liberate (35045, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Empower (39013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Might (39014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Shield (39015, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fury (39016, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (39017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Wind (39018, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (No-grade) (39020, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (No-grade) (39020, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (D-grade) (39021, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (D-grade) (39021, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (C-grade) (39022, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (C-grade) (39022, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (B-grade) (39023, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (B-grade) (39023, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (A-grade) (39024, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (A-grade) (39024, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (39025, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (39025, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk Potion (39028, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chapeau's Side Effect (39043, 1)) condition non-transformed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Chapeau (39044, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Chapeau (39044, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Chapeau (39044, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau's Authority (39045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau's Authority (39045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Might (39047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Shield (39048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Magic Barrier (39049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Vampiric Rage (39050, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Empower (39051, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Gludio (39053, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Gludio (39053, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Dion (39054, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Dion (39054, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Giran (39055, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Giran (39055, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Oren (39056, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Oren (39056, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's XP Rune (39057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's XP Rune (39057, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rare Accessory Box (39058, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rare Accessory Box (39058, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spellbook Box (39059, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellbook Box (39059, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Major HP Potion (39069, 1) effect HealOverTime [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill D grade Weapon Pack (39072, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill D grade Weapon Pack (39072, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill C grade Weapon Pack (39073, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill C grade Weapon Pack (39073, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Advanced Return Scroll (39075, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Advanced Return Scroll (39075, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew- Guildsman's Gratitude (39076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew- Guildsman's Gratitude (39076, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Gludin Harbor (39077, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Gludin Harbor (39077, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return: Gludin Harbor (39077, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Giran Harbor (39078, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Giran Harbor (39078, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return: Giran Harbor (39078, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Perfect Charm (39082, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Hunter's Village (39100, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Hunter's Village (39100, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chase Down (39101, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sneak (39102, 1) effect ChameleonRest [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Scroll of Resurrection (39109, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Scroll of Resurrection (39109, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Mermaid's Tear (39113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Mermaid's Tear (39113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill 2,000 SP Scroll (39118, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill 10,000 SP Scroll (39119, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39124, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39124, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39125, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39125, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill C-grade Armor Supply Box (39126, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill C-grade Armor Supply Box (39126, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill B-grade Armor Supply Box (39127, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill B-grade Armor Supply Box (39127, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ornament Supply Box (C-grade) (39128, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ornament Supply Box (C-grade) (39128, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ornament Supply Box - B-grade (39129, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ornament Supply Box - B-grade (39129, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll (39134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll (39134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman of Darkness Box (39147, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness Box (39147, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Blessed Talisman of Fate (39148, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Blessed Talisman of Fate (39148, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman of Baium Box (39149, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Baium Box (39149, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ornament Supply Box (A-grade) (39152, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ornament Supply Box (A-grade) (39152, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Oriana's Lucky Draw Supply (39170, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oriana's Lucky Draw Supply (39170, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Oriana's Disguise (39171, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oriana's Disguise (39171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oriana's Disguise (39171, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box (A-grade) (39172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box (A-grade) (39172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill A-grade Armor Supply Box (39173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill A-grade Armor Supply Box (39173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill +8 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39174, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill +8 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39174, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill +16 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39175, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill +16 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39175, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Low-grade Scroll: XP (39180, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mid-grade Scroll: XP (39181, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Scroll: XP (39182, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Top-grade Scroll: XP (39183, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Highest-grade Scroll: XP (39184, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maliss's MP Potion (39198, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Life Stone Pack (39203, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Stone Pack (39203, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Blessing (39204, 1) effect acquire-xp-sp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dimensional Gift (39207, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Gift (39207, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saviour's Scroll of Growth (39211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saviour's Scroll of Growth (39211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Newbie MP Recovery Potion (39257, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior MP Recovery Potion (39258, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Officer of Balthus Knights (39272, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Officer of Balthus Knights (39272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Officer of Balthus Knights (39272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box +15 (A-grade) (39368, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box +15 (A-grade) (39368, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll (40143, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll: 20,000 (40144, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tyrr Critical Stun (45001, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel Defense (45002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel Health (45003, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tyrr Haste (45004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell Focus (45005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell Might Mortal (45006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Critical Damage (45007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Guidance (45008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Focus (45009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Empower (45010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss Acumen (45011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss Wind Wind Walk (45012, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn Boost Mana (45013, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn's Lightness (45014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore Magic Regeneration (45015, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore Healing (45016, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (STR +1 INT +1) (45021, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45022, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (CON +1 MEN +1) (45023, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Napoleon Hat (STR +1, INT +1) (45024, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Napoleon Hat (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45025, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Napoleon Hat (CON +1 MEN +1) (45026, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Hair Accessory (STR +1 INT +1) (45027, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Hair Accessory (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45028, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Hair Accessory (CON +1 MEN +1) (45029, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (STR +1 INT +1) (45030, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45031, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (CON +1 MEN +1) (45032, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (STR +1 INT +1) (45033, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45034, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (CON +1 MEN +1) (45035, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (STR +1 INT +1) (45036, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45037, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (CON +1 MEN +1) (45038, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Soul Gathering (45151, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Soul Gathering (45152, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark - Stage 1 (45154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark - Stage 1 (45154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark - Stage 1 (45154, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Impact (45155, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Impact (45155, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Soul Impact (45156, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Enuma Elish (45157, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enuma Elish (45157, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Enuma Elish (45158, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rush Impact (45159, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (45159, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (45159, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Slash (45160, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Slash (45160, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Soul Thrust (45162, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Spark (45163, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Spark (45163, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin Soul Spark (45164, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Strike (45165, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (45165, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Strike (45166, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (45166, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Strike (45167, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (45167, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Twin Shot (45168, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twin Shot (45168, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin- Twin Shot (45169, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Multiple Shot (45170, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multiple Shot (45170, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Multiple Shot (45171, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aiming Target (45173, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attacking [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-change-exp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attacking [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-avoid [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Shine Soul Absorption (45180, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Shadow Soul Absorption (45181, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion Mastery (45184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill STR enhancement bonus (45191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill STR enhancement bonus (45191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill STR enhancement bonus (45191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill INT enhancement bonus (45192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill INT enhancement bonus (45192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill INT enhancement bonus (45192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill DEX enhancement bonus (45193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill DEX enhancement bonus (45193, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill DEX enhancement bonus (45193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill WIT enhancement bonus (45194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill WIT enhancement bonus (45194, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill WIT enhancement bonus (45194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CON enhancement bonus (45195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CON enhancement bonus (45195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CON enhancement bonus (45195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MEN enhancement bonus (45196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MEN enhancement bonus (45196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MEN enhancement bonus (45196, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Strike - Transcendence (45199, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mortal Blow - Transcendence (45200, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Shot - Transcendence (45201, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Iron Punch - Transcendence (45202, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Sonic Slash - Transcendence (45203, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Sonic Slash - Transcendence (45204, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Shot - Transcendence (45205, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Strike - Transcendence (45206, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Blow - Transcendence (45207, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burning Fist - Transcendence (45208, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hurricane Assault - Transcendence (45209, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Shot - Transcendence (45210, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Blow - Transcendence (45211, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tribunal - Transcendence (45212, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Judgment - Transcendence (45213, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cursed Pierce - Transcendence (45214, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Strike - Transcendence (45215, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Beat - Transcendence (45216, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guard Crush - Transcendence (45217, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Smash - Transcendence (45226, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Impact - Transcendence (45227, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Thrust - Transcendence (45228, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Spark - Transcendence (45229, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Twin Shot - Transcendence (45230, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bleed - Transcendence (45233, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Glory Expand Inventory (45234, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Glory Expand Limit Weight (45235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Destruction (50039, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Bolt (50043, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Bolt (50043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Physical (50046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Defense (50047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Defense (50047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Magic (50048, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Rage (50050, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Rage (50050, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stone Crusher (50054, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stone Slide (50058, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth's Fury (50059, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (50069, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tears of Fire (50070, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (50091, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Attack (50092, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stone Attack (50093, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Despair of Shade (50094, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord Ishka's Raid Shield (50122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord Ishka's Raid Shield (50122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Event (50134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Event (50134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Potion (50151, 1) effect HpCpHeal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape: Adaptation Training (50152, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape: Adaptation Training (50152, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape: Adaptation Training (50152, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inventory Test (50156, 1) effect enlarge-slot [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tomb of Ancient Pirates Time Recharge Stone (50158, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tomb of Ancient Pirates Time Recharge Stone (50178, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Brooch (50183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Agathion Bracelet (50184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Griffin Agathion (50186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Gem Fragment (50187, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Belt (50301, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Belt (50301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Cloak (50302, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Cloak (50302, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchanted Adventurer’s Cloak (50303, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchanted Adventurer’s Cloak (50303, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau of Glory (50304, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau of Glory (50304, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau of Glory (50304, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50306, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50306, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Silence (50308, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Silence (50308, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Active: Gloves of Silence. (50309, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Active: Gloves of Silence. (50309, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Primary and Secondary Agathion Slots (51025, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Pisces Agathion (51028, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Cancer Agathion (51029, 1) effect summon-agathion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 1 (51038, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 1 (51038, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 2 (51039, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 2 (51039, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 3 (51040, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 3 (51040, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 4 (51041, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 4 (51041, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 10,000,000 XP (51043, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 50,000,000 XP (51044, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 100,000,000 XP (51045, 1) effect GiveXp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box +8 (A-grade) (51057, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box +8 (A-grade) (51057, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack Strength (51093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack Strength (51094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack Strength (51095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack Strength (51096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Ignis Agathion (51101, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Nebula Agathion (51102, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Procella Agathion (51103, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Petram Agathion (51104, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick MP Potion (51125, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Intermediate Spirit's Blessing (51126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Spirit's Blessing (51127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack Potion (51130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack Potion (51131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack Potion (51132, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack Potion (51133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Christmas Amulet (51157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Christmas Amulet (51157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Christmas Amulet (51157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Quick MP Potion (51162, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Loud Wolves (51381, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Loud Wolves (51381, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Loud Wolves (51381, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Troublemaker of Forest (51382, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Troublemaker of Forest (51382, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Troublemaker of Forest (51382, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clean the Yard (51383, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clean the Yard (51383, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Clean the Yard (51383, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Suspicious Men (51384, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Suspicious Men (51384, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Suspicious Men (51384, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Disruptors (51385, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Disruptors (51385, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Disruptors (51385, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Captain Bathis (51386, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Captain Bathis (51386, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Captain Bathis (51386, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 10,000 SP (51396, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 100,000 SP (51397, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1) effect pull-back [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reduce Crisis (53004, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Detect Darkness (53005, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Darkness (53005, 1) effect Detection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Darkness (53005, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bind (53006, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Defense (54023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Defense (54024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Defense (54025, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Defense (54026, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increases Skill XP (54027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit's Blessing (54028, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ignis Necklace (54030, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ignis Necklace (54030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nebula Necklace (54031, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nebula Necklace (54031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Procella Necklace (54032, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Procella Necklace (54032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petram Necklace (54033, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petram Necklace (54033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim's Recovery (54036, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith's Recovery (54037, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak (54038, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak (54038, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Wind (54043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Wind (54043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Wind (54043, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Shield (54100, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Magic Barrier (54101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Decrease Weight (54103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Wind Walk (54105, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Might (54106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Focus (54108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Haste (54109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Death Whisper (54110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Empower (54111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Clarity (54112, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Wild Magic (54113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Acumen (54114, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Concentration (54115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Restore HP (54117, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Restore MP (54118, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fire Attack Potion (54122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Water Attack Potion (54123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Attack Potion (54124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Earth Attack Potion (54125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55003, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Healing Potion (55015, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Quick Healing Potion (55016, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55035, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Healing Potion (55037, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Quick Healing Potion (55038, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attendance Reward XP Rune. (55042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attendance Reward XP Rune. (55042, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55043, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55043, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill LineageII Box (55044, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill LineageII Box (55044, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Box (55045, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Box (55045, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Memories Box (55046, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memories Box (55046, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Romantic Bless the Body (55047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Romantic Wind Walk (55048, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: Low-grade XP/SP Boost (55051, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Low-grade XP/SP Boost (55051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Low-grade XP/SP Boost (55051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (55057, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Griffin (55059, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Griffin's Blessing (55060, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Regular XP/SP Boost (55061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Regular XP/SP Boost (55061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Mid-grade XP/SP Boost (55062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Mid-grade XP/SP Boost (55062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Quick Healing Potion (55063, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Greater Quick Healing Potion (55064, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Death Whisper (55066, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Castle Blessed Scroll of Escape (55067, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Castle Blessed Scroll of Escape (55067, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Blessed Scroll of Escape (55067, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Blessing of Castle (55068, 1) effect NoblesseBless [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Ring (55069, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Ring (55069, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Ring (55069, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Earrings (55070, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Earrings (55070, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Earrings (55070, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Necklace (55071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Necklace (55071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Necklace (55071, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill LineageII Box (55072, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill LineageII Box (55072, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Box (55073, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Box (55073, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Memories Box (55074, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memories Box (55074, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Healing Potion (55083, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Quick Healing Potion (55084, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55085, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55086, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55089, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55089, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55090, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55098, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55098, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55098, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55100, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55105, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55105, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55105, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55107, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55107, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55107, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55110, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55111, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55112, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55112, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55113, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55113, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55121, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pendant Enchant Effect (55133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pendant Enchant Effect (55133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 1 (55161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 1 (55161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 1 (55161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 1 (55168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 1 (55168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55174, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55174, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55175, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55175, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Atk. (55176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Atk. Spd. (55177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - M. Def. (55178, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - M. Atk. (55179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Casting Spd. (55180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Accuracy (55181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Accuracy (55181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Def. (55182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Speed (55183, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Evasion (55184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Evasion (55184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Healing (55185, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Invisibility (55186, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Invisibility (55186, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Invisibility (55186, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - STR (55187, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - INT (55188, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - CON (55189, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - DEX (55190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - MEN (55191, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - WIT (55192, 1) effect base-stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 1 (55193, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 1 (55193, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 2 (55194, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 2 (55194, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 3 (55195, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 3 (55195, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 4 (55196, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 4 (55196, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 5 (55197, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 5 (55197, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 6 (55198, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 6 (55198, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 7 (55199, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 7 (55199, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 8 (55200, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 8 (55200, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 9 (55201, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 9 (55201, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 10 (55202, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 10 (55202, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 11 (55203, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 11 (55203, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 12 (55204, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 12 (55204, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 13 (55205, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 13 (55205, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (55228, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 100% (55234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 100% (55234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste Potion (55235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Potion - Casting Spd. (55236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Vampiric Rage (55237, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Mana Regeneration (55241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Dance of the Warrior (55243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Dance of the Mystic (55244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rune of Boost (55246, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau (55247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau (55247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 1 (55248, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 2 (55249, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 2 (55249, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 3 (55250, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 3 (55250, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 4 (55251, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 4 (55251, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 5 (55252, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 5 (55252, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel's Protection (55253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel Protection (55254, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tyrr Might (55255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tyrr Haste (55256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell's Focus (55257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell Critical Damage (55258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Wind Walk (55259, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Guidance (55260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Magical Power (55261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Magical Power (55261, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Empower (55262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss' Magic Regeneration (55263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss' Boost Mana (55264, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn's Acumen (55265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn's Lightness (55266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore's Regeneration (55267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore's Heal (55268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion - Dance of Fury (55270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion - Dance of Concentration (55271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion - Song of Wind (55272, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Development (55273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Speed (55274, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Accuracy (55275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Ring (55290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Ring (55290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Ring (55290, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Earring (55292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Earring (55292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Necklace (55294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Necklace (55294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Necklace (55294, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Chest (55317, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Chest (55317, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lineage II Chest (55319, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lineage II Chest (55319, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Memories Chest (55320, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memories Chest (55320, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Chest (55321, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Chest (55321, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55338, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55338, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55354, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55354, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 4 Hours (55359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 4 Hours (55359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Rune - 100% (55360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Rune - 100% (55360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Superspeed Potion (55361, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Reputation Score - 10 (55362, 1) effect GiveClanReputation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Reputation Score - 50 (55363, 1) effect GiveClanReputation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Reputation Score - 150 (55364, 1) effect GiveClanReputation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Commemorative Amulet - 100% (55397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Commemorative Amulet - 100% (55397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's SP Scroll (55398, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tryout Glorious Cloak (55399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tryout Glorious Cloak (55399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tryout Glorious Cloak (55399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Talisman (55401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Talisman (55401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Belt (55402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - One-eyed Bat Drove (55416, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Zaken's Spirit Swords (55417, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Pegasus (55418, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Guangong (55419, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Mr. Lucky (55420, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Phoenix (55421, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Saerom (55422, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Gwanseum Nyang (55423, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Blue Opera (55424, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Red Opera (55425, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Miss Chipao (55426, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Flower Fairy Spirit (55427, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Lancet (55428, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Liposa (55429, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Velarin (55430, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Dulcinel (55431, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Chimeros (55432, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Niveri (55433, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Hamell (55434, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Joriya (55435, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Ralmak (55436, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Goras (55437, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Vensar (55438, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Kiela (55439, 1) effect summon-agathion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill One-eyed Bat Drove Agathion Cute Trick (55440, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Zaken's Spirit Swords Agathion Cute Trick (55441, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Pegasus Agathion Cute Trick (55442, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guangong Agathion Cute Trick (55443, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mr. Lucky Agathion Cute Trick (55444, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Phoenix Agathion Cute Trick (55445, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Saerom Agathion Cute Trick (55446, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Gwanseum Nyang Agathion Cute Trick (55447, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blue Opera Agathion Cute Trick (55448, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Red Opera Agathion Cute Trick (55449, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Miss Chipao Agathion Cute Trick (55450, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flower Fairy Spirit Agathion Cute Trick (55451, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lancet Agathion Cute Trick (55452, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Liposa Agathion Cute Trick (55453, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Velarin Agathion Cute Trick (55454, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dulcinel Agathion Cute Trick (55455, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chimeros Agathion Cute Trick (55456, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Niveri Agathion Cute Trick (55457, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hamell Agathion Cute Trick (55458, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Joriya Agathion Cute Trick (55459, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ralmak Agathion Cute Trick (55460, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Goras Agathion Cute Trick (55461, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Vensar Agathion Cute Trick (55462, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Kiela Agathion Cute Trick (55463, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Brooch (55468, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch (55469, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (55470, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (55472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (55472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (55472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone - Vital Wind (55473, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone - Vital Wind (55473, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (55474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (55474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (55474, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (55475, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (55475, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (55475, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (55476, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (55476, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (55476, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Garnet (55485, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Brooch (55510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Brooch - Additional Effect (55511, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Minion Eye (55543, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Minion Eye's Blessed Resurrection (55553, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Blessed Resurrection (55553, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Matryoshka's Blessing (55555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Matryoshka's Blessing (55555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's MP Recovery Potion (55589, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Growth Amulet (55591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Growth Amulet (55591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (STR+1 INT+1) (55605, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55606, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (CON+1 MEN+1) (55607, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uniform Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55608, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uniform Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55609, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uniform Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55610, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin's Bamboo Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55611, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin's Bamboo Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55612, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin's Bamboo Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55613, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55614, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55615, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55616, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55617, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55618, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55619, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wedding Veil (STR+1 INT+1) (55620, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wedding Veil (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55621, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wedding Veil (CON+1 MEN+1) (55622, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maid Hair Accessory (STR+1 INT+1) (55623, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maid Hair Accessory (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55624, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maid Hair Accessory (CON+1 MEN+1) (55625, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Red (STR+1 INT+1) (55626, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Red (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55627, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Red (CON+1 MEN+1) (55628, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Angel Ring (STR+1 INT+1) (55629, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Angel Ring (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55630, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Angel Ring (CON+1 MEN+1) (55631, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Wizard Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55632, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Wizard Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55633, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Wizard Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55634, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Laborer Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55635, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Laborer Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55636, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Laborer Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55637, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Top Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55638, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Top Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55639, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55640, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vigilante Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55641, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vigilante Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55642, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vigilante Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55643, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55644, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55645, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55646, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (STR+1 INT+1) (55647, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55648, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (CON+1 MEN+1) (55649, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55650, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55651, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55652, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Blue (STR+1 INT+1) (55653, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Blue (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55654, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Blue (CON+1 MEN+1) (55655, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gold-rimmed Glasses (STR+1 INT+1) (55656, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gold-rimmed Glasses (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55657, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gold-rimmed Glasses (CON+1 MEN+1) (55658, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn-rimmed Glasses (STR+1 INT+1) (55659, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn-rimmed Glasses (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55660, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn-rimmed Glasses (CON+1 MEN+1) (55661, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stylish Straw Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55662, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stylish Straw Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55663, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stylish Straw Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55664, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chic Silver Chapeau (STR+1 INT+1) (55665, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chic Silver Chapeau (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55666, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chic Silver Chapeau (CON+1 MEN+1) (55667, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Afro Hair (STR+1 INT+1) (55668, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Afro Hair (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55669, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Afro Hair (CON+1 MEN+1) (55670, 1) effect base-stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Eva's Hair Accessory Pack (55674, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Hair Accessory Pack (55674, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Newbie Amulet (55696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Newbie Amulet (55696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Dance of Fire (55700, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Sin Eater (55701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Sin Eater (55701, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Cat's Eye (55705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Cat's Eye (55705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Cat's Eye (55705, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Cat's Eye (55706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Cat's Eye (55706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Cat's Eye (55706, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Remove Lv. 4 Brooch (55711, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Brooch (55712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Brooch - Additional Effect (55713, 1) effect enlarge-slot [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chef's Fish Stew Box (55715, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew Box (55715, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 50% (55718, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 50% (55718, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feather Rune (55719, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55720, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55720, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Storm Power (55721, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Power (55721, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Power (55721, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect damage-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Elmoreden (55744, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Elmoreden (55744, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Elmoreden (55744, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Aden (55745, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Elmore (55746, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Elmore (55746, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Ferios (55747, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Ferios (55747, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Spirit Shot (55748, 1) effect RealDamage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Elmoreden (55749, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Aden (55750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Elmore (55751, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Elmore (55751, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery of Ferios (55752, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense of Ferios (55753, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense of Ferios (55753, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery of Elmoreden (55754, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55755, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55756, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55757, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55759, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55760, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55761, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55762, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55763, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55764, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55765, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55766, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55767, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55768, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55769, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55771, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55772, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55774, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55775, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55776, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55777, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55778, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55779, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55780, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55781, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55782, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55784, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55785, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55786, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55787, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55788, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55790, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55791, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55792, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55793, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55794, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55795, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55796, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55796, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55796, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55797, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55797, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55797, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55798, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55798, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55798, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55799, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55799, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55799, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55802, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55803, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55804, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55805, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55806, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55808, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55809, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55812, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55813, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55814, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55815, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55816, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55817, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55818, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55819, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55820, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55821, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55822, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55825, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55826, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55827, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55828, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55829, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55830, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55831, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55832, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55833, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55835, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55836, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55837, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55838, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55839, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55840, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55842, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55843, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55844, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55845, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55847, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55847, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55847, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55848, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55848, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55848, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55849, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55849, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55849, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55850, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55850, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55850, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55851, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55852, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55853, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55854, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55855, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55858, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Legendary Cloak - Silence (55859, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55860, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55863, 1) effect ResurrectionSpecial [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55864, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Legendary Cloak - Invincibility (55865, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Legendary Cloak - Invincibility (55865, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Legendary Cloak - Invincibility (55865, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Bracelet Stats Increase (55885, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Bracelet Stats Increase (55885, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Bracelet Resistance Increase (55886, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Halloween Gift (55890, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Gift (55890, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (55924, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (55924, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Level 5 Brooch (59153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Level 5 Brooch Additional Effect (59154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59158, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59173, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59178, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59198, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59203, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59213, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59218, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59218, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59223, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor's Blessing (59273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor's Blessing (59273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse Red - Magic Attack (59277, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf - Hex (59281, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie - Paralyze (59285, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim - Shadow Evasion (59289, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim - Shadow Evasion (59289, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja - Cancel Target (59293, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja - Cancel Target (59294, 1) effect DisableTargeting [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest - Blessing of Eva (59298, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest - Blessing of Eva (59298, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse White - Curse Gloom (59302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy Purple - Physical Attack (59306, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer Blue - Stun (59310, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Soul (59316, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Soul (59316, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Soul (59316, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Soul (59319, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Soul (59319, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Soul (59322, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Soul (59322, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya Soul (59325, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cute Animal Friends (59329, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Season (59330, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Striking Elegance (59331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Striking Elegance (59331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wow! It's Summer! (59332, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wow! It's Summer! (59332, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wow! It's Summer! (59332, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uncontrollable Power (59333, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overflowing Magic (59334, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rarity Collector (59335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rarity Collector (59335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Highly Durable! (59336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Collector Power (59344, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Collector Power (59344, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Collector Power (59344, 1) effect CpHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Standard (59349, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - High-grade (59350, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Rare (59351, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Legendary (59352, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Mythic (59353, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Standard (59354, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - High-grade (59355, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Rare (59356, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Legendary (59357, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Mythic (59358, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Standard (59359, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - High-grade (59360, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Rare (59361, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Legendary (59362, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Mythic (59363, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Standard (59364, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - High-grade (59365, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Rare (59366, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Legendary (59367, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Mythic (59368, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Standard (59369, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - High-grade (59370, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Rare (59371, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Legendary (59372, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Mythic (59373, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Standard (59374, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - High-grade (59375, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Rare (59376, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Legendary (59377, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Mythic (59378, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Standard (59379, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - High-grade (59380, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Rare (59381, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Legendary (59382, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Mythic (59383, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Standard (59384, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - High-grade (59385, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Rare (59386, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Legendary (59387, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Mythic (59388, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Standard (59389, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - High-grade (59390, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Rare (59391, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Legendary (59392, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Mythic (59393, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Standard (59394, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - High-grade (59395, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Rare (59396, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Legendary (59397, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Mythic (59398, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Standard (59399, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - High-grade (59400, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Rare (59401, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Legendary (59402, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Mythic (59403, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Standard (59404, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - High-grade (59405, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Rare (59406, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Legendary (59407, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Mythic (59408, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Standard (59409, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - High-grade (59410, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Rare (59411, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Legendary (59412, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Mythic (59413, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Standard (59414, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - High-grade (59415, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Rare (59416, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Legendary (59417, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Mythic (59418, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Standard (59419, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - High-grade (59420, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Rare (59421, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Legendary (59422, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Mythic (59423, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Standard (59424, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - High-grade (59425, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Rare (59426, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Legendary (59427, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Mythic (59428, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - High-grade (59430, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - Rare (59431, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - Legendary (59432, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - Mythic (59433, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - High-grade (59435, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - Rare (59436, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - Legendary (59437, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - Mythic (59438, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - High-grade (59440, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - Rare (59441, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - Legendary (59442, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - Mythic (59443, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - High-grade (59445, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - Rare (59446, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - Legendary (59447, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - Mythic (59448, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - High-grade (59450, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - Rare (59451, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - Legendary (59452, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - Mythic (59453, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - High-grade (59455, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - Rare (59456, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - Legendary (59457, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - Mythic (59458, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - High-grade (59460, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - Rare (59461, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - Legendary (59462, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - Mythic (59463, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - High-grade (59465, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - Rare (59466, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - Legendary (59467, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - Mythic (59468, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor Sealbook - Rare (59471, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor Sealbook - Legendary (59472, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor Sealbook - Mythic (59473, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red Sealbook - Rare (59476, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red Sealbook - Legendary (59477, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red Sealbook - Mythic (59478, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf Sealbook - Rare (59481, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf Sealbook - Legendary (59482, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf Sealbook - Mythic (59483, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Sealbook - Rare (59486, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Sealbook - Legendary (59487, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Sealbook - Mythic (59488, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim Sealbook - Rare (59491, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim Sealbook - Legendary (59492, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim Sealbook - Mythic (59493, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Sealbook - Rare (59496, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Sealbook - Legendary (59497, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Sealbook - Mythic (59498, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest Sealbook - Rare (59501, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest Sealbook - Legendary (59502, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest Sealbook - Mythic (59503, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White Sealbook - Rare (59506, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White Sealbook - Legendary (59507, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White Sealbook - Mythic (59508, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple Sealbook - Rare (59511, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple Sealbook - Legendary (59512, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple Sealbook - Mythic (59513, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue Sealbook - Rare (59516, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue Sealbook - Legendary (59517, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue Sealbook - Mythic (59518, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Sealbook - Legendary (59522, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Sealbook - Mythic (59523, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker Sealbook - Legendary (59527, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker Sealbook - Mythic (59528, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sealbook - Legendary (59532, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sealbook - Mythic (59533, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Sealbook - Legendary (59537, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Sealbook - Mythic (59538, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya Sealbook - Legendary (59542, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya Sealbook - Mythic (59543, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Random (59544, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade (59545, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade/Rare (59546, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: High-grade/Rare/Legendary (59547, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Rare/Legendary (59548, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Legendary/Mythic (59549, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard Random (59550, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: High-grade Random (59551, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Rare Random (59552, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Legendary Random (59553, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Random (59555, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade (59556, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade/Rare (59557, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Kat the Cat (59558, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Shadow Master - Legendary (59585, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Shadow Master - Mythic (59586, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Navy Admiral - Legendary (59590, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Navy Admiral - Mythic (59591, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Nymph - Legendary (59595, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Nymph - Mythic (59596, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Devil - Mythic (59601, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Attack (59611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Attack (59611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Defense (59612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Defense (59612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Storm's Energy (59687, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (59687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (59687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade (59702, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Einhasad's Observation (60002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Einhasad's Observation (60002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Einhasad's Observation (60002, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 3rd Class (60005, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 3rd Class (60005, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 3rd Class (60005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Human Level Ranking 1st Class (60006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Human Level Ranking 1st Class (60006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orc Level Ranking 1st Class (60009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orc Level Ranking 1st Class (60009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dwarf Level Ranking 1st Class (60010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (60018, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Griffin (62002, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Griffin (62002, 1) effect transformation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Potion (26030, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillEngine:load:95]: Loaded 36904 skills [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillTreesData:report:856]: Loaded 16509 Class Skills for 99 Class Skill Trees [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillTreesData:report:857]: Loaded 18 Fishing Skills, 8 Dwarven only Fishing Skills [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillTreesData:report:858]: Loaded 75 Pledge Skills, 45 for Pledge and 30 Residential [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillTreesData:report:859]: Loaded 18 Sub-Pledge Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillTreesData:report:860]: Loaded 0 Transform Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillTreesData:report:861]: Loaded 6 Noble Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillTreesData:report:862]: Loaded 5 Hero Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillTreesData:report:863]: Loaded 34 Game Master Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillTreesData:report:864]: Loaded 1 Game Master Aura Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][SkillTreesData:report:865]: Loaded 4 Common Skills to all classes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][PetSkillData:load:40]: Loaded 881 skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:57][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------------=[ Items ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][ItemEngine:load:71]: Loaded 13064 Items [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:51]: Loaded 4 item group templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:52]: Loaded 0 scroll group templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:51]: Loaded 4 item group templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:52]: Loaded 0 scroll group templates. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49486 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49484 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49482 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49485 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49483 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49481 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:91249 defined in enchant data! [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemData:load:42]: Loaded 33 Enchant Scrolls. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][EnchantItemOptionsData:parseDocument:55]: Loaded 87 Option Items. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][ItemCrystallizationData:load:58]: Loaded 7 crystallization templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][ItemCrystallizationData:load:59]: Loaded 0 pre-defined crystallizable items. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:05:59][ItemCrystallizationData:logViaPublicLoggerAPI:120]: Generated 0 crystallizable items from templates. [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22add64d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f591eaa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c56128f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c39d59b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60ea61ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37118f16 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b9f2111 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1968b6f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2abe492f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@116c1a51 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@137936c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ffafd49 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17d532a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@669a0c91 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c8fd990 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24076bfd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a795da7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c3124fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6eb02bb2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71f7fd1a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21b302e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@480cce1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b828a78 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2553b53f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1cce3741 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1eab07fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61059f1a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59c72448 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@345e640e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@728c0997 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f3ca593 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fb93358 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@188042b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ad22083 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50980c77 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46add6cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ca2a145 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47ef546a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57841354 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fb7bcc5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d682ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ba7cc4b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c4e60d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e5dba00 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c1e164e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9ee4012 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@629a957 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55f78e28 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19975ebe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6202634e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29aa1d48 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4045409b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63849483 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12ed93ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b548ce6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ff488f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4698e4bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38967f21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77eaf769 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@caa722b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d96c21d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@672dbf9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@260325e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79e72020 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42da832b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5267259a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6df43e1a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d52f5a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b87e8fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@502751e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1cefa111 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26aa88fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@226e44ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@482ca13b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29aa6606 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bb5eeae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b2d8922 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2625d405 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cc51c91 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28714939 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f72b18c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47ffc19b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33aa7c61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1130c3ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b14fed7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@725e1d37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12773e69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54da228 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69431610 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bf609aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4059f6cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28ed400a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@596f3091 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20fc94f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d6f886b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f4064dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f0b3e1d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1332d702 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62ef39df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ec5d7da effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1888ffc9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d07a11d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63d52a3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6463eb9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59efef0f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7940a266 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15845fa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22800858 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4310c90 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@789ecde2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f50cc31 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6db0cf4b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61691be1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f962bf3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@266e4374 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d4f1a65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6450a63e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ac7d0f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ee6413b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bcfe2b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a4fcea1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e0bf96c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62b8880f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46c63c8a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b8d835 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63199197 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4547850b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3292c345 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76afdc52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59157e39 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2003d7cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4afa063 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c6ab1e8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7efce2ea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40ffef47 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39aae383 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6016f0af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7964a5f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46dee849 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2806bdea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f42b3cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23d5fadd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1278d24e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f0cc406 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65bac2f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69b5df89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d0b9a53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@544e4500 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6750a832 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20de6ac6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4166b58c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67269ee5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@555bb0b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@560e693d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22b06ca5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71321fa0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59176f6e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cf5a2f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d012c8f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cafe790 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e218374 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f924862 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b23784b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@187397d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a1b8d81 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57570df8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1776d679 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@133f4e18 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5deae7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a895bf5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bed8dc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22cb5528 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52969a7c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72e03528 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55c42d22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d5e40a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bfd7a0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38c75f28 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c9ed82f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@131af263 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3317e720 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31abd075 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b4e29cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f835b2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43a18b18 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ce6c361 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@561c8763 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@393f4ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ca5568d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56c269b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6457cb97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@787d6525 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e0a4599 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b40381a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1915b96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@125642cc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e3cfb92 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46688a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fa02e56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fc05d4c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1619c34d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@260a4299 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28561a90 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d108eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d8ab0b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29603f15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@317a2233 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ce1f2a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3466e284 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1cd6eb8a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cdd3999 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f1a886f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c6b21ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@674a0976 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72cee5f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@698c5231 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c7c5bbb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b4aecfb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e2e5938 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45b88716 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b87ad99 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47b6af26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bedc971 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7aec712d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ce1e08c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e5cb3a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bef5952 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62132a1b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71e55355 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7aaf773b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b8b94f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b32a6d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b17aed5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a000c23 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d0b07aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6472ba24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@275d179 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58cea400 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d5ddee4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c0fe8f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@205d1e10 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d1e50bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e271506 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d9c3e53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25f9106e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a1d27c6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cb486a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70d641c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d4155d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ed172a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76884062 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3492ef1f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23eadb81 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60bb966 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32346295 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@117d89db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64be6ea6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f253bde effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e14c665 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53dab12d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44062eae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@526b163b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a44c5fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c915441 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29977223 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23c763e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f50314c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9b555bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b2128c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@361b007 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d652b76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e5eb5ec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c2bd5eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6244b1e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@160e0844 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d743ebc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fc23474 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68ce43d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e643aa1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3259640f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c0687a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@164ca513 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39d22449 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40d24660 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7851d279 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b46945d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@231e1910 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@712dba55 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7997c13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38c2f4c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bc7bc50 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77a44c6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b91df6c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14da4023 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42295bd4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17bbb0ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@226477ee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6479f0d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c06e079 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@267130d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27abe8f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c7f2be0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5721073e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@787952a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ede912 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7538f2c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a7f13aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18a1a01e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77eb7f61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45f71d8a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17c7b4dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@273576b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ecf2033 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5329732d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79e254c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61329c91 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36abe63c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e834bdf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45ac06da effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@308fdcea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@597c46c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d152382 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@482a722c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60c9f4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dfd9b01 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79b0b60f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62100007 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@840ded effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51f0ab6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d8c7f90 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ffe421e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fb5d569 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b4aa023 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75f42825 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48276a37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9f8f0c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67dd0263 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@333cbbbd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40b9193f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e09b727 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@148629f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@577fc058 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f075b69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1cf46f21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e6aaaba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77becc2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12070da2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d35e5a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2681b5c2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27dfda89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d9fb9cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f85751f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2481ee88 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7dd36303 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@df2fca5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@297b4d89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2251380 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6488b3bc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e856c5c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d616100 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2772ca3f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c6983e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53f4f336 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@559be129 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6489ea97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56bc9950 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22a5adf2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@283d8226 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34b18e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@310f77c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e4a862a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a220f77 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21f5a4ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b0e5642 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19fe6df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b2c082c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67f21b7a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ed7fd80 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@80459b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b6650cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c38b312 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dc27ae8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fec5c56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@635934c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f2c10bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1197288c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4cc4c804 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66c19d23 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39b7e088 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11cc7c7a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b2202af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11e0b06d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17d5a179 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65083055 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ed47121 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1aa3db4e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20477f0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e979cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29994d0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d648adc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36401f55 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79a82f53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a3acc71 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13019780 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@250d9802 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1de7e947 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5172e7ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ed0c7f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d48ba7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25dbe7cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63513829 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b76b4cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8dc8bb1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72c3d0de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18392edf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67701ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a1a8383 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b3fb3e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57ad62e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@696be912 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57536927 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ea012f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7226cba7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44b39f88 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8e5cc68 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@469c385e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a3a8d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ab428da effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c943968 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5beda06c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44972ea8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f1e3c18 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@629c0dea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54442f15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29dba95b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@676bae84 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@651a0cde effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1053abef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@643659cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e13c443 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b5a4fa3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@665b9df4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@307548d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7084b340 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@491acda4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73145d4e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@693da03d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c7600e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@231e9d2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72314a2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7689201d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a74176d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d5412e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@554c4d5e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6afa0622 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@306fbb6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d216c90 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a30e0d7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30412ca5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7db85d01 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b4bfbca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46708c2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f6db443 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4082aefa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5483988b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16d07fdb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48d0eee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@512d85fb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19a20895 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c9992dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@600f07de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d304479 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@545f19ea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@141066c6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@cb9a26d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53f52c0f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fc9efd2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@687890bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2993ed13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@537c397a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63fbebb8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f2a4234 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79e7d5b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b629418 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77f800e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a5ec7ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dd3ed5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72ce6ea9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4506a72f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59fa78f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b71cf83 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6acb4f62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a84b2cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@10b354a5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75db9ce7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45db6d61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a769dfb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@706ae86c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@597f6e22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4751a009 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@986745d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e08d489 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c24b114 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46bf1971 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ca1a967 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14e596e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3de0397f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32adb23 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72b1b0b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a5b5aa6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@764cb953 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@236a877a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c219797 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c3f68df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5faac62a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@280ccbf2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78416c4b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f8f8a0c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@461d9e41 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8808e2b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bd09844 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48bca2d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6279c218 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e84f9aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11694e86 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cee8411 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@10abe896 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@592b0a80 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26d725d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4aeba00d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54b0e9e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b56bbd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6da30eec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7adf309d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@273dfea6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@87a817f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d5b3af2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e83a61c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3603afa4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6aaea162 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e069a6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dd676f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6839264 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19b99667 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6396a2dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7de90184 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6763bcef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32bc14ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@646ac80a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@513a1022 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bc45a2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@798c01d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b14bc7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a2e1e3b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4332287a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5aa96305 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3430fb4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ed5e434 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c766c6c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dd68dac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e8ffdda effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fda427b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30a040e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@496200b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4802556e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45c61f8f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77d3e097 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e6d2170 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@741eb8f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d1eb9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69ee7468 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e4fbe84 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f177ab3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2194f1cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3bc38ca1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68abaec3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cfd9387 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a610f5e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5de03237 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@688842fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@787985c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a907e6d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@563d8482 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c88b309 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48eb66c6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41010aa0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b228f96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@428b6b00 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51c5f8c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18d8ac53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77e9cee1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ea37877 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@10de9692 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4db90aee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@741e5b7e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18bf54a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@658589ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60ee01cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66ad6303 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3852fb39 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7151c72d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61a16095 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c99b2d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43bd0740 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3caad8b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56e5a27d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@774bdd02 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ce743ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@366247f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4deffd0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64e59a7c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f95f6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2680ed2a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14b56379 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c4b2de9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14811328 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3549452f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a584654 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ff91693 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13fd5c17 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ce2037a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24c08254 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@634a45d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1aaea04b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@662b89b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46d97504 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@770cd4c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18cf9e91 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2293da0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f6fea0d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e5489ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a8bb3a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66f45157 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@369be006 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c9a0ccb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b8bbc59 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f312e96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64378a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a43d0f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c5cd294 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a7f1817 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77e4cbb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13c449e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7966f17d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bcbe1e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3aa32e52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b19e3b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45ba06b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@714a0b33 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52387af6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16783746 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e224a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2250a478 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@332e950e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@643b562a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76ee890d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51ba80cc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@167bf910 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28cf67f3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2aeb3506 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f526c77 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66a8a3f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@358ba02d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46bbf09f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a360deb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59a2b65a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31c0ff8b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28e6de24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6275c786 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e29bdf4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18a3231d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62ad9d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4aaf6767 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@290aa5db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2830c02c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@788460b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49a1a490 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3579e402 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1be67321 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@403c4145 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47df8f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ede558f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56094e0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@741d1be3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f4ce7de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1332ab95 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f57fec3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13092ec9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b834961 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6deb3987 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d7a631f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75f611f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7666f8d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42f5d09e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c993144 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30b2e651 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@715308cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d4e475f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@185856a3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fffab97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5683f9f3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@391828c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63af8c0d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@214e30fc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68cb1947 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@106d6aad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fbd4349 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f245b92 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f957010 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14d6574d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7194e995 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c11d4fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4840309c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e0a6ae6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3804fef3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a307b29 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73bd6823 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4edd61e8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51b1fda6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68e13d8a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7085bcc5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55f2511c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bf0cac9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a9cab50 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37225152 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@709f8c1b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7db4a643 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72fd548e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57f03342 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b8382f3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35db17e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b9cccbf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4da096ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a7301f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@644b8781 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19cf4683 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5013aee9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@427d499a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a32a9db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19aa1340 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5483827a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c9a30e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@138922d0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a7013f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1228da94 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f18ad40 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@655d87d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f68e70b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b407608 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1148a48d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18a2ca7a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@600a36da effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@892fce5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5caa5db6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52d5bd43 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6358fd25 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cb2407f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72fbe5b2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dbb710b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@292e144c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@477118ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a0aa387 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cefb4e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@653a5b41 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ac19b20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15e80364 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5461cda9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63b67437 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4508fbfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@102e331c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a78b835 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1abf6a81 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18ea8507 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@793de3d5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@760b45d7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1781d2f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b0fbfbf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dbacc40 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61331ddd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78bc6d74 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ee8d79b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45abd8ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c0ff857 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2743e56f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f8faa13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24f948a0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6777c128 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fa73834 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d3acee1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@736829ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2acfd86a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c4f339f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@749b131 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@355ecd2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61864f66 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54604b02 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1eeaa886 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d1e39c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e30b07b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58dec2e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13bbffe1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fc70c66 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@347fd08d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a18fd04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56105d51 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51b3dfc9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b8286ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@462fa863 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12818f22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d83572c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52383e80 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@696fe814 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77898284 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30f4816e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23ab75ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@359206e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e342f73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a5f302a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62a233aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4722b427 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68425407 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b7ff745 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78b3aae3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ae2ba5e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50fa3169 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24cb31ec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@414a6324 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e451119 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f3516c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20c0c9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@104d1cbc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46d60a75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11829f70 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73883906 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b587337 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d2b458b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78d72c41 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a257a54 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ac79ec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@258c632f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6478f6fb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5eed7fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64ecadb2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@223f2f1b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@153ca89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72718c5e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73f12e9f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@286d800d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3775000b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@491869c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33e733ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77ceb034 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6824939e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62f8890c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6888a4a5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ac5f690 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26b12035 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a76d06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d274c3b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68134e79 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@478c7bc6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c78e16c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b293c4c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19bbd7d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dcddd6c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6053838 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24ecafe8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63aec9c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@305b5e60 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fb074ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e621b5a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b9709bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2155e6f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d5ccb5a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@732aaf60 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@83aa6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@eef96d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55b28a4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73c57e33 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e0872f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c2300c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d0239d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56ef0a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28dcbd3f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cfdb5db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60fdcd36 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12e4ea4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f9c8869 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e8ead2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@109457b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25977179 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e737a62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@757f434d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47e483b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59e63e8f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c43efbb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53a9ba55 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30b35288 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58491057 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1bb412d2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d168e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fdc4dc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f073bc7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41e8c77 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a867a67 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47798ca1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41264e8a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@312b0fed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8c71eed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d097d0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70f1cb3e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19cce6aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@294cb308 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e25cfe6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50f35927 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ef41c25 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@626c2e00 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62369754 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28c6d054 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26ddf45d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2542c2a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73986d63 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dc24734 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@247439cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1790e869 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27537c8d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@585774b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d689422 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dabfc46 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7120466a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12317e2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b6131ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19baa528 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a5aa363 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73037008 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@716ed0e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d31b807 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24f4579 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6aa4f608 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dcafa53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d8b966d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25977428 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68ced224 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@526ca50c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@535579d2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dfd61a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53bcc5cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@644f4e73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1cac20c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3afa82b1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fddba8e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@117f41d0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c28c116 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2293928 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6042fa29 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bd84630 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2152062c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6af99b57 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d1db793 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54bd9bc6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@656f941b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43ea88c2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33bb0e03 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b60d019 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12365222 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58d743e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e2db99a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63c05c5e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4347a546 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d851594 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ee798d7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f2403f9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31b7f2ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@349b78d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26286fbd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@497c9b4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47533129 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2861d4aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d51039c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@605a67b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e5ed8ec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18bc9f09 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d343261 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e6091af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2631ad37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a893a2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2652bc25 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c55aca9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67a6e801 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@746dee98 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47edc7a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@263c1b14 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@760a0932 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d083045 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44f10aa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2535d96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24368777 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@89011ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44f8862b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cdfcccf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c42f51c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44d78049 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@441e9f26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66059ade effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d347917 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45196330 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@754e331a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f578407 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2135ae3b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f3b49ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2be979d0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@289db716 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24558048 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51d5d835 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31920c26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74722805 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c2da103 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c6dac3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@229415a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47c333f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5677b7b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63526f7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@616947ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3feb94f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54ca5eab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2413cafe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f6ca5fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cc3c4da effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6afaf0ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50848374 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a2d9fcf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48ba7944 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@757a9534 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19127cc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@579413d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4cff2039 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d8ddfa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65aa3a9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12d78f5d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@271c8bd6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@246f0875 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@10a5b0b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e267899 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d2706b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21d785c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ccab944 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1125f8f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54727ee6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49961024 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f90cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e032a6c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79c1f604 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@afce28 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c8acf3e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b7dda89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dfa6634 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53da332d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7903e557 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c9fc16c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32aad50d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30ebcb2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5624b939 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64829630 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e43510 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e382c99 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d26ad16 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6de58b94 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c086f8d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@637bde71 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b1d8115 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a651ac9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51e780f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@382bb68b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f998db2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d887fda effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b20a664 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2edade65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d7d3211 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@375e4cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d287147 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35f9a771 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2180e665 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d7f0d22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d3f783 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b690aa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dfc6861 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@289f78e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34eced9e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@763f596 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39e22a7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ae905d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39ba9508 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3472ec45 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cfbe6d7 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50120ef2 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a1014c7 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6923c904 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a5d57a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1af8b78e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50842e3a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2798b6c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17485d82 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48d3cc22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39d7cefc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b9b798f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@eea8b33 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@588ee410 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f2971d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f7e3cb8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5978777 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a965db1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ea516d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@10106649 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2985e703 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31665c57 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27e3977c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34d28fe7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32e9db81 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@316ebd6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a8d9449 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a009f48 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56496c5a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12883639 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7441d7fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a15fce2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47a37046 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1449bf75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ecd6c3e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b4a6fe9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47371d86 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e5ca002 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b75936b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@538892cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c2c6e11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@578b8726 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6052b877 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@775b707c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3848d460 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3371c6f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@469551e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a6111df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14742327 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@298f7157 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@457937de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27f42947 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12ac4b85 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40fb954e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c308d48 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a883b98 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a88b12f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26c502d5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ed79188 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65083331 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a76e776 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14ab8d47 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4622158b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@621737c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f7731a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77e5cba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51a69f93 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a54237d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cd8d990 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9b6c13d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c898d9f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@476d14b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7dc3519c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4243d830 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62065092 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4de140be effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a49b72f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7617780e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26c5349e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61666448 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6715784 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b6b984c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4405347b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16135c97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ad2e4a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d6cb648 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60a7fd72 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cdce215 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61a6dcfc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@910f876 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5603d84b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dc454d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ad222ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48fb8c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c06e992 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@331b6632 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2847f5bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51f74187 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a466852 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4204b1de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55f95e2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e69d66d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27742d0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4099e27b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f0edc7a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fa4a348 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@293ed7cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@263b62ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f7f971c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54bcb58 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a14d4b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2747fb50 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54734fd3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fb94f0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73f48330 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b717b65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2532bc0f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60365698 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@378cb4ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57464b6a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67a45749 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35f44fb3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@678fac7c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f7b6fc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47aca7f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5032e165 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a445b53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@753b44b1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@570adee5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@107434a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78827b36 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5733b65b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@564fb7ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67af08bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c1f84b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46546a05 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d0d47a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7278706c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b2488c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67d30e9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60e445b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@512ea2d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41487657 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e102f05 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c9b1484 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@588731d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5aff0e5a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65287a07 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41b37d12 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20dbc55e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27482c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24aa28ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7eab8aa0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24511e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2660a951 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5379292f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7125576a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@532b44f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70a245e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a083a8e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@314daea2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@384878b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a27873e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71d01abe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d349298 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5642c240 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@303aa1c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41ce4892 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4867a261 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@87729ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6da6a589 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e9ffa77 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b1e3f6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a1753b2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42c53794 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63a831f9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39979fa4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19bdc1e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72af2cd3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50aafc86 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55c52388 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2280622e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29420b19 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e0b9c7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52ae3351 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@739eaa38 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a3d7d91 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3827c8e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1bb04007 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1df9f623 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c09d1f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a6f3610 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23c6f922 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@715c5b97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a8d255 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4034ab86 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@542f554b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47bc2cba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2437462 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@674e8737 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49650398 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f9a3ff2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7663a607 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6507f0c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49f5638 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ac49cf6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@517c5637 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b272533 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75f79cf9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bca8d9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5834b33d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a081bb5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23514259 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c4895cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61986024 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4be70a11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@628ddabe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a33ede9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@180823cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b4c1559 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67987aa4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42e18f1b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1baeeaf7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@10c3d206 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@342ad7e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7afd1f29 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1668bbd3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18b508fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a4259db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68d415ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b318d07 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bf3a043 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6397ac67 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b24b685 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1cca5f53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@aad0531 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54076497 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a99600c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14679ccb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@768187fb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19cd6660 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8c5ec55 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20eca842 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5aa85dfb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28a4cea8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f2438ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a4f3fb3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5210f484 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c4fa1e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72000b94 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@418110c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14e078a0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35018b7d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@472f7ae2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e6165d7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19d339c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20b013e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c749579 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@193e14fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19233b38 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@392c2cd0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1cbb9d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@683bcce9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6841d02d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30d33b59 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c0a19a3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a60cc4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cc6bf96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15e642a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@291d86ba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75433562 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c700e53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ba4901b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e49e583 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72cd3b0d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e33b191 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7168dc04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20dc4a57 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b521812 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@287e99d0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fc1f827 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d0d977a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76349641 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ad8314e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a48f4f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b4f1286 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@591b0b30 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32a2031c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4fb08ede effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c186e8c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d5bb0b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fc3fee0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@544e55b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b5d2db3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4be3f67c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b57251e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d125a59 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f60c2fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7be4917b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@96934cc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76d6772a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f083427 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3819f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4037826b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51dd260 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1baa67e8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b9d3ad0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27c5cf12 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c209758 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47d2c13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3684cdf6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f30296b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77e2e382 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a9244d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a69d100 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34acda57 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5432c1b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c0ee360 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18abd830 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a07c710 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@87ab8ba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23445f36 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65687936 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11a31dcc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c41c82a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d7d937b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b7ae22b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@623edff5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@207c4b00 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1bbe23f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d6c3399 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@293992b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bdff8da effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35ab5584 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69875853 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ccecbf7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18c3fb9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77ab8a75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@243d0113 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ed6f710 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59cee84d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@721d2923 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e649bea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57639541 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79418360 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@620ee95a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@782f953a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@332ddee3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46020165 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@535374c6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5751bdd3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ad6bb1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c898a0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14b42019 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e51b879 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7160e4f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6129e908 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5428a9dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17794150 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6148500f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f878487 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ef0a2e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3de1bad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20b5fbf1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5365f0dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@859bfe0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ba9ce35 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74ccc8c2 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8d32597 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4db03dd2 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78dd9a37 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ac5c736 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7babb864 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37b9446e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23216c8c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6719f3a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41570fb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c30a9c6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14ddf7c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cf1ca49 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@452248de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c65a725 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fd3c9e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@356c0daa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@625fc761 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33520880 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d25cbb8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8f18ceb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1489265b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37bc3a42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44374f06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@402515bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dc3581e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b7b1fce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@354a36d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5daa4523 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5aaef520 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@493804d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d2017dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@222ccc07 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f862a97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6919117 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b22f0e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6faa4d70 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51461080 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bd53a96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@674c5cc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a305c97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b139541 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49e0193f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c4fee84 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14c3c77e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33ddf13a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a3d3f9f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49b5d592 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43c713ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f4f7e8e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c9d7b3f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b63267b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@10c01881 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@741faf19 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13bc6626 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@611edad4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@710ac266 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78e4cc39 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8190855 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f46abf8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38784384 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6623c5b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26382287 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c0b44d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@769552b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e6327a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@692800f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fd3ecdf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@630f116a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74c654a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d40dd6d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d55670e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@664aad8f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@206fc6fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b1fcc2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2da4b955 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e315fbb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40b71291 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@454cc01c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4daab7f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59f2e578 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21a9574d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c63f44 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a4b15d2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@545cfac6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f24dc3f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c2bf880 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e0c9952 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d35c09f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64e92e22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@375535c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d39fc76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4edbe676 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@636e49b1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d0bb316 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f833a8d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3efa915d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fc874f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ffbe11e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@391af53e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5380fb39 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f836a5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f209fa0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17d347f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55f05e5a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71850729 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ab34b26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72854ac3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25d0c847 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c353f9b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cdfa140 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24542f4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7654977 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@527977e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@532d0949 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56864219 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b05974f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@625a0187 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59862bc4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d742c67 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a1c6b69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58f80994 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30c8c144 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cc3c42e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@250da5fc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3da1ac60 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b159871 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79c5d789 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@312faf08 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15dc7e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66ec11ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3142eb60 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d5955af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1254f72a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14b3dd82 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@328c3d9f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cff24c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3097b878 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ac23c25 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69718e27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13564cd7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e0f62bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3587564d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5062f66c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71f33843 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@148cb64a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b36afa8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ca0eb34 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34f9f1c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45362ff0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bd39311 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30712c14 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bfdb430 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fc04b10 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@487c0ce2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71d49875 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57aeee4b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a8ba765 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4238adca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@177a92c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3706eada effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@81d3d0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d078f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@447f4617 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@442f2478 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a3e607e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4eadbe0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@705c1632 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d6df0a5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74e954e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5717d9bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@476ab8ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65a0907d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b50a64b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3263769b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@205c1dea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@419e42e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f22c662 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@365cbcb3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@762f54df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4595b19c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c8d7e9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f67ea9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13e2cc03 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b1386b2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c4d4ee4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c5e6cfb effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79d925a7 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e980a38 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28144d61 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2722c52c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17e62872 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4971297c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43841a76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72beac8f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@543daf12 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14c74620 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7773b964 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70aea9d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49d2cde9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@670a64b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dd859a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8bd89e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@575fb099 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63c4590b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c9e41cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48883f23 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62f995d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23348486 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7dfa0932 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74825089 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5afb04c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d6cabaa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70729aac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16128a33 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@144d690a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cc4b1d2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4887e91c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a46a12d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35bc9456 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cffe912 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bc73898 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34f7b704 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65b88be8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@264c4934 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@543db69d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dfb6489 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cbd5315 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38fcb05f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1cc6083 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@715831f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11a64d13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c057930 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e2fd04b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@509a3ea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26e4b88d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41cf8998 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1132b462 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@596c435d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a4fa82d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@677179b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63e4409d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58299117 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f8044ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13d0266b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52717c24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4644ee54 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b9efddf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@296f67b9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70a6aeec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11f1d8e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d4daf06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f4d49b9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ad94772 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5570a003 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65f50034 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@109db2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f2a815 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@505260b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1deb2e2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1992cd2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@cb57c0b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4fa1dacd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bff0749 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48b50b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23f93109 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@624fe009 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11796646 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4fa99236 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25b293b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38e070a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62f16aa8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61ca7ce2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50545463 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b0a7b9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@247e87e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3058a9b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42dd149c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ab359c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@478a5af9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@326a3ed9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18b9b5fc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78a4ca33 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d6c1a4c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e937dce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bd03fb5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fb93ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8484727 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1da026ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47579f7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e6802dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54d31f49 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4858cc70 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@338f2e47 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d2fb408 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21cad7b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f7fa4b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65c85a08 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75d73d4d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d70b0b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50df45f3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77604dfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b913b0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a4e024 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bfedd3e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e044a26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cff53a3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4afc3bd8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17361894 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b9f352e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d6b01b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5662d73b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@713797db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6313fa96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@465029e8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cbe516 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b0f335b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37b4a7e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70ecc791 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29d66fcf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1bf11445 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9681b4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f2e95b9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51c2984 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@165c565e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f27bd94 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34cf6894 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50fb3780 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24617567 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46c8a762 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@90cece7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c29d71 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f270a43 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cd75b72 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42d2f1db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@566fd5e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@418db879 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@579767f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29e08f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a7625ba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6940efd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a504931 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18fb1d0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3bbb05a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25feb536 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d0f7979 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ddc2e9f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@533b661e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33c3e4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35ce4be5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@590a3315 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5189a5bc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33a51fa9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:05:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7473eb5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ce9ec5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60d1023f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b9211db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@105014c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23e8a9a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b40971c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20374b66 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3051a5bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56929f9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19250a23 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d30e1a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e923f90 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cbe1997 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d7b7031 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5643145a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7982cfbd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@757c03bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63900fdd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d3f2631 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@422ffb0c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57db5929 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34d65ae8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@600ceced effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d468c7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50d994eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56de8502 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51b260b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@387e1ba9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@249cbe81 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c8d985 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44bd9e0c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c566661 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dffb9dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d3b5517 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25dee742 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a04f8f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a059333 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d41e889 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ff7e494 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12097ad4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1493ffad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66644816 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76a7d30a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fa1d8d0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24c4341e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60a4fc68 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28d35cf5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9157667 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@cf4d79f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b743dd5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7972f4ba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b7613bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71146f63 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b647e01 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@755d8ef3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1edd801e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ce08bd1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@744c703a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d7f5256 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fd0e297 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57a64cbf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40fc2bd1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57063c7a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4fdab857 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a7cd6a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bffc29a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dfcda73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77fecf9b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b7be62d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ee518ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45417c27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4442f103 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20ec3d28 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46a942b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8c7be01 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b5e9cf3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a9aefcd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16aabad3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23a839b1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@cbe8033 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4117f2ee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@228b43d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@602f7078 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18e8cb56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6616da27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21581384 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a6f0b67 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6403d507 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3494fc42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55b10d67 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17471085 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d965487 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e73c39b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23f43307 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c18dcc4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53f593ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33faed52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31948c21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b20882b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b71c10 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60c3e1a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75a39c14 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@abd335b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d6e980 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4967985a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20cdfe5e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@438936f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42124def effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3742a8bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78328f07 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72062078 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22ab76e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e2558 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c28c8e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fee30f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@568b4f8d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@275e84e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d9b7f63 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53ac87b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f575d6b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c7da3ec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5acba567 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d6d08ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@834ac6e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69b70c47 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ed06c8b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b7d299c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4687bf41 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@170356e2 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a5ad4bd effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@786933a3 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36fe658 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ed60491 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2205d6ca effect base-stat [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][AugmentationEngine:load:49]: Loaded 3102 Augmentations Options. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][VariationData:load:48]: Loaded 3 Variations. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][VariationData:load:49]: Loaded 328 Fees. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][EnsoulData:load:51]: Loaded 4 fees [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][EnsoulData:load:52]: Loaded 660 options [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][EnsoulData:load:53]: Loaded 350 stones [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][EnchantItemHPBonusData:load:67]: Loaded 6 Enchant HP Bonuses. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49863 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49864 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49865 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49866 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49867 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49868 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49869 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49870 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49871 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49872 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49873 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49874 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49875 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49876 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49877 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49878 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49879 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49880 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49881 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49882 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49883 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49884 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49885 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49886 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49899 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49863 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49864 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49865 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49866 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49867 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49868 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49869 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49870 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49871 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49872 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49873 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49874 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49875 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49876 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49877 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49878 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49879 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49880 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49881 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49882 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49883 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49884 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49885 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49886 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:00][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49899 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90993 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90992 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90987 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90988 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90994 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90458 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90459 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90460 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90461 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90462 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90463 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90455 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90456 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90457 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90464 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90465 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90466 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90470 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90471 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90472 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90467 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90468 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90469 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90473 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90474 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90475 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90476 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90477 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90478 File:H:\L2jOrg-1.5.0-22\L2jOrg-1.5.0\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][BuyListData:load:53]: Loaded 375 BuyLists. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 20 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91464, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 32 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91466, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 36 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91468, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 52 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91470, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 20 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91465, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 28 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91467, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 36 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91469, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 48 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91471, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70922, count: 1 in list: 3020201 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90458, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90459, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90460, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90455, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90456, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90457, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90461, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90462, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90463, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90464, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90465, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90466, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90458, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90459, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90460, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90455, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90456, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90457, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90461, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90462, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90463, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90464, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90465, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90466, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90472, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90471, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90470, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90468, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90467, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90469, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90473, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90475, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90474, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90476, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90478, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90477, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90472, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90471, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90470, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90468, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90467, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90469, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90473, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90475, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90474, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90476, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90478, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90477, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90159, count: 1 in list: 3168801 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90171, count: 1 in list: 3429202 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90168, count: 1 in list: 3429203 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90169, count: 1 in list: 3429203 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90170, count: 1 in list: 3429203 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90992, count: 1 in list: 411 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90992, count: 1 in list: 411 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70929, count: 1 in list: 412 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29785, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29786, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29787, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29788, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29789, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29790, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29791, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29792, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29793, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29794, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29795, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29796, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29797, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29798, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:01][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29799, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70929, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70930, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70930, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70931, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70931, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70932, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70932, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 71699, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 71691, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 71699, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 71695, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 71699, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91249, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70159, count: 1 in list: 10 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70922, count: 1 in list: 12 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70112, count: 1 in list: 20 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29708, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29713, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29718, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29723, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29708, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29713, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29718, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29723, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90496, count: 1 in list: 45 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90497, count: 1 in list: 45 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90458, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90459, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90460, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90461, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90462, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90463, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90455, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90456, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90457, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90464, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90465, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90466, count: 1 in list: 600025 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][MultisellData:load:58]: Loaded 200 multisell lists. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][EquipmentUpgradeData:load:45]: Loaded 0 upgrade equipment data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][RecipeData:load:48]: Loaded 636 recipes. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90458 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90461 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90470 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90473 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90455 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90464 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90467 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90476 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90459 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90471 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90456 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90462 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90465 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90468 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90474 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90477 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90459 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90463 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90466 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90469 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90457 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90472 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90475 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90478 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 70184 to a set: Sets.xml [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ArmorSetsData:load:47]: Loaded 51 Armor sets. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][FishingData:load:47]: Loaded 2 Fishing Data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][HennaData:load:52]: Loaded 372 Henna data. [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70970 in product id id="100090" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70967 in product id id="100184" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70935 in product id id="100185" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70977 in product id id="100186" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70985 in product id id="100215" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70981 in product id id="100216" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70982 in product id id="100217" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70978 in product id id="100218" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70986 in product id id="100219" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70979 in product id id="100224" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70980 in product id id="100225" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70983 in product id id="100226" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70984 in product id id="100227" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70987 in product id id="100228" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90404 in product id id="100285" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70968 in product id id="100292" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90407 in product id id="100305" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90499 in product id id="100394" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 71726 in product id id="100433" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PrimeShopData:load:52]: Loaded 104 items [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10001-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10002-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10003-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10004-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10005-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10006-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10007-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10008-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10009-1 [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseItemInfo:103]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90404 in product id id="90404" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10010-1 [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseItemInfo:103]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90405 in product id id="90405" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10011-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10012-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10013-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10014-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10015-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10016-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10017-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10018-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10019-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10020-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10021-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10022-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10023-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10024-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10025-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10026-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10027-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10028-1 [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseItemInfo:103]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90183 in product id id="90183" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10029-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10030-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10031-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10032-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][LuckyGameData:load:44]: Loaded 2 lucky game data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][AttendanceRewardData:load:47]: Disabled. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91423 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91256 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91423 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91422 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91257 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91422 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91424 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91258 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91424 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CombinationItemsManager:load:41]: Loaded 573 combinations [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][CostumeEngine:load:70]: Loaded 159 costumes and 12 collections [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------------=[ Characters ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][ClassListData:load:43]: ClassListData: Loaded 100 Class data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][InitialEquipmentData:load:50]: Loaded 10 Initial Equipment data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][InitialShortcutData:load:60]: Loaded 6 Initial Global Shortcuts data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][InitialShortcutData:load:61]: Loaded 5 Initial Shortcuts data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][InitialShortcutData:load:62]: Loaded 0 Macros presets. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][LevelData:load:38]: Max Player Level is: 91 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][LevelData:load:39]: Loaded 91 levels info [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][KarmaData:load:39]: Loaded 107 karma modifiers. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][HitConditionBonusData:load:49]: Loaded Hit Condition bonuses. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PlayerTemplateData:load:51]: Loaded 99 character templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PlayerTemplateData:load:52]: Loaded 53454 level up gain records. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][PlayerNameTable:loadAll:133]: Loaded 2 player names. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][AdminData:load:58]: Loaded: 10 Access Levels. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:02][AdminData:load:59]: Loaded: 428 Access Commands. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:03][PetDataTable:load:59]: Loaded 53 Pets. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:03][CubicData:load:48]: Loaded 21 cubics. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:03][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------------=[ Clans ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:03][ForumsBBSManager:initRoot:38]: ForumsBBSManager: Loaded 5 forums. Last forum id used: 5 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:03][ResidenceFunctionsData:load:42]: Loaded: 8 functions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:03][ClanHallManager:load:52]: Loaded 7 Clan Halls. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:03][ClanEntryManager:load:97]: ClanEntryManager: Loaded: 0 clan entry [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:03][ClanEntryManager:load:109]: ClanEntryManager: Loaded: 0 player in waiting list [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:03][ClanEntryManager:load:121]: ClanEntryManager: Loaded: 0 player application [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:03][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------------------=[ NPCs ] [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91471. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91470. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91499. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91499. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90992. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90998. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90997. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90992. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90998. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90997. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91497. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:04][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91499. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:05][NpcData:load:68]: NpcData: Loaded 6193 NPCs. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:05][NpcData:load:73]: NpcData: Loaded 12 Custom NPCs. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:05][ExtendDropData:load:43]: Loaded 0 ExtendDrop. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:05][SpawnsData:load:66]: Loaded spawns [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:05][WalkingManager:load:77]: Loaded 0 walking routes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:05][StaticObjectData:load:46]: Loaded 86 static object templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:05][ItemAuctionManager:load:93]: Loaded 0 instance(s). [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][CastleManager:loadInstances:165]: Loaded: 5 castles. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][SchemeBufferTable::97]: SchemeBufferTable: Loaded 0 players schemes and 58 available buffs. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Queen Ant(29001) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Core(29006) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Orfen(29014) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Baium(29020) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Zaken(29022) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Antharas(29068) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GrandBossManager:init:70]: GrandBossManager: Loaded 6 Instances. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------------------=[ Instance ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][InstanceManager:load:78]: Loaded 14 instance templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][InstanceManager:load:82]: Loaded instance reenter times for 0 players. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------------------=[ Olympiad ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Olympiad:load:186]: Loading.... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Olympiad:load:188]: Currently in Olympiad Period [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Olympiad:load:202]: 4 days, 7 hours, 53 minutes until period ends [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Olympiad:load:207]: Next weekly change is in 0 milliseconds minutes [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Olympiad:load:211]: Loaded 0 Nobles [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Olympiad:setNewCompBegin:504]: New Schedule @2020-05-24T20:00:06.149+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Olympiad:updateCompStatus:375]: Competition Period Starts in 1 days, 15 hours and 53 minustes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Olympiad:updateCompStatus:377]: Event starts/started: 2020-05-24T20:00:06.149+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Hero:init:139]: Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Hero:init:140]: Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------------=[ Cache ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][HtmCache:reload:41]: Cache[HTML]: Running lazy cache [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Olympiad:lambda$scheduleWeeklyChange$4:524]: Added weekly points to nobles [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][CrestTable:load:42]: Loaded 0 Crests. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][Olympiad:lambda$scheduleWeeklyChange$4:526]: Reset weekly matches to nobles [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][TeleportersData:load:47]: Loaded: 91 npc teleporters. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][CursedWeaponsManager:load:73]: Loaded: 0 cursed weapon(s). [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][TransformData:load:49]: Loaded: 28 transform templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][ReportTable:loadReportedCharData:126]: Loaded 0 bot reports [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------------------=[ Scripts ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][ShuttleData:load:56]: Loaded: 3 Shuttles. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][GameServer::172]: Loading server scripts: [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java uses preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:06][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:07][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:07][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:06:07][JavaExecutionContext:tryConfigureModuleLayer:91]: Couldn't configure module layer of modules [org.l2j.scripts] : Module org.l2j.scripts not found [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:08][DBSpawnManager:load:108]: DBSpawnManager: Loaded 152 Instances [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:08][DBSpawnManager:load:109]: DBSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:06:08][SpawnsData:init:55]: Initializing spawns... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:14][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Server Info Version ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:14][GameServer:logVersionInfo:306]: Update: .................. Classic - Kamael [Dawn of Heroes] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:14][GameServer:logVersionInfo:307]: Protocol: ................ [272] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:14][GameServer:logVersionInfo:308]: Build Version: ........... 1.5.0 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:14][GameServer:logVersionInfo:309]: Build Revision: .......... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:14][GameServer:logVersionInfo:310]: Build date: .............. 2020-04-28T03:02:59.945+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:14][GameServer:logVersionInfo:311]: Compiler JDK version: .... 14 (Oracle Corporation 14+36-1461) [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:14][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Datasource Settings ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:14][HikariDataSource::80]: HikariPool-1 - Starting... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:15][HikariDataSource::82]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:15][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------=[ Server Configuration ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:15][Config:load:2092]: Network Config: ipconfig.xml doesn't exists using automatic configuration... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:16][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:16][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:16][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:16][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:16][Config:autoIpConfig:2176]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:16][Config:load:1641]: Loaded 6 Filter Words. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:16][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Scripting Engine ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:16][ScriptEngineManager:registerEngine:68]: Java Engine 14 (Java [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]) [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:17][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 18:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.GlobalVariablesManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\ai\others\DimensionalMerchant\DimensionalMerchant.java 15:48 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is not visible (package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is declared in module org.l2j.gameserver, which does not export it) [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 13:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 8:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 3:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 4:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 85:96 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 17:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static formatDateTime location: class org.l2j.commons.util.Util [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 7:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 95:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 36:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MONSTER location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 37:57 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_RAID location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 38:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:18][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable DAMAGE_TAKEN location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:19][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\RealDamage.java 34:91 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable REAL_DAMAGE_RESIST location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:19][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 135:89 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:19][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 137:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:19][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 141:106 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:19][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 144:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:19][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 180:112 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:19][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 198:114 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:19][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 272:74 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:19][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 273:94 - cannot find symbol symbol: method checkArenaProgress(org.l2j.gameserver.model.Clan) location: class org.l2j.gameserver.data.xml.ClanRewardManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:19][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminSpawn.java 286:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: method init() location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.DBSpawnManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 49:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method setNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 55:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 66:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 72:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 104:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 108:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 120:69 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 92:41 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.ClanWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 36:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.PrivateWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:16 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeAPI location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:49 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeType location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 54:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 62:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:58 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 80:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 42:8 - handlers.communityboard.DropSearchBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 135:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 22:8 - handlers.communityboard.ClanBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 28:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.RegionBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 41:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.FriendsBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 44:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 43:14 - handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 60:19 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable COMMUNITYBOARD_ENABLE_PREMIUM location: class org.l2j.gameserver.Config [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 84:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 105:5 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 269:38 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getLCoins() location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 272:31 - cannot find symbol symbol: method addLCoins(long) location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.HomepageBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.MailBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 24:8 - handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 57:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 62:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 71:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 88:42 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 117:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 119:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:20][JavaExecutionContext::56]: Could not compile Java Scripts org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaCompilerException: at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compile(JavaExecutionContext.java:101) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compileModuleInfo(JavaExecutionContext.java:68) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.(JavaExecutionContext.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaScriptingEngine.createExecutionContext(JavaScriptingEngine.java:45) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.registerEngine(ScriptEngineManager.java:69) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.lambda$loadEngines$0(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at java.base/java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.loadEngines(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.init(ScriptEngineManager.java:42) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:251) [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Identity Factory ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][BitSetIDFactory:cleanUpDatabase:50]: Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][BitSetIDFactory::25]: 102912 Identifiers available [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Lineage II World ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][World:initRegions:113]: World Region Grid set up: 288 by 272 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][MapRegionManager:load:64]: Loaded 56 map regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:20][ZoneManager::68]: Zone Region Grid set up: 19 by 18 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:21][ZoneManager:load:76]: Loaded 24 zone classes and 2723 zones. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:21][ZoneManager:load:77]: Loaded 0 NPC spawn territories. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:21][ZoneManager:lambda$load$2:79]: Last static id: 200224 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:21][GeoEnginePathFinding::35]: Loaded 7 path node buffers. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:23][GeoEngine:loadGeodataFiles:69]: Loaded 210 geodata files. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][DoorDataManager:parseDocument:59]: Loaded 1483 Door Templates for 21 regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][FenceDataManager:load:56]: Loaded 1 Fences [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------=[ Server Data ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][GlobalVariablesManager:restoreMe:47]: Loaded 4 variables [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][ActionManager:load:43]: Loaded 214 player actions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][CategoryManager:load:43]: Loaded 33 Categories [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SecondaryAuthManager:load:38]: Loaded 0 forbidden passwords. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for MEMBERS_ONLINE [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for HUNTING_MONSTERS [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][MissionData:load:54]: Loaded 91 missions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][ElementalSpiritEngine:load:49]: Loaded 4 Elemental Spirits Templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][TeleportEngine:load:46]: Loaded 87 Teleports [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][GameServer:printSection:319]: ----------------------------------------------------------=[ Skills ] [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Slash (1, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Confusion (2, 1) effect RandomizeHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Strike (3, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (3, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (15, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Burst (17, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Burst (17, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Shot (19, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Shot (19, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Recovery (21, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burst Shot (24, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (24, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unlock (27, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Iron Punch (29, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Punch (29, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Backstab (30, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Backstab (30, 1) effect backstab [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (34, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Storm (35, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Storm (35, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Remedy (44, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Heal (45, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Strike (49, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Strike (49, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Force (50, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lure (51, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Blaster (54, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Blaster (54, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Shot (56, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (56, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Heal (58, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect FakeDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Bleeding (61, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect Fear [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice (69, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (70, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Will (72, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Insect Weakness (75, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Aura (77, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Cry (78, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Beast Weakness (80, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (86, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Animal Weakness (87, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Dragon Weakness (88, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense Aura (91, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Stun (92, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Stun (92, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rage (94, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cripple (95, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cripple (95, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bleed (96, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sanctuary (97, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (99, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Attack (100, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Shot (101, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Entangle (102, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Plant Weakness (104, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil (106, 1) effect Passive [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Arrow (112, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Long Shot (113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Break (115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician's Movement (118, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Roar (121, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Barrier (123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring (127, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (129, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toughness (134, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (137, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guts (139, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Mastery (143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Mastery (144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Limit (150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellcraft (163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Recovery (164, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Atk. Spd. (168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Step (169, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatics (173, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Frenzy (176, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Revival (181, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Revival (181, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Mind (191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky (194, 1) effect Lucky [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Breath (195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Blade (196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Armor (197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost HP (211, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast HP Recovery (212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Mana (213, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Recovery (214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sting (223, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect Relax [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Mana Recovery (229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sprint (230, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (244, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1) effect take-castle [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil (254, 1) effect Spoil [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Smash (255, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (255, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Crush (260, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Blessing (262, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Earth (264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Life (265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Warding (267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Wind (268, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hunter's Song (269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Light (277, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Light (277, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burning Fist (280, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Fist (280, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Higher Mana Gain (285, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Provoke (286, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Provoke (286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Leech (289, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Frenzy (290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Fortress (291, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Sense (294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Body (295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chameleon Rest (296, 1) effect ChameleonRest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duelist Spirit (297, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Festival (302, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vitality (304, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vengeance (305, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Snipe (313, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1) effect physical-attack-hp-link [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aegis (316, 1) effect PhysicalShieldAngleAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect PolearmSingleTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pride of Kamael (329, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Raging Force (346, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Earthquake (347, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Bash (352, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Slam (353, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect PhysicalMute [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Death (355, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Chance (356, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Power (357, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Power (357, 1) effect stat-position-based [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bluff (358, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Blast (361, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Armor Crush (362, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Vengeance (368, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Body (370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Spirituality (371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Soul (372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Regeneration (373, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Morale (374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Clarity (375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Might (376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (377, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Empower (378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan M. Def. (379, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Guidance (380, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Agility (381, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Defense (382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Block (383, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Cyclonic Resistance (384, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Magmatic Resistance (385, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Stun Resistance (386, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hold Resistance (387, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Sleep Resistance (388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Wind Walk (389, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Luck (390, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Fortune (392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Soul Finding (393, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Soul Finding (394, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tribunal (400, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Judgment (401, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Shackling (404, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dead Eye (414, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Sagittarius (415, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pain of Sagittarius (417, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quiver of Holding (418, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Zealot (420, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Braveheart (440, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mirage (445, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (446, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counterattack (447, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Move (451, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Break Duress (461, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Break Duress (461, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Immunity (466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Mastery (472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapier Mastery (474, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Smash (477, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Smash (477, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disarm (485, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Courage (499, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Break (501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Real Target (522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect TransferDamageToPlayer [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Wound (531, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Over the Body (536, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Slash (560, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel's Blessing (561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Angel (562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Doom (563, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn Assault (565, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Heal (567, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Buster (568, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Buster (568, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Storm (569, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Storm (569, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Dust (571, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Slasher (572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Cutter (575, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paw Strike (576, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (577, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Cloud (581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Claw (584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Moving (585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rolling Attack (586, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Storm (587, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Darkness (588, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Body (590, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Spirit (591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Soul (592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Health (593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Moral (594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Clarity (595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Might (596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield (597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Empower (598, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Magic Barrier (599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Guidance (600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Agility (601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Block (602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Defense (603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Typhoon Resistance (604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Lava Resistance (605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Fortitude (606, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Freedom (607, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Vigilance (608, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Movement (609, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Death Fortune (610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Squad (614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Cross Slash (675, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Sonic Blaster (676, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Transfixion of Earth (677, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior War Cry (678, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Hate (680, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Aggression Aura (681, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Double Shot (687, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Agility (690, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Flare (692, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Strike (693, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Curtain (694, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Surrender to Holy (696, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Major Heal (698, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Battle Heal (699, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Clans (702, 1) effect dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Servitor Hill (713, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Hold (716, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Concentrated Attack (717, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Dancing Sword (718, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Vampiric Rage (719, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Holy Light Burst (720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Energy Attack (721, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Divine Beam (722, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sunshine (723, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Clans (724, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Power Smash (725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Sonic Storm (726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Disillusion (727, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Beast Attack (728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Sword Stab (729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Dark Explosion (731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Double Cutter (733, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Air Blade (734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Spinning Weapon (735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal (738, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Battle Heal (739, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal Side Effect (741, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Bursting Flame (742, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Explosion (743, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Flare (744, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Cure (745, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Bite (746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Sprint (748, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Arm Flourish (751, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Throwing Knife (753, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Clairvoyance (754, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (767, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Shot (790, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (791, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Critical (794, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Brandish (795, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Explosion Attack (796, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Piercing Attack (797, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Obstacle (806, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over-hit (807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Tornado Swing (809, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Full Swing (814, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Swing (814, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Repair Golem (822, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repair Golem (822, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Encase Armor (828, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dismount (839, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Outpost Construction (844, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Territory Benefaction (848, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dion Territory Benefaction (849, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giran Territory Benefaction (850, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oren Territory Benefaction (851, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Territory Benefaction (852, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Innadril Territory Benefaction (853, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goddard Territory Benefaction (854, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rune Territory Benefaction (855, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Schuttgart Territory Benefaction (856, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mercenary Power Strike (869, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Royal Guard Captain Power Strike (870, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (871, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer Captain Power Shot (872, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Captain Flame Strike (874, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (875, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Enuma Elish (876, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Power Strike (878, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Twister (881, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Blaze (882, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Magic (913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frog Jump (959, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Race Running (960, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Swift Dash (961, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's March (962, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Claw (968, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Dash (969, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (970, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (971, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (975, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation - Wind Strike (976, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Strike (984, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Death Sting (990, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (994, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Flame (1002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Gift (1003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Wisdom (1004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Blessing (1005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fire (1006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Battle (1007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Glory (1008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Shielding (1009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Shield (1010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (1011, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Poison (1012, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Recharge (1013, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (1013, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Heal (1015, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Resurrection (1016, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Resurrection (1016, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Purify (1018, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Group Heal (1027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might of Heaven (1028, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invigor (1032, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (1033, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repose (1034, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (1035, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (1036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (1040, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (1044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (1045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Regeneration (1047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (1048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Requiem (1049, 1) effect Passive [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return (1050, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return (1050, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (1056, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (1059, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (1064, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (1068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Kiss (1073, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Peace (1075, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (1077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (1078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (1085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (1086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (1087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (1090, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom (1095, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Chaos (1096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Slow (1099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (1100, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (1101, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Winter (1104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Madness (1105, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Flame (1107, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:24][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Flame (1108, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Recharge (1126, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Heal (1127, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Shield (1139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Physical Shield (1140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Haste (1141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Wind Walk (1144, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Boost (1145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mighty Servitor (1146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (1147, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Spike (1148, 1) effect magical-attack-range [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Forget (1156, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body To Mind (1157, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Death Link (1159, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (1160, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Discord (1163, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Weakness (1164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poisonous Cloud (1167, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Poison (1168, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (1171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (1172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (1174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (1175, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (1176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Strike (1177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (1178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (1181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Shackle (1183, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (1204, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Shackle (1206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Poison (1209, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Mirage (1213, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Heal (1216, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (1217, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Battle Heal (1218, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Group Heal (1219, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (1220, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Chaos (1222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Poison (1224, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (1229, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (1230, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (1231, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decay (1233, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (1234, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (1235, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (1239, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (1240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (1242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (1243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Essence (1245, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Silence (1246, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Scourge (1247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Suspension (1248, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Vision (1249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Protection (1250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fury (1251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Evasion (1252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Rage (1253, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Party Return (1255, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Party Return (1255, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (1257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (1258, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (1259, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Tact (1260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Spark (1264, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (1265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Spark (1266, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Flare (1267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (1268, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Disease (1269, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Benediction (1271, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Benediction (1271, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Serenade (1273, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Bolt (1274, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Bolt (1275, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Haste (1282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Revenge (1284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Symphony (1288, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Assault (1292, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Symphony (1293, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Storm (1294, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (1295, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (1296, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clear Mind (1297, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Slow (1298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Cure (1300, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Blessing (1301, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (1303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Advanced Block (1304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Honor (1305, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Life (1306, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Predator (1308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Eagle (1309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Vampire (1310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body of Avatar (1311, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dwarven Craft (1321, 1) effect OpenDwarfRecipeBook [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Common Craft (1322, 1) effect OpenCommonRecipeBook [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Balance Life (1335, 1) effect RebalanceHP [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Disease (1367, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Dwarven Craft (1368, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Common Craft (1369, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Trade (1370, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Warehouse (1371, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Inventory (1372, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Link (1378, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Sense (1379, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse Gloom (1382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Might (1388, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Shield (1389, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Chant (1390, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Earth (1391, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (1392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (1393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (1396, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clarity (1397, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (1398, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1) effect call-pc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Inspiration (1405, 1) effect EnlargeAbnormalSlot [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cleanse (1409, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Salvation (1410, 1) effect ResurrectionSpecial [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect CpHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Miracle (1426, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect dispel-myself [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Recharge (1428, 1) effect ManaHealByLevel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1) effect CallParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Power (1432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Divinity (1440, 1) effect steal-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Art of Rapier (1444, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Voice Bind (1447, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Power (1459, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect PhysicalAttackMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Abyssal Power (1474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect CpHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord of Vampires (1507, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (1515, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stigma of Shilen (1539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (1543, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Cure Poison (1550, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Purify (1551, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Heal (1553, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Shield (1556, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1) effect servitor-share [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Pump (1565, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1) effect skill-evasion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect IgnoreDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Saver (1610, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Force (1612, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Body Crush (1613, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Recovery (1618, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (1619, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (1620, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood of Sacrifice (1622, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect ReduceDamage [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect Root [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect dispel-probability [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect SkillTurning [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Might (1810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Shield (1811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Wind Walk (1812, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Return (1813, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Focus (1814, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Death Whisper (1815, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Guidance (1816, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Heal (1817, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Haste (1818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Acumen (1819, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Vampiric Rage (1820, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Empower (1821, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Clarity (1822, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Agility (1823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Lightness (1824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Recharge (1825, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Greater Heal (1826, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fall Down (1896, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Field of Shilen (1897, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Potion (2001, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Drug (2002, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Squash Seed (2003, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Large Squash Seed (2004, 1) effect summon-npc [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Nectar (2005, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Endeavor Potion (2010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk Potion (2011, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Potion (2012, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Potion (2031, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater HP Potion (2032, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Walk Potion (2034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Haste Potion (2035, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major HP Potion (2037, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade HP Potion (2038, 1) effect hp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antidote (2042, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Antidote (2043, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (2044, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Emergency Dressing (2045, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition check-residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1) effect SummonPet [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Food (2048, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Guidance (2050, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Death Whisper (2051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Focus (2052, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Acumen (2053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Haste (2054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Agility (2055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Empower (2056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Might (2057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Wind Walk (2058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Shield (2059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Medicine (2060, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hatchling Food (2063, 1) effect feed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Mana Regeneration (2064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Box Key (2065, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Decrease Hate (2075, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Blessing (2076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mysterious Potion (2103, 1)) condition non-transformed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2122, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2123, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2124, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2125, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2126, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2127, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2128, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2129, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2130, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2131, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2132, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2133, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Momentum Stone (2165, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CP Potion (2166, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll (2167, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Haste Enhancement Potion (2169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Cancel Sleep (2170, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Food (2180, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1)) condition can-add-bookmark-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1) effect AddTeleportBookmarkSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (3005, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Evasion (3009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3018, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3019, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3020, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3021, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3022, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3024, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Anger (3026, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3028, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3029, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3030, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3031, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mortal Strike (3035, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3039, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3040, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3041, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Damage (3049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3059, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3060, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3061, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3062, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3069, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3070, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3074, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Empower (3076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3078, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3080, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Physical) (3081, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3082, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Physical) (3083, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Physical) (3084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3089, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Physical) (3091, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Physical) (3092, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3093, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3095, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Magic) (3096, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Magic) (3097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3098, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3102, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Magic) (3104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Magic) (3105, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3106, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Up (3108, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Down (3109, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3110, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Critical) (3111, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Critical) (3112, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3113, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Critical) (3119, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Critical) (3120, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3121, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3123, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3124, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Battle Roar (3125, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3127, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3128, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3130, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3131, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3132, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3135, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3138, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3145, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Rage (3148, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3149, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Active) (3150, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Peace (3151, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Trick (3152, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Touch (3153, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3154, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Celestial Shield (3158, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3162, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3163, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3164, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3165, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3167, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3168, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3169, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3170, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3173, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3175, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3179, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3180, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3182, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3183, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3186, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3193, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3195, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3196, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3197, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Refresh (3199, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Refresh (3200, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Refresh (3201, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Refresh (3202, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3204, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3207, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3208, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3209, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3211, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3212, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3213, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3214, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3215, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3216, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3217, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3218, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3219, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3220, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3221, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3222, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3223, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3224, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (3225, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3226, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3227, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3228, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3229, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3230, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3231, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3232, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3233, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3234, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3235, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3236, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3237, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weight Limit (3251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3255, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3256, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3257, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3258, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Agathion (3267, 1) effect UnsummonAgathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Castle (3268, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Rainbow Clan Hall (3269, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Beast Farm (3270, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Crit. (3271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Atk. (3272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Def. (3273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Physical Skill Evasion Rate (3274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Crit. (3275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Atk. (3276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Def. (3277, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Magic Skill Evasion Rate (3278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. HP (3279, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. MP (3280, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman Box - Guard (3281, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Denial (3282, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Block (3284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Bond (3286, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Guard (3287, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Denial (3288, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Block (3290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Bond (3292, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Healing Power (3293, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Power of Healing Magic (3294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Bracelet (3322, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bronze Bracelet (3323, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Light (3498, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Devotion, 3-piece (3501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: P. Critical Damage (3542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3543, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3544, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3546, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3548, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3549, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3550, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3571, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Slow (3574, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Hold (3577, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Protection (3584, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Immortal (3590, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Vampiric Mana (3596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Mana Limit (3598, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Multi-attack (3599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Burst (3630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Flow (3631, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect clan-system-message [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residential Stun Immunity (3633, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (4001, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Siphon (4002, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Body (4003, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fragile Skull (4004, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Skin (4008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Blow (4017, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant (4021, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4024, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Master Recharge (4025, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Flame (4026, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Heal (4027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (4031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4032, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4033, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4035, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4036, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (4038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Drain (4039, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4040, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruma Blaze (4041, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurka Blaze (4042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Flame (4043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Heal (4044, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Magic Attack Resistance (4045, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4046, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4047, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4048, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Strike (4049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Drain (4050, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Heal (4051, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Poison (4052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Weakness (4053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hex (4054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Shackle (4055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Vulnerability (4057, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animal Vulnerability (4058, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Plant Vulnerability (4059, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beast Vulnerability (4060, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Vulnerability (4061, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen (4062, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4064, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4065, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4066, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blow (4067, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mechanical Cannon (4068, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curve Beam (4069, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4070, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Weapon Resistance (4071, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4074, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4075, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4077, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4078, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Siege Hammer (4079, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Heal (4080, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kalis' Poison (4083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Attack Resistance (4084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (4085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (4086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4087, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4088, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Wolf (4090, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (4093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (4094, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4097, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4098, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4100, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (4104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Stink (4110, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4112, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4113, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Flame (4114, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Heal (4115, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Attack Resistance (4116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4118, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4119, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun (4120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoned Monster Magic Protection (4121, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4124, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reduce Delay (4126, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Attack (4127, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Of Force (4128, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (4129, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning (4130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4131, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4132, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4133, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Heal (4135, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium's Gift (4136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Screw (4137, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boom Attack (4139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Contract Payment (4140, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Fist (4141, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Wind Fist (4142, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb (4143, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic Attack (4144, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel (4147, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4148, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4149, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (4150, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4151, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4152, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (4154, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4156, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4157, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4158, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4159, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4160, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Ice (4165, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Stun (4166, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4168, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4170, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4171, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4173, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel (4177, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4179, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4181, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4182, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4185, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4186, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4188, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease MP (4190, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4191, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (4192, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (4193, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4194, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4195, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4197, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4198, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4201, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4202, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4203, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4204, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4205, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (4206, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4207, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4209, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4219, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Attack (4220, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Dual Attack (4221, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack Resistance (4225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ban Heal (4226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Regeneration (4227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Dagger Attack (4228, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Wind Fist (4229, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Cannon (4230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spit Attack (4231, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Attack (4233, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Cooldown (4238, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venomous Poison (4243, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (4244, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4247, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Drain (4248, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4250, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4251, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4252, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4253, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4254, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4255, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4256, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (4257, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hinder Strider (4258, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toxic Smoke (4259, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Blood (4260, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mega Storm Strike (4261, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Wind Walk (4262, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Haste (4263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Empower (4264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Might (4265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Shield (4266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4272, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Resistance (4273, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Vulnerability (4274, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Vulnerability (4276, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (4277, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Magic Attack Resistance (4283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Resistance (4284, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Resistance (4285, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Resistance (4287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4288, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Light Burst (4314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4315, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4316, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Rage Might (4317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4319, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4320, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (4322, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (4323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (4324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (4325, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (4326, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (4327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (4328, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (4329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (4330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (4331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Aegis (4332, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (4333, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SSQ Cancel (4334, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Vulnerability (4336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (4337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4342, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (4343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (4346, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4347, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4348, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4350, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (4351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4354, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4367, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Physical Attack Resistance (4376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wield Temper (4377, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Damage Shield (4378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Resistance (4379, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena CP Recovery (4380, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Lake Ghost (4382, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Resistance (4388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Resistance (4389, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4391, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4394, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4395, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4399, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4403, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4404, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4405, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (4406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Atk. (4410, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Atk. (4411, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Def. (4412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Def. (4413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Undead (4416, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animals (4417, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Resistance (4424, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Resistance (4425, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Resistance (4426, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Resistance (4427, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fire Resistance (4429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Water Resistance (4430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Resistance (4431, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Earth Resistance (4432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Holy Attack Resistance (4433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dark Attack Resistance (4434, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Stun Resistance (4435, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Poison Resistance (4436, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bleed Resistance (4437, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4438, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4439, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Paralysis Resistance (4440, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Mental Attack Resistance (4441, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fist Weapon Resistance (4442, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blunt Weapon Resistance (4443, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4444, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spear Resistance (4445, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dualsword Resistance (4446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sword Resistance (4447, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dagger Resistance (4448, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Vulnerability (4450, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Vulnerability (4451, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Vulnerability (4452, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Vulnerability (4453, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Vulnerability (4454, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Vulnerability (4455, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Vulnerability (4456, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Vulnerability (4457, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Vulnerability (4458, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Vulnerability (4459, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Vulnerability (4460, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Vulnerability (4461, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Vulnerability (4462, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Water (4463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Wind (4464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Earth (4465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (4466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Holy (4467, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4468, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Strike (4472, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (4474, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Complete Bleed Resistance (4475, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (4476, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (4477, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (4478, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Fairy's Blessing (4479, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (4480, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (4481, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4483, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devour Subordinate (4484, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4486, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (4487, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4488, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4489, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy War (4490, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlarging Head Curse (4492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4493, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4515, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen Heal (4516, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Attack Resistance (4521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eye of Assassin (4522, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon (4526, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore (4527, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4528, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (4529, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4530, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4531, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep/Stun Resistance (4542, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Stun (4543, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annulment (4548, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mutation Resistance (4555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease A D (4556, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease B D (4557, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease C D (4558, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4560, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4561, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4562, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4563, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4564, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4565, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4566, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4567, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4568, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4569, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4570, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (4571, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (4572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (4573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (4574, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4575, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4576, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4577, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4581, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4583, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Evasion (4586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4589, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4590, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4591, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4592, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4597, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4598, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4599, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magma Attack (4607, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4609, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wide Sweep (4612, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Heal (4613, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4614, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4615, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Petrification (4616, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Petrification (4617, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Target Cancellation (4618, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Sleep (4619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4620, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4621, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4622, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4623, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disease (4624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4625, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Barrier (4626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Barrier (4627, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4629, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4630, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4640, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Strike (4641, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (4642, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4643, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4643, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4644, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4645, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4646, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4647, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4648, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4649, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hold (4650, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Slow (4651, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Silence (4652, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4654, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4655, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4656, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4657, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4657, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4658, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4658, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4659, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4659, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4660, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4660, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4661, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4661, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4662, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4662, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (4663, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4664, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4665, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4666, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4667, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4668, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4669, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4670, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (4671, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (4671, 1) effect TargetMe [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Remove (4672, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Attack (4673, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Defense (4674, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Fighter (4675, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Mage Empower (4676, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Fighter Shield (4677, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Mage Barrier (4678, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas (4679, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas (4679, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Lava Skin (4680, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Lava Skin (4680, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Trample (4681, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Trample (4682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4683, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4683, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4684, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4684, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Tail Stamp (4685, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Tail Stamp (4686, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Fear (4689, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Fear (4689, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Meteor Storm (4690, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Recovery (4691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Enlargement (4692, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annul Enlargement (4693, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4695, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (4698, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Queen (4699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Queen (4699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Queen (4700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Queen (4700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure of Queen (4701, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Seraphim (4702, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Seraphim (4702, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Seraphim (4703, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Seraphim (4703, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure of Seraphim (4704, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shade Sacrifice (4707, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Strike (4708, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Strike (4708, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Blow (4709, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Stun (4710, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Stun (4710, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bright Burst (4712, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bright Heal (4713, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal Trick (4717, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal Trick (4718, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4719, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4721, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4722, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4723, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4724, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4724, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4725, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4726, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4727, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4727, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4728, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4729, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4730, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4731, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4732, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4733, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4735, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4737, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4738, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4739, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4740, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4741, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4742, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4743, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4744, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4744, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4745, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4745, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4746, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4747, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4748, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4748, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4749, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4750, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4751, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4752, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4753, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4754, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4755, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4756, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4757, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4758, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4759, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4759, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4760, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4760, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4761, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4761, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4762, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4763, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4763, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4764, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4765, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4766, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4768, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4769, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4769, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4770, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4770, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4771, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4772, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4773, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4774, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4775, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4776, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4778, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4779, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4780, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4781, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4782, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4783, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4784, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4785, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4786, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4787, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4788, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Lv. (4789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Lv. (4789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Mineral (4990, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Strike (4993, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Storm (4994, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alfred Strike (5000, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alfred Life Drain (5001, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giselle Vampiric Rage (5002, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giselle Tempest (5003, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Pose (5005, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Fighter (5009, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Mage (5010, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Bomb (5011, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Breath of Scarlet (5012, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Energy Drain (5013, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Attack (5014, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yoke of Scarlet (5016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Field (5018, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Energy Drain (5019, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Potion (5040, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb Dispel (5042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb Dispel (5042, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Supersonic Blaster (5043, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5045, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5051, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5052, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (5053, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (5056, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5065, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5073, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill The Victor of War (5074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill The Vanquished of War (5075, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Critical Damage (5078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Focus (5079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Focus (5079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Might (5080, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Might (5080, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5081, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5081, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5082, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blinding Blow (5084, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blinding Blow (5084, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anesthesia (5085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Poison (5086, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (5092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (5092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Meteor (5093, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Self-destruction (5094, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Strike (5095, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Power Shot (5096, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Self-destruction (5097, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Capture Penalty (5098, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Force (5104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Force (5105, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Big Bang (5111, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Big Bang (5111, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Big Bang (5111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5112, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Buff Dispel (5113, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hate (5115, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hold (5116, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hold (5116, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5117, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Sailren Use (5118, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5119, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailren Use Might (5122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-music (5124, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Resist Status (5125, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Recovery Bonus (5126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Recovery Bonus (5126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recover Momentum (5127, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recover Momentum (5127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximize long-range weapon use (5128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximize long-range weapon use (5128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Smokescreen (5129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Smokescreen (5129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Volcano (5130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tsunami (5131, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cyclone (5132, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gehenna (5133, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect Unsummon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slash (5135, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Slash (5136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grip of the Cat (5137, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grip of the Cat (5137, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:25][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whiplash (5138, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whiplash (5138, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tidal Wave (5139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Curse (5140, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Curse (5140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dicing Death (5141, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailren Use Blow (5143, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5146, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (5147, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prayer (5148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (5149, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (5150, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (5151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual (5152, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cheer (5153, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (5154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (5156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Might (5157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Might (5157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (5158, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (5159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Weakness (5160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Weakness (5160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (5161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (5162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (5163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (5164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (5165, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5166, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Winter (5167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5168, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5169, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5169, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (5170, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (5170, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralyze (5171, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Medusa (5172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5173, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5173, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5174, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5175, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5176, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Doom (5177, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Doom (5177, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill NPC Burn (5178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Protection (5182, 1) effect ProtectionBlessing [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Presentation - Magic-type Guard (5185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Haste (5186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Vampiric Rage (5187, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Regeneration (5188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Blessed Body (5189, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Blessed Soul (5190, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Guidance (5191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Wind Walk (5192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Acumen (5193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Empower (5194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Greater Heal (5195, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Wind Shackle (5196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Hex (5197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Slow (5198, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Curse Gloom (5199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Recharge (5200, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Concentration (5201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5202, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5203, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5203, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5205, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (5207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (Event) (5208, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (Event) (5209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (Event) (5210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (Event) (5211, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (Event) (5212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (Event) (5213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (Event) (5214, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (Event) (5215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (Event) (5216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (Event) (5217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Stun (5219, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Fear (5220, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Fear (5220, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Physical Close Range Vulnerability (5221, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Physical Long Range Vulnerability (5222, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Magic Vulnerability (5223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5230, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5231, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5231, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5232, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Weak (5233, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Mid (5234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Strong (5235, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Up (5236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Down (5237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing (5238, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing (5238, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5240, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5240, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5241, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5241, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Up (5244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Up (5244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Up (5245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Up (5245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Explosion (5246, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed of Darkness (5247, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed of Darkness (5247, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed Explosion (5248, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Circle (5249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5250, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5251, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5251, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5252, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5253, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5253, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invasion of Spirit (5254, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invasion of Spirit (5254, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5255, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Announcement of Death (5256, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (5257, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5258, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5259, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5259, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (5260, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rising Shot (5262, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Lightning (5263, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Emission (5265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (5266, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trap Explosion (5267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5268, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash Trap (5270, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash Trap (5270, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5271, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5271, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decoy Provocation (5272, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5273, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5274, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5275, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5276, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5277, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5278, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5280, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5282, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5283, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5284, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5285, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5286, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5287, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5288, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5289, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5290, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5291, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5292, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5293, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5294, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5295, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5296, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5297, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5298, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5299, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5300, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5301, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5301, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5302, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5302, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5303, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5303, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5304, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5304, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5305, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5305, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5306, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5306, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5307, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5307, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5308, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5308, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5309, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5309, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (5310, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (5311, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (5312, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5313, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5315, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (5316, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Hydro Blast (5317, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (5318, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5328, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Blast (5329, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Circle (5330, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (5331, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5332, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5333, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5334, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5335, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5336, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5338, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5340, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5342, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5350, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5356, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5358, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5359, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5360, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5363, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5363, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5364, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5364, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5365, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5365, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5366, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5366, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5367, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5369, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5369, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (5371, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (5372, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5374, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5376, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (5380, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (5382, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rock Strike (5383, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5389, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Blast (5390, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Circle (5391, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (5392, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5393, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5394, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Burn (5398, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heat of Desert (5399, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Beast Farm (5413, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Rainbow Clan Hall (5414, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Castle (5415, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5423, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5423, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5424, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5424, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Bomb (5430, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5438, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5439, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bite Attack (5442, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cry of the Wolf (5443, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maul (5444, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maul (5444, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5447, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Fortress (5458, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5461, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Shot (5468, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boss Petrification Resistance (5479, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Baylor Invincibility (5480, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Atk. Spd. Reduction (5491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5495, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Fireball (5496, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-Destruct (5498, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Lightening (5499, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Black Dragon Claw (5500, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Black Dragon Claw (5500, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5501, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5501, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5502, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5502, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Defense (5504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Blossom (5505, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Blossom (5506, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Blossom (5507, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Blossom (5508, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Power (5509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Power (5510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Power (5511, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Power (5512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Taint (5513, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Taint (5514, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Taint (5515, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Taint (5516, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurture (5517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Vampiric Shield (5520, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Vampiric Shield (5520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Dark Explosion (5522, 1) effect MagicalAttackByAbnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Melee Resistance (5525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Melee Resistance (5525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overflow (5527, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (5529, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Cute Trick (5535, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Cute Trick (5536, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rudolph Cuteness Trick (5537, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Escape (5540, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Escape (5540, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5541, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5541, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Ability of Blessed Escape (5544, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Ability of Blessed Escape (5544, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5545, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5545, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Momentum Attack (5548, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Momentum Attack (5548, 1) effect FocusSouls [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Vulnerability (5549, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Stun (5550, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5551, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5551, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal Up (5552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Bonus (5553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhanced Silence Resistance (5554, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Silence Resistance (5555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Cure (5579, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Bite (5580, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Stun Attack (5581, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Stun Attack (5581, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Fire Breath (5582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Roar (5583, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Howl (5584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Howl (5584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Roar (5585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Roar (5585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Might (5586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Shield (5587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Focus (5588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Death Whisper (5589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Battle Heal (5590, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (5592, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mana Burn (5593, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mana Burn (5593, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Invalid Skill (5597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrification Resistance (5598, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (5599, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (5600, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Resistance (5601, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transform Sacrifice (5602, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transform Sacrifice (5602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (5603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (5603, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (5604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (5604, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Vulnerability (5620, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aerial Recharge (5621, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (5627, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (5628, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (5629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (5630, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (5631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (5632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (5633, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (5634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (5635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (5636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Magic Barrier (5637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Blessed Body (5638, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Blessed Soul (5639, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Haste (5640, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Acumen (5643, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill not_used (5645, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Wild Magic (5646, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Clarity (5647, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Empower (5648, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Death Whisper (5652, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Focus (5653, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Guidance (5654, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Prominence (5657, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Prominence (5657, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Flame Strike (5658, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Flame Strike (5658, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Resistance (5663, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Vulnerability (5664, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5665, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5666, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5667, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5668, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5669, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5670, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5671, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5672, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oblivion Trap (5679, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oblivion Trap (5680, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - CP Drain (5681, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Cancel (5682, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Ignore Shield Defense (5683, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Attack Rate (5684, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Casting (5685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Rapid Fire (5686, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Decrease Range (5687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Decrease Resist (5688, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Shield - Reflect Damage (5689, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman - Increase Momentum (5695, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman - Increase Momentum (5695, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dizziness (5696, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dizziness (5696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal (5697, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal (5697, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (5699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (5700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (5701, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adiantum Round Fighter (5702, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Cannon (5708, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whirlpool (5709, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sword (5710, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Ditch (5712, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blade Cut (5720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blade Strike (5721, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hammer Assault (5722, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hammer Swing (5723, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broom Strike (5724, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broom Thrust (5725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scissors Attack (5726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scissors Strike (5727, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shovel Attack (5728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shovel Whirlwind (5729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Made Fireball (5730, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Incense of Death (5731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5732, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust of Wind (5734, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Katar Trusting (5736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Stamp (5737, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Roar (5738, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5739, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5739, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Pot (5741, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (5745, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Attack (5746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Attack (5747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Attack (5747, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Bolt (5749, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Bolt (5749, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash (5750, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash (5750, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Wave (5751, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Wave (5751, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flare (5752, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flare (5752, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5761, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wink (5763, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5765, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5766, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5768, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Transform Effect (5779, 1)) condition class [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Air Assault (5805, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (5826, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fireball (5827, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Flare (5828, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Flare (5829, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Thrust (5830, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Swing (5831, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Swing (5831, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (5832, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (5833, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (5834, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Heal (5835, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (5836, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (5836, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Throw Javelin (5837, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throw Javelin (5838, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Breath (5839, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (5840, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multi Defense (5841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multi Defense (5841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5842, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5843, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5843, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (5844, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Bleed (5845, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5846, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5849, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5851, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5851, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destruction of the Body (5862, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destruction of the Soul (5863, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Puncture (5878, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Puncture (5878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Expunge (5879, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Pommel (5882, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Pommel (5882, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Meggling Injury (5883, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5884, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5884, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5885, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5885, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ground Shaker (5886, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ground Shaker (5886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Shaker (5888, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cunning Coercion (5892, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Pain (5899, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Oblivion (5900, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mist of Oblivion (5901, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel NPC Trigger Target (5902, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Misplace (5903, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mist of Souleater (5904, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Entombment (5907, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Entombment (5908, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stronghold Attack (5909, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stronghold Attack (5910, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Putrefaction Cleanse (5913, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Root Vulnerability (5918, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Obey (5919, 1) effect BlockResurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tentacle of Agony (5920, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goring Charge (5925, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shielding of the Lost (5930, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Blade (5932, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Blade (5933, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Ring (5935, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Ring (5936, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5951, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5952, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5953, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Tinplate Golem (5954, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Joy (5955, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Angry Devil (5956, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Sorrow (5957, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Teddy Boy (5958, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Teddy Girl (5959, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (5969, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (5969, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (5975, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Storm (5976, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Isolation (5980, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6038, 1) effect BlockChat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6039, 1) effect BlockParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6040, 1) effect Flag [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Rush (6041, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Cleanse (6042, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Flame Feather (6043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Flame Beak (6044, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Piercing Attack (6046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whirlwind (6047, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lance Smash (6048, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (6050, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Burst (6051, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shock Wave (6052, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6055, 1) effect block-action [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6056, 1) effect block-action [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6057, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (6059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (6060, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (6090, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (6091, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (6092, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Hide (6093, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Hide (6093, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Cancel (6094, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Dark Claw (6095, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Dark Claw (6095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Fatal Claw (6096, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Neolithica (6124, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6125, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6126, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-limit (6127, 1) effect block-abnormal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Juju (6136, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Curse (6150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Yearning (6152, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Despair (6154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Presentation - Tyranno (6172, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Oink Oink (6197, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Light of the Dawn (6198, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tail Strike (6199, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dispel NPC Transformation (6200, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel NPC Transformation (6200, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Bite (6205, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Bite (6205, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Fear (6206, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Fear (6206, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Dash (6207, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Heatstroke (6240, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Sultriness (6251, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jump Attack (6268, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6274, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6274, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6275, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6275, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Ball (6278, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Nearby Range (6279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Announcement of Death (6280, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cold Judgement (6281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Magic (6282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Storm (6283, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage of Ice (6285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jinia's Prayer (6288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jinia's Prayer (6288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6290, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6291, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (6292, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6293, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leader's Roar (6294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (6296, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cylinder Throw (6297, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Breath - Ice Storm (6299, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Breath - Ice Storm (6299, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6300, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6300, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cold Mana Fragment (6301, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Air (6302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Air (6302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trial of the Coup (6303, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6304, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Gnosis (6305, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Strike (6306, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Opus of the Hand (6307, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Opus of the Wave (6308, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pain of the Ascetic (6309, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Loss of Quest (6310, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Thrust (6311, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Launch Holy Sword Energy (6312, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Bless (6313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Judgment (6314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Blow (6315, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Execution of Authority (6316, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divinity Tacit (6317, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Shield Defense (6318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Magic Protection (6319, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Holy Magic Circle (6320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Holy Magic Circle (6320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Flash (6321, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Impact (6322, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Bolt (6323, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Strike (6324, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Nova (6325, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Martyr's Happiness (6326, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divinity Worship (6327, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Judgement (6328, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Blow (6329, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Salmon Porridge Attack (6330, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Tired (6331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Full (6332, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Full (6332, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Bolt 1 (6333, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Bolt 1 (6333, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6334, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6334, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Rain 1 (6335, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Rain 2 (6336, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Slash 1 (6337, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Slash 2 (6338, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Hammer Attack (6339, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Hammer Attack (6339, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6340, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6340, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trap Over Steam (6342, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Power (6343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Power (6343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Roar (6380, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Roar (6380, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Soul Beam (6381, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Soul Beam (6381, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Rolling Claw (6382, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Roar (6383, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Roar (6383, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Blow (6384, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Critical Klaus (6385, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earth Rise (6386, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earth Rise (6386, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earthquake (6387, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Poison Breath (6416, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Poison Shot (6417, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Fury Poison Bomb (6418, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Fury Poison Bomb (6418, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light of Scout (6419, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lizard Blow (6420, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Rage (6421, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Resistance Explosion (6422, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6423, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6423, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Shot (6424, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demotivation Hex (6425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Priest's Ire (6426, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cozy Mucus (6429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cozy Mucus (6429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Roar Hip Heal (6430, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Might (6431, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Focus (6432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Guidance (6433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Haste (6434, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1)) condition class [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Core Area (6437, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Wisdom (6439, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Strength (6440, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Agility (6441, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Wisdom (6442, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Strength (6443, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Agility (6444, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Strike (6618, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Strike (6618, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Power Strike (6619, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Power Strike (6619, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Life (6625, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Energy of Life (6626, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Superior Energy of Life (6627, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Mana (6628, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Energy of Mana (6629, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Superior Energy of Mana (6630, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Power (6631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Atk. Spd. (6633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Crtical Attack (6635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Movement Speed (6636, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of HP Drain (6637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of HP Drain (6637, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1)) condition non-transformed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Crtical Rate: Damage (6639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Ball (6641, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (6642, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Strike (6643, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Shield (6666, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Wind Walk (6667, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Death Whisper (6668, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Blessed Body (6669, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Vampiric Rage (6670, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Blessed Shield (6672, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Range Increment (6674, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician's Perversity (6676, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoner's Blow (6679, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Wind Walk (6681, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Maguen Wind Walk (6682, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maguen Return (6683, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Return (6683, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maguen Party Return (6684, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Party Return (6684, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Holy Protection (6686, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awful Soup (6688, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awful Soup (6688, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP/MP Drain (6689, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6697, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6697, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ball Trapping Gnosian Agathion Cute Trick (6699, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ball Trapping Orodriel Agathion Cute Trick (6700, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Penalty Kick Agathion Cute Trick (6701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Piercing Attack (6706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk of Elcadia (6714, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste of Elcadia (6715, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might of Elcadia (6716, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper of Elcadia (6718, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance of Elcadia (6719, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus of Elcadia (6720, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower of Elcadia (6721, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen of Elcadia (6722, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration of Elcadia (6723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal of Elcadia (6724, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal of Elcadia (6724, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Blood of Elcadia (6725, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Blood (6726, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage of Elcadia (6727, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge of Elcadia (6728, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance of Elcadia (6729, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Battle Heal of Elcadia (6730, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Etis Shadow (6731, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mirage (6732, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fierce Attack (6736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (6737, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Wound (6743, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Wound (6743, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6748, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6748, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6749, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6750, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Revival (6752, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Revival (6752, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (6753, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (6754, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6755, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Talon (6756, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6757, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Strike (6760, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Blow Strike (6761, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Earth Strike (6763, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Earth Shot (6764, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Recovery (6765, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Tremor (6766, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6768, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6768, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (6769, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (6770, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6774, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6774, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Breath (6775, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6778, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6779, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Haste (6803, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Wind Walk (6804, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Empower (6805, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Acumen (6806, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Concentration (6807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Might (6808, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Guidance (6809, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Focus (6810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Death Whisper (6811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (6813, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (6813, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Focus (6813, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (6814, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (6814, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Force (6814, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena HP Recovery (6817, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill P. Def. Enhance (6820, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6842, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6842, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6844, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6845, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6846, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoner Strike (6849, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6850, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6851, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Strike (6852, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (6853, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (6854, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Strike (6855, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6857, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6859, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6860, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6861, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6861, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6862, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6863, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6865, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6866, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Strike (6867, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detonate (6869, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6870, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Magic Attack (6871, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6872, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (6873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Magic Attack (6874, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6875, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6876, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6877, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6878, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6879, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (6880, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Strike (6881, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (6882, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Recovery (6886, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Strike (6887, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Shot (6888, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Attack (6889, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Attack (6891, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (6892, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Attack (6893, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (6894, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Attack (6895, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (6896, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Antharas' Cute Tricks (6916, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Kanna's Splendor (6917, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Kallesin's Splendor (6918, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Buff (7001, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Debuff (7002, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel All (7003, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Petrification (7004, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Chant of Vampire (7005, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Chant of Vampire (7005, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill The Love of Pa'agrio (7006, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stationary NPCs (7028, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon King Bugbear (7030, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Hunter Gargoyle (7032, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Focus (7041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Death Whisper (7042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Haste (7043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Guidance (7044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Blessed Body (7045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Blessed Soul (7046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Agility (7047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Acumen (7048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Decrease Weight (7049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Might (7050, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Shield (7051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Magic Barrier (7052, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Vampiric Rage (7053, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Empower (7054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Wind Walk (7055, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Greater Might (7057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Greater Shield (7058, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Wild Magic (7059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Clarity (7060, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Test Stun Charge (7066, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Sharpen Edge (7094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Sharpen Edge (7094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Encase Armor (7095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Blessing of Fire Dragon (7096, 1) effect NoblesseBless [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Shadow Move (7097, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Heal (7098, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Fear (7099, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Fear (7099, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Stun (7100, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Aerial Thrust (7101, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Aerial Thrust (7101, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Clan Pet (7102, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Clan Pet (7102, 1)) condition clan [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Clan Pet (7102, 1) effect SummonPet [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Incubation Possible (7105, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Optimal Temperature Incubation Success (7106, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Incubation Success (7107, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Incubation Failure (7108, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Invincibility Effect (7113, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Invincibility Effect (7113, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Shiny (8256, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Earring (8293, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Earring (8293, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Earring (8293, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Nevit's Messenger Kanna (8522, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Watermelon Seed (9029, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Honey Watermelon Seed (9030, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Copied Watermelon Seed (9031, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Copied Honey Watermelon Seed (9032, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Moving (9206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dismount (9210, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (Low-grade) (9504, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (Low-grade) (9504, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (Mid-grade) (9505, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (Mid-grade) (9505, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (High-grade) (9506, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (High-grade) (9506, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (Top-grade) (9507, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (Top-grade) (9507, 1) effect PkCount [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yum Yum Candy (9618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yum Yum Candy (9618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nom Nom Candy (9619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nom Nom Candy (9619, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Yummy Gift Box (9620, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yummy Gift Box (9620, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1) effect pull-back [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Throwing Dagger (10539, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Dagger (10539, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Dagger (10539, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Soulshots (11316, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Soulshots (11316, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spiritshots (11318, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spiritshots (11318, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Debuff Immunity (11786, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 1 (13656, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 2 (13657, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 3 (13658, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 4 (13659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 5 (13660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Additional Brooch Effect (13661, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cross Slash (14001, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfixion Attack (14002, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (14055, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Drain Status (14559, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Siege Punch (14767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Intense Slash (14826, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Purity Blast (14828, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Explosion (14830, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Platonic Blizzard (14832, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Weapon (15127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Armor (15128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (15155, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (15155, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15182, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15182, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15183, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15183, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15184, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15184, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15185, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15185, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15186, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15186, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15187, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15187, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Multiple Arrow (15188, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Multiple Arrow (15189, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Multiple Arrow (15190, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Heavy Arrow Rain (15191, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Heavy Arrow Rain (15192, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Heavy Arrow Rain (15193, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clear Target (15218, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Strike (15219, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Explosion (15220, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Explosion (15220, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Spear (15221, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Home Thrust (15222, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Slice (15223, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bloody Breath (15224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bloody Breath (15224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Wave (15225, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Wave (15226, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Wave (15226, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Added Blow (15227, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Wave (15228, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Wave (15229, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Wave (15229, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Added Blow (15230, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Up (15232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Swing (15233, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Spheres (15234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Spheres (15234, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Darkness (15235, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Darkness (15235, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Darkness (15235, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Thrust (15236, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Buster (15237, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15291, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Instant Recovery (15362, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (15394, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (15394, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (15394, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Skill Usage Restriction Area (15396, 1) effect block-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Detonate (15397, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flame Throw (15398, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Darkness (15400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Darkness (15400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Darkness (15400, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wisp's Blessing (15402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wisp's Blessing (15402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Favor Exchange (15403, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unable to Target (15404, 1) effect DisableTargeting [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Break (15411, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Break (15411, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Supersonic Blaster (15431, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (15432, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (15433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15434, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (15435, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wide Sweep (15436, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (15437, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (15438, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15439, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (15440, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (15441, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15442, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15443, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15444, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Strike (15445, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15446, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15447, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (15449, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (15450, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15451, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (15452, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (15453, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's Voice (15456, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's Reign (15457, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memorable Raid Shield (15458, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (15459, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (15460, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15461, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (15462, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (15463, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (15464, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's CON Increase (15466, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's Def. Increase (15467, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's M. Def. Decrease (15468, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rites for Triol (15469, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel HP Regeneration (15470, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spore Spray (15476, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spore Spray (15476, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corrosive Acid Spray (15477, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corrosive Acid Spray (15477, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corrosive Acid Spray (15477, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spread Disease (15478, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spread Disease (15478, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vomit Mucus (15479, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoot Poison (15480, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoot Spider Web (15481, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (15608, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (15610, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tornado Slasher (15611, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (15675, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Stun (15676, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti Leap Attack (16036, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti Leap Attack (16036, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti Leap Attack (16037, 1) effect RealDamage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti (16101, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oasis Energy (16130, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oasis Energy (16130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oasis Energy (16130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absorb Wind (16389, 1) effect vital-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Snowy Squash Nectar (17110, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snowy Squash Seed (17111, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Large Snowy Squash Seed (17112, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Change Hair Accessory (17192, 1) effect HairAccessorySet [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion Seal- Aries (17613, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Pisces (17619, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Cancer (17621, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (17706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (17706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (17706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (17708, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (17708, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (17708, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (17709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (17709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (17709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aquamarine - Mana Drain (18448, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Anniversary Buff (18451, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Garnet (18566, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Advent (19009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Advent (19009, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Seal of Ruler (19034, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (19034, 1) effect take-castle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (19034, 1) effect TakeCastleStart [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Imprint of Darkness (19035, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Imprint of Darkness (19035, 1) effect take-castle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Imprint of Darkness (19035, 1) effect TakeCastleStart [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Light (19036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Light (19036, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape: Castle (19041, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape: Castle (19041, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (19042, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (19042, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill No Clan Return (19113, 1) effect BlockEscape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill No Clan Resurrection (19114, 1) effect BlockResurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Kick (20002, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Slash (20003, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Dash (20004, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Aura (20005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion - Uthanka (21109, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion - Uthanka (21233, 1) effect summon-agathion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Uthanka Agathion Cute Trick (23087, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Singer & Dancer Agathion Cute Trick (23234, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (23298, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (23299, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (23300, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit (32000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit (32000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit - Event (32001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit - Event (32001, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill XP Boost Scroll - Exchangeable (32002, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Exchangeable (32002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Exchangeable (32002, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill High-grade Dye Chest (32012, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Dye Chest (32012, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dye Chest (32013, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Chest (32013, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dandy's Homerun Ball (32030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dandy's Homerun Ball (32030, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (32031, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (32031, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (32031, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Elven Village (32032, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Elven Village (32032, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Elven Village (32032, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dark Elf Village (32033, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dark Elf Village (32033, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Dark Elf Village (32033, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Orc Village (32034, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Orc Village (32034, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Orc Village (32034, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dwarven Village (32035, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dwarven Village (32035, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Dwarven Village (32035, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Gludin Village (32036, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Gludin Village (32036, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Gludin Village (32036, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Town of Gludio (32037, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Town of Gludio (32037, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Town of Gludio (32037, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Cruma Tower (32044, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Cruma Tower (32044, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Cruma Tower (32044, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Dragon Valley (32045, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Dragon Valley (32045, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Dragon Valley (32045, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Dragon Valley Bridge (32046, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Dragon Valley Bridge (32046, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Espcape: Dragon Valley Bridge (32046, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Storm's Energy (32049, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (32049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (32049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant (35006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau (35010, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return of the Refined Romantic Chapeau (35011, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return of the Refined Romantic Chapeau (35011, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ring of Core - Special Ability (35016, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core - Special Ability (35016, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unequip Talisman of Insolence Lv. 6 (35019, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Baium - Removal (35021, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fate Purification (35025, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Enhance (35032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Enhance (35032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Belt (35040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Belt (35040, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Battle - Liberate (35045, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Empower (39013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Might (39014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Shield (39015, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fury (39016, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (39017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Wind (39018, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (No-grade) (39020, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (No-grade) (39020, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (D-grade) (39021, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (D-grade) (39021, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (C-grade) (39022, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (C-grade) (39022, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (B-grade) (39023, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (B-grade) (39023, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (A-grade) (39024, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (A-grade) (39024, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (39025, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (39025, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk Potion (39028, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chapeau's Side Effect (39043, 1)) condition non-transformed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Chapeau (39044, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Chapeau (39044, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Chapeau (39044, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau's Authority (39045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau's Authority (39045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Might (39047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Shield (39048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Magic Barrier (39049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Vampiric Rage (39050, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Empower (39051, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Gludio (39053, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Gludio (39053, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Dion (39054, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Dion (39054, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Giran (39055, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Giran (39055, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Oren (39056, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Oren (39056, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's XP Rune (39057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's XP Rune (39057, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rare Accessory Box (39058, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rare Accessory Box (39058, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spellbook Box (39059, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellbook Box (39059, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Major HP Potion (39069, 1) effect HealOverTime [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill D grade Weapon Pack (39072, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill D grade Weapon Pack (39072, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill C grade Weapon Pack (39073, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill C grade Weapon Pack (39073, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Advanced Return Scroll (39075, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Advanced Return Scroll (39075, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew- Guildsman's Gratitude (39076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew- Guildsman's Gratitude (39076, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Gludin Harbor (39077, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Gludin Harbor (39077, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return: Gludin Harbor (39077, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Giran Harbor (39078, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Giran Harbor (39078, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return: Giran Harbor (39078, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Perfect Charm (39082, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Hunter's Village (39100, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Hunter's Village (39100, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chase Down (39101, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sneak (39102, 1) effect ChameleonRest [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Scroll of Resurrection (39109, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Scroll of Resurrection (39109, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Mermaid's Tear (39113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Mermaid's Tear (39113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill 2,000 SP Scroll (39118, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill 10,000 SP Scroll (39119, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39124, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39124, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39125, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39125, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill C-grade Armor Supply Box (39126, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill C-grade Armor Supply Box (39126, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill B-grade Armor Supply Box (39127, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill B-grade Armor Supply Box (39127, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ornament Supply Box (C-grade) (39128, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ornament Supply Box (C-grade) (39128, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ornament Supply Box - B-grade (39129, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ornament Supply Box - B-grade (39129, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll (39134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll (39134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman of Darkness Box (39147, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness Box (39147, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Blessed Talisman of Fate (39148, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Blessed Talisman of Fate (39148, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman of Baium Box (39149, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Baium Box (39149, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ornament Supply Box (A-grade) (39152, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ornament Supply Box (A-grade) (39152, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Oriana's Lucky Draw Supply (39170, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oriana's Lucky Draw Supply (39170, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Oriana's Disguise (39171, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oriana's Disguise (39171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oriana's Disguise (39171, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box (A-grade) (39172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box (A-grade) (39172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill A-grade Armor Supply Box (39173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill A-grade Armor Supply Box (39173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill +8 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39174, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill +8 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39174, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill +16 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39175, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill +16 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39175, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Low-grade Scroll: XP (39180, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mid-grade Scroll: XP (39181, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Scroll: XP (39182, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Top-grade Scroll: XP (39183, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Highest-grade Scroll: XP (39184, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maliss's MP Potion (39198, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Life Stone Pack (39203, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Stone Pack (39203, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Blessing (39204, 1) effect acquire-xp-sp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dimensional Gift (39207, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Gift (39207, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saviour's Scroll of Growth (39211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saviour's Scroll of Growth (39211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Newbie MP Recovery Potion (39257, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior MP Recovery Potion (39258, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Officer of Balthus Knights (39272, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Officer of Balthus Knights (39272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Officer of Balthus Knights (39272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box +15 (A-grade) (39368, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box +15 (A-grade) (39368, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll (40143, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll: 20,000 (40144, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tyrr Critical Stun (45001, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel Defense (45002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel Health (45003, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tyrr Haste (45004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell Focus (45005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell Might Mortal (45006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Critical Damage (45007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Guidance (45008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Focus (45009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Empower (45010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss Acumen (45011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss Wind Wind Walk (45012, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn Boost Mana (45013, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn's Lightness (45014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore Magic Regeneration (45015, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore Healing (45016, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (STR +1 INT +1) (45021, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45022, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (CON +1 MEN +1) (45023, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Napoleon Hat (STR +1, INT +1) (45024, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Napoleon Hat (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45025, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Napoleon Hat (CON +1 MEN +1) (45026, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Hair Accessory (STR +1 INT +1) (45027, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Hair Accessory (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45028, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Hair Accessory (CON +1 MEN +1) (45029, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (STR +1 INT +1) (45030, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45031, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (CON +1 MEN +1) (45032, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (STR +1 INT +1) (45033, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45034, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (CON +1 MEN +1) (45035, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (STR +1 INT +1) (45036, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45037, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (CON +1 MEN +1) (45038, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Soul Gathering (45151, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Soul Gathering (45152, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark - Stage 1 (45154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark - Stage 1 (45154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark - Stage 1 (45154, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Impact (45155, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Impact (45155, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Soul Impact (45156, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Enuma Elish (45157, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enuma Elish (45157, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Enuma Elish (45158, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rush Impact (45159, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (45159, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (45159, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Slash (45160, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Slash (45160, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Soul Thrust (45162, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Spark (45163, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Spark (45163, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin Soul Spark (45164, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Strike (45165, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (45165, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Strike (45166, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (45166, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Strike (45167, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (45167, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Twin Shot (45168, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twin Shot (45168, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin- Twin Shot (45169, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Multiple Shot (45170, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multiple Shot (45170, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Multiple Shot (45171, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aiming Target (45173, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attacking [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-change-exp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attacking [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-avoid [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Shine Soul Absorption (45180, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Shadow Soul Absorption (45181, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion Mastery (45184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill STR enhancement bonus (45191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill STR enhancement bonus (45191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill STR enhancement bonus (45191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill INT enhancement bonus (45192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill INT enhancement bonus (45192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill INT enhancement bonus (45192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill DEX enhancement bonus (45193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill DEX enhancement bonus (45193, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill DEX enhancement bonus (45193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill WIT enhancement bonus (45194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill WIT enhancement bonus (45194, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill WIT enhancement bonus (45194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CON enhancement bonus (45195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CON enhancement bonus (45195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CON enhancement bonus (45195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MEN enhancement bonus (45196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MEN enhancement bonus (45196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MEN enhancement bonus (45196, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Strike - Transcendence (45199, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mortal Blow - Transcendence (45200, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Shot - Transcendence (45201, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Iron Punch - Transcendence (45202, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Sonic Slash - Transcendence (45203, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Sonic Slash - Transcendence (45204, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Shot - Transcendence (45205, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Strike - Transcendence (45206, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Blow - Transcendence (45207, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burning Fist - Transcendence (45208, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hurricane Assault - Transcendence (45209, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Shot - Transcendence (45210, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Blow - Transcendence (45211, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tribunal - Transcendence (45212, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Judgment - Transcendence (45213, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cursed Pierce - Transcendence (45214, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Strike - Transcendence (45215, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Beat - Transcendence (45216, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guard Crush - Transcendence (45217, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Smash - Transcendence (45226, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Impact - Transcendence (45227, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Thrust - Transcendence (45228, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Spark - Transcendence (45229, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Twin Shot - Transcendence (45230, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bleed - Transcendence (45233, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Glory Expand Inventory (45234, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Glory Expand Limit Weight (45235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Destruction (50039, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Bolt (50043, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Bolt (50043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Physical (50046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Defense (50047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Defense (50047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Magic (50048, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Rage (50050, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Rage (50050, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stone Crusher (50054, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stone Slide (50058, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth's Fury (50059, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (50069, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tears of Fire (50070, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (50091, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Attack (50092, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stone Attack (50093, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Despair of Shade (50094, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord Ishka's Raid Shield (50122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord Ishka's Raid Shield (50122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Event (50134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Event (50134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Potion (50151, 1) effect HpCpHeal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape: Adaptation Training (50152, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape: Adaptation Training (50152, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape: Adaptation Training (50152, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inventory Test (50156, 1) effect enlarge-slot [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tomb of Ancient Pirates Time Recharge Stone (50158, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tomb of Ancient Pirates Time Recharge Stone (50178, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Brooch (50183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Agathion Bracelet (50184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Griffin Agathion (50186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Gem Fragment (50187, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Belt (50301, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Belt (50301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Cloak (50302, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Cloak (50302, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchanted Adventurer’s Cloak (50303, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchanted Adventurer’s Cloak (50303, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau of Glory (50304, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau of Glory (50304, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau of Glory (50304, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50306, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50306, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Silence (50308, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Silence (50308, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Active: Gloves of Silence. (50309, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Active: Gloves of Silence. (50309, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Primary and Secondary Agathion Slots (51025, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Pisces Agathion (51028, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Cancer Agathion (51029, 1) effect summon-agathion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 1 (51038, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 1 (51038, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 2 (51039, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 2 (51039, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 3 (51040, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 3 (51040, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 4 (51041, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 4 (51041, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 10,000,000 XP (51043, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 50,000,000 XP (51044, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 100,000,000 XP (51045, 1) effect GiveXp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box +8 (A-grade) (51057, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box +8 (A-grade) (51057, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack Strength (51093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack Strength (51094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack Strength (51095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack Strength (51096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Ignis Agathion (51101, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Nebula Agathion (51102, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Procella Agathion (51103, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Petram Agathion (51104, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick MP Potion (51125, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Intermediate Spirit's Blessing (51126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Spirit's Blessing (51127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack Potion (51130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack Potion (51131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack Potion (51132, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack Potion (51133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Christmas Amulet (51157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Christmas Amulet (51157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Christmas Amulet (51157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Quick MP Potion (51162, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Loud Wolves (51381, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Loud Wolves (51381, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Loud Wolves (51381, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Troublemaker of Forest (51382, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Troublemaker of Forest (51382, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Troublemaker of Forest (51382, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clean the Yard (51383, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clean the Yard (51383, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Clean the Yard (51383, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Suspicious Men (51384, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Suspicious Men (51384, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Suspicious Men (51384, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Disruptors (51385, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Disruptors (51385, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Disruptors (51385, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Captain Bathis (51386, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Captain Bathis (51386, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Captain Bathis (51386, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 10,000 SP (51396, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 100,000 SP (51397, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1) effect pull-back [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reduce Crisis (53004, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Detect Darkness (53005, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Darkness (53005, 1) effect Detection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Darkness (53005, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bind (53006, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Defense (54023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Defense (54024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Defense (54025, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Defense (54026, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increases Skill XP (54027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit's Blessing (54028, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ignis Necklace (54030, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ignis Necklace (54030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nebula Necklace (54031, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nebula Necklace (54031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Procella Necklace (54032, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Procella Necklace (54032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petram Necklace (54033, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petram Necklace (54033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim's Recovery (54036, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith's Recovery (54037, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak (54038, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak (54038, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Wind (54043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Wind (54043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Wind (54043, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Shield (54100, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Magic Barrier (54101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Decrease Weight (54103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Wind Walk (54105, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Might (54106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Focus (54108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Haste (54109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Death Whisper (54110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Empower (54111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Clarity (54112, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Wild Magic (54113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Acumen (54114, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Concentration (54115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Restore HP (54117, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Restore MP (54118, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fire Attack Potion (54122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Water Attack Potion (54123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Attack Potion (54124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Earth Attack Potion (54125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55003, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Healing Potion (55015, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Quick Healing Potion (55016, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55035, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Healing Potion (55037, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Quick Healing Potion (55038, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attendance Reward XP Rune. (55042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attendance Reward XP Rune. (55042, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55043, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55043, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill LineageII Box (55044, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill LineageII Box (55044, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Box (55045, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Box (55045, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Memories Box (55046, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memories Box (55046, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Romantic Bless the Body (55047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Romantic Wind Walk (55048, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: Low-grade XP/SP Boost (55051, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Low-grade XP/SP Boost (55051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Low-grade XP/SP Boost (55051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (55057, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Griffin (55059, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Griffin's Blessing (55060, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Regular XP/SP Boost (55061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Regular XP/SP Boost (55061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Mid-grade XP/SP Boost (55062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Mid-grade XP/SP Boost (55062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Quick Healing Potion (55063, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Greater Quick Healing Potion (55064, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Death Whisper (55066, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Castle Blessed Scroll of Escape (55067, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Castle Blessed Scroll of Escape (55067, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Blessed Scroll of Escape (55067, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Blessing of Castle (55068, 1) effect NoblesseBless [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Ring (55069, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Ring (55069, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Ring (55069, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Earrings (55070, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Earrings (55070, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Earrings (55070, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Necklace (55071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Necklace (55071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Necklace (55071, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill LineageII Box (55072, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill LineageII Box (55072, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Box (55073, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Box (55073, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Memories Box (55074, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memories Box (55074, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Healing Potion (55083, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Quick Healing Potion (55084, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55085, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55086, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55089, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55089, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55090, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55098, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55098, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55098, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55100, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55105, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55105, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55105, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55107, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55107, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55107, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55110, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55111, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55112, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55112, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55113, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55113, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55121, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pendant Enchant Effect (55133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pendant Enchant Effect (55133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 1 (55161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 1 (55161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 1 (55161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 1 (55168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 1 (55168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55174, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55174, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55175, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55175, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Atk. (55176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Atk. Spd. (55177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - M. Def. (55178, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - M. Atk. (55179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Casting Spd. (55180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Accuracy (55181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Accuracy (55181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Def. (55182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Speed (55183, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Evasion (55184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Evasion (55184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Healing (55185, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Invisibility (55186, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Invisibility (55186, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Invisibility (55186, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - STR (55187, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - INT (55188, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - CON (55189, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - DEX (55190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - MEN (55191, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - WIT (55192, 1) effect base-stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 1 (55193, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 1 (55193, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 2 (55194, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 2 (55194, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 3 (55195, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 3 (55195, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 4 (55196, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 4 (55196, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 5 (55197, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 5 (55197, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 6 (55198, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 6 (55198, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 7 (55199, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 7 (55199, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 8 (55200, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 8 (55200, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 9 (55201, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 9 (55201, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 10 (55202, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 10 (55202, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 11 (55203, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 11 (55203, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 12 (55204, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 12 (55204, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 13 (55205, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 13 (55205, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (55228, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 100% (55234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 100% (55234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste Potion (55235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Potion - Casting Spd. (55236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Vampiric Rage (55237, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Mana Regeneration (55241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Dance of the Warrior (55243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Dance of the Mystic (55244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rune of Boost (55246, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau (55247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau (55247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 1 (55248, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 2 (55249, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 2 (55249, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 3 (55250, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 3 (55250, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 4 (55251, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 4 (55251, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 5 (55252, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 5 (55252, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel's Protection (55253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel Protection (55254, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tyrr Might (55255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tyrr Haste (55256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell's Focus (55257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell Critical Damage (55258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Wind Walk (55259, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Guidance (55260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Magical Power (55261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Magical Power (55261, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Empower (55262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss' Magic Regeneration (55263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss' Boost Mana (55264, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn's Acumen (55265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn's Lightness (55266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore's Regeneration (55267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore's Heal (55268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion - Dance of Fury (55270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion - Dance of Concentration (55271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion - Song of Wind (55272, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Development (55273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Speed (55274, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Accuracy (55275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Ring (55290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Ring (55290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Ring (55290, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Earring (55292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Earring (55292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Necklace (55294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Necklace (55294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Necklace (55294, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Chest (55317, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Chest (55317, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lineage II Chest (55319, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lineage II Chest (55319, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Memories Chest (55320, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memories Chest (55320, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Chest (55321, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Chest (55321, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55338, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55338, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55354, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55354, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 4 Hours (55359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 4 Hours (55359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Rune - 100% (55360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Rune - 100% (55360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Superspeed Potion (55361, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Reputation Score - 10 (55362, 1) effect GiveClanReputation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Reputation Score - 50 (55363, 1) effect GiveClanReputation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Reputation Score - 150 (55364, 1) effect GiveClanReputation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Commemorative Amulet - 100% (55397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Commemorative Amulet - 100% (55397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's SP Scroll (55398, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tryout Glorious Cloak (55399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tryout Glorious Cloak (55399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tryout Glorious Cloak (55399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Talisman (55401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Talisman (55401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Belt (55402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - One-eyed Bat Drove (55416, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Zaken's Spirit Swords (55417, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Pegasus (55418, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Guangong (55419, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Mr. Lucky (55420, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Phoenix (55421, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Saerom (55422, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Gwanseum Nyang (55423, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Blue Opera (55424, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Red Opera (55425, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Miss Chipao (55426, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Flower Fairy Spirit (55427, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Lancet (55428, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Liposa (55429, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Velarin (55430, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Dulcinel (55431, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Chimeros (55432, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Niveri (55433, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Hamell (55434, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Joriya (55435, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Ralmak (55436, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Goras (55437, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Vensar (55438, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Kiela (55439, 1) effect summon-agathion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill One-eyed Bat Drove Agathion Cute Trick (55440, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Zaken's Spirit Swords Agathion Cute Trick (55441, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Pegasus Agathion Cute Trick (55442, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guangong Agathion Cute Trick (55443, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mr. Lucky Agathion Cute Trick (55444, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Phoenix Agathion Cute Trick (55445, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Saerom Agathion Cute Trick (55446, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Gwanseum Nyang Agathion Cute Trick (55447, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blue Opera Agathion Cute Trick (55448, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Red Opera Agathion Cute Trick (55449, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Miss Chipao Agathion Cute Trick (55450, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flower Fairy Spirit Agathion Cute Trick (55451, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lancet Agathion Cute Trick (55452, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Liposa Agathion Cute Trick (55453, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Velarin Agathion Cute Trick (55454, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dulcinel Agathion Cute Trick (55455, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chimeros Agathion Cute Trick (55456, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Niveri Agathion Cute Trick (55457, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hamell Agathion Cute Trick (55458, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Joriya Agathion Cute Trick (55459, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ralmak Agathion Cute Trick (55460, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Goras Agathion Cute Trick (55461, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Vensar Agathion Cute Trick (55462, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Kiela Agathion Cute Trick (55463, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Brooch (55468, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch (55469, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (55470, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (55472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (55472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (55472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone - Vital Wind (55473, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone - Vital Wind (55473, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (55474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (55474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (55474, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (55475, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (55475, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (55475, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (55476, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (55476, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (55476, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Garnet (55485, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Brooch (55510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Brooch - Additional Effect (55511, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Minion Eye (55543, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Minion Eye's Blessed Resurrection (55553, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Blessed Resurrection (55553, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Matryoshka's Blessing (55555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Matryoshka's Blessing (55555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's MP Recovery Potion (55589, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Growth Amulet (55591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Growth Amulet (55591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (STR+1 INT+1) (55605, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55606, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (CON+1 MEN+1) (55607, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uniform Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55608, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uniform Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55609, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uniform Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55610, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin's Bamboo Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55611, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin's Bamboo Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55612, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin's Bamboo Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55613, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55614, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55615, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55616, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55617, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55618, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55619, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wedding Veil (STR+1 INT+1) (55620, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wedding Veil (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55621, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wedding Veil (CON+1 MEN+1) (55622, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maid Hair Accessory (STR+1 INT+1) (55623, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maid Hair Accessory (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55624, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maid Hair Accessory (CON+1 MEN+1) (55625, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Red (STR+1 INT+1) (55626, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Red (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55627, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Red (CON+1 MEN+1) (55628, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Angel Ring (STR+1 INT+1) (55629, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Angel Ring (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55630, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Angel Ring (CON+1 MEN+1) (55631, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Wizard Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55632, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Wizard Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55633, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Wizard Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55634, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Laborer Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55635, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Laborer Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55636, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Laborer Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55637, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Top Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55638, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Top Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55639, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55640, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vigilante Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55641, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vigilante Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55642, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vigilante Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55643, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55644, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55645, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55646, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (STR+1 INT+1) (55647, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55648, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (CON+1 MEN+1) (55649, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55650, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55651, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55652, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Blue (STR+1 INT+1) (55653, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Blue (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55654, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Blue (CON+1 MEN+1) (55655, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gold-rimmed Glasses (STR+1 INT+1) (55656, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gold-rimmed Glasses (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55657, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gold-rimmed Glasses (CON+1 MEN+1) (55658, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn-rimmed Glasses (STR+1 INT+1) (55659, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn-rimmed Glasses (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55660, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn-rimmed Glasses (CON+1 MEN+1) (55661, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stylish Straw Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55662, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stylish Straw Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55663, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stylish Straw Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55664, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chic Silver Chapeau (STR+1 INT+1) (55665, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chic Silver Chapeau (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55666, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chic Silver Chapeau (CON+1 MEN+1) (55667, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Afro Hair (STR+1 INT+1) (55668, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Afro Hair (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55669, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Afro Hair (CON+1 MEN+1) (55670, 1) effect base-stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Eva's Hair Accessory Pack (55674, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Hair Accessory Pack (55674, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Newbie Amulet (55696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Newbie Amulet (55696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Dance of Fire (55700, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Sin Eater (55701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Sin Eater (55701, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Cat's Eye (55705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Cat's Eye (55705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Cat's Eye (55705, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Cat's Eye (55706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Cat's Eye (55706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Cat's Eye (55706, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Remove Lv. 4 Brooch (55711, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Brooch (55712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Brooch - Additional Effect (55713, 1) effect enlarge-slot [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chef's Fish Stew Box (55715, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew Box (55715, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 50% (55718, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 50% (55718, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feather Rune (55719, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55720, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55720, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Storm Power (55721, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Power (55721, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Power (55721, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect damage-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Elmoreden (55744, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Elmoreden (55744, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Elmoreden (55744, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Aden (55745, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Elmore (55746, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Elmore (55746, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Ferios (55747, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Ferios (55747, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Spirit Shot (55748, 1) effect RealDamage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Elmoreden (55749, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Aden (55750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Elmore (55751, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Elmore (55751, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery of Ferios (55752, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense of Ferios (55753, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense of Ferios (55753, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery of Elmoreden (55754, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55755, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55756, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55757, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55759, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55760, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55761, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55762, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55763, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55764, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55765, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55766, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55767, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55768, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55769, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55771, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55772, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55774, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55775, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55776, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55777, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55778, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55779, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55780, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55781, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55782, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55784, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55785, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55786, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55787, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55788, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55790, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55791, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55792, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55793, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55794, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55795, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55796, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55796, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55796, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55797, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55797, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55797, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55798, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55798, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55798, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55799, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55799, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55799, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55802, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55803, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55804, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55805, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55806, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55808, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55809, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55812, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55813, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55814, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55815, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55816, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55817, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55818, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55819, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55820, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55821, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55822, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55825, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55826, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55827, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55828, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55829, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55830, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55831, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55832, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55833, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55835, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55836, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55837, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55838, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55839, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55840, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55842, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55843, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55844, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55845, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55847, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55847, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55847, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55848, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55848, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55848, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55849, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55849, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55849, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55850, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55850, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55850, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55851, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55852, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55853, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55854, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55855, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55858, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Legendary Cloak - Silence (55859, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55860, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55863, 1) effect ResurrectionSpecial [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55864, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Legendary Cloak - Invincibility (55865, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Legendary Cloak - Invincibility (55865, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Legendary Cloak - Invincibility (55865, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Bracelet Stats Increase (55885, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Bracelet Stats Increase (55885, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Bracelet Resistance Increase (55886, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Halloween Gift (55890, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Gift (55890, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (55924, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (55924, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Level 5 Brooch (59153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Level 5 Brooch Additional Effect (59154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59158, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59173, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59178, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59198, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59203, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59213, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59218, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59218, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59223, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor's Blessing (59273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor's Blessing (59273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse Red - Magic Attack (59277, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf - Hex (59281, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie - Paralyze (59285, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim - Shadow Evasion (59289, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim - Shadow Evasion (59289, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja - Cancel Target (59293, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja - Cancel Target (59294, 1) effect DisableTargeting [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:26][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest - Blessing of Eva (59298, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest - Blessing of Eva (59298, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse White - Curse Gloom (59302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy Purple - Physical Attack (59306, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer Blue - Stun (59310, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Soul (59316, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Soul (59316, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Soul (59316, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Soul (59319, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Soul (59319, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Soul (59322, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Soul (59322, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya Soul (59325, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cute Animal Friends (59329, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Season (59330, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Striking Elegance (59331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Striking Elegance (59331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wow! It's Summer! (59332, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wow! It's Summer! (59332, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wow! It's Summer! (59332, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uncontrollable Power (59333, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overflowing Magic (59334, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rarity Collector (59335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rarity Collector (59335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Highly Durable! (59336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Collector Power (59344, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Collector Power (59344, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Collector Power (59344, 1) effect CpHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Standard (59349, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - High-grade (59350, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Rare (59351, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Legendary (59352, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Mythic (59353, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Standard (59354, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - High-grade (59355, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Rare (59356, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Legendary (59357, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Mythic (59358, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Standard (59359, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - High-grade (59360, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Rare (59361, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Legendary (59362, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Mythic (59363, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Standard (59364, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - High-grade (59365, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Rare (59366, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Legendary (59367, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Mythic (59368, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Standard (59369, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - High-grade (59370, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Rare (59371, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Legendary (59372, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Mythic (59373, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Standard (59374, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - High-grade (59375, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Rare (59376, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Legendary (59377, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Mythic (59378, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Standard (59379, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - High-grade (59380, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Rare (59381, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Legendary (59382, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Mythic (59383, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Standard (59384, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - High-grade (59385, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Rare (59386, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Legendary (59387, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Mythic (59388, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Standard (59389, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - High-grade (59390, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Rare (59391, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Legendary (59392, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Mythic (59393, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Standard (59394, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - High-grade (59395, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Rare (59396, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Legendary (59397, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Mythic (59398, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Standard (59399, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - High-grade (59400, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Rare (59401, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Legendary (59402, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Mythic (59403, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Standard (59404, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - High-grade (59405, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Rare (59406, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Legendary (59407, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Mythic (59408, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Standard (59409, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - High-grade (59410, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Rare (59411, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Legendary (59412, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Mythic (59413, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Standard (59414, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - High-grade (59415, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Rare (59416, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Legendary (59417, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Mythic (59418, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Standard (59419, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - High-grade (59420, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Rare (59421, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Legendary (59422, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Mythic (59423, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Standard (59424, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - High-grade (59425, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Rare (59426, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Legendary (59427, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Mythic (59428, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - High-grade (59430, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - Rare (59431, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - Legendary (59432, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - Mythic (59433, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - High-grade (59435, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - Rare (59436, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - Legendary (59437, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - Mythic (59438, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - High-grade (59440, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - Rare (59441, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - Legendary (59442, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - Mythic (59443, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - High-grade (59445, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - Rare (59446, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - Legendary (59447, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - Mythic (59448, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - High-grade (59450, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - Rare (59451, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - Legendary (59452, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - Mythic (59453, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - High-grade (59455, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - Rare (59456, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - Legendary (59457, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - Mythic (59458, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - High-grade (59460, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - Rare (59461, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - Legendary (59462, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - Mythic (59463, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - High-grade (59465, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - Rare (59466, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - Legendary (59467, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - Mythic (59468, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor Sealbook - Rare (59471, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor Sealbook - Legendary (59472, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor Sealbook - Mythic (59473, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red Sealbook - Rare (59476, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red Sealbook - Legendary (59477, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red Sealbook - Mythic (59478, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf Sealbook - Rare (59481, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf Sealbook - Legendary (59482, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf Sealbook - Mythic (59483, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Sealbook - Rare (59486, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Sealbook - Legendary (59487, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Sealbook - Mythic (59488, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim Sealbook - Rare (59491, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim Sealbook - Legendary (59492, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim Sealbook - Mythic (59493, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Sealbook - Rare (59496, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Sealbook - Legendary (59497, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Sealbook - Mythic (59498, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest Sealbook - Rare (59501, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest Sealbook - Legendary (59502, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest Sealbook - Mythic (59503, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White Sealbook - Rare (59506, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White Sealbook - Legendary (59507, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White Sealbook - Mythic (59508, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple Sealbook - Rare (59511, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple Sealbook - Legendary (59512, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple Sealbook - Mythic (59513, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue Sealbook - Rare (59516, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue Sealbook - Legendary (59517, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue Sealbook - Mythic (59518, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Sealbook - Legendary (59522, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Sealbook - Mythic (59523, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker Sealbook - Legendary (59527, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker Sealbook - Mythic (59528, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sealbook - Legendary (59532, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sealbook - Mythic (59533, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Sealbook - Legendary (59537, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Sealbook - Mythic (59538, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya Sealbook - Legendary (59542, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya Sealbook - Mythic (59543, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Random (59544, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade (59545, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade/Rare (59546, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: High-grade/Rare/Legendary (59547, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Rare/Legendary (59548, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Legendary/Mythic (59549, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard Random (59550, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: High-grade Random (59551, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Rare Random (59552, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Legendary Random (59553, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Random (59555, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade (59556, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade/Rare (59557, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Kat the Cat (59558, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Shadow Master - Legendary (59585, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Shadow Master - Mythic (59586, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Navy Admiral - Legendary (59590, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Navy Admiral - Mythic (59591, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Nymph - Legendary (59595, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Nymph - Mythic (59596, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Devil - Mythic (59601, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Attack (59611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Attack (59611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Defense (59612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Defense (59612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Storm's Energy (59687, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (59687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (59687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade (59702, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Einhasad's Observation (60002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Einhasad's Observation (60002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Einhasad's Observation (60002, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 3rd Class (60005, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 3rd Class (60005, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 3rd Class (60005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Human Level Ranking 1st Class (60006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Human Level Ranking 1st Class (60006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orc Level Ranking 1st Class (60009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orc Level Ranking 1st Class (60009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dwarf Level Ranking 1st Class (60010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (60018, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Griffin (62002, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Griffin (62002, 1) effect transformation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Potion (26030, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillEngine:load:95]: Loaded 36904 skills [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillTreesData:report:856]: Loaded 16509 Class Skills for 99 Class Skill Trees [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillTreesData:report:857]: Loaded 18 Fishing Skills, 8 Dwarven only Fishing Skills [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillTreesData:report:858]: Loaded 75 Pledge Skills, 45 for Pledge and 30 Residential [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillTreesData:report:859]: Loaded 18 Sub-Pledge Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillTreesData:report:860]: Loaded 0 Transform Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillTreesData:report:861]: Loaded 6 Noble Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillTreesData:report:862]: Loaded 5 Hero Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillTreesData:report:863]: Loaded 34 Game Master Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillTreesData:report:864]: Loaded 1 Game Master Aura Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][SkillTreesData:report:865]: Loaded 4 Common Skills to all classes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][PetSkillData:load:40]: Loaded 881 skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------------=[ Items ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][ItemEngine:load:71]: Loaded 13064 Items [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:51]: Loaded 4 item group templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:52]: Loaded 0 scroll group templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:51]: Loaded 4 item group templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:52]: Loaded 0 scroll group templates. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49486 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49484 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49482 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49485 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49483 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49481 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:91249 defined in enchant data! [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemData:load:42]: Loaded 33 Enchant Scrolls. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][EnchantItemOptionsData:parseDocument:55]: Loaded 87 Option Items. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][ItemCrystallizationData:load:58]: Loaded 7 crystallization templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][ItemCrystallizationData:load:59]: Loaded 0 pre-defined crystallizable items. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:27][ItemCrystallizationData:logViaPublicLoggerAPI:120]: Generated 0 crystallizable items from templates. [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fd7d2a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c1e1a16 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50154f13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1085a3ba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71a621ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d444b42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27d3fa2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a76051d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a9ecfe8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25ff91a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dc50db9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37b1adf1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b7cd560 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4257352c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@774a401a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4daeb527 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3004be27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b81135e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6eeec0a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56d147d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43313ea8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69ce73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@189ac53a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44a9f625 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ea75466 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40f31997 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e8eb7a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51d608c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@312d002d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69ca983e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12023126 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cf52aea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25807131 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@183606d7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1bbe8ff6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e495411 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68e6ad10 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@404e0e65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f60f8a5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b8dd884 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76de6ec8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46d37b50 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ede06ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b52aa58 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e7f29d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73abceb0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d5cd7c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53e2b05d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@484127c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29779212 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@221e920f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64b8ae49 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@400b5750 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55f9ba41 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a1d41b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@224ae8c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38e19a0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@205214e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dde1dfc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5827ec6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ca23c8f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ce7c8e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18b0f7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66a8dfb1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b13d1af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79d19ad3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2078a245 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@db4ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59693ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70e486c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15eb781b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78ae16de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4994d9ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d92c497 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53775c9e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b67a8c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34d17b8e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f6ca7ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56168f20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30514cc2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f634c4d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55ea4101 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3767bb13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dead661 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18fee2b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f9b5ae2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@152ec521 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4eac403b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2128f811 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64a1ea9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c52ce4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bc419bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dca94a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26546289 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8d8c8ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35a21ee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a2cfa87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fe98361 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51ba8da7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3bd932f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7eb8b91d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d19cf20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28cba891 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4780624c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c4b4bf0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fc8fb96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a3257de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ee4cad6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8561031 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@501a5ee6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@286e6f9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20d4a23d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@183be98e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ad46901 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@419df748 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44dd700c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d8680 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a487b8d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14c1fc3b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3bb3b3bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54856bcf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2de8e6c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d3f763 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@105b844d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fff4e9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cb734a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c8ae47f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@603f644f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75217d4c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bae1181 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50fca197 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b7abadb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@354f65e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e3648d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bf3bc9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45c1695b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b6f4c4b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5743c51a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11129432 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fd7bcfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e2bbe5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6789c595 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@623f6e52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d2e83 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73c7a197 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5acb7717 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@439fcfe2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a6fe824 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@646a2fe7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65189fb2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5845ac2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dbe51c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@389e528f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19dabf21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c0b44fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13c468a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59045a7f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@156bc5c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23717f0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@134082be effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68ece50b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23e23052 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bc3820b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c01a4bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@134ace89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21980c12 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@365c11f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27e97fd8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6292c32a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30babf6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@558ee9f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39f54b20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d8a54a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@138002fb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31638824 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@225c7963 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dec3ee3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ee8647f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@367eb2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42310d40 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ef638c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73507cfe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4fd2c721 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5439896 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a5c98dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a9bb6e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a98959 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ab72692 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5463df69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53487f97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ce4c7e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f44e15e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7516f948 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@653284ba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f53b40d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4785e0a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59b9da9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74fddef4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36ccffba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ea4c96b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70b61c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d9b05a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c7b188e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34ec7ffb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@683515dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d46eb37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39ed2979 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e298a18 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e72e9f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34f7b05e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6481f158 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46dade9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fdeb2fc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76229819 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dc2acb4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dfc9f98 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bf9589 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@653f3737 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d108028 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@479d24d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f111c96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@638b1acc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a73c755 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@405287ec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3750d6dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c36e780 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@186bd03c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4cd2493a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d05904a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4634728d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18a047 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e5db2e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f8bfea6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ace45c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f91da46 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ce88fd9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4cc63c2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54be9031 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75dc230a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d12ec2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@504882fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7057bfdd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@648716ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5eceed85 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a05c3cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e13401 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b0f6035 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72041c14 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@167b9204 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1834edf6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@389a280d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a2c67b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@200d2345 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fe921ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@765aa85f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fc270f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@369c6343 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60acda26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43978e3c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fbe0b63 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7aede3ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c167b3d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38feced effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c350aec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49d06245 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65027d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a445b72 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e525cbc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44dad579 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43b31c9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b744053 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75f483d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15bc34b2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e309d65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77ff2a28 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a9c9a4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e71260f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34e05711 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ac085cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54600617 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@235603ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15b8906e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b6881eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fec6a2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cb76e4b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d5da853 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@525511ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e74b4bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19e65e0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49296251 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3308f1ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58b26a7f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@730f4949 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71369693 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5451643 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4eef7506 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47a32893 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e4bcfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fbe45eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a4c525f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44750635 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6351712d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e9de1b1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@463b8297 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a1370cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42a3a4bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13624531 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@95742f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38f3ee39 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67aa33d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6660b9df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55132721 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72b6999c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44b4309f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27f9c797 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b9fc666 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2da3c8f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48f63513 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21da86e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34e3c84e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@734626a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e939132 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b0bcdab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2180c53c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@503c454 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@677bdfc7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32c82016 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15c6ba56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@efcfdde effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37c09e21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44fbd05f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64cfc69c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d34d5d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3eb663c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24553566 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3eb4fc56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15051433 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1820f50f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15d30d68 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c9c15c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31853ce4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e122f56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2327cfb1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ff9ac48 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5703cb4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68543666 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7513269a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@778a5f9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e9abb91 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77b45d22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b7f92b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e2c58f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55812a93 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@89204c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@678488b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b33974b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@673af70c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e7820e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dfad4af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ad49f94 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a669355 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15f6ebe6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e121a5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40541832 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e66c756 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c6db4a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1293a3b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7266ac5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a029936 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b0bc45d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48a70b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4349000a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d5cfa7c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4820fca6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f782ac6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14ba3073 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ecfb782 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2145b331 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fb583c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ac90de8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29a9ce94 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25793cab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7681286a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d5dd1f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63ef6e7f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f1f8acd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7022213c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ab53702 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42b126bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@318b85c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50c16908 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23bf4935 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68f00731 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5381a4e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5eeaaac8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c5a6c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f64e087 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2acb6d4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21fc3e34 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b257764 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@430dde5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32dd7264 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7290f795 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52ae20f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ffcf3d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26ebf011 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53b29706 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7038a404 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6842ebe8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11d0e589 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@569d4a12 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63b0dc41 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c526674 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a3824da effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36493255 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53fea209 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c900fc4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1745ee78 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6861bd5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e29b4b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@121b6c9e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a95768b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f7badc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c740ca8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c2e624 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e2f939 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16e549d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a1806eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68793c4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bc13b4d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47d64e37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d432778 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cf9dff6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e909c77 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b42c864 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f5e5c93 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dca32e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@713700b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a5f9965 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@728ee79 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b899947 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67862d15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51a41431 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@113f635a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@264b939b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7073ecc2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1077b61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b48eda8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11657c11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e9f8703 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@447927c2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6870a748 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@524fdba3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@506af976 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5da0838e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30073595 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c3962f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b9f994d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42fac543 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b58fb14 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c211640 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b13b178 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f57b384 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@635b7521 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77dcfc1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11a21bee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@433b51cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b71c6f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bdde998 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a21e266 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@738d63d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63e5d27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2abf551 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67fc05b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f77594a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bd4f4e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@560899b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51dec744 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1426793c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3879cc9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2aae173c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ded11ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a2576d2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cce6210 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6838942 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6305ab19 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6217c24d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4de6f2fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5735ab9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19a69f06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@457f23d5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f74409d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45e75592 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6814bc87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54c95bdb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49249977 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36901e04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bad7cd5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6524e7f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8a6350a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ef07a24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2eabf2fb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c72dbf1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55c5bd10 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68d9dcd6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1914d71c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63432a9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b9626d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d8f7611 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29cea8b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7871278e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@527b66b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1402bd17 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71afd5ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13d142 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9544129 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@83faf11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b2191d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19b54168 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3243067e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47716000 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@509ce302 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63114678 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@494bdc92 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f6d4db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3245a394 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b0e0122 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c36e99d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fd5accc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6093f9a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bbfe380 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30be916b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62dfe87c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d7e5b77 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@296918bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d98f134 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@701968f3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f532064 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e1e5ff5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54a51053 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f40a4c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6916f948 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@657be268 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19a0511c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73acb068 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2daedbec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17fc0493 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ccf8fc1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1af641c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@415c98c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36f3d4ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46b2e475 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e624522 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b5d12f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63a1f3cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32613280 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ed63abb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dbf533c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16ceadd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a222d42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45dedb5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52ef466b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34b374e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f500700 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ce73396 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@413f47f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ba8dc28 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34dfa65a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21b148d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a9ae091 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@573e3276 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e9ab3bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3546bf52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58355f03 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ebe7bf1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35f228c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35cebd03 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47f121fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a1dbb02 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e0d3ea9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2eebb0ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60db8a3c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4739e88e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40c66eb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3358cba0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f6e3d9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79bd966 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@745ba4fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12b741d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fd73370 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26de9505 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f8bb16f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55dab71f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13d04267 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41f48ba5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13264a3d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13c47509 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@296ce6c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67dad438 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@460c0d5c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@765044a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@428111a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@734b66dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@558be305 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@218a8011 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b4c8198 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43197fa2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49002f0f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c7fb436 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3330b260 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b5c3fcb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73ec07f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32f3d3b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e6d43b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e1e110b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dde0ef7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@619c0290 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53e94594 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7dd190ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40c59050 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41cc925a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5810aa12 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29352d73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@451e6f15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60e56bae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3df81d9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3da6f1e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bf65785 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4005f54e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dec2419 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37cff3ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e3cd0ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61fcfba1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3decd76b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@757611fb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d271e40 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b80dfb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@400c0422 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5302c11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2040e7e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d20e138 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dadcfaa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@197938aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ea1fbc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@432f40e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7791abbd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@277d618d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1633e942 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b2ed0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f047246 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33391522 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a4983fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2881d324 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74cb1230 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f20898e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7980ade7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f3e5900 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73489a45 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@782f015b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43c742c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2967cbf2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ecae629 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1eef1972 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79159397 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e3aff1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2788a75c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41ca0e56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1496a4d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ded6b42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f3d9be4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e9494eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f0513d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39f4d00f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ab58e6e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@607c621f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37b05665 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@285b8c34 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1eaba1af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d4444ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28f23a4c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cbc394a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fd95dab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20858113 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@199cff15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24d7e305 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7136d631 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7db75c1d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32d70e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18797442 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fb9be22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18a9467c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@706bc7b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23e36693 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31b99463 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63f1be8e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d09e34f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7566d383 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8014bc0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66ea8180 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@647b1589 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27c2284e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@259f383d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17cb5b8f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ba0c3a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d161ec0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4194938f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c4ebf11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21ded0e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c932a0c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69fed8fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@103144e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47bf9794 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52691625 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d4f2d9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57436e8c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cfb50c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7639ab43 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@422e6be3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e554a24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@381e4e41 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34689b2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32869b4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16a6f354 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c80db87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b3cc2bc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d66485a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c7b3af1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@167d9c1a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b59854b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44a22ae2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@511b3c35 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bfce740 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cd84ca9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29788cea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@210ae764 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d00d2e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@530366ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ef1bfb9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48364ec4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23ca02e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b363c6a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58894ac2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22b37f79 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@519da4df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b9217ea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19df8300 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20ae7ff5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ca99c63 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79fe55b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62bdb12b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31bf3b5e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6125f38e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19e867cc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1653a933 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5efe056c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@108924be effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a85f764 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4114c536 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fef7d1d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@361a088a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53c1e7fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@341bb5c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@200821ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46b02319 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a92f202 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73cef92c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12a990ee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5546c149 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58c93b01 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c4aaead effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ba7b2a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6115bebd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@701580ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79a367c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@281120f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64bd8318 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38f167ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a0eaa57 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b390f4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7394f673 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@406810fc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f9b46b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ceb7f7f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8983dff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8f723e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dec7aac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3afbeae9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73455f8c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@429c8a27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1cfbb1c2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79b2ac16 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20d22593 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6394e1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@470d8ab8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b335c53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1afc1a1b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56f9fef6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d0ae6db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c6aeced effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36bc0bb9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f2b5dd6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bd5ad6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1eabc308 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@481cf2a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dacc39f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52a85516 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12db7fc8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d7d3efe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6616b2f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76864bc4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f6a5fe3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b340c3e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38e69ab7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c7a2e04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1102f32f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a9c48cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56a3520b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b045cd5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d195311 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@457ba65f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@90487f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@503f80f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6709d03d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f58dbdd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52cef0c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e5ac261 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@577b6daf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ec4d2ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ba9270e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63c8add0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f52a213 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@274b4cf5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25d89e45 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3580103 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79606941 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b1be7c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65fa2219 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26e967bc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c392841 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55f22fe4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61ac25a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c156aa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@197b2044 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d32b180 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d3356e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a545fb1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a6d39bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@721b21c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35d8ed24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d2995f9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e5af922 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15e4c213 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67a7bc46 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46007b16 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ffa191d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c3da2ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46a278e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3bf63ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cf2b074 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dab7dbb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@589b41a0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2043e147 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@495b942b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fcb6e1e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d5fba06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22a92933 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37460b81 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73b938e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13d62312 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78dd70ea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f407673 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45047702 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67680203 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74216424 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8ae673d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e74ad4d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49abd29a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36549fcf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d3891b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66d4398 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11457ecd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fd31cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ac1ad2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66dc4e6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c55f76f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36ccc671 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31e3a549 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35482a2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46d55d65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@167af480 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a1fc2eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ef296ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22a0c400 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@633ffa20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27f37436 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7dedd2e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59c99999 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@453b967a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79d5182f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6abcbf27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f2ce6b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66bd3761 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37785ff9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38b29bb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2033b33e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f3a8e66 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a489bef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@760bc43b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b1c3387 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30aecd3c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ea7af25 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6259cd6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c0f079e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a0ee80e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79c3aced effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53aa5c2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cd9233 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a1e445c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e5e3736 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f1457f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14230e2d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c779451 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@731ffb6e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e69a91c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2237989a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62225591 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6eea0630 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@da873b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13c5d9df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63bb88eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ddec92a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1325449a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e137c00 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11d045f9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3aec5970 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@354cb23 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36925435 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@257e3093 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d01da95 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58291bc5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c3ecf09 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@289082b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bb63040 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bd1ffc0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@419d2734 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d349098 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ea894e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4381598c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b0d724f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22f49fe6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7107c20f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3803b89a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@389c2adf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e118985 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@714933f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54ab8229 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@db880b1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fd77d22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b90f89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f8b6f9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46ffdbd5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42459045 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dcf1ac3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@596c6b60 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@617532eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fdc4138 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ab05b02 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40bd085f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@89788c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65afcd62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d3fe29e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3568fe96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18de932 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a52f0bc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@781bca7a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@af517a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@645fabb4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69056093 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4feb2fd3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d017190 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@749a658f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36599277 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20daa6d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46b1cea2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61a06de6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b10918f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e890853 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26850ffe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44a89995 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b2bf466 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d46b4c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73b2be69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7356e5bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@775ab773 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ff2edec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59555d8d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d6a0021 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f29ddd0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@171cca54 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64d6540f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29702bbc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58c6b41f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:27][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29f99b39 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fd9c425 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@575c2da9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a571d11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f927931 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6edb660a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58dc2f1d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a611e82 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16f6af0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@232870ec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ab51753 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48f28f89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bdfc746 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b1075c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39adf47f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@657faa04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@700fa41a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@783969a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ee174d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d6d481 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3bf48935 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8b3abbd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dd10194 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d23aa73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@320123c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@277a887d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@202e0a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32c2a2a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9e69006 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7aacd827 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fbe180d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48ce40ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75158f71 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69e41c14 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76851f55 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c77e97b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15408983 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c0d3383 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22cf0e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71e3fdef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60fe7ec1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@555ad876 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@309499cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e7606b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d6d73cc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ef78b7f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ab9299d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3414cfd1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12c1398c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@609ff4d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73f9cc97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6181ff7e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a17b79b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65b1b535 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58114060 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36852e13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71e9ec37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1999f722 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bd9b631 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5433ecef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a052a0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c73e08f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a1db10e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71027636 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32145766 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11c0be33 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4682f8c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@245385e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@346c496f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20c948f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71dcd0f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49180788 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fe908f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@750d750f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62c1601c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bec1f8b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c150ca3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22aeb323 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b86e6ea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@401db856 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5479c4e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39942e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f5445ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52a69d7e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48e21d1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a5f08f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c028f64 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a29a4f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@627b5453 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4cf4f11b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20d877bd effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ec3bfd0 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bb324a8 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2df2ec31 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e7403ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dba088c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fceedf7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6567115b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@be01f31 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@667398a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4efa70c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@134a4d88 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18d8d147 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6214b425 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f759cfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e92b891 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@601e14ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@276c3157 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@742dfb0c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f509328 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f795d53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9592b62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12b744de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49a55c73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c3313d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@cf1330e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24c817fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@476d81d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1394bf73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1678974c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72eb35be effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59a37916 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f7a3a76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dea1222 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@168786e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54ae36eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a390f82 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7af6be5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2db57d52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8091f61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a6e44fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56e2f216 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50bb4a75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1009a514 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48184244 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@92b7b13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34970a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e3544d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54b53739 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6142d5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e109944 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a771fd3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4786fb5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@605f5821 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2acf27d7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28443cda effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@586856aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42ec83d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11cef5c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18e5b9cc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a2717c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24f6b0cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42f0297d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@776ec336 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66567536 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7737d1e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34cfa5b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35b9a76f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60939b2b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29e2a649 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60497cfb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18332d42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6405b7ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58e9958b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@736c84c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7234fedb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b458fe6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f9400c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3849933f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dde70cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7af3f829 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@756e25ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ca9006 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f0ce0dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7adb71a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e9ee2dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b8107a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53730804 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7284159f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b859918 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@581a7d87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13627da8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4118aab6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1682a6d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d7f17c6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d70a6fc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1939e2fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a8e430b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7faab6bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67f5b8f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@318d88e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59f303c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73c6692c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@393e5db8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64a928c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2505f2a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@654a702d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e5222a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@390e88a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@90acae2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f7718f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8f6293 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4df0eb0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bdd9913 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c6a9a36 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@278ae0d2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b5cd01d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c7edf64 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@644d53f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1431a3dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29d0557f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@334f3ade effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d9315ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24a56e86 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ff5acc0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45a6ee2a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60bd9578 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fe316b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d523427 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ff74419 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@336d10ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44cceebe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1863090c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1db14195 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4601f9a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@651b46c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65b0080f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@721a40c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b1f239e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48d073a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@611897d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4124ff5a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e53733 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fbd54a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a3ed8b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c063084 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@670c698 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d9ab0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3faa0903 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22359c62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22f1daba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d266c4e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22ab86f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cf3c843 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fbe36d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e41bb20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@237e56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32201fc1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d1f6263 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e744c5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5be400d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37d2996c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2148e98f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d627f69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6aabfae0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49110720 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ff39b1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21e420bc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@142da29a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55c49f38 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66dcc5e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@663de840 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ffdaf6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6eb1def7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ec2cd3b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6734574b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15c01a15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75e6283c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d3588ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48fe184c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d7ba3f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1918c7af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38495cda effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d0fe7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a97819 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fd3e21c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d8ecab0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4554dad1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e760bd2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e75cb02 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15754336 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7614911b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48823c90 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28cfc359 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@171c5985 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45d29e34 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ced5ca2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a6e916d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fcb29d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6eb92327 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18477a1e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@261c6582 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@407f7d1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67f8ce2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@444cdf44 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@139923a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a15989c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b3db047 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39a9fa9b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74cc17d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@620ba0ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14428b25 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6249d614 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76af0f2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@491ee7aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4905560f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65d0d04d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b8865b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5515ecd8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36c37d5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55729176 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d7feba9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f6bbf2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2af227f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b4aeafb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69ea7698 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bf1797c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60070847 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ca62b8e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66c2d834 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36286709 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e3514bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@322b8a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73d1d380 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b4e2dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40e2be7d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5693b931 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b232db0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a20980a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fe4de65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1475ae99 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26894f0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28677319 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51898786 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6831ea48 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42c195b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17405d7c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ae84da5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dec951a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@96eaf3d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c50a8d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@541d4b9b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dd05047 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@213b0b87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38b42951 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cbfc4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5946c6b9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20588925 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@393fc2de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@604f6832 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fd3198c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ba6b8f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c48be6a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@375d4d29 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20552d37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7eea60e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17382abe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ad10975 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4364a98d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e24045e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@381fbefe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a478229 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c89742d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52c18516 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17ec29fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@517ca7e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60399fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58b4451d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ee1342c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a16c5b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c06362 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7aa652ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d4159e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71d61484 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@720ea2af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3af68e26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d2f6ef7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c1c25e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b80e114 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2589cdfc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33c7476c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e3947c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@521d9151 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@399050c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30658cba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@456d22a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a7f5ce8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d2152c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dce49f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fbb0fe1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f639ee2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e898d57 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1167cabf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66d40b75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15b31dc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2762d917 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@87fcd76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e36f0af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4366a1af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@727d62b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41f15f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d553e55 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b488389 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1239209f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ef50fb4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a8633a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@759dbbbb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e7b404f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6835629b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63a51f4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bfd30e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f707eeb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c12f424 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@706d58e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15ee97a5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@196534d5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@428d5009 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73965773 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12a4a51b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2257e806 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a72e95d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b1e1aaf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c25f2aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@612f32f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c0a0789 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47faa1c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1419bb32 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@cb9b3f3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20a3cba2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32c5b2fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bdc4fbb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a3b4f18 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14fb7f26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b365d21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21e6a6b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@722db6bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d60e593 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@406784b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@753a0792 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a3ddfc4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50cbf36d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67381d1f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@429b80fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@465ca495 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@490377a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e745b72 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70f6a229 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53add8ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c15b44 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4da22fc5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8802bb2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35d5faa4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e458c21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62c5502b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b913a7a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@718bfd76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63bd43e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bb113b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4991ae50 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@675f9a59 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ef46703 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dfbe5c8 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@95c2109 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@124aff29 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f4b5e1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d0c2598 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25b00159 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60c60171 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@657818cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49f4c119 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cebbbb7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cf6e2d2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@196d1bc7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@767eedfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47f9c681 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c925cde effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d50d5a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c40eec5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3504fa02 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b2e24d0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50e84188 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b65bb96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79a39812 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63b12b52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7147d2ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37387e18 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52be13e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@383f595b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7722264b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31e5e09 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@211d54b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63aa344d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dc460d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7443aea9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fb0fc61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d0abf86 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a817c04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35ea11b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b3516e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@639b788a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29b59a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74bb6690 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@672ac4dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f4daf9b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@743b382 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28e3ca1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@195ef7f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bddb23f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3198db65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79d4460 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6992825c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f98891b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@582c3c7e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35ffdd5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@488229de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23b9a184 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1acfb641 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51918562 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8049a57 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66dfaf52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c56076 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ca24fb9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7058a058 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b66243e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@418a3ff4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f9b6ffb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3af44430 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60e9c084 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@708c36f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@243c7baf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cf17edc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12b26426 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@318fb24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44be09eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@738e883e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@729c513d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36194591 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dce3e8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59454f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1511e8c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69d8123d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@cfe6f4d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2beaa1db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31270395 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1847a676 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@673c3634 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19a6a771 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1014347b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35c54419 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33ce5903 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f7ffd24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ef9b55c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3103c916 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70c49874 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1032dd95 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7302d99a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ce6e595 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8b5c145 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@eed7bb3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b46bdfd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67374d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26fe71ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43abb662 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d5c52bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2438c306 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@711caf75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f9a1f92 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@102c6174 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72eea084 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@661dceab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59443b75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a90c6e8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d7da9be effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@251d522c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d7a5a69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@717160a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31810761 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ec2af4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71641bec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bea4148 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32e9e55b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@593a8c9e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8d0472e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51e9a77d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c574326 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2184744e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2be7ae67 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37a92629 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21f11d89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23d53bfd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35d73d76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b31dd8b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62858c31 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6805594f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6435f5b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21adb13c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f07453c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d0ab6b2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66d97ef2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a310744 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fca999b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70d0ff6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a8ecf0b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8a7f639 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@238aa0f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c9779cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@10bd01c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@271c2bd1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5167aadd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2649f83f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e02463e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1806bc8c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@745bdc13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dba4aa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5145dc98 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c0ae8e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@569b0836 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@193b8f30 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66e52193 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d039847 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43d7f369 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d0b62c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49f6e6dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18669e05 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64d67adb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6734c1bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@198a1b87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35b02805 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62678cca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@231fb024 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a80d1e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ec42cb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1bea78 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5edbe4cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32b8293e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4de61243 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@127169ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@130d0ab0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@600f3036 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d86427e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4236c62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f80bedc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6617af9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@492d9494 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5672a1af effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cfe83e3 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77ce8299 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@526221c0 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11de9dfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4967e5b9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a3e7c46 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@99128e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c455565 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a792f79 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@239cac3c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23ca4687 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65e2d1e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36b328c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70088f62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@187119a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72198dad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dc37e22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69049967 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50b64e1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e7cd542 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@280894c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@650aef06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72e8b15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ff08877 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63b2abd4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51f20a7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22775573 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29cfc27a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fd5309c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1eb548cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6714aa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@517a9401 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27dd1f62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@131ac866 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f328cd0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a6dd9ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5504f38b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@101858b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b47026a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f932028 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d791efa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f763010 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c012fc6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a65c00e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f3e8376 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31b6dc31 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@542caade effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@607d75e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b636faf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c3367a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d784ca4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6621ceb3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@267fdbcf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61b696f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e04eb0f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26b8f02a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e41f691 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b95e6b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42203c58 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23f8ad96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@527c3206 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56d8dea9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1559fad6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73ab61f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40749187 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@504932b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a9ced23 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22908957 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@460cdc2b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f498ade effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32d191e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14ad6cdd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@346007e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27ec64cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@198cb74a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6638eb22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5253973d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@165d5ba4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a9788c2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bd70f49 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5738371 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@790f6800 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f882e7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c56c184 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4527a974 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@476a86b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29ff83d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@434f3d82 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b5b4096 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28174e03 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d23f99a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@473a7891 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2604cf10 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3471ea85 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56fc3ab8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42162e06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42ea051b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79f4ea01 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4eea367d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dff47b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f2f5fc1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71551cc7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e13854e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2916ddb3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c925e07 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2578c676 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57330e62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4857ba72 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26dba719 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45739ec2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@afcd810 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f0d7717 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@415f480 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dc9ef4e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@311990bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25b8ec44 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e22ad87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c038092 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@616267c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35a7d61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@180fb618 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1888b29b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6aa6a200 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a476b40 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f1da566 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25cc874 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5db5cc9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ca9a100 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ead1966 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ad673af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7974974c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@684488c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ea4ca84 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57d697f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a45b4b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@460b37ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e333501 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d396a04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a7e9b0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@555773ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@425bdf3a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6494e43f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a0c856c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34285792 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2896ec22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6be05013 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55f99fe6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@239bc60c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c73d9a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@557a66f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ce5d512 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3133d124 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13afb872 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15e43135 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77cb3bde effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58de7ef2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36dc21b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@285c3c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cbe0d81 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bcdf0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@503aa7f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c0dc5d7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20831dd2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41a6d247 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44a6c09b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@569796a5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ec27c28 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1981af5d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b5116ee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@199879f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cc788b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68282b3a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b2db6b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46c56d32 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@687af1a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f5f350b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49a1a659 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2460fea2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f247a4b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4905f3c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dd207de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e647d28 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@122eac8d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74d39eba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69a29b09 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64222628 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38fa4e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bc1dc60 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16c668c2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63a00f54 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1df63749 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7831ca4b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d142df7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e2d53ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12cd775d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64d884dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@185f6624 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c3be6a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@353507e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@156b93f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7666a93f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65fb4fa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@786c76c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31518e2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72bdf66a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d8419ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56c5bceb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b5878e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@764bdd44 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b6de911 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60b42c73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4883cfe6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@600a9a4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@145bd23e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55cdb372 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@367bad2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@378b8013 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d8b6efe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45e5041e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b6a875a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@108a0b3c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d07b4d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bf84c7d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7407500f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34146658 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ab6984 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18295668 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56e0fa4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41d17068 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b6cd69f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49a4598c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18c7c858 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@525fa918 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ffa45e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44f901a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@625a9467 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d62f65d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30ca6f46 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c32ccb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@afd8efb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50f751e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33a4b4e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19d9895e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f3546c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15a748a0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@332fd40 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56f40701 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a21811 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c6fa28d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38a392bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e1946a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5de8ade5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c42171f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28d04a50 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cf81d93 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34671a6c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28010910 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@229548a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ed1c5d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62691615 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4280cac1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a454b1f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6adab883 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40a9d273 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43bde65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2406604e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ba7caed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1513b9a0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f819591 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5812983f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7dc7c172 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7511a9d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36ff97fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ae0327d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@396fa002 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41c8c9cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bc2ee76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70ca56a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34e19702 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33e0a6f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fcd4fa6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d103be8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35f1e4cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31013b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4665cc0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a267051 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70cb2246 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73450a51 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b28ad8b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6275e247 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b05255d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@10c9a9ee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e531a89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f9bede effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61345c31 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cef1f20 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a3edd66 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24ff81b1 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@676984cb effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23bb8119 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f72ade5 effect base-stat [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AugmentationEngine:load:49]: Loaded 3102 Augmentations Options. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][VariationData:load:48]: Loaded 3 Variations. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][VariationData:load:49]: Loaded 328 Fees. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][EnsoulData:load:51]: Loaded 4 fees [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][EnsoulData:load:52]: Loaded 660 options [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][EnsoulData:load:53]: Loaded 350 stones [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][EnchantItemHPBonusData:load:67]: Loaded 6 Enchant HP Bonuses. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49863 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49864 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49865 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49866 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49867 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49868 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49869 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49870 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49871 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49872 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49873 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49874 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49875 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49876 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49877 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49878 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49879 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49880 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49881 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49882 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49883 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49884 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49885 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49886 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49899 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49863 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49864 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49865 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49866 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49867 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49868 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49869 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49870 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49871 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49872 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49873 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49874 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49875 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49876 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49877 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49878 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49879 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49880 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49881 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49882 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49883 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49884 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49885 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49886 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49899 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90993 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90992 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90987 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90988 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90994 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90458 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90459 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90460 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90461 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90462 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90463 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90455 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90456 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90457 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90464 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90465 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90466 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90470 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90471 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90472 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90467 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90468 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90469 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90473 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90474 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90475 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90476 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90477 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90478 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][BuyListData:load:53]: Loaded 375 BuyLists. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 20 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91464, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 32 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91466, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 36 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91468, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 52 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91470, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 20 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91465, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 28 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91467, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 36 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91469, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 48 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91471, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70922, count: 1 in list: 3020201 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90458, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90459, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90460, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90455, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90456, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90457, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90461, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90462, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90463, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90464, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90465, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90466, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90458, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90459, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90460, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90455, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90456, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90457, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90461, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90462, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90463, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90464, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90465, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90466, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90472, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90471, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90470, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90468, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90467, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90469, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90473, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90475, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90474, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90476, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90478, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90477, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90472, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90471, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90470, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90468, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90467, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90469, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90473, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90475, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90474, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90476, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90478, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90477, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90159, count: 1 in list: 3168801 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90171, count: 1 in list: 3429202 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90168, count: 1 in list: 3429203 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90169, count: 1 in list: 3429203 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90170, count: 1 in list: 3429203 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90992, count: 1 in list: 411 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90992, count: 1 in list: 411 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70929, count: 1 in list: 412 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29785, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29786, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29787, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29788, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29789, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29790, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29791, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29792, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29793, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29794, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29795, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29796, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29797, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29798, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29799, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70929, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70930, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70930, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70931, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70931, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70932, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70932, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 71699, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 71691, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 71699, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 71695, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 71699, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91249, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70159, count: 1 in list: 10 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70922, count: 1 in list: 12 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70112, count: 1 in list: 20 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29708, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29713, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29718, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29723, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29708, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29713, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29718, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29723, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90496, count: 1 in list: 45 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90497, count: 1 in list: 45 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90458, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90459, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90460, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90461, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90462, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90463, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90455, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90456, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90457, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90464, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90465, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90466, count: 1 in list: 600025 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][MultisellData:load:58]: Loaded 200 multisell lists. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][EquipmentUpgradeData:load:45]: Loaded 0 upgrade equipment data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][RecipeData:load:48]: Loaded 636 recipes. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90458 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90461 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90470 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90473 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90455 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90464 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90467 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90476 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90459 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90471 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90456 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90462 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90465 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90468 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90474 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90477 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90459 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90463 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90466 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90469 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90457 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90472 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90475 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90478 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 70184 to a set: Sets.xml [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ArmorSetsData:load:47]: Loaded 51 Armor sets. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][FishingData:load:47]: Loaded 2 Fishing Data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][HennaData:load:52]: Loaded 372 Henna data. [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70970 in product id id="100090" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70967 in product id id="100184" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70935 in product id id="100185" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70977 in product id id="100186" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70985 in product id id="100215" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70981 in product id id="100216" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70982 in product id id="100217" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70978 in product id id="100218" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70986 in product id id="100219" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70979 in product id id="100224" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70980 in product id id="100225" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70983 in product id id="100226" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70984 in product id id="100227" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70987 in product id id="100228" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90404 in product id id="100285" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70968 in product id id="100292" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90407 in product id id="100305" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90499 in product id id="100394" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 71726 in product id id="100433" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PrimeShopData:load:52]: Loaded 104 items [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10001-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10002-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10003-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10004-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10005-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10006-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10007-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10008-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10009-1 [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseItemInfo:103]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90404 in product id id="90404" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10010-1 [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseItemInfo:103]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90405 in product id id="90405" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10011-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10012-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10013-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10014-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10015-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10016-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10017-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10018-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10019-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10020-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10021-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10022-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10023-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10024-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10025-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10026-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10027-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10028-1 [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseItemInfo:103]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90183 in product id id="90183" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10029-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10030-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10031-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10032-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][LuckyGameData:load:44]: Loaded 2 lucky game data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AttendanceRewardData:load:47]: Disabled. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91423 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91256 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91423 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91422 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91257 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91422 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91424 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91258 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91424 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CombinationItemsManager:load:41]: Loaded 573 combinations [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CostumeEngine:load:70]: Loaded 159 costumes and 12 collections [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------------=[ Characters ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ClassListData:load:43]: ClassListData: Loaded 100 Class data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][InitialEquipmentData:load:50]: Loaded 10 Initial Equipment data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][InitialShortcutData:load:60]: Loaded 6 Initial Global Shortcuts data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][InitialShortcutData:load:61]: Loaded 5 Initial Shortcuts data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][InitialShortcutData:load:62]: Loaded 0 Macros presets. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][LevelData:load:38]: Max Player Level is: 91 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][LevelData:load:39]: Loaded 91 levels info [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][KarmaData:load:39]: Loaded 107 karma modifiers. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][HitConditionBonusData:load:49]: Loaded Hit Condition bonuses. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PlayerTemplateData:load:51]: Loaded 99 character templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PlayerTemplateData:load:52]: Loaded 53454 level up gain records. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PlayerNameTable:loadAll:133]: Loaded 2 player names. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AdminData:load:58]: Loaded: 10 Access Levels. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][AdminData:load:59]: Loaded: 428 Access Commands. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][PetDataTable:load:59]: Loaded 53 Pets. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][CubicData:load:48]: Loaded 21 cubics. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------------=[ Clans ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ForumsBBSManager:initRoot:38]: ForumsBBSManager: Loaded 5 forums. Last forum id used: 5 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ResidenceFunctionsData:load:42]: Loaded: 8 functions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ClanHallManager:load:52]: Loaded 7 Clan Halls. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ClanEntryManager:load:97]: ClanEntryManager: Loaded: 0 clan entry [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ClanEntryManager:load:109]: ClanEntryManager: Loaded: 0 player in waiting list [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][ClanEntryManager:load:121]: ClanEntryManager: Loaded: 0 player application [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:28][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------------------=[ NPCs ] [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91471. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91470. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91499. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91499. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90992. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90998. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90997. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90992. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90998. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90997. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91497. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91499. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:load:68]: NpcData: Loaded 6193 NPCs. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][NpcData:load:73]: NpcData: Loaded 12 Custom NPCs. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:29][ExtendDropData:load:43]: Loaded 0 ExtendDrop. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][SpawnsData:load:66]: Loaded spawns [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][WalkingManager:load:77]: Loaded 0 walking routes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][StaticObjectData:load:46]: Loaded 86 static object templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][ItemAuctionManager:load:93]: Loaded 0 instance(s). [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][CastleManager:loadInstances:165]: Loaded: 5 castles. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][SchemeBufferTable::97]: SchemeBufferTable: Loaded 0 players schemes and 58 available buffs. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Queen Ant(29001) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Core(29006) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Orfen(29014) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Baium(29020) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Zaken(29022) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Antharas(29068) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GrandBossManager:init:70]: GrandBossManager: Loaded 6 Instances. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------------------=[ Instance ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][InstanceManager:load:78]: Loaded 14 instance templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][InstanceManager:load:82]: Loaded instance reenter times for 0 players. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------------------=[ Olympiad ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Olympiad:load:186]: Loading.... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Olympiad:load:188]: Currently in Olympiad Period [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Olympiad:load:202]: 4 days, 7 hours, 52 minutes until period ends [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Olympiad:load:207]: Next weekly change is in 0 milliseconds minutes [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Olympiad:load:211]: Loaded 0 Nobles [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Olympiad:setNewCompBegin:504]: New Schedule @2020-05-24T20:00:30.122+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Olympiad:updateCompStatus:375]: Competition Period Starts in 1 days, 15 hours and 52 minustes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Olympiad:updateCompStatus:377]: Event starts/started: 2020-05-24T20:00:30.122+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Olympiad:lambda$scheduleWeeklyChange$4:524]: Added weekly points to nobles [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Olympiad:lambda$scheduleWeeklyChange$4:526]: Reset weekly matches to nobles [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Hero:init:139]: Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][Hero:init:140]: Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------------=[ Cache ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][HtmCache:reload:41]: Cache[HTML]: Running lazy cache [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][CrestTable:load:42]: Loaded 0 Crests. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][TeleportersData:load:47]: Loaded: 91 npc teleporters. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][CursedWeaponsManager:load:73]: Loaded: 0 cursed weapon(s). [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][TransformData:load:49]: Loaded: 28 transform templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][ReportTable:loadReportedCharData:126]: Loaded 0 bot reports [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------------------=[ Scripts ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][ShuttleData:load:56]: Loaded: 3 Shuttles. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][GameServer::172]: Loading server scripts: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][DBSpawnManager:load:108]: DBSpawnManager: Loaded 152 Instances [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][DBSpawnManager:load:109]: DBSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:07:30][SpawnsData:init:55]: Initializing spawns... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:43][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Server Info Version ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:43][GameServer:logVersionInfo:306]: Update: .................. Classic - Kamael [Dawn of Heroes] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:43][GameServer:logVersionInfo:307]: Protocol: ................ [272] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:43][GameServer:logVersionInfo:308]: Build Version: ........... 1.5.0 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:43][GameServer:logVersionInfo:309]: Build Revision: .......... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:43][GameServer:logVersionInfo:310]: Build date: .............. 2020-04-28T03:02:59.945+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:43][GameServer:logVersionInfo:311]: Compiler JDK version: .... 14 (Oracle Corporation 14+36-1461) [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:43][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------=[ Datasource Settings ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:43][HikariDataSource::80]: HikariPool-1 - Starting... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:44][HikariDataSource::82]: HikariPool-1 - Start completed. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:44][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------=[ Server Configuration ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:44][Config:load:2092]: Network Config: ipconfig.xml doesn't exists using automatic configuration... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:45][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:45][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:45][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:45][Config:autoIpConfig:2168]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:45][Config:autoIpConfig:2176]: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:45][Config:load:1641]: Loaded 6 Filter Words. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:45][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Scripting Engine ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:45][ScriptEngineManager:registerEngine:68]: Java Engine 14 (Java [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]) [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:46][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 18:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.GlobalVariablesManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\ai\others\DimensionalMerchant\DimensionalMerchant.java 15:48 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is not visible (package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.attendance is declared in module org.l2j.gameserver, which does not export it) [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 13:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 8:53 - package org.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 3:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 4:35 - package org.l2j.gameserver.api.item does not exist [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 85:96 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 17:1 - cannot find symbol symbol: static formatDateTime location: class org.l2j.commons.util.Util [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 7:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 5:44 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.dao [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 6:45 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: package org.l2j.gameserver.data.database.data [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 95:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityMemo location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 36:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MONSTER location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 37:57 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable PVE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_RAID location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 38:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:18 - an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:47][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\DamageByAttack.java 39:56 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable DAMAGE_TAKEN location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:48][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\effecthandlers\RealDamage.java 34:91 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable REAL_DAMAGE_RESIST location: class org.l2j.gameserver.model.stats.Stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:48][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 135:89 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:48][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 137:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:48][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 141:106 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:48][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 144:90 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:48][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 180:112 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:48][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 198:114 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:48][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 272:74 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable MONSTER_ARENA_VARIABLE location: class instances.MonsterArena.MonsterArena [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:48][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\instances\MonsterArena\MonsterArena.java 273:94 - cannot find symbol symbol: method checkArenaProgress(org.l2j.gameserver.model.Clan) location: class org.l2j.gameserver.data.xml.ClanRewardManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminSpawn.java 286:39 - cannot find symbol symbol: method init() location: class org.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.DBSpawnManager [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 49:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method setNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 55:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 66:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 72:55 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 104:59 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 108:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: method updateNCoins(int) location: variable player of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers\AdminCoins.java 120:69 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getNCoins() location: variable target of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\ClanWarehouse.java 92:41 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.ClanWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\PrivateWarehouse.java 36:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable WarehouseDepositList location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.PrivateWarehouse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:16 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeAPI location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\bypasshandlers\UpgradeHandler.java 26:49 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable UpgradeType location: class handlers.bypasshandlers.UpgradeHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 54:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 62:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:25 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 75:58 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityFavorite location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FavoriteBoard.java 80:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.FavoriteBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 42:8 - handlers.communityboard.DropSearchBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\DropSearchBoard.java 135:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 22:8 - handlers.communityboard.ClanBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\ClanBoard.java 28:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 23:8 - handlers.communityboard.RegionBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\RegionBoard.java 41:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.FriendsBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\FriendsBoard.java 44:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 43:14 - handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 60:19 - cannot find symbol symbol: variable COMMUNITYBOARD_ENABLE_PREMIUM location: class org.l2j.gameserver.Config [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 84:23 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.HomeBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 105:5 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 269:38 - cannot find symbol symbol: method getLCoins() location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomeBoard.java 272:31 - cannot find symbol symbol: method addLCoins(long) location: variable activeChar of type org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.HomepageBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\HomepageBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 30:8 - handlers.communityboard.MailBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MailBoard.java 43:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 24:8 - handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard is not abstract and does not override abstract method parseCommunityBoardCommand(java.lang.String,org.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.Player) in org.l2j.gameserver.handler.IParseBoardHandler [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 37:9 - method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 57:24 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 62:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 71:36 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 88:42 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 117:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\handlers\communityboard\MemoBoard.java 119:32 - cannot find symbol symbol: class CommunityDAO location: class handlers.communityboard.MemoBoard [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Some input files use preview language features. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext:report:216]: .\data\scripts\org.l2j.scripts\module-info.java -1:-1 - Recompile with -Xlint:preview for details. [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:49][JavaExecutionContext::56]: Could not compile Java Scripts org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaCompilerException: at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compile(JavaExecutionContext.java:101) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.compileModuleInfo(JavaExecutionContext.java:68) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaExecutionContext.(JavaExecutionContext.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.java.JavaScriptingEngine.createExecutionContext(JavaScriptingEngine.java:45) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.registerEngine(ScriptEngineManager.java:69) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.lambda$loadEngines$0(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at java.base/java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.loadEngines(ScriptEngineManager.java:53) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.engine.scripting.ScriptEngineManager.init(ScriptEngineManager.java:42) at org.l2j.gameserver/org.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:251) [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Identity Factory ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][BitSetIDFactory:cleanUpDatabase:50]: Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][BitSetIDFactory::25]: 102912 Identifiers available [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------=[ Lineage II World ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:49][World:initRegions:113]: World Region Grid set up: 288 by 272 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:50][MapRegionManager:load:64]: Loaded 56 map regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:50][ZoneManager::68]: Zone Region Grid set up: 19 by 18 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:50][ZoneManager:load:76]: Loaded 24 zone classes and 2723 zones. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:50][ZoneManager:load:77]: Loaded 0 NPC spawn territories. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:50][ZoneManager:lambda$load$2:79]: Last static id: 200224 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:50][GeoEnginePathFinding::35]: Loaded 7 path node buffers. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:52][GeoEngine:loadGeodataFiles:69]: Loaded 210 geodata files. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][DoorDataManager:parseDocument:59]: Loaded 1483 Door Templates for 21 regions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][FenceDataManager:load:56]: Loaded 1 Fences [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------=[ Server Data ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][GlobalVariablesManager:restoreMe:47]: Loaded 4 variables [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][ActionManager:load:43]: Loaded 214 player actions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][CategoryManager:load:43]: Loaded 33 Categories [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SecondaryAuthManager:load:38]: Loaded 0 forbidden passwords. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for MEMBERS_ONLINE [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][ClanRewardManager:load:42]: Loaded 4 rewards for HUNTING_MONSTERS [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][MissionData:load:54]: Loaded 91 missions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][ElementalSpiritEngine:load:49]: Loaded 4 Elemental Spirits Templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][TeleportEngine:load:46]: Loaded 87 Teleports [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][GameServer:printSection:319]: ----------------------------------------------------------=[ Skills ] [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Slash (1, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Slash (1, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Confusion (2, 1) effect RandomizeHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Strike (3, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (3, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Sonic Slash (5, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (6, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (7, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Focus (8, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Buster (9, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Storm Cubic (10, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Trick (11, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Switch (12, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Siege Golem (13, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (15, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (16, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Burst (17, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Burst (17, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (18, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Shot (19, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Shot (19, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Recovery (21, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Vampiric Cubic (22, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burst Shot (24, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (24, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mechanic Golem (25, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unlock (27, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unlock (27, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (28, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Iron Punch (29, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Punch (29, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Backstab (30, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Backstab (30, 1) effect backstab [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Phantom Cubic (33, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (34, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Storm (35, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Storm (35, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (36, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sweeper (42, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper (42, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Remedy (44, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Heal (45, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Scavenge (46, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (48, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Strike (49, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Strike (49, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition energy-max [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (50, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Force (50, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lure (51, 1) effect AddHate [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Blaster (54, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Blaster (54, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Shot (56, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (56, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Heal (58, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect FakeDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Death (60, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Bleeding (61, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Horror (65, 1) effect Fear [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Life Cubic (67, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice (69, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (70, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Will (72, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Insect Weakness (75, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bear Spirit Totem (76, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Aura (77, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Cry (78, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Beast Weakness (80, 1) effect attack-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (81, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Majesty (82, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Spirit Totem (83, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Blade Dance (84, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (86, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Animal Weakness (87, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Dragon Weakness (88, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense Aura (91, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Stun (92, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Stun (92, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rage (94, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (94, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cripple (95, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cripple (95, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bleed (96, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (96, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sanctuary (97, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Symphony (98, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (99, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Attack (100, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (100, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Shot (101, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (101, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Entangle (102, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Plague (103, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Plant Weakness (104, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Strike (105, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil (106, 1) effect Passive [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Aura (107, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ogre Spirit Totem (109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (110, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (111, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Arrow (112, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Long Shot (113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Break (115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician's Movement (118, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunning Fist (120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Roar (121, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Barrier (123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring (127, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (129, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thrill Fight (130, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toughness (134, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (137, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guts (139, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guts (139, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Mastery (143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Mastery (144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti Magic (146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill M. Def. (147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Force (148, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Limit (150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Mastery (153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellcraft (163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Recovery (164, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Atk. Spd. (168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Step (169, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Esprit (171, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatics (173, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Frenzy (176, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frenzy (176, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Revival (181, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Revival (181, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Strike (190, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Mind (191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky (194, 1) effect Lucky [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Breath (195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Blade (196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Armor (197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Evasion (198, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Mastery (210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost HP (211, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast HP Recovery (212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boost Mana (213, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Recovery (214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Mastery (216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (221, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fury Fists (222, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sting (223, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sting (223, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acrobatic Move (225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect Relax [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Relax (226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Mana Recovery (229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sprint (230, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (234, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (244, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (245, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (246, 1) effect take-castle [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Headquarters (247, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Robe Mastery (251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil (254, 1) effect Spoil [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Smash (255, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (255, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Accuracy (256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Crush (260, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Crush (260, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (261, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Blessing (262, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Blow (263, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Earth (264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Life (265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Water (266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Warding (267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Wind (268, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hunter's Song (269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Invocation (270, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Warrior (271, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Inspiration (272, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Mystic (273, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fire (274, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fury (275, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (276, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Light (277, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Light (277, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Viper Cubic (278, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (279, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burning Fist (280, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Fist (280, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Breaker (281, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Puma Spirit Totem (282, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Dark Panther (283, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Assault (284, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Higher Mana Gain (285, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Provoke (286, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Provoke (286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lionheart (287, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard Stance (288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Leech (289, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Frenzy (290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Fortress (291, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bison Spirit Totem (292, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-blunt-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Mastery (293, 1) effect two-hand-sword-bonus [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Sense (294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Body (295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chameleon Rest (296, 1) effect ChameleonRest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duelist Spirit (297, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rabbit Spirit Totem (298, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Wild Hog Cannon (299, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Festival (302, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vitality (304, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Vengeance (305, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of the Vampire (310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Protection (311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vicious Stance (312, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Snipe (313, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (313, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Counter (314, 1) effect physical-attack-hp-link [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aegis (316, 1) effect PhysicalShieldAngleAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect PolearmSingleTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Attack (317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Fortress (322, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Build Advanced Headquarters (326, 1) effect headquarter [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dignity of Kamael (328, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pride of Kamael (329, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fortitude (335, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Power (337, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Life (341, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Touch of Death (342, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Shot (343, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lethal Blow (344, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Rage (345, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Raging Force (346, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raging Force (346, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Earthquake (347, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (347, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Crush (348, 1) effect Spoil [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Renewal (349, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Bash (352, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Bash (352, 1) effect TargetCancel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Slam (353, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Slam (353, 1) effect PhysicalMute [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hamstring Shot (354, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Death (355, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Death (355, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Chance (356, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Chance (356, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Power (357, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Power (357, 1) effect stat-position-based [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bluff (358, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bluff (358, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun Blast (361, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Blast (361, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Armor Crush (362, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Crush (362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Champion Song (364, 1) effect reuse [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Siren (365, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Shadows (366, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Medusa (367, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Vengeance (368, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vengeance (368, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Body (370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Spirituality (371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Soul (372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Regeneration (373, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Morale (374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Clarity (375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Might (376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (377, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Empower (378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan M. Def. (379, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Guidance (380, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Agility (381, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Defense (382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield Block (383, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Cyclonic Resistance (384, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Magmatic Resistance (385, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Stun Resistance (386, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hold Resistance (387, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Sleep Resistance (388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Wind Walk (389, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Luck (390, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Fortune (392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Soul Finding (393, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Soul Finding (394, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Miracle (395, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Berserker (396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Side (397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Side (398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Mastery (399, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tribunal (400, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (400, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Judgment (401, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Judgment (401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrest (402, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (403, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Shackling (404, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angelic Archon (406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Bomb (412, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Fire (413, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dead Eye (414, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dead Eye (414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Sagittarius (415, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pain of Sagittarius (417, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quiver of Holding (418, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Zealot (420, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zealot (420, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fell Swoop (421, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Spirit Totem (425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knighthood (429, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master of Combat (430, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Silence (437, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Braveheart (440, 1) effect cp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Barrier (442, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Force Barrier (443, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Barrier (443, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect Sweeper [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweeper Festival (444, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mirage (445, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (446, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counterattack (447, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Attractive Cubic (449, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition energy-saved [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Move (451, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Move (451, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Break Duress (461, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Break Duress (461, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Mastery (463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Mastery (464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Armor Mastery (465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Immunity (466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Mastery (472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapier Mastery (474, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Smash (477, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Smash (477, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disarm (485, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (485, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Courage (499, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Break (501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Real Target (522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect TransferDamageToPlayer [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Faith (528, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Wound (531, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Wound (531, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Over the Body (536, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over the Body (536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear (559, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Slash (560, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel's Blessing (561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Angel (562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Doom (563, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gravity Control (564, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn Assault (565, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Light Heal (567, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Buster (568, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Buster (568, 1) effect energy-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Attack Storm (569, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Storm (569, 1) effect energy-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Rage (570, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Dust (571, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Slasher (572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (573, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Cutter (575, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paw Strike (576, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (577, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (578, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Armor (579, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (580, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sand Cloud (581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scope Bleed (582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assimilation (583, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Claw (584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Moving (585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rolling Attack (586, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Storm (587, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Darkness (588, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Darkness Energy Drain (589, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Body (590, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Spirit (591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Soul (592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Health (593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Moral (594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Clarity (595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Might (596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield (597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Empower (598, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Magic Barrier (599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Guidance (600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Agility (601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Block (602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Shield Defense (603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Typhoon Resistance (604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Lava Resistance (605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Fortitude (606, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Freedom (607, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Vigilance (608, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Movement (609, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residence Death Fortune (610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Squad (611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Squad (612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Squad (613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Squad (614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Squad (615, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Squad (616, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Transform (619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Escape (622, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Sense (626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Panic (627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Cross Slash (675, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Sonic Blaster (676, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Transfixion of Earth (677, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior War Cry (678, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Warrior (679, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Hate (680, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Aggression Aura (681, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Stun Attack (682, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Thunder Storm (683, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Ultimate Defense (684, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Knight (685, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Stun Shot (686, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Double Shot (687, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Bleed Attack (688, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Deadly Blow (689, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Agility (690, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Rogue (691, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Flare (692, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Strike (693, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Curtain (694, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Holy Cloud (695, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Wizard Surrender to Holy (696, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Wizard (697, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Major Heal (698, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Battle Heal (699, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Group Heal (700, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Resurrection (701, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Healer Clans (702, 1) effect dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Healer (703, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Water Spirit (704, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Fire Spirit (705, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Wind Spirit (706, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit (707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Enchanter Mass Binding (708, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Enchanter (709, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Summon Divine Beast (710, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Transfer Pain (711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Final Servitor (712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Summoner Servitor Hill (713, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sacrifice Summoner (714, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Energy Drain (715, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Hold (716, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Concentrated Attack (717, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Dancing Sword (718, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Vampiric Rage (719, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Holy Light Burst (720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Energy Attack (721, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Divine Beam (722, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sunshine (723, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Clans (724, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Power Smash (725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Sonic Storm (726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Disillusion (727, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Beast Attack (728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Sword Stab (729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gordon Press (730, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Dark Explosion (731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ranku Stun Attack (732, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Double Cutter (733, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kechi Air Blade (734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Spinning Weapon (735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Seed (736, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Ultimate Defense (737, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal (738, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Battle Heal (739, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Resurrection (740, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heretic Heal Side Effect (741, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Bursting Flame (742, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Explosion (743, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Flare (744, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Veil Master Dark Cure (745, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Bite (746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Fear (747, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saber Tooth Tiger Sprint (748, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Stun Attack (749, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Ultimate Defense (750, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oel Mahum Arm Flourish (751, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Sting (752, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Throwing Knife (753, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Doll Blader Clairvoyance (754, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:53][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insane Crusher (762, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Mastery (767, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exciting Adventure (768, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Riding (769, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (770, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (771, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (772, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (773, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demolition Impact (777, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Shot (790, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (791, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Stigma (792, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Critical (794, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Brandish (795, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Knight Explosion Attack (796, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Rogue Piercing Attack (797, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Warrior Crippling Attack (798, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Obstacle (806, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Over-hit (807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Punch (808, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Tornado Swing (809, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Full Swing (814, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Swing (814, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Step (821, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Repair Golem (822, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repair Golem (822, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strengthen Golem (823, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Reinforcement (824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike (826, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Encase Armor (828, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dismount (839, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Outpost Construction (844, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Possess Ward (846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Territory Benefaction (848, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dion Territory Benefaction (849, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giran Territory Benefaction (850, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oren Territory Benefaction (851, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Territory Benefaction (852, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Innadril Territory Benefaction (853, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goddard Territory Benefaction (854, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rune Territory Benefaction (855, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Schuttgart Territory Benefaction (856, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mercenary Power Strike (869, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Royal Guard Captain Power Strike (870, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (871, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer Captain Power Shot (872, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Shot (873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Captain Flame Strike (874, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (875, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Enuma Elish (876, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Centurion Disarm (877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Power Strike (878, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Curse Fear (879, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Knight Captain Ultimate Defense (880, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Twister (881, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Blaze (882, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commander Seal of Binding (883, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deflect Magic (913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Purification (914, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Berserker (915, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Deflect Magic (916, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Secret (917, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Force Focus (918, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Sonic Focus (919, 1) effect FocusMaxMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Pierce (921, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hide (922, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ordinary Mercenary (936, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Mercenary (937, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exalted Mercenary (938, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frog Jump (959, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Race Running (960, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Swift Dash (961, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's March (962, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guard's Ambush (963, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Children of Shilen (964, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Claw (968, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Treykan Dash (969, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (970, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (971, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snipe (972, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (973, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Shot (974, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (975, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation - Wind Strike (976, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (977, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect physical-soul-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoulder Charge (978, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (979, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (980, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (981, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Strike (984, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Strike (984, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Death Sting (990, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Sting (990, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Mastery (992, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Force Mastery (993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (994, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (1001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Flame (1002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Gift (1003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Wisdom (1004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Blessing (1005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fire (1006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Battle (1007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Glory (1008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Shielding (1009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Shield (1010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (1011, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure Poison (1012, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Recharge (1013, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (1013, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Heal (1015, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Resurrection (1016, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Resurrection (1016, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Purify (1018, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vitalize (1020, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Group Heal (1027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might of Heaven (1028, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disrupt Undead (1031, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invigor (1032, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (1033, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Repose (1034, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (1035, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (1036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (1040, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Undead (1042, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (1043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (1044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (1045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Regeneration (1047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (1048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Requiem (1049, 1) effect Passive [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return (1050, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return (1050, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (1056, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (1059, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (1062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (1064, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (1068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (1069, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleeping Cloud (1072, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Kiss (1073, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Peace (1075, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (1077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (1078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (1085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (1086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (1087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (1090, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (1092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom (1095, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Chaos (1096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dreaming Spirit (1097, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Slow (1099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (1100, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze Quake (1101, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (1102, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Winter (1104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Madness (1105, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Flame (1107, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Flame (1108, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kat the Cat (1111, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Recharge (1126, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Heal (1127, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Shadow (1128, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Reanimated Man (1129, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Shield (1139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Physical Shield (1140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Haste (1141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Wind Walk (1144, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Magic Boost (1145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mighty Servitor (1146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (1147, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Spike (1148, 1) effect magical-attack-range [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (1151, 1) effect ConsumeBody [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Corrupted Man (1154, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (1155, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Forget (1156, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body To Mind (1157, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Death Link (1159, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (1160, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Discord (1163, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Weakness (1164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poisonous Cloud (1167, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Poison (1168, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Fear (1169, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (1170, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (1171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (1172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (1174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Swirl (1175, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (1176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Strike (1177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (1178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (1181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Shackle (1183, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (1184, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dryad Root (1201, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (1204, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Shackle (1206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Binding (1208, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Poison (1209, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Gloom (1210, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Mirage (1213, 1) effect Confuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Heal (1216, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (1217, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Battle Heal (1218, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Group Heal (1219, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (1220, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Chaos (1222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Poison (1224, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mew the Cat (1225, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Boxer the Unicorn (1226, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Mirage the Unicorn (1227, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Silhouette (1228, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (1229, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (1230, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (1231, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Skin (1232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decay (1233, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (1234, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (1235, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Bolt (1236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Dagger (1237, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Skin (1238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (1239, 1) effect magical-attack-range [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (1240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (1242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (1243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Flame (1244, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Essence (1245, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Silence (1246, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Scourge (1247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Suspension (1248, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Vision (1249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Protection (1250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Fury (1251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Evasion (1252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Rage (1253, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Resurrection (1254, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Party Return (1255, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Party Return (1255, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Heart (1256, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (1257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (1258, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (1259, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Tact (1260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Rage (1261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfer Pain (1262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (1263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Spark (1264, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (1265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Spark (1266, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Flare (1267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (1268, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Disease (1269, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Benediction (1271, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Benediction (1271, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Word of Fear (1272, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Serenade (1273, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Bolt (1274, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Bolt (1275, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Kai the Cat (1276, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Merrow the Unicorn (1277, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Soulless (1278, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Binding Cubic (1279, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Aqua Cubic (1280, 1) effect summon-cubic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spark Cubic (1281, 1) effect summon-cubic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Haste (1282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Guard (1283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Revenge (1284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Symphony (1288, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inferno (1289, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blizzard (1290, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon Wind (1291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Assault (1292, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Symphony (1293, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elemental Storm (1294, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (1295, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (1296, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clear Mind (1297, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Slow (1298, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Empowerment (1299, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Cure (1300, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Blessing (1301, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (1303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Advanced Block (1304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Honor (1305, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Life (1306, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Predator (1308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Eagle (1309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Vampire (1310, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body of Avatar (1311, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dwarven Craft (1321, 1) effect OpenDwarfRecipeBook [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Common Craft (1322, 1) effect OpenCommonRecipeBook [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline Queen (1331, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Seraphim the Unicorn (1332, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Nightshade (1333, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Cursed Man (1334, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Balance Life (1335, 1) effect RebalanceHP [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Doom (1336, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Abyss (1337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Chaos (1338, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex (1339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex (1340, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex (1341, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Vortex (1343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Servitor (1346, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Servitor (1347, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin Servitor (1348, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Servitor (1349, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior Bane (1350, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mage Bane (1351, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Water (1355, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Fire (1356, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prophecy of Wind (1357, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Shield (1358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Block Wind Walk (1359, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Spirit (1362, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Victory (1363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Despair (1366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Disease (1367, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Dwarven Craft (1368, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Common Craft (1369, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Trade (1370, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Warehouse (1371, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Inventory (1372, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Valor (1374, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Grandeur (1375, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heroic Dread (1376, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Link (1378, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Sense (1379, 1) effect stats-linked [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse Gloom (1382, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Might (1388, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Shield (1389, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill War Chant (1390, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Earth (1391, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (1392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (1393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trance (1394, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (1396, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clarity (1397, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (1398, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Friend (1403, 1) effect call-pc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Inspiration (1405, 1) effect EnlargeAbnormalSlot [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Feline King (1406, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn (1407, 1) effect summon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spectral Lord (1408, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cleanse (1409, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Salvation (1410, 1) effect ResurrectionSpecial [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (1411, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Victories of Pa'agrio (1414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect CpHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pa'agrio's Fist (1416, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flash (1417, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Miracle (1426, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect dispel-myself [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flames of Invincibility (1427, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Recharge (1428, 1) effect ManaHealByLevel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Gate (1429, 1) effect CallParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invocation (1430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Power (1432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark (1435, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Divinity (1440, 1) effect steal-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Roar (1441, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Art of Rapier (1444, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Bind (1446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Voice Bind (1447, 1) effect Mute [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Vortex Buster (1451, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Vortex Crusher (1453, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Vortex Slug (1456, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Power (1459, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1)) condition skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (1460, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Protection (1461, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Blockade (1462, 1) effect PhysicalAttackMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Abyssal Power (1474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mist (1495, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Combat (1499, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Magic (1500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Condition (1501, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Critical Attack (1502, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Shield Defense (1503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Improve Movement (1504, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice (1505, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect CpHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Eva (1506, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord of Vampires (1507, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Barrier (1514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (1515, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (1516, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expert Casting (1527, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlightenment (1533, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Movement (1535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stigma of Shilen (1539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Turn to Stone (1540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (1542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (1543, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Sharing (1547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Cure Poison (1550, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Purify (1551, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Vitalize (1552, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Heal (1553, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arcane Shield (1556, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Servitor Share (1557, 1) effect servitor-share [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Pump (1565, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Weapon Defense (1605, 1) effect skill-evasion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Spear (1606, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quake Attack (1607, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect IgnoreDeath [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal (1608, 1) effect HealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Proficient Sword (1609, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Saver (1610, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Transcendence (1611, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Force (1612, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Body Crush (1613, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Crush (1613, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Reinforcement (1615, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Damage (1616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Body (1617, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Recovery (1618, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (1619, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (1620, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Sacrifice (1621, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood of Sacrifice (1622, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Protection of Eva (1623, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1)) condition energy-saved [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unbreakable Sonic (1624, 1) effect ReduceDamage [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Shot (1625, 1) effect Root [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl Spear (1626, 1) effect dispel-probability [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destroyer's Roar (1627, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broad Sweep (1628, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrist Throw Dagger (1629, 1) effect SkillTurning [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Blood Dagger (1630, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reset Movement (1631, 1) effect reuse-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Strike (1632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate Transformation (1800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (1801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (1802, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Might (1810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Shield (1811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Wind Walk (1812, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Return (1813, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Focus (1814, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Death Whisper (1815, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Guidance (1816, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Heal (1817, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Haste (1818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Acumen (1819, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Vampiric Rage (1820, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Empower (1821, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Clarity (1822, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Agility (1823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Lightness (1824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Recharge (1825, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cadmus - Greater Heal (1826, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1829, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1830, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1831, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Master (1832, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount - Gold Maned Lion (1833, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Pegasus (1834, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Saber Tooth Cougar (1835, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Kukuru (1836, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Black Bear (1837, 1) effect transformation [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fall Down (1896, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fall Down (1896, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Field of Shilen (1897, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Charge (1898, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Potion (2001, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Drug (2002, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Squash Seed (2003, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Large Squash Seed (2004, 1) effect summon-npc [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Nectar (2005, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Endeavor Potion (2010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk Potion (2011, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Potion (2012, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape (2013, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Resurrection (2014, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Potion (2031, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater HP Potion (2032, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Walk Potion (2034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Haste Potion (2035, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape (2036, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major HP Potion (2037, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade HP Potion (2038, 1) effect hp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2040, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Castle (2041, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antidote (2042, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Antidote (2043, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bandage (2044, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Emergency Dressing (2045, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1)) condition check-residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Pet (2046, 1) effect SummonPet [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Food (2048, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2049, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Guidance (2050, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Death Whisper (2051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Focus (2052, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Acumen (2053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Haste (2054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Agility (2055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Empower (2056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Might (2057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Wind Walk (2058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Shield (2059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Medicine (2060, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Resurrection (2062, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hatchling Food (2063, 1) effect feed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Mana Regeneration (2064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Box Key (2065, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect RandomizeHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Critical Escape (2074, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Decrease Hate (2075, 1) effect DeleteHateOfMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Blessing (2076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion of Revenge (2077, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2078, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2079, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2080, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2081, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2082, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2084, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2085, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2086, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2087, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2088, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2090, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2091, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2092, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2093, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2094, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (5-minute) (2099, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape (1-second) (2100, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mysterious Potion (2103, 1)) condition non-transformed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2104, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2105, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2106, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2107, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Soulshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2108, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2110, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2111, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2112, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2113, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2114, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (No-grade) (2116, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (D-grade) (2117, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (C-grade) (2118, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (B-grade) (2119, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blessed Spiritshot Compressed Package (A-grade) (2120, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2122, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2123, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Facelifting Potion (2124, 1) effect ChangeFace [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2125, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2126, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2127, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Potion (2128, 1) effect ChangeHairColor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2129, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2130, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2131, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2132, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2133, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2134, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hair Style Change Potion (2135, 1) effect ChangeHairStyle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake (2136, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soulshot (S-grade) (2154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spiritshot (S-grade) (2159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (2164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Momentum Stone (2165, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CP Potion (2166, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll (2167, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseLeveledCondition:167]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lucky Charm (2168, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Haste Enhancement Potion (2169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Cancel Sleep (2170, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellbook Paper (2171, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Giants (2172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Book of Giants (2173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (2177, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (2178, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Food (2180, 1) effect feed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (2213, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (2531, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1)) condition can-add-bookmark-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase number of teleport slots (2587, 1) effect AddTeleportBookmarkSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (3005, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Evasion (3009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3012, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Health (3013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mana Up (3014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3018, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Back Blow (3019, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3020, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3021, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3022, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3024, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Anger (3026, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3028, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3029, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3030, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3031, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3034, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Mortal Strike (3035, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3039, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3040, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3041, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Damage (3043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Focus (3044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Acumen (3047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Conversion (3048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Damage (3049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3053, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3054, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Bleed (3055, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Haste (3056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3059, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Drain (3060, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3061, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Poison (3062, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3068, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Evasion (3069, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3070, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-hp-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Risk Focus (3071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3074, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3075, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Empower (3076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Power (3077, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Silence (3078, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Paralyze (3079, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3080, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Physical) (3081, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3082, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Physical) (3083, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Physical) (3084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3086, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3087, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3088, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3089, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3090, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Physical) (3091, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Physical) (3092, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3093, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3094, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3095, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Magic) (3096, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Magic) (3097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3098, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3099, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3100, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3101, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3102, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3103, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Magic) (3104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Magic) (3105, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3106, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3107, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Up (3108, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression Down (3109, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3110, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (Critical) (3111, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (Critical) (3112, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3113, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3114, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3115, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3116, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3118, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (Critical) (3119, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (Critical) (3120, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3121, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3122, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3123, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3124, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Battle Roar (3125, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3127, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3128, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3130, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3131, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3132, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3135, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3137, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3138, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3139, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3141, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3143, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3145, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Return (3146, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Quick Return (3147, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Rage (3148, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aggression (3149, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (Active) (3150, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Peace (3151, 1) effect DeleteHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Trick (3152, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Vampiric Touch (3153, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Burn (3154, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenDoor [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Unlock (3155, 1) effect OpenChest [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Celestial Shield (3158, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stealth (3159, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Resurrection (3160, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3161, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3162, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3163, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3164, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3165, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3167, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3168, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3169, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3170, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3171, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3172, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3173, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3174, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3175, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3176, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3177, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3179, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prominence (3180, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hydro Blast (3181, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hurricane (3182, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stone (3183, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Solar Flare (3184, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shadow Flare (3185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Aura Flare (3186, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3190, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3191, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3192, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3193, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3194, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3195, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3196, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3197, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3198, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Refresh (3199, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Refresh (3200, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Refresh (3201, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Refresh (3202, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3204, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Party Return (3205, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal (3207, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Body (3208, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3209, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Recharge (3210, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Blessed Soul (3211, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3212, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Ritual (3213, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Cheer (3214, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3215, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3216, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3217, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3218, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3219, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weakness in Duel (3220, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3221, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3222, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3223, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3224, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Charm (3225, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Slow (3226, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Winter (3227, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Stun (3228, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Hold (3229, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Sleep (3230, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Paralyze (3231, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Medusa (3232, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Fear (3233, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Poison (3234, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Bleed (3235, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Silence (3236, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Doom (3237, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Prayer (3238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Mana Gain (3239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might (3240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Empower (3241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Might in Duel - PvP (3243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Shield (3244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Magic Barrier (3245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Heal Empower (3246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Agility (3247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Guidance (3248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Focus (3249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Wild Magic (3250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Weight Limit (3251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Eva's Kiss (3252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Acrobatics (3253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Iron Body (3254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Skill Clarity (3255, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Spell Clarity (3256, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Music Clarity (3257, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Clarity (3258, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Reflect Damage (3259, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Resurrection (3263, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Escape (3264, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Agathion (3267, 1) effect UnsummonAgathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Castle (3268, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Rainbow Clan Hall (3269, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Beast Farm (3270, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Crit. (3271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Atk. (3272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - P. Def. (3273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Physical Skill Evasion Rate (3274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Crit. (3275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Atk. (3276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - M. Def. (3277, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Magic Skill Evasion Rate (3278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. HP (3279, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Max. MP (3280, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman Box - Guard (3281, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Denial (3282, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Benefaction (3283, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Block (3284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Gravity (3285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Talisman - Bond (3286, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Guard (3287, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Denial (3288, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Benefaction (3289, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Block (3290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Gravity (3291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Bond (3292, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Healing Power (3293, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness - Power of Healing Magic (3294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Bracelet (3322, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bronze Bracelet (3323, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steel Bracelet (3324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Light (3498, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Wooden Light Armor, 3-piece (3500, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Devotion, 3-piece (3501, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Mithril Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3502, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Leather Light Armor, 2-piece (3503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Knowledge Robe Armor, 2-piece (3504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Manticore Light Armor, 2-piece (3505, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Brigandine Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3506, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Elven Mithril Robe Armor, 2-piece (3507, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Reinforced Mithril Light Armor, 2-piece (3508, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Chain Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Karmian Robe Armor, 2-piece (3510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Plate Light Armor, 2-piece (3511, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Compound Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3512, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Demon's Robe, 2-piece (3513, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Theca Light Armor, 2-piece (3514, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Drake Light Armor, 2-piece (3515, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3516, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Robe of Divinity, 2-piece (3517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3519, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Light Armor, 2-piece (3520, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Light Armor, 2-piece (3521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Zubei Robe Armor, 2-piece (3522, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Avadon Robe Armor, 2-piece (3523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3524, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3525, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Light Armor, 2-piece (3526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Light Armor, 2-piece (3527, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Blue Wolf Robe Armor, 2-piece (3528, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Doom Robe, 2-piece (3529, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3530, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3531, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Light Armor, 2-piece (3532, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Light Armor, 2-piece (3533, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Tallum Robe Armor, 2-piece (3534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Dark Crystal Robe, 2-piece (3535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3536, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3537, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Light Armor, 2-piece (3538, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Light Armor, 2-piece (3539, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Nightmare Robe Armor, 2-piece (3540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Majestic Robe Armor, 2-piece (3541, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: P. Critical Damage (3542, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3543, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3544, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3546, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3548, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3549, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3550, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Imperial Crusader, 2-piece (3553, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Shield (3554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Draconic Leather, 2-piece (3555, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Major Arcana Robe, 2-piece (3556, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas' Necklace (3557, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Antharas' Earring (3558, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Zaken's Earring (3559, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring (3560, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damaged Baium's Ring (3561, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Ring (3562, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core (3563, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Stun (3571, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Critical Slow (3574, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Magic Hold (3577, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Sword (3578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Reflect (3579, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Axe (3580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Tenacity (3581, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Slasher (3582, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Protection (3584, 1) effect AbnormalShield [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dualsword (3585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Full Plate Heavy Armor, 2-piece (3586, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Fighter (3587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Dagger (3589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Immortal (3590, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Spear (3591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Bow (3593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Archery (3594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter (3595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Vampiric Mana (3596, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Infinity Rod (3597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Infinity Power - Mana Limit (3598, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Multi-attack (3599, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Anger (3600, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Haste (3601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Ability: Guidance (3602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demonic Sword Zariche (3603, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza's Necklace (3604, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Heavy Armor, 4-piece (3605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Light Armor, 4-piece (3606, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Moonshadow Robe, 4-piece (3607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Heavy Armor (3608, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Light Armor (3609, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Set Effect - Apella Robe (3610, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (D-grade) (3611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (D-grade) (3612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (D-grade) (3613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (C-grade) (3614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (C-grade) (3615, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (C-grade) (3616, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (B-grade) (3617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (B-grade) (3618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (B-grade) (3619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (A-grade) (3620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (A-grade) (3621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (A-grade) (3622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Heavy Armor (S-grade) (3623, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Light Armor (S-grade) (3624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchant Robe (S-grade) (3625, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Sword Akamanah (3629, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Burst (3630, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Void Flow (3631, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect clan-system-message [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Gate (3632, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Residential Stun Immunity (3633, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (4001, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Siphon (4002, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Body (4003, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fragile Skull (4004, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Floating Target (4005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burning Wood (4006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Immortal Life (4007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Skin (4008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant's Blow (4017, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4018, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4019, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4020, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Queen Ant (4021, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery (4024, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Master Recharge (4025, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Flame (4026, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Gludio Heal (4027, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4028, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Shield (4031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4032, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4033, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Bolt (4034, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4035, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4036, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shackle (4038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Drain (4039, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4040, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruma Blaze (4041, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurka Blaze (4042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Flame (4043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Partisan Heal (4044, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Magic Attack Resistance (4045, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4046, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4047, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (4048, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Strike (4049, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Drain (4050, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Heal (4051, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Poison (4052, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Weakness (4053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hex (4054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Shackle (4055, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Insect Vulnerability (4057, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animal Vulnerability (4058, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Plant Vulnerability (4059, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beast Vulnerability (4060, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Vulnerability (4061, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen (4062, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4063, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4064, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4065, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4066, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blow (4067, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mechanical Cannon (4068, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curve Beam (4069, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4070, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Weapon Resistance (4071, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4072, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4073, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4074, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4075, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4077, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4078, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Siege Hammer (4079, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Heal (4080, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison of Death (4082, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kalis' Poison (4083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Attack Resistance (4084, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Damage (4085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Chance (4086, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4087, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4088, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Bear (4089, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Wolf (4090, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Ogre (4091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit Puma (4092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Evasion (4093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancellation (4094, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:54][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hawk Eye (4096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4097, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4098, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4100, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4101, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chill Flame (4104, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4105, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Stun (4106, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (4108, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Antharas (4109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Stink (4110, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Petrify (4111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4112, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Attack (4113, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Flame (4114, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Heal (4115, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Attack Resistance (4116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4118, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4119, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Stun (4120, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoned Monster Magic Protection (4121, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas (4122, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4124, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reduce Delay (4126, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Attack (4127, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Of Force (4128, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earthquake (4129, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning (4130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4131, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4132, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4133, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium Heal (4135, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baium's Gift (4136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Screw (4137, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (4138, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boom Attack (4139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Contract Payment (4140, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Fist (4141, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Wind Fist (4142, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb (4143, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic Attack (4144, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4146, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel (4147, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4148, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4149, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (4150, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4151, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4152, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4153, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (4154, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4155, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4156, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4157, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4158, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4159, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4160, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Damage Shield (4163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Paralysis (4164, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Ice (4165, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Stun (4166, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Fairy Mimyu (4167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4168, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4169, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4170, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4171, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4173, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel (4177, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4179, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4180, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4181, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4182, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4185, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4186, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4188, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4189, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease MP (4190, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4191, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (4192, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Drain (4193, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (4194, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4195, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4196, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4197, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4198, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (4200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4201, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4202, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4203, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4204, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4205, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Sink (4206, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4207, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4208, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4209, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4210, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4215, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain (4218, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4219, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dual Attack (4220, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Dual Attack (4221, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack Resistance (4225, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ban Heal (4226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Regeneration (4227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Dagger Attack (4228, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Wind Fist (4229, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Cannon (4230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spit Attack (4231, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Attack (4233, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Heal (4236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Cooldown (4238, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Recovery (4241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venomous Poison (4243, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Sweep (4244, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mimic of Wrath (4245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Magic Resistance (4246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (4247, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Drain (4248, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4249, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4250, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4251, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (4252, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (4253, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (4254, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beam Cannon (4255, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4256, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (4257, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hinder Strider (4258, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Toxic Smoke (4259, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Steal Blood (4260, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mega Storm Strike (4261, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Wind Walk (4262, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Haste (4263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Empower (4264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Might (4265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holiday Shield (4266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Penalty (4270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4272, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Resistance (4273, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Vulnerability (4274, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Vulnerability (4276, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Resistance (4277, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Magic Attack Resistance (4283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Resistance (4284, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Resistance (4285, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4286, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Resistance (4287, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4288, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wyvern Breath (4289, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Light Burst (4314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4315, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4316, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increase Rage Might (4317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4319, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4320, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (4322, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (4323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (4324, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (4325, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (4326, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (4327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (4328, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (4329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (4330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (4331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Aegis (4332, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Resistance (4333, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SSQ Cancel (4334, 1) effect DispelAll [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack Vulnerability (4336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance (4337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Buff (4341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4342, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Weight (4343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Shield (4346, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4347, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4348, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (4350, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (4351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4354, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4361, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4362, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Destruction (4363, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4364, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Revelations (4366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4367, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4368, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4369, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4370, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4371, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4372, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4373, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4374, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Hall Blessing (4375, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Physical Attack Resistance (4376, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wield Temper (4377, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self Damage Shield (4378, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Resistance (4379, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena CP Recovery (4380, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Lake Ghost (4382, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Stone (4383, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Resistance (4388, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Resistance (4389, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4390, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4391, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4392, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4393, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (4394, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (4395, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (4396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Shield (4398, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4399, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (4400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (4401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (4403, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4404, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4405, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (4406, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Increase (1x) (4408, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Increase (1x) (4409, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Atk. (4410, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Atk. (4411, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak P. Def. (4412, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Extremely Weak M. Def. (4413, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heavy Armor Type (4414, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bare Hands (4415, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Undead (4416, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Animals (4417, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (4418, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack (4419, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack (4420, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack (4421, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (4422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack (4423, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Resistance (4424, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blunt Weapon Resistance (4425, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Resistance (4426, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Resistance (4427, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fire Resistance (4429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Water Resistance (4430, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Resistance (4431, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Earth Resistance (4432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Holy Attack Resistance (4433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dark Attack Resistance (4434, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Stun Resistance (4435, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Poison Resistance (4436, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bleed Resistance (4437, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sleep Resistance (4438, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Hold Resistance (4439, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Paralysis Resistance (4440, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Mental Attack Resistance (4441, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fist Weapon Resistance (4442, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Blunt Weapon Resistance (4443, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Bow Resistance (4444, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Spear Resistance (4445, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dualsword Resistance (4446, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Sword Resistance (4447, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Dagger Resistance (4448, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Vulnerability (4450, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison Vulnerability (4451, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed Vulnerability (4452, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep Vulnerability (4453, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold Vulnerability (4454, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis Vulnerability (4455, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Attack Vulnerability (4456, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fist Weapon Vulnerability (4457, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Vulnerability (4458, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dualsword Vulnerability (4459, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Vulnerability (4460, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Vulnerability (4461, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Two-handed Weapon Vulnerability (4462, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Water (4463, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Wind (4464, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Earth (4465, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (4466, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Holy (4467, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4468, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anger (4471, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golem Strike (4472, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4473, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore Life (4474, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Complete Bleed Resistance (4475, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silent Move (4476, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (4477, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Splash (4478, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Fairy's Blessing (4479, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse Gloom (4480, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (4481, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (4482, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4483, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Devour Subordinate (4484, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4486, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (4487, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4488, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4489, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy War (4490, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Weapon (4491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enlarging Head Curse (4492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic Immunity (4493, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4496, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Raid Curse (4515, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen Heal (4516, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4518, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4520, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Attack Resistance (4521, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eye of Assassin (4522, 1) effect stat-position-based [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Evasion (4523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon (4526, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore (4527, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (4528, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (4529, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4530, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4531, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4532, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Resistance (4533, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Dance (4534, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Weakness (4535, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Seduction (4536, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Sweet Whispers (4537, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Temptation (4538, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vague Curse (4539, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Weakness (4540, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nihilistic Curse (4541, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep/Stun Resistance (4542, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Stun (4543, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (4544, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4545, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annulment (4548, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Rheumatism (4551, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Cholera (4552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Springs Flu (4553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Malaria (4554, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mutation Resistance (4555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease A D (4556, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease B D (4557, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hot Spring Disease C D (4558, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4560, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Burn (4561, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4562, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4563, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4564, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4565, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4566, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rain of Fire (4567, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4568, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4569, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solar Flare (4570, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (4571, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sonic Slash (4572, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (4573, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Storm (4574, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4575, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Damage (4576, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Accuracy (4577, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (4578, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4579, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4580, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4581, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4582, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4583, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Evasion (4586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Haste (4588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4589, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4590, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4591, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4592, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (4594, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield (4595, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4597, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4598, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4599, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stunned and P. Def. decreased. (4600, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Focus (4601, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (4604, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Fire (4605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4606, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magma Attack (4607, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit (4608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (4609, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4610, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wide Sweep (4612, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Heal (4613, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (4614, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (4615, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fake Petrification (4616, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Petrification (4617, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Target Cancellation (4618, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Sleep (4619, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (4620, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4621, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4622, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4623, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disease (4624, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4625, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Barrier (4626, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Barrier (4627, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4629, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twister (4630, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Shield Wild Magic (4631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Empower (4633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Damage Shield (4634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Wild Magic (4635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Berserker Damage Shield (4636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild Magic Damage Shield (4637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Wild Magic (4638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Empower Berserker (4639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4640, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Strike (4641, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Spell Casting (4642, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4643, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (4643, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (4644, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (4645, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper (4646, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (4647, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (4648, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (4649, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Hold (4650, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Slow (4651, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Silence (4652, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Life Drain (4653, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4654, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4655, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (4656, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4657, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4657, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4658, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4658, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4659, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (4659, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4660, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4660, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4661, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4661, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4662, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (4662, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression (4663, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4664, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4665, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4666, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4667, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4668, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (4669, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4670, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (4671, 1) effect TeleportToTarget [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (4671, 1) effect TargetMe [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Remove (4672, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Attack (4673, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Defense (4674, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Fighter (4675, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Mage Empower (4676, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Fighter Shield (4677, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Mage Barrier (4678, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas (4679, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas (4679, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Lava Skin (4680, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Lava Skin (4680, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Trample (4681, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Trample (4682, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4683, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4683, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4684, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Dragon Breath (4684, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Tail Stamp (4685, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Tail Stamp (4686, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Fear (4689, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Fear (4689, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Meteor Storm (4690, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valakas Recovery (4691, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Enlargement (4692, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Annul Enlargement (4693, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4694, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4695, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absolute Curse (4696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (4698, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Queen (4699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Queen (4699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Queen (4700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Queen (4700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure of Queen (4701, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Seraphim (4702, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Seraphim (4702, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Seraphim (4703, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gift of Seraphim (4703, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cure of Seraphim (4704, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Shade (4705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Curse of Shade (4706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Shade Sacrifice (4707, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Strike (4708, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Strike (4708, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cursed Blow (4709, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Stun (4710, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Stun (4710, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Defense (4711, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bright Burst (4712, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bright Heal (4713, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal Trick (4717, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal Trick (4718, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4719, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4721, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4722, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4723, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4724, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4724, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4725, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4726, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4727, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4727, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4728, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4729, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4730, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4731, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4732, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4733, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4734, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4735, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4737, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (4738, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4739, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4740, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4741, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4742, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (4743, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4744, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4744, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4745, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4745, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4746, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4747, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4748, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4748, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4749, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4750, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4751, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4752, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mortal Blow (4753, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4754, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4755, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4756, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4757, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4758, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4759, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4759, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4760, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4760, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4761, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4761, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4762, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4762, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4763, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4763, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4764, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4765, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4766, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (4768, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4769, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4769, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4770, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4770, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4771, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4772, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4773, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (4773, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4774, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4775, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4776, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4777, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spear Attack (4778, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4779, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4780, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4781, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4782, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (4783, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4784, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4785, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4786, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4787, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chant of Life (4788, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Lv. (4789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Lv. (4789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hot Spring Mineral (4990, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Strike (4993, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Venom Storm (4994, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alfred Strike (5000, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alfred Life Drain (5001, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giselle Vampiric Rage (5002, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giselle Tempest (5003, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Pose (5005, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Heal Music (5008, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Fighter (5009, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Mage (5010, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Ghost Bomb (5011, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Breath of Scarlet (5012, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Energy Drain (5013, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Attack (5014, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yoke of Scarlet (5016, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demon (5017, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Field (5018, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Demon Energy Drain (5019, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Healing Potion (5040, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb Dispel (5042, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bomb Dispel (5042, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Supersonic Blaster (5043, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Defense (5044, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5045, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5051, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5052, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (5053, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (5056, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5065, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5073, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill The Victor of War (5074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill The Vanquished of War (5075, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Penalty (5076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frintezza Critical Damage (5078, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Focus (5079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Focus (5079, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Might (5080, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste Might (5080, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5081, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5081, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5082, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5083, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blinding Blow (5084, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blinding Blow (5084, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anesthesia (5085, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Deadly Poison (5086, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5087, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (5092, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Fear (5092, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Meteor (5093, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Self-destruction (5094, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Strike (5095, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Power Shot (5096, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Antharas Self-destruction (5097, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Capture Penalty (5098, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Force (5104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spell Force (5105, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cannon Fodder (5110, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Big Bang (5111, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Big Bang (5111, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Big Bang (5111, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5112, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Buff Dispel (5113, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5114, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hate (5115, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hold (5116, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Hold (5116, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5117, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5117, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Sailren Use (5118, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5119, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5120, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5120, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailren Use Might (5122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Defense (5123, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-music (5124, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Resist Status (5125, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Recovery Bonus (5126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Recovery Bonus (5126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recover Momentum (5127, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recover Momentum (5127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximize long-range weapon use (5128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximize long-range weapon use (5128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Smokescreen (5129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Smokescreen (5129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Volcano (5130, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tsunami (5131, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cyclone (5132, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gehenna (5133, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect Unsummon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-summoning Field (5134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slash (5135, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Slash (5136, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Grip of the Cat (5137, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grip of the Cat (5137, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whiplash (5138, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whiplash (5138, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tidal Wave (5139, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Curse (5140, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Curse (5140, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dicing Death (5141, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1) effect ConsumeBody [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corpse Burst (5142, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailren Use Blow (5143, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Day of Doom (5145, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5146, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (5147, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prayer (5148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge (5149, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (5150, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Gain (5151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual (5152, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cheer (5153, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might (5154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (5156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Might (5157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Might (5157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (5158, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (5159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Weakness (5160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Duel Weakness (5160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agility (5161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance (5162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (5163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Magic (5164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Charm (5165, 1) effect AddHate [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5166, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Winter (5167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5168, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5169, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5169, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (5170, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (5170, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralyze (5171, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Medusa (5172, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5173, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5173, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5174, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5175, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (5176, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Doom (5177, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Doom (5177, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill NPC Burn (5178, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Protection (5182, 1) effect ProtectionBlessing [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Presentation - Magic-type Guard (5185, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Haste (5186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Vampiric Rage (5187, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Regeneration (5188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Blessed Body (5189, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Blessed Soul (5190, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Guidance (5191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Wind Walk (5192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Acumen (5193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Empower (5194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Greater Heal (5195, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Wind Shackle (5196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Hex (5197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Slow (5198, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Curse Gloom (5199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Recharge (5200, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Concentration (5201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5202, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5203, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5203, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5205, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Atk. Spd. (5207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (Event) (5208, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (Event) (5209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Body (Event) (5210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage (Event) (5211, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Regeneration (Event) (5212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste (Event) (5213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soul (Event) (5214, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (Event) (5215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration (Event) (5216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (Event) (5217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Stun (5219, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Fear (5220, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Giant Mutant Fear (5220, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Physical Close Range Vulnerability (5221, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Physical Long Range Vulnerability (5222, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baylor - Magic Vulnerability (5223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserk (5224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5225, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5230, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5230, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5231, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5231, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5232, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5232, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Weak (5233, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Mid (5234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weight Spin Attack - Strong (5235, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Up (5236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Down (5237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing (5238, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing (5238, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5240, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5240, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5241, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5241, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Up (5244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Up (5244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Up (5245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Up (5245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Explosion (5246, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed of Darkness (5247, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed of Darkness (5247, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seed Explosion (5248, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Circle (5249, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5250, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5251, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5251, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5252, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5253, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5253, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invasion of Spirit (5254, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invasion of Spirit (5254, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5255, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Announcement of Death (5256, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (5257, 1) effect lethal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5258, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5259, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5259, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (5260, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rising Shot (5262, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Lightning (5263, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Emission (5265, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magical Backfire (5266, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trap Explosion (5267, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5268, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Slow Trap (5269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash Trap (5270, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash Trap (5270, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5271, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (5271, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Decoy Provocation (5272, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5273, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5274, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5275, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5276, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5277, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5278, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5280, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5282, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5283, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5284, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5285, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5286, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5287, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5288, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5289, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5290, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5291, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5292, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5293, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5294, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5295, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5296, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5297, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5298, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5299, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst Shot (5300, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5301, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5301, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5302, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5302, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5303, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5303, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5304, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5304, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5305, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5305, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5306, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5306, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5307, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5307, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5308, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5308, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5309, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5309, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (5310, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (5311, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (5312, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5313, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5315, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hydro Blast (5316, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Hydro Blast (5317, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Frost Wall (5318, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5328, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Blast (5329, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Circle (5330, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (5331, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5332, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5333, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5334, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5335, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5336, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5338, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5340, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5342, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5346, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5350, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5352, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5356, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5358, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5359, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5360, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5362, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5362, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5363, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5363, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5364, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5364, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5365, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5365, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5366, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5366, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5367, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5367, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5369, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5369, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (5371, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Flare (5372, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5374, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blazing Circle (5376, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane (5380, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tempest (5382, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rock Strike (5383, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Strike (5389, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Blast (5390, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Circle (5391, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (5392, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Burn (5393, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5394, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect Grow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Might Haste (5395, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Final Burn (5398, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heat of Desert (5399, 1) effect damage-over-time [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Beast Farm (5413, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Rainbow Clan Hall (5414, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Castle (5415, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5422, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5423, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5423, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5424, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5424, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spoil Bomb (5430, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5434, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust (5435, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dissonance (5437, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5438, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (5439, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bite Attack (5442, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cry of the Wolf (5443, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maul (5444, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maul (5444, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awakening (5445, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (5447, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stubborn Resistance (5456, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Fortress (5458, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5461, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Shot (5468, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Boss Petrification Resistance (5479, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Baylor Invincibility (5480, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bow Atk. Spd. Reduction (5491, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (5492, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5495, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5495, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Fireball (5496, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn of Rising Darkness (5497, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-Destruct (5498, 1) effect TargetMeProbability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Lightening (5499, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Black Dragon Claw (5500, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Black Dragon Claw (5500, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5501, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5501, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5502, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5502, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Guard (5503, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield Defense (5504, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Blossom (5505, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Blossom (5506, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Blossom (5507, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Blossom (5508, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Power (5509, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Power (5510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Power (5511, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Power (5512, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Taint (5513, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Taint (5514, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Taint (5515, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Taint (5516, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nurture (5517, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Power Up (5519, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Vampiric Shield (5520, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Vampiric Shield (5520, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Critical Sense (5521, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Dark Explosion (5522, 1) effect MagicalAttackByAbnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Magic - Unholy Castle (5523, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Bow/Magic Resistance (5524, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Melee Resistance (5525, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Buff - Melee Resistance (5525, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Challenger's Blessing (5526, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overflow (5527, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (5529, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Cute Trick (5535, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Cute Trick (5536, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rudolph Cuteness Trick (5537, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Escape (5540, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Escape (5540, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5541, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Angel Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5541, 1) effect Resurrection [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Ability of Blessed Escape (5544, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Ability of Blessed Escape (5544, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5545, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Little Devil Agathion Special Skill: Blessed Resurrection (5545, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maximum Ability (5547, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Critical Momentum Attack (5548, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Momentum Attack (5548, 1) effect FocusSouls [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Vulnerability (5549, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Stun (5550, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5551, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5551, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal Up (5552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Bonus (5553, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhanced Silence Resistance (5554, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Silence Resistance (5555, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cubic Cure (5579, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Bite (5580, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Stun Attack (5581, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Stun Attack (5581, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Fire Breath (5582, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Beast Roar (5583, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Howl (5584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wolf Howl (5584, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Roar (5585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Roar (5585, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Might (5586, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Shield (5587, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Focus (5588, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Death Whisper (5589, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Battle Heal (5590, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Barrier (5592, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mana Burn (5593, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Mana Burn (5593, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame (5596, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Invalid Skill (5597, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrification Resistance (5598, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Resistance (5599, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (5600, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Resistance (5601, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transform Sacrifice (5602, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transform Sacrifice (5602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (5603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dagger Mastery (5603, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (5604, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (5604, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5605, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Apella (5608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Melee Attack Vulnerability (5620, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aerial Recharge (5621, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk (5627, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Shield (5628, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Body (5629, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Vampiric Rage (5630, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Regeneration (5631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste (5632, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Blessed Soul (5633, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Acumen (5634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Concentration (5635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Empower (5636, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Magic Barrier (5637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Blessed Body (5638, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Blessed Soul (5639, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feline Queen - Haste (5640, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Acumen (5643, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill not_used (5645, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Wild Magic (5646, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Clarity (5647, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seraphim the Unicorn - Empower (5648, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Death Whisper (5652, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Focus (5653, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nightshade - Guidance (5654, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Prominence (5657, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Prominence (5657, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Flame Strike (5658, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Flame Strike (5658, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Berserker Spirit (5659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battleground Death Syndrome (5660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Resistance (5663, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ancient Sword Vulnerability (5664, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5665, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5666, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5667, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (5668, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5669, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5670, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5671, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5672, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oblivion Trap (5679, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Oblivion Trap (5680, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - CP Drain (5681, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Cancel (5682, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Ignore Shield Defense (5683, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Attack Rate (5684, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Casting (5685, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Rapid Fire (5686, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Decrease Range (5687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Weapon - Decrease Resist (5688, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill PvP Shield - Reflect Damage (5689, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman - Increase Momentum (5695, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman - Increase Momentum (5695, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dizziness (5696, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dizziness (5696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal (5697, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal (5697, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Def. (5699, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease M. Def. (5700, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (5701, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adiantum Round Fighter (5702, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Cannon (5708, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whirlpool (5709, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triple Sword (5710, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Ditch (5712, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Flame (5715, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blade Cut (5720, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blade Strike (5721, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hammer Assault (5722, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hammer Swing (5723, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broom Strike (5724, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Broom Thrust (5725, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scissors Attack (5726, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scissors Strike (5727, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shovel Attack (5728, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shovel Whirlwind (5729, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Made Fireball (5730, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Incense of Death (5731, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Strike (5732, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear of Steward (5733, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gust of Wind (5734, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of Steward (5735, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Katar Trusting (5736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Stamp (5737, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Roar (5738, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5739, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (5739, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery Pot (5740, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mental Pot (5741, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (5745, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Attack (5746, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Attack (5747, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spin Attack (5747, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Bolt (5749, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Bolt (5749, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash (5750, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flash (5750, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Wave (5751, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Wave (5751, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flare (5752, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flare (5752, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (5761, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Wink (5763, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5765, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5766, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Naia Sprout (5768, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Transform Effect (5779, 1)) condition class [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Air Assault (5805, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (5826, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fireball (5827, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unholy Flare (5828, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Flare (5829, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Thrust (5830, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Swing (5831, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Polearm Swing (5831, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Aggression Aura (5832, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield (5833, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Barrier (5834, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Heal (5835, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (5836, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal (5836, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Throw Javelin (5837, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throw Javelin (5838, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Breath (5839, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (5840, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multi Defense (5841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multi Defense (5841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (5842, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5843, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Fear (5843, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Thunder Storm (5844, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Bleed (5845, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (5846, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (5849, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5851, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (5851, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destruction of the Body (5862, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Destruction of the Soul (5863, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Puncture (5878, 1) effect HpByLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Puncture (5878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cruel Expunge (5879, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Pommel (5882, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Pommel (5882, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Meggling Injury (5883, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5884, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5884, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5885, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakened Sweep (5885, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ground Shaker (5886, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ground Shaker (5886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Shaker (5888, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cunning Coercion (5892, 1) effect Bluff [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Despair (5894, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mark of Cowardice (5895, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spike of Anchor (5897, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blast of Anchor (5898, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Pain (5899, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Oblivion (5900, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mist of Oblivion (5901, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel NPC Trigger Target (5902, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Burst of Misplace (5903, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mist of Souleater (5904, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Entombment (5907, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ritual of Entombment (5908, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stronghold Attack (5909, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stronghold Attack (5910, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Putrefaction Cleanse (5913, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Physical Root Vulnerability (5918, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Obey (5919, 1) effect BlockResurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tentacle of Agony (5920, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inhale (5921, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Exhale (5922, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (5923, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Goring Charge (5925, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shielding of the Lost (5930, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ultimate Shield (5931, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Blade (5932, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Blade (5933, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Ring (5935, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Ring (5936, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5951, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5952, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion's Blessing (5953, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Tinplate Golem (5954, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Joy (5955, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Angry Devil (5956, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Sorrow (5957, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Teddy Boy (5958, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Teddy Girl (5959, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Punch of Doom (5969, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Punch of Doom (5969, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Attack (5975, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Storm (5976, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal Isolation (5980, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Maintenance (5987, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Maintenance (5988, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Command of Anchor (5993, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6022, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Retain (6023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6034, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6038, 1) effect BlockChat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6039, 1) effect BlockParty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6040, 1) effect Flag [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Rush (6041, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Cleanse (6042, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Flame Feather (6043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Phoenix Flame Beak (6044, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Piercing Attack (6046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Whirlwind (6047, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lance Smash (6048, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Cry (6049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Smash (6050, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy Burst (6051, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shock Wave (6052, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Howl (6053, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6055, 1) effect block-action [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6056, 1) effect block-action [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6057, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Report Status (6058, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Counter Critical (6059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Great Fury (6060, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Strike (6090, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anchor (6091, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lightning Shock (6092, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Hide (6093, 1) effect Hide [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Hide (6093, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Cancel (6094, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Dark Claw (6095, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Dark Claw (6095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panther Fatal Claw (6096, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa's Reward (6120, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Neolithica (6124, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6125, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6126, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anti-limit (6127, 1) effect block-abnormal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Juju (6136, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tar Trap (6142, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Divine Protection (6147, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Altar's Curse (6148, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Brand (6149, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Curse (6150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Yearning (6152, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kasha's Despair (6154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mood Melody (6156, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shyeed's Fury (6170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Authority (6171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Presentation - Tyranno (6172, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Oink Oink (6197, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Cute Trick - Light of the Dawn (6198, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tail Strike (6199, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dispel NPC Transformation (6200, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel NPC Transformation (6200, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Bite (6205, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Bite (6205, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Fear (6206, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Fear (6206, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strider Dash (6207, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Grade Penalty (6209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Grade Penalty (6213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6238, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Heatstroke (6240, 1)) condition abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Sultriness (6251, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jump Attack (6268, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6274, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6274, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6275, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6275, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Ball (6278, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attack Nearby Range (6279, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Announcement of Death (6280, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cold Judgement (6281, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reflect Magic (6282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ice Storm (6283, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya's Blessing (6284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage of Ice (6285, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Protection of Sword (6287, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jinia's Prayer (6288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jinia's Prayer (6288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kegor's Courage (6289, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6290, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6291, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (6292, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6293, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leader's Roar (6294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush (6296, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cylinder Throw (6297, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Breath - Ice Storm (6299, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Breath - Ice Storm (6299, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6300, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6300, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Cold Mana Fragment (6301, 1) effect ManaHealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Air (6302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Icy Air (6302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trial of the Coup (6303, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6304, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Gnosis (6305, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Strike (6306, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Opus of the Hand (6307, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Opus of the Wave (6308, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pain of the Ascetic (6309, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Loss of Quest (6310, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Thrust (6311, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Launch Holy Sword Energy (6312, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Solina Bless (6313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Judgment (6314, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Blow (6315, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Execution of Authority (6316, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divinity Tacit (6317, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Shield Defense (6318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Magic Protection (6319, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Holy Magic Circle (6320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Holy Magic Circle (6320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Flash (6321, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Impact (6322, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Bolt (6323, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Strike (6324, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Nova (6325, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Martyr's Happiness (6326, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divinity Worship (6327, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Judgement (6328, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Blow (6329, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Salmon Porridge Attack (6330, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Tired (6331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Full (6332, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Campfire Full (6332, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Bolt 1 (6333, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Bolt 1 (6333, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6334, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6334, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Rain 1 (6335, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Electric Rain 2 (6336, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Slash 1 (6337, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Slash 2 (6338, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Hammer Attack (6339, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Divine Hammer Attack (6339, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6340, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6340, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trap Over Steam (6342, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Power (6343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Power (6343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Speed (6365, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma - Critical (6366, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Roar (6380, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Roar (6380, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Soul Beam (6381, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Soul Beam (6381, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Rolling Claw (6382, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Roar (6383, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Roar (6383, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Deadly Blow (6384, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Critical Klaus (6385, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earth Rise (6386, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earth Rise (6386, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bistakon Earthquake (6387, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Poison Breath (6416, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Poison Shot (6417, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Fury Poison Bomb (6418, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Reptilikon Fury Poison Bomb (6418, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Light of Scout (6419, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lizard Blow (6420, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Rage (6421, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Resistance Explosion (6422, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6423, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6423, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Shot (6424, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Demotivation Hex (6425, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Priest's Ire (6426, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Restore HP (6428, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cozy Mucus (6429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cozy Mucus (6429, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Roar Hip Heal (6430, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Might (6431, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Focus (6432, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Guidance (6433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Haste (6434, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1)) condition class [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Plains (6435, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Curse of the Dark Abyss (6436, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freezing Core Area (6437, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Wisdom (6439, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Strength (6440, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Agility (6441, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Wisdom (6442, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Strength (6443, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:55][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Agility (6444, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Strike (6618, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Strike (6618, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Power Strike (6619, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Power Strike (6619, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6620, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Plasma (6621, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun (6622, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Life (6625, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Energy of Life (6626, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Superior Energy of Life (6627, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Mana (6628, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Major Energy of Mana (6629, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Superior Energy of Mana (6630, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Power (6631, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Atk. Spd. (6633, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Crtical Attack (6635, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Movement Speed (6636, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of HP Drain (6637, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of HP Drain (6637, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1)) condition non-transformed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mysterious Aura (6638, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Crtical Rate: Damage (6639, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Ball (6641, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dash (6642, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Strike (6643, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze (6662, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Shield (6666, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Wind Walk (6667, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Death Whisper (6668, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Blessed Body (6669, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Vampiric Rage (6670, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Berserker Spirit (6671, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feral Blessed Shield (6672, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Range Increment (6674, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician's Perversity (6676, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoner's Blow (6679, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Wind Walk (6681, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elite Maguen Wind Walk (6682, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maguen Return (6683, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Return (6683, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Maguen Party Return (6684, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maguen Party Return (6684, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Holy Protection (6686, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awful Soup (6688, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Awful Soup (6688, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP/MP Drain (6689, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6697, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eternal Blizzard (6697, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freeze - Eternal Ice (6698, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ball Trapping Gnosian Agathion Cute Trick (6699, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ball Trapping Orodriel Agathion Cute Trick (6700, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Penalty Kick Agathion Cute Trick (6701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Piercing Attack (6706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk of Elcadia (6714, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Haste of Elcadia (6715, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Might of Elcadia (6716, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Spirit of Elcadia (6717, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Whisper of Elcadia (6718, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Guidance of Elcadia (6719, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus of Elcadia (6720, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower of Elcadia (6721, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen of Elcadia (6722, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Concentration of Elcadia (6723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal of Elcadia (6724, 1) effect HealOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Heal of Elcadia (6724, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Blood of Elcadia (6725, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Blood (6726, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Rage of Elcadia (6727, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Recharge of Elcadia (6728, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Attack Resistance of Elcadia (6729, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Battle Heal of Elcadia (6730, 1) effect Heal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Etis Shadow (6731, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mirage (6732, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fierce Attack (6736, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (6737, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Wound (6743, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Wound (6743, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6748, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6748, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6749, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6750, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Revival (6752, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Revival (6752, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Blow (6753, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (6754, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6755, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Talon (6756, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease Speed (6757, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Strike (6760, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Blow Strike (6761, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6762, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Earth Strike (6763, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Earth Shot (6764, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Recovery (6765, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Tremor (6766, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6768, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6768, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (6769, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (6770, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6771, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6772, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rage (6773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6774, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stun Attack (6774, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Breath (6775, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6776, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleeding Gash (6777, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil Strike (6778, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6779, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Haste (6803, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Wind Walk (6804, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Empower (6805, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Acumen (6806, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Concentration (6807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Might (6808, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Guidance (6809, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Focus (6810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Death Whisper (6811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena Berserker Spirit (6812, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (6813, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sonic Focus (6813, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Focus (6813, 1) effect FocusMomentum [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (6814, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Focus Force (6814, 1)) condition energy-max [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus Force (6814, 1) effect FocusMomentum [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Arena HP Recovery (6817, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Powerful Rage (6818, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill P. Def. Enhance (6820, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6842, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6842, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6844, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6845, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6846, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summoner Strike (6849, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6850, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6851, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Strike (6852, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sleep (6853, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (6854, 1) effect Root [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Strike (6855, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6857, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6859, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6860, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6861, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enhance (6861, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6862, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6863, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6865, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6866, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Strike (6867, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detonate (6869, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6870, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Magic Attack (6871, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Self-destruction (6872, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hex (6873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Magic Attack (6874, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (6875, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6876, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (6877, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Paralysis (6878, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Claw (6879, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence (6880, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Strike (6881, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (6882, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Morale Boost (6885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Recovery (6886, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Strike (6887, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fatal Shot (6888, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Range Attack (6889, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Attack (6891, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (6892, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Attack (6893, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (6894, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Attack (6895, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (6896, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Antharas' Cute Tricks (6916, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Kanna's Splendor (6917, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Kallesin's Splendor (6918, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Buff (7001, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Debuff (7002, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel All (7003, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dispel Petrification (7004, 1) effect dispel [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Chant of Vampire (7005, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Chant of Vampire (7005, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill The Love of Pa'agrio (7006, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stationary NPCs (7028, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect MpConsumePerLevel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Haste (7029, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon King Bugbear (7030, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Hunter Gargoyle (7032, 1) effect summon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Focus (7041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Death Whisper (7042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Haste (7043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Guidance (7044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Blessed Body (7045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Blessed Soul (7046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Agility (7047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Acumen (7048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Decrease Weight (7049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Might (7050, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Shield (7051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Magic Barrier (7052, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Vampiric Rage (7053, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Empower (7054, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Wind Walk (7055, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Berserker Spirit (7056, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Greater Might (7057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Greater Shield (7058, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Wild Magic (7059, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Clarity (7060, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Water (7061, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Fire (7062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Prophecy of Wind (7063, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Chant of Victory (7064, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Test Stun Charge (7066, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Combat (7088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Magic (7089, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Condition (7090, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Critical Attack (7091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Shield Defense (7092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Improve Movement (7093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Sharpen Edge (7094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Sharpen Edge (7094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Encase Armor (7095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Master's Blessing - Blessing of Fire Dragon (7096, 1) effect NoblesseBless [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel Shadow Move (7097, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Heal (7098, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Fear (7099, 1) effect BlockControl [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Fear (7099, 1) effect Fear [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Stun (7100, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Aerial Thrust (7101, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan-exclusive Pet Aerial Thrust (7101, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Clan Pet (7102, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Clan Pet (7102, 1)) condition clan [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Clan Pet (7102, 1) effect SummonPet [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Incubation Possible (7105, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Optimal Temperature Incubation Success (7106, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Incubation Success (7107, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Incubation Failure (7108, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Invincibility Effect (7113, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Pet Invincibility Effect (7113, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Shiny (8256, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Ring (8292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Earring (8293, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Earring (8293, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Earring (8293, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Necklace (8294, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Nevit's Messenger Kanna (8522, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessed Soulshot (S-grade) (8920, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Watermelon Seed (9029, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Honey Watermelon Seed (9030, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Copied Watermelon Seed (9031, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Copied Honey Watermelon Seed (9032, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fast Moving (9206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dismount (9210, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Blessing (9487, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (Low-grade) (9504, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (Low-grade) (9504, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (Mid-grade) (9505, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (Mid-grade) (9505, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (High-grade) (9506, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (High-grade) (9506, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (Top-grade) (9507, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (Top-grade) (9507, 1) effect PkCount [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yum Yum Candy (9618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yum Yum Candy (9618, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nom Nom Candy (9619, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nom Nom Candy (9619, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Yummy Gift Box (9620, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yummy Gift Box (9620, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1) effect pull-back [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Chain Strike (10015, 1) effect GetAgro [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Lightning Strike (10094, 1) effect defence-trait [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Throwing Dagger (10539, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Dagger (10539, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Throwing Dagger (10539, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Soulshots (11316, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Soulshots (11316, 1) effect restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Summon Spiritshots (11318, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Spiritshots (11318, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Debuff Immunity (11786, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Cloak (13136, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Heavy Armor Set +6 (13339, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Light Armor Set +6 (13340, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-by-move-type [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchantment Effect: Robe Set +6 (13341, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 1 (13656, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 2 (13657, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 3 (13658, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 4 (13659, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Brooch Lv. 5 (13660, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Additional Brooch Effect (13661, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (13856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath (13857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Focus (13858, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death (13859, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body (13862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empower (13863, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen (13864, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Savagery (13865, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mystic (13866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul (13867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Focus (13868, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Death (13869, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Body (13872, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Death (13873, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Critical Body (13876, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Wild (13877, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Mystic (13878, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Acumen Soul (13879, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Mystic (13880, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wild Soul (13881, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Acumen (13882, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Savagery (13883, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Mystic (13884, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Soul (13885, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Fury (13886, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Focus (13887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MP Death (13888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cross Slash (14001, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transfixion Attack (14002, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Shot (14055, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Drain Status (14559, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Siege Punch (14767, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Intense Slash (14826, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Purity Blast (14828, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Grey Explosion (14830, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Platonic Blizzard (14832, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Weapon (15127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Equip Armor (15128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (15155, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petrify (15155, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15182, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15182, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15183, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15183, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15184, 1) effect TargetMe [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Superior Aggression Aura (15184, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15185, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15185, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15186, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15186, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15187, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adolph's Shield Wave (15187, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Multiple Arrow (15188, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Multiple Arrow (15189, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Multiple Arrow (15190, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Heavy Arrow Rain (15191, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Heavy Arrow Rain (15192, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hayuk's Heavy Arrow Rain (15193, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15194, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15195, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect BuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Eliyah's Mass Exile (15196, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clear Target (15218, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Double Strike (15219, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Explosion (15220, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Explosion (15220, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blood Spear (15221, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Home Thrust (15222, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Body Slice (15223, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bloody Breath (15224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bloody Breath (15224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Wave (15225, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Wave (15226, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sword Wave (15226, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Added Blow (15227, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Wave (15228, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Wave (15229, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Wave (15229, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Added Blow (15230, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Speed Up (15232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Full Swing (15233, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Spheres (15234, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Spheres (15234, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Darkness (15235, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Darkness (15235, 1) effect magical-attack-by-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind of Darkness (15235, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Thrust (15236, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Buster (15237, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15291, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Logan's Revenge (15293, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Instant Recovery (15362, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (15394, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (15394, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Invincibility (15394, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Skill Usage Restriction Area (15396, 1) effect block-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Detonate (15397, 1)) condition target [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flame Throw (15398, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Darkness (15400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Darkness (15400, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shield of Darkness (15400, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wisp's Blessing (15402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wisp's Blessing (15402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Favor Exchange (15403, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Unable to Target (15404, 1) effect DisableTargeting [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Break (15411, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Break (15411, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Supersonic Blaster (15431, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (15432, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Surrender to Dark (15433, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15434, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (15435, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wide Sweep (15436, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sonic Blaster (15437, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hold (15438, 1) effect BlockMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15439, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aura Burn (15440, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Bomb (15441, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15442, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15443, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15444, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Super Strike (15445, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15446, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15447, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Strike (15449, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weakness (15450, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bleed (15451, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Decrease P. Atk. (15452, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Touch (15453, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's Voice (15456, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's Reign (15457, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memorable Raid Shield (15458, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blaze (15459, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Poison (15460, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Drain Energy (15461, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Heal (15462, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Prominence (15463, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Link (15464, 1) effect DeathLink [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's CON Increase (15466, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's Def. Increase (15467, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Triol's M. Def. Decrease (15468, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rites for Triol (15469, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cancel HP Regeneration (15470, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spore Spray (15476, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spore Spray (15476, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Corrosive Acid Spray (15477, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corrosive Acid Spray (15477, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Corrosive Acid Spray (15477, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Spread Disease (15478, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spread Disease (15478, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vomit Mucus (15479, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoot Poison (15480, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shoot Spider Web (15481, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Power Strike (15608, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spinning Slasher (15610, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tornado Slasher (15611, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tribunal (15675, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Stun (15676, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti Leap Attack (16036, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti Leap Attack (16036, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti Leap Attack (16037, 1) effect RealDamage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tauti (16101, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oasis Energy (16130, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oasis Energy (16130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oasis Energy (16130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Absorb Wind (16389, 1) effect vital-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Snowy Squash Nectar (17110, 1)) condition target [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Snowy Squash Seed (17111, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Large Snowy Squash Seed (17112, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Love Potion (17154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Change Hair Accessory (17192, 1) effect HairAccessorySet [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion Seal- Aries (17613, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Pisces (17619, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Cancer (17621, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (17706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (17706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (17706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (17707, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (17708, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (17708, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (17708, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (17709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (17709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (17709, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aquamarine - Mana Drain (18448, 1) effect summon-npc [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Anniversary Buff (18451, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Garnet (18566, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Advent (19009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Advent (19009, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Light (19032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ability of Darkness (19033, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Seal of Ruler (19034, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (19034, 1) effect take-castle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Seal of Ruler (19034, 1) effect TakeCastleStart [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Imprint of Darkness (19035, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Imprint of Darkness (19035, 1) effect take-castle [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Imprint of Darkness (19035, 1) effect TakeCastleStart [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Light (19036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Light (19036, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Light (19039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cloak of Darkness (19040, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape: Castle (19041, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape: Castle (19041, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (19042, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle (19042, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill No Clan Return (19113, 1) effect BlockEscape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill No Clan Resurrection (19114, 1) effect BlockResurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Kick (20002, 1) effect fatal-blow [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Slash (20003, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Dash (20004, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Aura (20005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion - Uthanka (21109, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion - Uthanka (21233, 1) effect summon-agathion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Uthanka Agathion Cute Trick (23087, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Synge the Cat's Consideration (23088, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Singer & Dancer Agathion Cute Trick (23234, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Flame Hawk (23298, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Arrow Rain (23299, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Piercing (23300, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit (32000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit (32000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit - Event (32001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rice Cake of Fighting Spirit - Event (32001, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill XP Boost Scroll - Exchangeable (32002, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Exchangeable (32002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Exchangeable (32002, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill High-grade Dye Chest (32012, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Dye Chest (32012, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dye Chest (32013, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dye Chest (32013, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dandy's Homerun Ball (32030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dandy's Homerun Ball (32030, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (32031, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (32031, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (32031, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Elven Village (32032, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Elven Village (32032, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Elven Village (32032, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dark Elf Village (32033, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dark Elf Village (32033, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Dark Elf Village (32033, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Orc Village (32034, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Orc Village (32034, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Orc Village (32034, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dwarven Village (32035, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Dwarven Village (32035, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Dwarven Village (32035, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Gludin Village (32036, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Gludin Village (32036, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Gludin Village (32036, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Town of Gludio (32037, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Town of Gludio (32037, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Town of Gludio (32037, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Cruma Tower (32044, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Cruma Tower (32044, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Cruma Tower (32044, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Dragon Valley (32045, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Dragon Valley (32045, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Espcape: Entrance to Dragon Valley (32045, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Dragon Valley Bridge (32046, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Espcape: Dragon Valley Bridge (32046, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Espcape: Dragon Valley Bridge (32046, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Storm's Energy (32049, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (32049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (32049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant (35006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Pendant +1 (35007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau (35010, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return of the Refined Romantic Chapeau (35011, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return of the Refined Romantic Chapeau (35011, 1) effect escape [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ring of Core - Special Ability (35016, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ring of Core - Special Ability (35016, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Insolence (35017, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Unequip Talisman of Insolence Lv. 6 (35019, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Baium - Removal (35021, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Fate (35024, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fate Purification (35025, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Power of Fate (35027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Enhance (35032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Item Skill: Enhance (35032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Attack (35036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Talisman - Defense (35037, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Attack (35038, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Talisman - Defense (35039, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Belt (35040, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Belt (35040, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rag Belt (35041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Leather Belt (35042, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iron Belt (35043, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mithril Belt (35044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Battle - Liberate (35045, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Dragon Belt (35046, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Dragon Belt (35047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Empower (39013, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Might (39014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Shield (39015, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Fury (39016, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dance of Concentration (39017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Song of Wind (39018, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Ring (39019, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (No-grade) (39020, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (No-grade) (39020, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (D-grade) (39021, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (D-grade) (39021, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (C-grade) (39022, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (C-grade) (39022, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (B-grade) (39023, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (B-grade) (39023, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: PK (A-grade) (39024, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: PK (A-grade) (39024, 1) effect PkCount [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (39025, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Scroll of Escape (39025, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Wind Walk Potion (39028, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chapeau's Side Effect (39043, 1)) condition non-transformed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Holy Chapeau (39044, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Chapeau (39044, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Holy Chapeau (39044, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau's Authority (39045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau's Authority (39045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Might (39047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Shield (39048, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Magic Barrier (39049, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Vampiric Rage (39050, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew - Empower (39051, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Gludio (39053, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Gludio (39053, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Dion (39054, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Dion (39054, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Giran (39055, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Giran (39055, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Oren (39056, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Town of Oren (39056, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's XP Rune (39057, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's XP Rune (39057, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rare Accessory Box (39058, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rare Accessory Box (39058, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Spellbook Box (39059, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spellbook Box (39059, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Major HP Potion (39069, 1) effect HealOverTime [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill D grade Weapon Pack (39072, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill D grade Weapon Pack (39072, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill C grade Weapon Pack (39073, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill C grade Weapon Pack (39073, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Angel Cat's Energy (39074, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Advanced Return Scroll (39075, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Advanced Return Scroll (39075, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew- Guildsman's Gratitude (39076, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fish Stew- Guildsman's Gratitude (39076, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Gludin Harbor (39077, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Gludin Harbor (39077, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return: Gludin Harbor (39077, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Giran Harbor (39078, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Return: Giran Harbor (39078, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Return: Giran Harbor (39078, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Perfect Charm (39082, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39085, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Agathion Teleport: Hunter's Village (39100, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Teleport: Hunter's Village (39100, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chase Down (39101, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Sneak (39102, 1) effect ChameleonRest [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Greater Scroll of Resurrection (39109, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Scroll of Resurrection (39109, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Mermaid's Tear (39113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Mermaid's Tear (39113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill 2,000 SP Scroll (39118, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill 10,000 SP Scroll (39119, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39124, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39124, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39125, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39125, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill C-grade Armor Supply Box (39126, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill C-grade Armor Supply Box (39126, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill B-grade Armor Supply Box (39127, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill B-grade Armor Supply Box (39127, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ornament Supply Box (C-grade) (39128, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ornament Supply Box (C-grade) (39128, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ornament Supply Box - B-grade (39129, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ornament Supply Box - B-grade (39129, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll (39134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll (39134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (39144, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman of Darkness Box (39147, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Darkness Box (39147, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Blessed Talisman of Fate (39148, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Blessed Talisman of Fate (39148, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Talisman of Baium Box (39149, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Baium Box (39149, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ornament Supply Box (A-grade) (39152, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ornament Supply Box (A-grade) (39152, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39155, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Attack (39162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect hp-drain [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fighter Pirate Fruit - Defense (39163, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Oriana's Lucky Draw Supply (39170, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oriana's Lucky Draw Supply (39170, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Oriana's Disguise (39171, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oriana's Disguise (39171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Oriana's Disguise (39171, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box (A-grade) (39172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box (A-grade) (39172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill A-grade Armor Supply Box (39173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill A-grade Armor Supply Box (39173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill +8 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39174, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill +8 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (B-grade) (39174, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill +16 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39175, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill +16 Enchanted Weapon Supply Box (C-grade) (39175, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Low-grade Scroll: XP (39180, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mid-grade Scroll: XP (39181, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Scroll: XP (39182, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Top-grade Scroll: XP (39183, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Highest-grade Scroll: XP (39184, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Maliss's MP Potion (39198, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Life Stone Pack (39203, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Stone Pack (39203, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Blessing (39204, 1) effect acquire-xp-sp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Assassin Transformation (39205, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dimensional Gift (39207, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dimensional Gift (39207, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saviour's Scroll of Growth (39211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Saviour's Scroll of Growth (39211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Monkey Banana (39223, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry-Banana Cocktail (39224, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango-Banana Cocktail (39225, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Banana Shake (39226, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Victory (39228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Fire (39229, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew - Water (39230, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Fish Stew - Wind (39231, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Newbie MP Recovery Potion (39257, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior MP Recovery Potion (39258, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39269, 1) effect vampiric-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Officer of Balthus Knights (39272, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Officer of Balthus Knights (39272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Officer of Balthus Knights (39272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (39273, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (39306, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing (39308, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box +15 (A-grade) (39368, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box +15 (A-grade) (39368, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll (40143, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill SP Scroll: 20,000 (40144, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tyrr Critical Stun (45001, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel Defense (45002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel Health (45003, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tyrr Haste (45004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell Focus (45005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell Might Mortal (45006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Critical Damage (45007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Guidance (45008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magic Focus (45009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Empower (45010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss Acumen (45011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss Wind Wind Walk (45012, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn Boost Mana (45013, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn's Lightness (45014, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore Magic Regeneration (45015, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore Healing (45016, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orfen's Earring - Special Ability (45017, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (STR +1 INT +1) (45021, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45022, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (CON +1 MEN +1) (45023, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Napoleon Hat (STR +1, INT +1) (45024, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Napoleon Hat (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45025, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Napoleon Hat (CON +1 MEN +1) (45026, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Hair Accessory (STR +1 INT +1) (45027, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Hair Accessory (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45028, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Hair Accessory (CON +1 MEN +1) (45029, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (STR +1 INT +1) (45030, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45031, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (CON +1 MEN +1) (45032, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (STR +1 INT +1) (45033, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45034, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (CON +1 MEN +1) (45035, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (STR +1 INT +1) (45036, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (DEX +1 WIT+1) (45037, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (CON +1 MEN +1) (45038, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Soul Gathering (45151, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Soul Gathering (45152, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark - Stage 1 (45154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark - Stage 1 (45154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Death Mark - Stage 1 (45154, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Impact (45155, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Impact (45155, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Soul Impact (45156, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Enuma Elish (45157, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enuma Elish (45157, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Enuma Elish (45158, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rush Impact (45159, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (45159, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rush Impact (45159, 1) effect block-all-actions [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Slash (45160, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Slash (45160, 1) effect fatal-blow [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1) effect knockback [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Thrust (45161, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Soul Thrust (45162, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Spark (45163, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Spark (45163, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin Soul Spark (45164, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Strike (45165, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (45165, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Strike (45166, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (45166, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Strike (45167, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Soul Strike (45167, 1) effect magical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Twin Shot (45168, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Twin Shot (45168, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin- Twin Shot (45169, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Multiple Shot (45170, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Multiple Shot (45170, 1) effect physical-attack [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Jin - Multiple Shot (45171, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sharp Aiming (45172, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aiming Target (45173, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attacking [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shine Mastery (45178, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-change-exp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attacking [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Mastery (45179, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-avoid [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Shine Soul Absorption (45180, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Trigger Shadow Soul Absorption (45181, 1) effect obtain-soul [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Potion Mastery (45184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill STR enhancement bonus (45191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill STR enhancement bonus (45191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill STR enhancement bonus (45191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill INT enhancement bonus (45192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill INT enhancement bonus (45192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill INT enhancement bonus (45192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill DEX enhancement bonus (45193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill DEX enhancement bonus (45193, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill DEX enhancement bonus (45193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill WIT enhancement bonus (45194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill WIT enhancement bonus (45194, 1) effect reuse [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill WIT enhancement bonus (45194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CON enhancement bonus (45195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CON enhancement bonus (45195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill CON enhancement bonus (45195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MEN enhancement bonus (45196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MEN enhancement bonus (45196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill MEN enhancement bonus (45196, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Strike - Transcendence (45199, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mortal Blow - Transcendence (45200, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Power Shot - Transcendence (45201, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Iron Punch - Transcendence (45202, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Sonic Slash - Transcendence (45203, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Triple Sonic Slash - Transcendence (45204, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Double Shot - Transcendence (45205, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Fatal Strike - Transcendence (45206, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Blow - Transcendence (45207, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Burning Fist - Transcendence (45208, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hurricane Assault - Transcendence (45209, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Shot - Transcendence (45210, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lethal Blow - Transcendence (45211, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tribunal - Transcendence (45212, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Judgment - Transcendence (45213, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Cursed Pierce - Transcendence (45214, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Shield Strike - Transcendence (45215, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Deadly Beat - Transcendence (45216, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guard Crush - Transcendence (45217, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Smash - Transcendence (45226, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Impact - Transcendence (45227, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Thrust - Transcendence (45228, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Soul Spark - Transcendence (45229, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Twin Shot - Transcendence (45230, 1)) condition weapon [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Bleed - Transcendence (45233, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Glory Expand Inventory (45234, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Glory Expand Limit Weight (45235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Rage (50036, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Destruction (50039, 1) effect dispel-probability [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Bolt (50043, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hurricane Bolt (50043, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Physical (50046, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Defense (50047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Defense (50047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Ability - Lv. 1 Magic (50048, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Rage (50050, 1) effect damage-over-time [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Rage (50050, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stone Crusher (50054, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stone Slide (50058, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth's Fury (50059, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Breath (50069, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tears of Fire (50070, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack (50091, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aqua Attack (50092, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stone Attack (50093, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Despair of Shade (50094, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord Ishka's Raid Shield (50122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lord Ishka's Raid Shield (50122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defeater of Lord Ishka (50124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Event (50134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Boost Scroll - Event (50134, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill HP Potion (50151, 1) effect HpCpHeal [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape: Adaptation Training (50152, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Escape: Adaptation Training (50152, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Escape: Adaptation Training (50152, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Inventory Test (50156, 1) effect enlarge-slot [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tomb of Ancient Pirates Time Recharge Stone (50158, 1)) condition level [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Tomb of Ancient Pirates Time Recharge Stone (50178, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Brooch (50183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Agathion Bracelet (50184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Griffin Agathion (50186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Gem Fragment (50187, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earring of Dragon World (50190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Belt (50301, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Belt (50301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Cloak (50302, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer’s Cloak (50302, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchanted Adventurer’s Cloak (50303, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Enchanted Adventurer’s Cloak (50303, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau of Glory (50304, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau of Glory (50304, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chapeau of Glory (50304, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gloves of Silence (50305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50306, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50306, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Silence Gloves Enchantment Effect (50307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Silence (50308, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Power of Silence (50308, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Active: Gloves of Silence. (50309, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Active: Gloves of Silence. (50309, 1) effect magical-attack-mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman Bracelet (50912, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Talisman (50913, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Expand Primary and Secondary Agathion Slots (51025, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Pisces Agathion (51028, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Cancer Agathion (51029, 1) effect summon-agathion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Gludio (51030, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Dion (51031, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Giran (51032, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Oren (51033, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport: Hunter's Village (51034, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (51036, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 1 (51038, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 1 (51038, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 2 (51039, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 2 (51039, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 3 (51040, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 3 (51040, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Battle Box Lv. 4 (51041, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Box Lv. 4 (51041, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 10,000,000 XP (51043, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 50,000,000 XP (51044, 1) effect GiveXp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 100,000,000 XP (51045, 1) effect GiveXp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Weapon Supply Box +8 (A-grade) (51057, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Weapon Supply Box +8 (A-grade) (51057, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Forge of the Gods (51089, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Garden of Eva (51090, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Wind Plateau (51091, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport - Wall of Argos (51092, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack Strength (51093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack Strength (51094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack Strength (51095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack Strength (51096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Ignis Agathion (51101, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Nebula Agathion (51102, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Procella Agathion (51103, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Petram Agathion (51104, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick MP Potion (51125, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Intermediate Spirit's Blessing (51126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Spirit's Blessing (51127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Attack Potion (51130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Attack Potion (51131, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Attack Potion (51132, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Attack Potion (51133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Christmas Amulet (51157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Christmas Amulet (51157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Christmas Amulet (51157, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High-grade Quick MP Potion (51162, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect Disarm [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Disarm (51247, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Armor Breaker (51248, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Mode (51252, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Loud Wolves (51381, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Loud Wolves (51381, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Loud Wolves (51381, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Troublemaker of Forest (51382, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Troublemaker of Forest (51382, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Troublemaker of Forest (51382, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clean the Yard (51383, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Clean the Yard (51383, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Clean the Yard (51383, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Suspicious Men (51384, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Suspicious Men (51384, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Suspicious Men (51384, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Disruptors (51385, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Disruptors (51385, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Disruptors (51385, 1) effect teleport [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Captain Bathis (51386, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll of Escape: Captain Bathis (51386, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Captain Bathis (51386, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 10,000 SP (51396, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: 100,000 SP (51397, 1) effect GiveSp [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1) effect pull-back [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Mass Chain Strike (53003, 1) effect GetAgro [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reduce Crisis (53004, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Detect Darkness (53005, 1)) condition weapon [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Darkness (53005, 1) effect Detection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Detect Darkness (53005, 1) effect block-abnormal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bind (53006, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Power (54020, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Talisman of Power (54021, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Water Defense (54023, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Fire Defense (54024, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Defense (54025, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Earth Defense (54026, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Increases Skill XP (54027, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit's Blessing (54028, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ignis Necklace (54030, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ignis Necklace (54030, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nebula Necklace (54031, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nebula Necklace (54031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Procella Necklace (54032, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Procella Necklace (54032, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petram Necklace (54033, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Petram Necklace (54033, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim's Recovery (54036, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith's Recovery (54037, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak (54038, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak (54038, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Cloak +1 (54039, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Wind (54043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Wind (54043, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rapid Wind (54043, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak (54044, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:56][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Supreme Cloak +1 (54045, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Talisman (54047, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Buff Scroll - Event (54070, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Battle Scroll (54071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Shield (54100, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Magic Barrier (54101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Decrease Weight (54103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Berserker Spirit (54104, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Wind Walk (54105, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Might (54106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Focus (54108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Haste (54109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Death Whisper (54110, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Empower (54111, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Clarity (54112, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Wild Magic (54113, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Acumen (54114, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Concentration (54115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Victory (54116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Restore HP (54117, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sayha's Restore MP (54118, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Fire Attack Potion (54122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Water Attack Potion (54123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Wind Attack Potion (54124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Earth Attack Potion (54125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55000, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55003, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55004, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Healing Potion (55015, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Quick Healing Potion (55016, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Reported (55031, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55035, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55036, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Healing Potion (55037, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Quick Healing Potion (55038, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Boost (55041, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attendance Reward XP Rune. (55042, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attendance Reward XP Rune. (55042, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55043, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55043, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill LineageII Box (55044, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill LineageII Box (55044, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Box (55045, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Box (55045, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Memories Box (55046, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memories Box (55046, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Romantic Bless the Body (55047, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Romantic Wind Walk (55048, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Scroll: Low-grade XP/SP Boost (55051, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Low-grade XP/SP Boost (55051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Low-grade XP/SP Boost (55051, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55055, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55056, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wind Walk (55057, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Griffin (55059, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Griffin's Blessing (55060, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Regular XP/SP Boost (55061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Regular XP/SP Boost (55061, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Mid-grade XP/SP Boost (55062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Mid-grade XP/SP Boost (55062, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Quick Healing Potion (55063, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Greater Quick Healing Potion (55064, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55065, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Scroll: Death Whisper (55066, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Castle Blessed Scroll of Escape (55067, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Castle Blessed Scroll of Escape (55067, 1)) condition residence [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Blessed Scroll of Escape (55067, 1) effect escape [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Blessing of Castle (55068, 1) effect NoblesseBless [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Ring (55069, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Ring (55069, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Ring (55069, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Earrings (55070, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Earrings (55070, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Earrings (55070, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Necklace (55071, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Necklace (55071, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Castle Necklace (55071, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill LineageII Box (55072, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill LineageII Box (55072, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Box (55073, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Box (55073, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Memories Box (55074, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memories Box (55074, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Quick Healing Potion (55083, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Greater Quick Healing Potion (55084, 1) effect hp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 1st Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55085, 1) effect call-skill [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill 2nd Class Transfer Buff Scroll (55086, 1) effect call-skill [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55089, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rare Accessory Pack (55089, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55090, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55091, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55092, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55093, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55094, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55095, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55096, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55097, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55098, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55098, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55098, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Fire Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55099, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55100, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55101, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55102, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55103, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55104, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55105, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55105, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55105, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55106, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55107, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55107, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55107, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55108, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Water Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55109, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55110, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55111, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55112, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55112, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55113, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55113, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55114, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55115, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55116, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55117, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55118, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Wind Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55119, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55121, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55122, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55123, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55124, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55125, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55126, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55127, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55128, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Basic Effect (55129, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 5 Earth Dragon's Pendant Enchant Effect (55130, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pendant Enchant Effect (55133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pendant Enchant Effect (55133, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Fruit Buff (55160, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 1 (55161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 1 (55161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 1 (55161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 2 (55162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 3 (55163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 4 (55164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 5 (55165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 6 (55166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 7 (55167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 1 (55168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 1 (55168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 2 (55169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 3 (55170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Unity - Lv. 4 (55171, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55172, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55172, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55173, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55173, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55174, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55174, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55175, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan's Special Supplies (55175, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Atk. (55176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Atk. Spd. (55177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - M. Def. (55178, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - M. Atk. (55179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Casting Spd. (55180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Accuracy (55181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Accuracy (55181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Def. (55182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Speed (55183, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Evasion (55184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - P. Evasion (55184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Yellow Talisman - Healing (55185, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Invisibility (55186, 1) effect ManaDamOverTime [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Invisibility (55186, 1) effect SilentMove [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Talisman - Invisibility (55186, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - STR (55187, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - INT (55188, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - CON (55189, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - DEX (55190, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - MEN (55191, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Roast Blue Mackerel - WIT (55192, 1) effect base-stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 1 (55193, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 1 (55193, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 2 (55194, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 2 (55194, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 3 (55195, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 3 (55195, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 4 (55196, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 4 (55196, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 5 (55197, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 5 (55197, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 6 (55198, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 6 (55198, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 7 (55199, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 7 (55199, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 8 (55200, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 8 (55200, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 9 (55201, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lvl 9 (55201, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 10 (55202, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 10 (55202, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 11 (55203, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 11 (55203, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 12 (55204, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 12 (55204, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 13 (55205, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sealed Rune Lv. 13 (55205, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll of Escape: Talking Island Village (55228, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 100% (55234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 100% (55234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Haste Potion (55235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Adventurer's Potion - Casting Spd. (55236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Vampiric Rage (55237, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Mana Regeneration (55241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Berserker Spirit (55242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Dance of the Warrior (55243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Dance of the Mystic (55244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rune of Boost (55246, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau (55247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau (55247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 1 (55248, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 2 (55249, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 2 (55249, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 3 (55250, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 3 (55250, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 4 (55251, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 4 (55251, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 5 (55252, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 5 (55252, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel's Protection (55253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sigel Protection (55254, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tyrr Might (55255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tyrr Haste (55256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell's Focus (55257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Othell Critical Damage (55258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Wind Walk (55259, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Yul Guidance (55260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Magical Power (55261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Magical Power (55261, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feoh's Empower (55262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss' Magic Regeneration (55263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Iss' Boost Mana (55264, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn's Acumen (55265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wynn's Lightness (55266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore's Regeneration (55267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aeore's Heal (55268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion - Dance of Fury (55270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion - Dance of Concentration (55271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion - Song of Wind (55272, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Development (55273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Speed (55274, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Energy of Accuracy (55275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Ring (55290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Ring (55290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Ring (55290, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Earring (55292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Earring (55292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Necklace (55294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Necklace (55294, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devi's Necklace (55294, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overwhelming Power of a Holiday Hat (55311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Attempt to Forget (55314, 1) effect speed [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Chest (55317, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Chest (55317, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lineage II Chest (55319, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lineage II Chest (55319, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Memories Chest (55320, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Memories Chest (55320, 1) effect random-restoration [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chronicle Chest (55321, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chronicle Chest (55321, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sweet Chocolate Energy (55327, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Strawberry Juice (55329, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mango Juice (55330, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cherry Juice (55331, 1) effect resist-abnormal-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55337, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55338, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55338, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55340, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55341, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55342, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55343, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55344, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55345, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55346, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55347, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55348, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55349, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55350, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55351, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55352, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55353, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55354, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55354, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55355, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55356, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 2 Hours (55357, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 3 Hours (55358, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 4 Hours (55359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 4 Hours (55359, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Rune - 100% (55360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Rune - 100% (55360, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Superspeed Potion (55361, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Reputation Score - 10 (55362, 1) effect GiveClanReputation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Reputation Score - 50 (55363, 1) effect GiveClanReputation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Reputation Score - 150 (55364, 1) effect GiveClanReputation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Special Fruit (55396, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Commemorative Amulet - 100% (55397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Commemorative Amulet - 100% (55397, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's SP Scroll (55398, 1) effect GiveSp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tryout Glorious Cloak (55399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tryout Glorious Cloak (55399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Tryout Glorious Cloak (55399, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Commemorative Olympiad Bracelet (55400, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Talisman (55401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Talisman (55401, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Olympiad Warrior's Belt (55402, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - One-eyed Bat Drove (55416, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Zaken's Spirit Swords (55417, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Pegasus (55418, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Guangong (55419, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Mr. Lucky (55420, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Phoenix (55421, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Saerom (55422, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Gwanseum Nyang (55423, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Blue Opera (55424, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Red Opera (55425, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Miss Chipao (55426, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Flower Fairy Spirit (55427, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Lancet (55428, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Liposa (55429, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Velarin (55430, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Dulcinel (55431, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Chimeros (55432, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Niveri (55433, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Hamell (55434, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Joriya (55435, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Ralmak (55436, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Goras (55437, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Vensar (55438, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Kiela (55439, 1) effect summon-agathion [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill One-eyed Bat Drove Agathion Cute Trick (55440, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Zaken's Spirit Swords Agathion Cute Trick (55441, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Pegasus Agathion Cute Trick (55442, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Guangong Agathion Cute Trick (55443, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mr. Lucky Agathion Cute Trick (55444, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Phoenix Agathion Cute Trick (55445, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Saerom Agathion Cute Trick (55446, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Gwanseum Nyang Agathion Cute Trick (55447, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Blue Opera Agathion Cute Trick (55448, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Red Opera Agathion Cute Trick (55449, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Miss Chipao Agathion Cute Trick (55450, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Flower Fairy Spirit Agathion Cute Trick (55451, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Lancet Agathion Cute Trick (55452, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Liposa Agathion Cute Trick (55453, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Velarin Agathion Cute Trick (55454, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Dulcinel Agathion Cute Trick (55455, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chimeros Agathion Cute Trick (55456, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Niveri Agathion Cute Trick (55457, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Hamell Agathion Cute Trick (55458, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Joriya Agathion Cute Trick (55459, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Ralmak Agathion Cute Trick (55460, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Goras Agathion Cute Trick (55461, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Vensar Agathion Cute Trick (55462, 1)) condition condition [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Kiela Agathion Cute Trick (55463, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 1 Brooch (55468, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch (55469, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 2 Brooch - Additional Effect (55470, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (55472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (55472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone (55472, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone - Vital Wind (55473, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vital Stone - Vital Wind (55473, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (55474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (55474, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jade (55474, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (55475, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (55475, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Diamond (55475, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (55476, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (55476, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pearl (55476, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Garnet (55485, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Brooch (55510, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 3 Brooch - Additional Effect (55511, 1) effect enlarge-slot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Summon Agathion - Minion Eye (55543, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Courage (55552, 1) effect magic-cost [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Minion Eye's Blessed Resurrection (55553, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Minion Eye's Blessed Resurrection (55553, 1) effect Resurrection [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Matryoshka's Blessing (55555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Matryoshka's Blessing (55555, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's MP Recovery Potion (55589, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Growth Amulet (55591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Growth Amulet (55591, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hero's Bracelet (55592, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Returning Hero's Talisman (55593, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (STR+1 INT+1) (55605, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55606, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Artisan's Goggles (CON+1 MEN+1) (55607, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uniform Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55608, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uniform Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55609, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uniform Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55610, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin's Bamboo Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55611, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin's Bamboo Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55612, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Assassin's Bamboo Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55613, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55614, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55615, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55616, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55617, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55618, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gatekeeper Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55619, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wedding Veil (STR+1 INT+1) (55620, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wedding Veil (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55621, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wedding Veil (CON+1 MEN+1) (55622, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maid Hair Accessory (STR+1 INT+1) (55623, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maid Hair Accessory (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55624, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Maid Hair Accessory (CON+1 MEN+1) (55625, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Red (STR+1 INT+1) (55626, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Red (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55627, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Red (CON+1 MEN+1) (55628, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Angel Ring (STR+1 INT+1) (55629, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Angel Ring (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55630, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Angel Ring (CON+1 MEN+1) (55631, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Wizard Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55632, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Wizard Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55633, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Wizard Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55634, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Laborer Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55635, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Laborer Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55636, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Laborer Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55637, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Top Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55638, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Top Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55639, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55640, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vigilante Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55641, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vigilante Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55642, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vigilante Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55643, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55644, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55645, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Uniform Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55646, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (STR+1 INT+1) (55647, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55648, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Warrior's Helmet (CON+1 MEN+1) (55649, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55650, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55651, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill First Mate Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55652, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Blue (STR+1 INT+1) (55653, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Blue (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55654, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Refined Romantic Chapeau: Blue (CON+1 MEN+1) (55655, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gold-rimmed Glasses (STR+1 INT+1) (55656, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gold-rimmed Glasses (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55657, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Gold-rimmed Glasses (CON+1 MEN+1) (55658, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn-rimmed Glasses (STR+1 INT+1) (55659, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn-rimmed Glasses (DEX+1 WIT+1) (55660, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Horn-rimmed Glasses (CON+1 MEN+1) (55661, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stylish Straw Hat (STR+1 INT+1) (55662, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stylish Straw Hat (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55663, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Stylish Straw Hat (CON+1 MEN+1) (55664, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chic Silver Chapeau (STR+1 INT+1) (55665, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chic Silver Chapeau (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55666, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chic Silver Chapeau (CON+1 MEN+1) (55667, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Afro Hair (STR+1 INT+1) (55668, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Afro Hair (DEX +1 WIT +1) (55669, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Afro Hair (CON+1 MEN+1) (55670, 1) effect base-stat [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Eva's Hair Accessory Pack (55674, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Eva's Hair Accessory Pack (55674, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Golden Fruit Buff (55682, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Scroll: White Assassin (55692, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Newbie Amulet (55696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Newbie Amulet (55696, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Scroll: Dance of Fire (55700, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Sin Eater (55701, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Release Agathion's Seal - Sin Eater (55701, 1) effect summon-agathion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Cat's Eye (55705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Cat's Eye (55705, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Red Cat's Eye (55705, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Cat's Eye (55706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Cat's Eye (55706, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blue Cat's Eye (55706, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Remove Lv. 4 Brooch (55711, 1) effect dispel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Brooch (55712, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lv. 4 Brooch - Additional Effect (55713, 1) effect enlarge-slot [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Chef's Fish Stew Box (55715, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chef's Fish Stew Box (55715, 1) effect random-restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Letter Collector Spell (55716, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 50% (55718, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP Rune 50% (55718, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Feather Rune (55719, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55720, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill XP/SP Hourglass - 1 Hour (55720, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Storm Power (55721, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Power (55721, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm Power (55721, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Cloak Enchant Effect (55737, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Aden Cloak Enchant Effect (55739, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmore Cloak Enchant Effect (55741, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect damage-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ferios Cloak Enchant Effect (55743, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Elmoreden (55744, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Elmoreden (55744, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Elmoreden (55744, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Aden (55745, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Elmore (55746, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Spirit of Elmore (55746, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Ferios (55747, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Blessing of Ferios (55747, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Elmoreden Spirit Shot (55748, 1) effect RealDamage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Elmoreden (55749, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Aden (55750, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Elmore (55751, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wrath of Elmore (55751, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery of Ferios (55752, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense of Ferios (55753, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Defense of Ferios (55753, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Recovery of Elmoreden (55754, 1) effect cp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55755, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55756, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55757, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55758, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55759, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55760, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55761, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55762, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55763, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55764, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55765, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55766, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55767, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55768, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55769, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55770, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55771, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55772, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55773, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55774, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55775, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55776, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55777, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55778, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55779, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55780, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55781, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55782, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55784, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55785, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55786, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55787, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55788, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55789, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55790, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55791, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55792, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55793, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55794, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55795, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55796, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55796, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55796, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55797, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55797, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55797, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55798, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55798, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55798, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55799, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55799, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55799, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55800, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55801, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55802, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55803, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55804, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Cloak Augmentation (55805, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55806, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55807, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55808, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55809, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55810, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55811, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55812, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55813, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55814, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55815, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55816, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55817, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55818, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55819, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55820, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55821, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55822, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55823, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55824, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55825, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55826, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55827, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55828, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55829, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55830, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55831, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55832, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55833, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55835, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55836, 1) effect attack-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55837, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55838, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55839, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55840, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55841, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55842, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55843, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55844, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55845, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55846, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55847, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55847, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55847, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55848, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55848, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55848, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55849, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55849, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55849, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55850, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55850, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55850, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55851, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55852, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55853, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55854, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55855, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55856, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55857, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55858, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Legendary Cloak - Silence (55859, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55860, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55862, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55863, 1) effect ResurrectionSpecial [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55864, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Legendary Cloak - Invincibility (55865, 1)) condition remain-status [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Legendary Cloak - Invincibility (55865, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Legendary Cloak - Invincibility (55865, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55866, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Empire Legendary Cloak Augmentation (55867, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect TalismanSlot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Bracelet of Duty - Lv. 6 (55884, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Bracelet Stats Increase (55885, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Bracelet Stats Increase (55885, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Agathion Bracelet Resistance Increase (55886, 1) effect defence-trait [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Clan Exuberance (55887, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Blessing (55888, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Halloween Gift (55890, 1)) condition encumbered [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Gift (55890, 1) effect restoration [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (55924, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rudolph's Blessing (55924, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ruby (59150, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sapphire (59151, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-charge-shot [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Level 5 Brooch (59153, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Level 5 Brooch Additional Effect (59154, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59158, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59159, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59160, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59161, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa (59162, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59163, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59164, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59165, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59166, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A (59167, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59168, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59169, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59170, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59171, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit (59172, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59173, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59174, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59175, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59176, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear (59177, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59178, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59179, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59180, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59181, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy (59182, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59183, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59184, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59185, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59186, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy (59187, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59188, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59189, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59190, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59191, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform (59192, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59193, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59194, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59195, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59196, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit (59197, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59198, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59199, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59200, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59201, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B (59202, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59203, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59204, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59205, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59206, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok (59207, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59208, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59209, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59210, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59211, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit (59212, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59213, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59213, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59214, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59215, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59216, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai (59217, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59218, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59218, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59219, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59220, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59221, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green (59222, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59223, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59223, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59224, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59225, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59226, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear (59227, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59228, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59229, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59230, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59231, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat (59232, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59233, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59234, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59235, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59236, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween (59237, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59238, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59239, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59240, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit (59241, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59242, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59243, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59244, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric (59245, 1) effect base-stats [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59246, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59247, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59248, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight (59249, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59250, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59251, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59252, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier (59253, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59254, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59255, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59256, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red (59257, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59258, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59259, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59260, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue (59261, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59262, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59263, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59264, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine (59265, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59266, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59267, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59268, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician (59269, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59270, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59271, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor (59272, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor's Blessing (59273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor's Blessing (59273, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59274, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59275, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red (59276, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse Red - Magic Attack (59277, 1) effect magical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59278, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59279, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf (59280, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf - Hex (59281, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59282, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59283, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie (59284, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie - Paralyze (59285, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59286, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59287, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim (59288, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim - Shadow Evasion (59289, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim - Shadow Evasion (59289, 1) effect skill-evasion [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59290, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59291, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja (59292, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja - Cancel Target (59293, 1) effect TargetCancel [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja - Cancel Target (59294, 1) effect DisableTargeting [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59295, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59296, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest (59297, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest - Blessing of Eva (59298, 1) effect Heal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest - Blessing of Eva (59298, 1) effect ManaHeal [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59299, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59300, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White (59301, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse White - Curse Gloom (59302, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59303, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59304, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple (59305, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy Purple - Physical Attack (59306, 1) effect physical-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59307, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59308, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue (59309, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer Blue - Stun (59310, 1) effect block-all-actions [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59311, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker (59312, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Berserker Soul (59313, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59314, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken (59315, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Soul (59316, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Soul (59316, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Soul (59316, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59317, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect vampiric-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim (59318, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Soul (59319, 1) effect Mute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Soul (59319, 1) effect PhysicalMute [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59320, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect magic-cost [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith (59321, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Soul (59322, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Soul (59322, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59323, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya (59324, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya Soul (59325, 1) effect dispel-by-category [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cute Animal Friends (59329, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Special Season (59330, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Striking Elegance (59331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Striking Elegance (59331, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wow! It's Summer! (59332, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wow! It's Summer! (59332, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wow! It's Summer! (59332, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Uncontrollable Power (59333, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Overflowing Magic (59334, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rarity Collector (59335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Rarity Collector (59335, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Highly Durable! (59336, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill I Am Legend (59339, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Collector Power (59344, 1) effect HealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Collector Power (59344, 1) effect ManaHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Collector Power (59344, 1) effect CpHealPercent [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:57][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Standard (59349, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - High-grade (59350, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Rare (59351, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Legendary (59352, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Santa Sealbook - Mythic (59353, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Standard (59354, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - High-grade (59355, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Rare (59356, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Legendary (59357, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform A Sealbook - Mythic (59358, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Standard (59359, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - High-grade (59360, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Rare (59361, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Legendary (59362, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Beach Swimsuit Sealbook - Mythic (59363, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Standard (59364, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - High-grade (59365, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Rare (59366, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Legendary (59367, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teddy Bear Sealbook - Mythic (59368, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Standard (59369, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - High-grade (59370, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Rare (59371, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Legendary (59372, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kitty Plushy Sealbook - Mythic (59373, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Standard (59374, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - High-grade (59375, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Rare (59376, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Legendary (59377, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Panda Plushy Sealbook - Mythic (59378, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Standard (59379, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - High-grade (59380, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Rare (59381, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Legendary (59382, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Baseball Uniform Sealbook - Mythic (59383, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Standard (59384, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - High-grade (59385, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Rare (59386, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Legendary (59387, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Seductive Swimsuit Sealbook - Mythic (59388, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Standard (59389, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - High-grade (59390, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Rare (59391, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Legendary (59392, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill School Uniform B Sealbook - Mythic (59393, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Standard (59394, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - High-grade (59395, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Rare (59396, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Legendary (59397, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Hanbok Sealbook - Mythic (59398, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Standard (59399, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - High-grade (59400, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Rare (59401, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Legendary (59402, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Metal Suit Sealbook - Mythic (59403, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Standard (59404, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - High-grade (59405, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Rare (59406, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Legendary (59407, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Samurai Sealbook - Mythic (59408, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Standard (59409, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - High-grade (59410, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Rare (59411, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Legendary (59412, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Green Sealbook - Mythic (59413, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Standard (59414, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - High-grade (59415, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Rare (59416, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Legendary (59417, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Formal Wear Sealbook - Mythic (59418, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Standard (59419, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - High-grade (59420, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Rare (59421, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Legendary (59422, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kat the Cat Sealbook - Mythic (59423, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Standard (59424, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - High-grade (59425, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Rare (59426, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Legendary (59427, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Halloween Sealbook - Mythic (59428, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - High-grade (59430, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - Rare (59431, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - Legendary (59432, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Alluring Swimsuit Sealbook - Mythic (59433, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - High-grade (59435, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - Rare (59436, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - Legendary (59437, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Vampiric Sealbook - Mythic (59438, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - High-grade (59440, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - Rare (59441, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - Legendary (59442, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Knight Sealbook - Mythic (59443, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - High-grade (59445, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - Rare (59446, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - Legendary (59447, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Chevalier Sealbook - Mythic (59448, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - High-grade (59450, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - Rare (59451, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - Legendary (59452, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Archer - Red Sealbook - Mythic (59453, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - High-grade (59455, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - Rare (59456, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - Legendary (59457, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Pirate - Blue Sealbook - Mythic (59458, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - High-grade (59460, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - Rare (59461, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - Legendary (59462, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Wizard - Wine Sealbook - Mythic (59463, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - High-grade (59465, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - Rare (59466, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - Legendary (59467, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Magician Sealbook - Mythic (59468, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor Sealbook - Rare (59471, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor Sealbook - Legendary (59472, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Sailor Sealbook - Mythic (59473, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red Sealbook - Rare (59476, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red Sealbook - Legendary (59477, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - Red Sealbook - Mythic (59478, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf Sealbook - Rare (59481, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf Sealbook - Legendary (59482, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Barbarian Wolf Sealbook - Mythic (59483, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Sealbook - Rare (59486, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Sealbook - Legendary (59487, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Valkyrie Sealbook - Mythic (59488, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim Sealbook - Rare (59491, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim Sealbook - Legendary (59492, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Kelbim Sealbook - Mythic (59493, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Sealbook - Rare (59496, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Sealbook - Legendary (59497, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ninja Sealbook - Mythic (59498, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest Sealbook - Rare (59501, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest Sealbook - Legendary (59502, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill High Priest Sealbook - Mythic (59503, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White Sealbook - Rare (59506, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White Sealbook - Legendary (59507, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Noblesse - White Sealbook - Mythic (59508, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple Sealbook - Rare (59511, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple Sealbook - Legendary (59512, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Cowboy - Purple Sealbook - Mythic (59513, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue Sealbook - Rare (59516, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue Sealbook - Legendary (59517, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Musketeer - Blue Sealbook - Mythic (59518, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Sealbook - Legendary (59522, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Zaken Sealbook - Mythic (59523, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker Sealbook - Legendary (59527, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Berserker Sealbook - Mythic (59528, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sealbook - Legendary (59532, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Anakim Sealbook - Mythic (59533, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Sealbook - Legendary (59537, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Lilith Sealbook - Mythic (59538, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya Sealbook - Legendary (59542, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Freya Sealbook - Mythic (59543, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Random (59544, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade (59545, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade/Rare (59546, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: High-grade/Rare/Legendary (59547, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Rare/Legendary (59548, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Legendary/Mythic (59549, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard Random (59550, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: High-grade Random (59551, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Rare Random (59552, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Legendary Random (59553, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Random (59555, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade (59556, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade/Rare (59557, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Kat the Cat (59558, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Shadow Master - Legendary (59585, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Shadow Master - Mythic (59586, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Navy Admiral - Legendary (59590, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Navy Admiral - Mythic (59591, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Nymph - Legendary (59595, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Nymph - Mythic (59596, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Devil - Mythic (59601, 1) effect acquire-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59602, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Shadow Master (59603, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59607, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-attack [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-magic [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral (59608, 1) effect trigger-skill-by-damage [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Attack (59611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Attack (59611, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Defense (59612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Navy Admiral - Defense (59612, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59613, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Nymph (59614, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Devil (59617, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dragon Scroll - Event (59634, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Storm's Energy (59687, 1)) condition level [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (59687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Storm's Energy (59687, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Transformation Sealbook: Standard/High-grade (59702, 1) effect acquire-random-costume [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 8 (59723, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 9 (59724, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect reduce-drop-penalty [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill VIP Level 10 (59725, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Einhasad's Observation (60002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Einhasad's Observation (60002, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Einhasad's Observation (60002, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 1st Class (60003, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 2nd Class (60004, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 3rd Class (60005, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 3rd Class (60005, 1) effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Server Level Ranking 3rd Class (60005, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Human Level Ranking 1st Class (60006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Human Level Ranking 1st Class (60006, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60007, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dark Elf Level Ranking 1st Class (60008, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orc Level Ranking 1st Class (60009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Orc Level Ranking 1st Class (60009, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Dwarf Level Ranking 1st Class (60010, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Jin Kamael Level Ranking 1st Class (60011, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Teleport (60018, 1) effect teleport [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect vital-stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill White Assassin Transformation (62001, 1) effect stat-modify [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseConditions:150]: Could not parse skill's (Skill Mount Griffin (62002, 1)) condition condition [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mount Griffin (62002, 1) effect transformation [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Mana Potion (26030, 1) effect mp [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect speed [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect damage-block [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseNamedEffect:206]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect DebuffBlock [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:parseEffect:195]: could not parse skill's Skill Ghost Walking (100000, 1) effect resist-dispel-by-category [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillEngine:load:95]: Loaded 36904 skills [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillTreesData:report:856]: Loaded 16509 Class Skills for 99 Class Skill Trees [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillTreesData:report:857]: Loaded 18 Fishing Skills, 8 Dwarven only Fishing Skills [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillTreesData:report:858]: Loaded 75 Pledge Skills, 45 for Pledge and 30 Residential [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillTreesData:report:859]: Loaded 18 Sub-Pledge Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillTreesData:report:860]: Loaded 0 Transform Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillTreesData:report:861]: Loaded 6 Noble Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillTreesData:report:862]: Loaded 5 Hero Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillTreesData:report:863]: Loaded 34 Game Master Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillTreesData:report:864]: Loaded 1 Game Master Aura Skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][SkillTreesData:report:865]: Loaded 4 Common Skills to all classes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][PetSkillData:load:40]: Loaded 881 skills. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------------=[ Items ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][ItemEngine:load:71]: Loaded 13064 Items [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:51]: Loaded 4 item group templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:52]: Loaded 0 scroll group templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:51]: Loaded 4 item group templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemGroupsData:load:52]: Loaded 0 scroll group templates. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49486 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49484 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49482 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49485 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49483 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:49481 defined in enchant data! [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemData:lambda$parseDocument$1:63]: Unexistent enchant scroll:91249 defined in enchant data! [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemData:load:42]: Loaded 33 Enchant Scrolls. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][EnchantItemOptionsData:parseDocument:55]: Loaded 87 Option Items. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][ItemCrystallizationData:load:58]: Loaded 7 crystallization templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][ItemCrystallizationData:load:59]: Loaded 0 pre-defined crystallizable items. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:58][ItemCrystallizationData:logViaPublicLoggerAPI:120]: Generated 0 crystallizable items from templates. [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c7e6f85 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a53e6df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c7c50e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a77dd90 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25ea9f1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@aaf060 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a7fbace effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e606b4c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f8301e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@187dc183 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f93a188 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62949b3d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35cf0295 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4348bc76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@115ca76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@479ee41a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a889dd6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c252bfd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@234c0675 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13429832 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dead1a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78357322 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b89adff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c0d31b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37e1984d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@649e51f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@128efec9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47dbedbd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cc326fb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ac4f942 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fd92a65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17778826 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@726690cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fa5792a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7969e6b9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5274770a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14d27571 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a22e8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36c0507a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@477dad8f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@400331ec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@116f7666 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2598a7b1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fa36758 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56f6bb11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cc03bef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c85b6e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48089386 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b4597a5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1667de61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67a400ba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bbc3b6b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cc36106 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44ff2e29 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31947dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@97453b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ec8d8ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@437b2f58 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a15b74c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21d7a452 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1961160e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37afb95 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24f28361 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@381b4699 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29dbf6f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7da9060f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4df07b50 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f3dd3f9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59a7cc8a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c8b20cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@226fecf5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@638c515a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@428023d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3110d72f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c458dbc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d4217ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@293fd990 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ea1ca37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e499c32 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2349057b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74edbbdb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@648d2703 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76378fac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dbe3ecc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4147dc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9acf77d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@432c530b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f085dfc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@855d7bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@662cded3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47396d16 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a332fb0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c7dcd42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ca74058 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fadd07 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33072c07 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5172e0f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6761cf0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31252400 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b484137 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7dfb0386 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@140baa88 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c96992d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@752e2071 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@506cea61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19fa550e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@211de8ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25b46917 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12bca022 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59a5c55e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17310407 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11cb2b27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6601248c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11799227 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ef7ad33 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@462d2dd9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@296744d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74d20375 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47ffa6e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6893182a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bc1a008 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fecddae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@251ef854 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@553ce695 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@230bcdda effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a7375b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@87deafa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ac7ad2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@475fc2b1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c0a157 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@610db14f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6624de9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fd7d2a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c1e1a16 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50154f13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1085a3ba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71a621ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d444b42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27d3fa2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a76051d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a9ecfe8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25ff91a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dc50db9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37b1adf1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b7cd560 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4257352c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@774a401a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4daeb527 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3004be27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b81135e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6eeec0a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56d147d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43313ea8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69ce73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@189ac53a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44a9f625 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ea75466 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40f31997 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e8eb7a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51d608c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@312d002d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69ca983e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12023126 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cf52aea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25807131 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@183606d7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1bbe8ff6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e495411 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68e6ad10 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@404e0e65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f60f8a5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b8dd884 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76de6ec8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46d37b50 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ede06ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b52aa58 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e7f29d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73abceb0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d5cd7c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53e2b05d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@484127c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29779212 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@221e920f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64b8ae49 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@400b5750 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55f9ba41 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a1d41b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@224ae8c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38e19a0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@205214e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dde1dfc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5827ec6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ca23c8f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ce7c8e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18b0f7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66a8dfb1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b13d1af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79d19ad3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2078a245 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@db4ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59693ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70e486c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15eb781b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78ae16de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4994d9ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d92c497 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53775c9e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b67a8c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34d17b8e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f6ca7ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56168f20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30514cc2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f634c4d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55ea4101 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3767bb13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dead661 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18fee2b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f9b5ae2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@152ec521 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4eac403b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2128f811 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64a1ea9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c52ce4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bc419bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dca94a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26546289 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8d8c8ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35a21ee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a2cfa87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fe98361 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51ba8da7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3bd932f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7eb8b91d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d19cf20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28cba891 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4780624c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c4b4bf0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fc8fb96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a3257de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ee4cad6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8561031 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@501a5ee6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@286e6f9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20d4a23d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@183be98e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ad46901 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@419df748 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44dd700c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d8680 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a487b8d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14c1fc3b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3bb3b3bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54856bcf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2de8e6c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d3f763 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@105b844d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fff4e9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cb734a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c8ae47f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@603f644f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75217d4c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bae1181 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50fca197 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b7abadb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@354f65e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e3648d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bf3bc9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45c1695b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b6f4c4b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5743c51a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11129432 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fd7bcfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e2bbe5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6789c595 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@623f6e52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d2e83 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73c7a197 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5acb7717 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@439fcfe2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a6fe824 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@646a2fe7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65189fb2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5845ac2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dbe51c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@389e528f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19dabf21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c0b44fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13c468a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59045a7f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@156bc5c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23717f0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@134082be effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68ece50b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23e23052 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bc3820b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c01a4bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@134ace89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21980c12 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@365c11f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27e97fd8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6292c32a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30babf6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@558ee9f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39f54b20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d8a54a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@138002fb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31638824 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@225c7963 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dec3ee3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ee8647f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@367eb2e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42310d40 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ef638c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73507cfe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4fd2c721 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5439896 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a5c98dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a9bb6e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a98959 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ab72692 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5463df69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53487f97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ce4c7e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f44e15e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7516f948 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@653284ba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f53b40d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4785e0a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59b9da9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74fddef4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36ccffba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ea4c96b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70b61c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d9b05a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c7b188e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34ec7ffb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@683515dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d46eb37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39ed2979 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e298a18 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e72e9f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34f7b05e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6481f158 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46dade9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fdeb2fc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76229819 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dc2acb4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dfc9f98 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bf9589 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@653f3737 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d108028 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@479d24d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f111c96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@638b1acc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a73c755 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@405287ec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3750d6dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c36e780 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@186bd03c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4cd2493a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d05904a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4634728d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18a047 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e5db2e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f8bfea6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ace45c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f91da46 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ce88fd9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4cc63c2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54be9031 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75dc230a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d12ec2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@504882fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7057bfdd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@648716ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5eceed85 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a05c3cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e13401 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b0f6035 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72041c14 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@167b9204 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1834edf6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@389a280d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a2c67b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@200d2345 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fe921ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@765aa85f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fc270f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@369c6343 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60acda26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43978e3c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fbe0b63 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7aede3ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c167b3d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38feced effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c350aec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49d06245 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65027d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a445b72 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e525cbc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44dad579 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43b31c9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b744053 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75f483d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15bc34b2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e309d65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77ff2a28 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a9c9a4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e71260f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34e05711 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ac085cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54600617 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@235603ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15b8906e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b6881eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fec6a2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cb76e4b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d5da853 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@525511ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e74b4bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19e65e0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49296251 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3308f1ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58b26a7f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@730f4949 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71369693 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5451643 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4eef7506 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47a32893 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e4bcfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fbe45eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a4c525f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44750635 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6351712d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e9de1b1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@463b8297 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a1370cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42a3a4bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13624531 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@95742f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38f3ee39 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67aa33d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6660b9df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55132721 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72b6999c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44b4309f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27f9c797 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b9fc666 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2da3c8f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48f63513 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21da86e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34e3c84e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@734626a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e939132 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b0bcdab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2180c53c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@503c454 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@677bdfc7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32c82016 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15c6ba56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@efcfdde effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37c09e21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44fbd05f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64cfc69c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d34d5d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3eb663c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24553566 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3eb4fc56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15051433 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1820f50f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15d30d68 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c9c15c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31853ce4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e122f56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2327cfb1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ff9ac48 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5703cb4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68543666 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7513269a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@778a5f9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e9abb91 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77b45d22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b7f92b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e2c58f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55812a93 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@89204c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@678488b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b33974b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@673af70c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e7820e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dfad4af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ad49f94 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a669355 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15f6ebe6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e121a5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40541832 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e66c756 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c6db4a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1293a3b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7266ac5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a029936 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b0bc45d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48a70b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4349000a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d5cfa7c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4820fca6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f782ac6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14ba3073 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ecfb782 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2145b331 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fb583c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ac90de8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29a9ce94 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25793cab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7681286a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d5dd1f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63ef6e7f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f1f8acd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7022213c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ab53702 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42b126bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@318b85c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50c16908 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23bf4935 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68f00731 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5381a4e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5eeaaac8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c5a6c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f64e087 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2acb6d4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21fc3e34 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b257764 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@430dde5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32dd7264 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7290f795 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52ae20f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ffcf3d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26ebf011 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53b29706 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7038a404 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6842ebe8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11d0e589 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@569d4a12 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63b0dc41 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c526674 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a3824da effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36493255 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53fea209 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c900fc4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1745ee78 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6861bd5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e29b4b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@121b6c9e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a95768b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f7badc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c740ca8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c2e624 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e2f939 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16e549d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a1806eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68793c4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bc13b4d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47d64e37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d432778 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cf9dff6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e909c77 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b42c864 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f5e5c93 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dca32e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@713700b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a5f9965 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@728ee79 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b899947 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67862d15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51a41431 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@113f635a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@264b939b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7073ecc2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1077b61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b48eda8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11657c11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e9f8703 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@447927c2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6870a748 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@524fdba3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@506af976 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5da0838e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30073595 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c3962f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:58][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b9f994d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42fac543 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b58fb14 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c211640 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b13b178 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f57b384 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@635b7521 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77dcfc1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11a21bee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@433b51cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b71c6f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bdde998 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a21e266 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@738d63d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63e5d27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2abf551 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67fc05b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f77594a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bd4f4e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@560899b0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51dec744 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1426793c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3879cc9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2aae173c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ded11ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a2576d2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cce6210 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6838942 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6305ab19 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6217c24d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4de6f2fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5735ab9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19a69f06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@457f23d5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f74409d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45e75592 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6814bc87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54c95bdb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49249977 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36901e04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bad7cd5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6524e7f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8a6350a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ef07a24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2eabf2fb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c72dbf1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55c5bd10 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@68d9dcd6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1914d71c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63432a9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b9626d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d8f7611 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29cea8b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7871278e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@527b66b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1402bd17 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71afd5ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13d142 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9544129 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@83faf11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b2191d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19b54168 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3243067e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47716000 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@509ce302 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63114678 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@494bdc92 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f6d4db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3245a394 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b0e0122 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c36e99d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fd5accc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6093f9a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bbfe380 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30be916b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62dfe87c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d7e5b77 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@296918bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d98f134 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@701968f3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f532064 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e1e5ff5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54a51053 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f40a4c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6916f948 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@657be268 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19a0511c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73acb068 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2daedbec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17fc0493 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ccf8fc1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1af641c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@415c98c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36f3d4ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46b2e475 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e624522 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b5d12f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63a1f3cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32613280 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ed63abb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dbf533c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16ceadd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a222d42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45dedb5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52ef466b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34b374e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f500700 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ce73396 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@413f47f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ba8dc28 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34dfa65a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21b148d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a9ae091 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@573e3276 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e9ab3bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3546bf52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58355f03 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ebe7bf1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35f228c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35cebd03 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47f121fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a1dbb02 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e0d3ea9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2eebb0ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60db8a3c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4739e88e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40c66eb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3358cba0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f6e3d9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79bd966 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@745ba4fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12b741d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fd73370 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26de9505 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f8bb16f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55dab71f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13d04267 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41f48ba5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13264a3d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13c47509 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@296ce6c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67dad438 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@460c0d5c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@765044a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@428111a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@734b66dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@558be305 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@218a8011 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b4c8198 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43197fa2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49002f0f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c7fb436 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3330b260 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b5c3fcb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73ec07f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32f3d3b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e6d43b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e1e110b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dde0ef7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@619c0290 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53e94594 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7dd190ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40c59050 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41cc925a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5810aa12 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29352d73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@451e6f15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60e56bae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3df81d9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3da6f1e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bf65785 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4005f54e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dec2419 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37cff3ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e3cd0ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61fcfba1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3decd76b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@757611fb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d271e40 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b80dfb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@400c0422 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5302c11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2040e7e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d20e138 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dadcfaa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@197938aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ea1fbc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@432f40e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7791abbd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@277d618d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1633e942 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b2ed0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f047246 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33391522 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a4983fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2881d324 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74cb1230 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f20898e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7980ade7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f3e5900 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73489a45 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@782f015b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43c742c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2967cbf2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ecae629 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1eef1972 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79159397 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e3aff1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2788a75c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41ca0e56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1496a4d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ded6b42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f3d9be4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e9494eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f0513d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39f4d00f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ab58e6e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@607c621f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37b05665 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@285b8c34 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1eaba1af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d4444ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28f23a4c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5cbc394a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fd95dab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20858113 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@199cff15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24d7e305 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7136d631 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7db75c1d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32d70e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18797442 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fb9be22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18a9467c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@706bc7b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23e36693 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31b99463 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63f1be8e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d09e34f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7566d383 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8014bc0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66ea8180 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@647b1589 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27c2284e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@259f383d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17cb5b8f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ba0c3a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d161ec0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4194938f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c4ebf11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21ded0e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c932a0c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69fed8fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@103144e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47bf9794 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52691625 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d4f2d9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57436e8c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cfb50c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7639ab43 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@422e6be3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e554a24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@381e4e41 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34689b2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32869b4a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16a6f354 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c80db87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b3cc2bc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d66485a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c7b3af1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@167d9c1a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b59854b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44a22ae2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@511b3c35 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bfce740 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cd84ca9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29788cea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@210ae764 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d00d2e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@530366ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ef1bfb9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48364ec4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23ca02e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b363c6a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58894ac2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22b37f79 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@519da4df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b9217ea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19df8300 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20ae7ff5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ca99c63 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79fe55b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62bdb12b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31bf3b5e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6125f38e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19e867cc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1653a933 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5efe056c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@108924be effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a85f764 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4114c536 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fef7d1d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@361a088a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53c1e7fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@341bb5c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@200821ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46b02319 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a92f202 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73cef92c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12a990ee effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5546c149 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58c93b01 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c4aaead effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ba7b2a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6115bebd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@701580ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79a367c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@281120f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64bd8318 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38f167ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a0eaa57 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b390f4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7394f673 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@406810fc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f9b46b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ceb7f7f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8983dff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8f723e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dec7aac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3afbeae9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73455f8c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@429c8a27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1cfbb1c2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79b2ac16 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20d22593 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6394e1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@470d8ab8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b335c53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1afc1a1b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56f9fef6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d0ae6db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c6aeced effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36bc0bb9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f2b5dd6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bd5ad6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1eabc308 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@481cf2a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dacc39f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52a85516 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12db7fc8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d7d3efe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6616b2f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76864bc4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f6a5fe3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b340c3e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38e69ab7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c7a2e04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1102f32f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a9c48cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56a3520b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b045cd5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d195311 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@457ba65f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@90487f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@503f80f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6709d03d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f58dbdd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52cef0c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e5ac261 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@577b6daf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ec4d2ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ba9270e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63c8add0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f52a213 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@274b4cf5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25d89e45 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3580103 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79606941 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b1be7c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65fa2219 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26e967bc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c392841 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55f22fe4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61ac25a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c156aa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@197b2044 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d32b180 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d3356e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a545fb1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a6d39bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@721b21c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35d8ed24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d2995f9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e5af922 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15e4c213 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67a7bc46 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46007b16 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ffa191d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c3da2ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46a278e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3bf63ef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cf2b074 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@dab7dbb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@589b41a0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2043e147 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@495b942b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fcb6e1e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d5fba06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22a92933 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37460b81 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73b938e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13d62312 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@78dd70ea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f407673 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45047702 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67680203 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74216424 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8ae673d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e74ad4d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49abd29a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36549fcf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d3891b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66d4398 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11457ecd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fd31cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ac1ad2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66dc4e6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c55f76f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36ccc671 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31e3a549 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35482a2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46d55d65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@167af480 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a1fc2eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ef296ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22a0c400 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@633ffa20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27f37436 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7dedd2e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59c99999 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@453b967a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79d5182f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6abcbf27 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f2ce6b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66bd3761 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37785ff9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38b29bb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2033b33e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f3a8e66 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a489bef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@760bc43b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b1c3387 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30aecd3c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ea7af25 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6259cd6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c0f079e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a0ee80e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79c3aced effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53aa5c2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7cd9233 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a1e445c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e5e3736 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f1457f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14230e2d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c779451 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@731ffb6e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e69a91c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2237989a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62225591 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6eea0630 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@da873b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13c5d9df effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63bb88eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ddec92a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1325449a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e137c00 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11d045f9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3aec5970 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@354cb23 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36925435 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@257e3093 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d01da95 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58291bc5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c3ecf09 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@289082b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bb63040 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bd1ffc0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@419d2734 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d349098 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ea894e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4381598c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b0d724f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22f49fe6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7107c20f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3803b89a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@389c2adf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e118985 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@714933f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54ab8229 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@db880b1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fd77d22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b90f89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f8b6f9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65afcd62 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d3fe29e effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3568fe96 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18de932 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a52f0bc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@781bca7a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@af517a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@645fabb4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69056093 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4feb2fd3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d017190 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@749a658f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36599277 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20daa6d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@46b1cea2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61a06de6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b10918f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e890853 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26850ffe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44a89995 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b2bf466 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d46b4c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73b2be69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7356e5bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@775ab773 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ff2edec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59555d8d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d6a0021 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f29ddd0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@171cca54 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64d6540f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29702bbc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58c6b41f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29f99b39 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fd9c425 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@575c2da9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a571d11 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f927931 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6edb660a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58dc2f1d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a611e82 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@16f6af0e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@232870ec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ab51753 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48f28f89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bdfc746 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b1075c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39adf47f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@657faa04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@700fa41a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@783969a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ee174d3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d6d481 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3bf48935 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8b3abbd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dd10194 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d23aa73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@320123c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@277a887d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@202e0a7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32c2a2a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9e69006 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7aacd827 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fbe180d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48ce40ce effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75158f71 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69e41c14 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76851f55 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c77e97b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15408983 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c0d3383 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22cf0e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71e3fdef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60fe7ec1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@555ad876 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@309499cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e7606b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d6d73cc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ef78b7f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ab9299d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3414cfd1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12c1398c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@609ff4d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73f9cc97 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6181ff7e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a17b79b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65b1b535 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58114060 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36852e13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71e9ec37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1999f722 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bd9b631 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5433ecef effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a052a0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c73e08f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a1db10e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71027636 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32145766 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11c0be33 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4682f8c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@245385e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@346c496f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20c948f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71dcd0f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49180788 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1fe908f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@750d750f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62c1601c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bec1f8b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c150ca3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22aeb323 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b86e6ea effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@401db856 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5479c4e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39942e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f5445ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52a69d7e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48e21d1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a5f08f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c028f64 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a29a4f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@627b5453 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4cf4f11b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c53e4e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73bc3c3d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bdd37d5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20ca6b9c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d501685 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f1f8ec6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dde616f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e3b7bc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43d2a8bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20d877bd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ec3bfd0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bb324a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2df2ec31 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e7403ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dba088c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fceedf7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6567115b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@be01f31 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@667398a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4efa70c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@134a4d88 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18d8d147 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6214b425 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f759cfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e92b891 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@601e14ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@276c3157 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@742dfb0c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f509328 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f795d53 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@9592b62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12b744de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49a55c73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c3313d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@cf1330e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24c817fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@476d81d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1394bf73 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1678974c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72eb35be effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59a37916 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f7a3a76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dea1222 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@168786e4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54ae36eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a390f82 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7af6be5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2db57d52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8091f61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a6e44fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56e2f216 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50bb4a75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1009a514 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48184244 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@92b7b13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34970a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e3544d9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@54b53739 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6142d5f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e109944 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a771fd3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4786fb5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@605f5821 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2acf27d7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28443cda effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@586856aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42ec83d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11cef5c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18e5b9cc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a2717c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24f6b0cd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42f0297d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@776ec336 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66567536 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7737d1e9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34cfa5b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35b9a76f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60939b2b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29e2a649 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60497cfb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18332d42 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6405b7ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58e9958b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@736c84c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7234fedb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b458fe6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f9400c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3849933f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dde70cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7af3f829 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@756e25ff effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ca9006 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f0ce0dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7adb71a4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e9ee2dd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b8107a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53730804 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7284159f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7b859918 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@581a7d87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13627da8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4118aab6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1682a6d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d7f17c6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d70a6fc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1939e2fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a8e430b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7faab6bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67f5b8f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@318d88e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59f303c7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73c6692c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@393e5db8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64a928c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2505f2a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@654a702d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e5222a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@390e88a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@90acae2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3f7718f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8f6293 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4df0eb0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bdd9913 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c6a9a36 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@278ae0d2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b5cd01d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c7edf64 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@644d53f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1431a3dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29d0557f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@334f3ade effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d9315ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@24a56e86 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ff5acc0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45a6ee2a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60bd9578 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fe316b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d523427 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3ff74419 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@336d10ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44cceebe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1863090c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1db14195 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4601f9a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@651b46c9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65b0080f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@721a40c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b1f239e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48d073a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@611897d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4124ff5a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e53733 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6fbd54a2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a3ed8b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c063084 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@670c698 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36d9ab0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3faa0903 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22359c62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22f1daba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d266c4e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22ab86f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cf3c843 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fbe36d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e41bb20 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@237e56 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32201fc1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d1f6263 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1e744c5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5be400d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37d2996c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2148e98f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d627f69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6aabfae0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49110720 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ff39b1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21e420bc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@142da29a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55c49f38 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66dcc5e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@663de840 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ffdaf6f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6eb1def7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ec2cd3b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6734574b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15c01a15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@75e6283c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d3588ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48fe184c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d7ba3f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1918c7af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38495cda effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d0fe7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a97819 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fd3e21c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d8ecab0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4554dad1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e760bd2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e75cb02 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15754336 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7614911b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@48823c90 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28cfc359 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@171c5985 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45d29e34 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1ced5ca2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a6e916d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fcb29d4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6eb92327 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18477a1e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@261c6582 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@407f7d1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67f8ce2f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@444cdf44 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@139923a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a15989c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b3db047 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@39a9fa9b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74cc17d6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@620ba0ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14428b25 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6249d614 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@76af0f2c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@491ee7aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4905560f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65d0d04d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b8865b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5515ecd8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36c37d5b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55729176 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d7feba9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f6bbf2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2af227f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b4aeafb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69ea7698 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5bf1797c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60070847 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ca62b8e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66c2d834 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36286709 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e3514bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@322b8a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73d1d380 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b4e2dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40e2be7d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5693b931 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b232db0 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a20980a effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fe4de65 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1475ae99 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26894f0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28677319 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51898786 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6831ea48 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42c195b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17405d7c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ae84da5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6dec951a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@96eaf3d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c50a8d1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@541d4b9b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dd05047 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@213b0b87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@38b42951 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cbfc4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5946c6b9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20588925 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@393fc2de effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@604f6832 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@fd3198c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ba6b8f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c48be6a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@375d4d29 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20552d37 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7eea60e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17382abe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ad10975 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4364a98d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e24045e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@381fbefe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7a478229 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c89742d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52c18516 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@17ec29fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@517ca7e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60399fe effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58b4451d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ee1342c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a16c5b7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@c06362 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7aa652ca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d4159e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71d61484 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@720ea2af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3af68e26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d2f6ef7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c1c25e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b80e114 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2589cdfc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33c7476c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e3947c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@521d9151 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@399050c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@30658cba effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@456d22a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a7f5ce8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d2152c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dce49f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2fbb0fe1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f639ee2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e898d57 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1167cabf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66d40b75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15b31dc3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2762d917 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@87fcd76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e36f0af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4366a1af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@727d62b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41f15f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d553e55 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b488389 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1239209f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ef50fb4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a8633a9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@759dbbbb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2e7b404f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6835629b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63a51f4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bfd30e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f707eeb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c12f424 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@706d58e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15ee97a5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@196534d5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@428d5009 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73965773 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12a4a51b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2257e806 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a72e95d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b1e1aaf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c25f2aa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@612f32f0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c0a0789 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47faa1c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1419bb32 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@cb9b3f3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20a3cba2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32c5b2fa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6bdc4fbb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a3b4f18 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14fb7f26 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@b365d21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21e6a6b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@722db6bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d60e593 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@406784b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@753a0792 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a3ddfc4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50cbf36d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67381d1f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@429b80fd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@465ca495 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@490377a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e745b72 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70f6a229 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@53add8ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c15b44 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4da22fc5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8802bb2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35d5faa4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3e458c21 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62c5502b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b913a7a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@718bfd76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63bd43e2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bb113b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4991ae50 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@675f9a59 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ef46703 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4dfbe5c8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@95c2109 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@124aff29 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f4b5e1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d0c2598 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25b00159 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60c60171 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@657818cb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49f4c119 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6cebbbb7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cf6e2d2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@196d1bc7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@767eedfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@47f9c681 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c925cde effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3d50d5a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c40eec5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3504fa02 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b2e24d0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50e84188 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b65bb96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79a39812 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63b12b52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7147d2ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37387e18 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@52be13e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@383f595b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7722264b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31e5e09 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@211d54b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63aa344d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dc460d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7443aea9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3fb0fc61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@d0abf86 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a817c04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35ea11b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b3516e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@639b788a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29b59a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@74bb6690 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@672ac4dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f4daf9b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@743b382 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28e3ca1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@195ef7f8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2bddb23f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3198db65 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79d4460 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6992825c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f98891b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@582c3c7e effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35ffdd5f effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@488229de effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23b9a184 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1acfb641 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51918562 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8049a57 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66dfaf52 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c56076 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ca24fb9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7058a058 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b66243e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@418a3ff4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@f9b6ffb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3af44430 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@60e9c084 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@708c36f2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@243c7baf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3cf17edc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@12b26426 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@318fb24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44be09eb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@738e883e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@729c513d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36194591 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2dce3e8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59454f5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1511e8c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69d8123d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@cfe6f4d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2beaa1db effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31270395 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1847a676 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@673c3634 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@19a6a771 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1014347b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35c54419 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@33ce5903 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f7ffd24 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2ef9b55c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3103c916 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70c49874 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1032dd95 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7302d99a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ce6e595 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8b5c145 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@eed7bb3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b46bdfd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@67374d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26fe71ed effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43abb662 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d5c52bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2438c306 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@711caf75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f9a1f92 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@102c6174 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72eea084 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@661dceab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@59443b75 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a90c6e8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d7da9be effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@251d522c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5d7a5a69 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@717160a8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31810761 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7ec2af4f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71641bec effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@bea4148 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32e9e55b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@593a8c9e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8d0472e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51e9a77d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2c574326 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2184744e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2be7ae67 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@37a92629 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21f11d89 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23d53bfd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35d73d76 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4b31dd8b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62858c31 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6805594f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6435f5b4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@21adb13c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f07453c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2d0ab6b2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66d97ef2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a310744 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7fca999b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70d0ff6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2a8ecf0b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@8a7f639 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@238aa0f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4c9779cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@10bd01c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@271c2bd1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5167aadd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2649f83f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5e02463e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1806bc8c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@745bdc13 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1dba4aa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5145dc98 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c0ae8e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@569b0836 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@193b8f30 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@66e52193 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4d039847 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@43d7f369 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d0b62c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@49f6e6dc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@18669e05 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@64d67adb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6734c1bb effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@198a1b87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35b02805 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@62678cca effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@231fb024 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a80d1e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ec42cb6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1bea78 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5edbe4cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32b8293e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4de61243 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@127169ad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@130d0ab0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@600f3036 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d86427e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4236c62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f80bedc effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6617af9a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@492d9494 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5672a1af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cfe83e3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77ce8299 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@526221c0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@11de9dfa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4967e5b9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a3e7c46 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@99128e0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c455565 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a792f79 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@239cac3c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23ca4687 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@65e2d1e6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36b328c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@70088f62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@187119a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72198dad effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dc37e22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@69049967 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@50b64e1c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e7cd542 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@280894c1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@650aef06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@72e8b15 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ff08877 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@63b2abd4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@51f20a7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22775573 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29cfc27a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5fd5309c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1eb548cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6714aa7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@517a9401 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27dd1f62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@131ac866 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1f328cd0 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a6dd9ab effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5504f38b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@101858b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1b47026a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6f932028 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1d791efa effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f763010 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6c012fc6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1a65c00e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4f3e8376 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@31b6dc31 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@542caade effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@607d75e5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5b636faf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c3367a6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d784ca4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6621ceb3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@267fdbcf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@61b696f1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4e04eb0f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26b8f02a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7e41f691 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2b95e6b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42203c58 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@23f8ad96 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@527c3206 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56d8dea9 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1559fad6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@73ab61f6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@40749187 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@504932b6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a9ced23 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@22908957 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@460cdc2b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f498ade effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@32d191e1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@14ad6cdd effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@346007e7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@27ec64cf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@198cb74a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6638eb22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5253973d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@165d5ba4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6a9788c2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4bd70f49 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5738371 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@790f6800 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f882e7b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5c56c184 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4527a974 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@476a86b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@29ff83d8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@434f3d82 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3b5b4096 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@28174e03 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7d23f99a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@473a7891 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2604cf10 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3471ea85 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@56fc3ab8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42162e06 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@42ea051b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@79f4ea01 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4eea367d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3dff47b8 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2f2f5fc1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@71551cc7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6e13854e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2916ddb3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c925e07 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2578c676 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57330e62 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4857ba72 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@26dba719 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@45739ec2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@afcd810 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7f0d7717 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@415f480 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5dc9ef4e effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@311990bf effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25b8ec44 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e22ad87 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1c038092 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@616267c5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@35a7d61 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@180fb618 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1888b29b effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6aa6a200 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3a476b40 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5f1da566 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@25cc874 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5db5cc9d effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5ca9a100 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ead1966 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@ad673af effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7974974c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@684488c3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ea4ca84 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@57d697f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@a45b4b5 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@460b37ae effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@e333501 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6d396a04 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4a7e9b0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@555773ac effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@425bdf3a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6494e43f effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@5a0c856c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@34285792 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2896ec22 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6be05013 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@55f99fe6 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@239bc60c effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3c73d9a1 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@557a66f4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@4ce5d512 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@3133d124 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@13afb872 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@15e43135 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@77cb3bde effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@58de7ef2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@36dc21b3 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@285c3c4 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@2cbe0d81 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7bcdf0a effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@503aa7f7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@7c0dc5d7 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@20831dd2 effect stat-modify [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@41a6d247 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@44a6c09b effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@569796a5 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6ec27c28 effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@1981af5d effect base-stat [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:parseEffects:92]: could not parse options' org.l2j.gameserver.model.options.Options@6b5116ee effect base-stat [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AugmentationEngine:load:49]: Loaded 3102 Augmentations Options. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][VariationData:load:48]: Loaded 3 Variations. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][VariationData:load:49]: Loaded 328 Fees. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][EnsoulData:load:51]: Loaded 4 fees [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][EnsoulData:load:52]: Loaded 660 options [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][EnsoulData:load:53]: Loaded 350 stones [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][EnchantItemHPBonusData:load:67]: Loaded 6 Enchant HP Bonuses. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49863 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49864 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49865 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49866 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49867 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49868 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49869 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49870 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49871 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49872 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49873 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49874 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49875 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49876 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49877 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49878 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49879 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49880 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49881 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49882 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49883 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49884 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49885 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49886 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3009302 ItemID:49899 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3009302.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49863 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49864 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49865 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49866 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49867 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49868 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49869 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49870 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49871 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49872 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49873 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49874 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49875 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49876 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49877 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49878 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49879 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49880 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49881 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49882 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49883 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49884 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49885 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49886 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:3084102 ItemID:49899 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\3084102.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90993 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90992 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90987 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90988 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9917 ItemID:90994 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009917.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90458 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90459 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90460 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90461 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90462 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90463 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90455 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90456 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90457 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90464 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90465 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9954 ItemID:90466 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009954.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90470 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90471 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90472 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90467 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90468 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90469 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90473 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90474 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90475 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90476 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90477 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:lambda$parseDocument$1:107]: Item not found. BuyList:9955 ItemID:90478 File:H:\gameserver\data\buylists\custom\0009955.xml [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][BuyListData:load:53]: Loaded 375 BuyLists. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 20 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91464, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 32 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91466, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 36 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91468, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91462, count: 52 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91470, count: 1 in list: 102 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 20 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91465, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 28 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91467, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 36 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91469, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 91463, count: 48 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91471, count: 1 in list: 103 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70922, count: 1 in list: 3020201 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90458, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90459, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90460, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90455, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90456, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90457, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90461, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90462, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90463, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90464, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90465, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90466, count: 1 in list: 3084602 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90458, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90459, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90460, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90455, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90456, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90457, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90461, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90462, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90463, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90464, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90465, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90466, count: 1 in list: 3084603 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90472, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90471, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90470, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90468, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90467, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90469, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90473, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90475, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90474, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90476, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90478, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90477, count: 1 in list: 3084604 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90472, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90471, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90470, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90468, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90467, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90469, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90473, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90475, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90474, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90476, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90478, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90477, count: 1 in list: 3084606 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90159, count: 1 in list: 3168801 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90171, count: 1 in list: 3429202 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90168, count: 1 in list: 3429203 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90169, count: 1 in list: 3429203 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90170, count: 1 in list: 3429203 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90992, count: 1 in list: 411 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 90992, count: 1 in list: 411 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70929, count: 1 in list: 412 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29785, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29786, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29787, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29788, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29789, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29790, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29791, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29792, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29793, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29794, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29795, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29796, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29797, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29798, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29799, count: 1 in list: 413 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70929, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70930, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70930, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70931, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70931, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70932, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 70932, count: 1 in list: 418 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 71699, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 71691, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 71699, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 71695, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 71699, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 91249, count: 1 in list: 4705 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70159, count: 1 in list: 10 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70922, count: 1 in list: 12 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 20 in list: 19 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 70112, count: 1 in list: 20 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:98]: Invalid ingredient id or count for itemId: 29745, count: 250 in list: 42 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29708, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29713, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29718, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29723, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29708, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29713, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29718, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 29723, count: 1 in list: 44 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90496, count: 1 in list: 45 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90497, count: 1 in list: 45 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90458, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90459, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90460, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90461, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90462, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90463, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90455, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90456, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90457, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90464, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90465, count: 1 in list: 600025 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:lambda$parseDocument$3:129]: Invalid product id or count for itemId: 90466, count: 1 in list: 600025 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][MultisellData:load:58]: Loaded 200 multisell lists. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][EquipmentUpgradeData:load:45]: Loaded 0 upgrade equipment data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][RecipeData:load:48]: Loaded 636 recipes. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90458 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90461 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90470 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90473 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90455 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90464 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90467 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90476 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90459 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90471 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90456 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90462 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90465 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90468 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90474 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90477 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90459 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90463 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90466 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90469 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90457 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90472 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90475 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 90478 to a set: Sets.xml [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:lambda$parseDocument$1:73]: Attempting to register non existing required item: 70184 to a set: Sets.xml [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ArmorSetsData:load:47]: Loaded 51 Armor sets. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][FishingData:load:47]: Loaded 2 Fishing Data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][HennaData:load:52]: Loaded 372 Henna data. [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70970 in product id id="100090" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70967 in product id id="100184" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70935 in product id id="100185" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70977 in product id id="100186" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70985 in product id id="100215" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70981 in product id id="100216" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70982 in product id id="100217" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70978 in product id id="100218" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70986 in product id id="100219" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70979 in product id id="100224" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70980 in product id id="100225" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70983 in product id id="100226" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70984 in product id id="100227" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70987 in product id id="100228" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90404 in product id id="100285" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 70968 in product id id="100292" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90407 in product id id="100305" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90499 in product id id="100394" [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:parseProduct:72]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 71726 in product id id="100433" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PrimeShopData:load:52]: Loaded 104 items [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10001-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10002-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10003-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10004-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10005-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10006-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10007-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10008-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10009-1 [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseItemInfo:103]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90404 in product id id="90404" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10010-1 [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseItemInfo:103]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90405 in product id id="90405" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10011-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10012-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10013-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10014-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10015-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10016-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10017-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10018-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10019-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10020-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10021-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10022-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10023-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10024-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10025-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10026-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10027-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10028-1 [ERROR][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseItemInfo:103]: Item template does not exists for itemId: 90183 in product id id="90183" [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10029-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10030-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10031-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][TeleportersData:parseProduct:66]: product: 10032-1 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][LuckyGameData:load:44]: Loaded 2 lucky game data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AttendanceRewardData:load:47]: Disabled. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91423 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91256 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91423 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91422 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91257 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91422 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91424 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91258 [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CombinationItemsManager:lambda$parseDocument$0:58]: Could not find item with id 91424 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CombinationItemsManager:load:41]: Loaded 573 combinations [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CostumeEngine:load:70]: Loaded 159 costumes and 12 collections [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------------=[ Characters ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ClassListData:load:43]: ClassListData: Loaded 100 Class data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][InitialEquipmentData:load:50]: Loaded 10 Initial Equipment data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][InitialShortcutData:load:60]: Loaded 6 Initial Global Shortcuts data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][InitialShortcutData:load:61]: Loaded 5 Initial Shortcuts data. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][InitialShortcutData:load:62]: Loaded 0 Macros presets. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][LevelData:load:38]: Max Player Level is: 91 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][LevelData:load:39]: Loaded 91 levels info [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][KarmaData:load:39]: Loaded 107 karma modifiers. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][HitConditionBonusData:load:49]: Loaded Hit Condition bonuses. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PlayerTemplateData:load:51]: Loaded 99 character templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PlayerTemplateData:load:52]: Loaded 53454 level up gain records. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PlayerNameTable:loadAll:133]: Loaded 2 player names. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AdminData:load:58]: Loaded: 10 Access Levels. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][AdminData:load:59]: Loaded: 428 Access Commands. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][PetDataTable:load:59]: Loaded 53 Pets. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][CubicData:load:48]: Loaded 21 cubics. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------------=[ Clans ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:20:59][ForumsBBSManager:initRoot:38]: ForumsBBSManager: Loaded 5 forums. Last forum id used: 5 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][ResidenceFunctionsData:load:42]: Loaded: 8 functions. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][ClanHallManager:load:52]: Loaded 7 Clan Halls. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][ClanEntryManager:load:97]: ClanEntryManager: Loaded: 0 clan entry [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][ClanEntryManager:load:109]: ClanEntryManager: Loaded: 0 player in waiting list [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][ClanEntryManager:load:121]: ClanEntryManager: Loaded: 0 player application [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][GameServer:printSection:319]: ------------------------------------------------------------=[ NPCs ] [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91471. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91470. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70166. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70169. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70163. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70167. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70170. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70164. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70168. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70171. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 70165. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91499. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91499. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90992. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90998. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90997. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90992. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90998. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 90997. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91497. [WARN ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:parseDocument:380]: DropListItem: Could not find item with id 91499. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:load:68]: NpcData: Loaded 6193 NPCs. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][NpcData:load:73]: NpcData: Loaded 12 Custom NPCs. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:00][ExtendDropData:load:43]: Loaded 0 ExtendDrop. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][SpawnsData:load:66]: Loaded spawns [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][WalkingManager:load:77]: Loaded 0 walking routes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][StaticObjectData:load:46]: Loaded 86 static object templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][ItemAuctionManager:load:93]: Loaded 0 instance(s). [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][CastleManager:loadInstances:165]: Loaded: 5 castles. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][SchemeBufferTable::97]: SchemeBufferTable: Loaded 0 players schemes and 58 available buffs. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Queen Ant(29001) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Core(29006) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Orfen(29014) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Baium(29020) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Zaken(29022) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GrandBossManager:init:62]: GrandBossManager: Antharas(29068) status is Alive [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GrandBossManager:init:70]: GrandBossManager: Loaded 6 Instances. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------------------=[ Instance ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][InstanceManager:load:78]: Loaded 14 instance templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][InstanceManager:load:82]: Loaded instance reenter times for 0 players. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GameServer:printSection:319]: --------------------------------------------------------=[ Olympiad ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Olympiad:load:186]: Loading.... [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Olympiad:load:188]: Currently in Olympiad Period [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Olympiad:load:202]: 4 days, 7 hours, 38 minutes until period ends [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Olympiad:load:207]: Next weekly change is in 0 milliseconds minutes [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Olympiad:load:211]: Loaded 0 Nobles [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Olympiad:setNewCompBegin:504]: New Schedule @2020-05-24T20:00:01.269+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Olympiad:updateCompStatus:375]: Competition Period Starts in 1 days, 15 hours and 38 minustes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Olympiad:updateCompStatus:377]: Event starts/started: 2020-05-24T20:00:01.269+0700 [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Hero:init:139]: Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Hero:init:140]: Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GameServer:printSection:319]: -----------------------------------------------------------=[ Cache ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][HtmCache:reload:41]: Cache[HTML]: Running lazy cache [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Olympiad:lambda$scheduleWeeklyChange$4:524]: Added weekly points to nobles [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][Olympiad:lambda$scheduleWeeklyChange$4:526]: Reset weekly matches to nobles [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][CrestTable:load:42]: Loaded 0 Crests. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][TeleportersData:load:47]: Loaded: 91 npc teleporters. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][CursedWeaponsManager:load:73]: Loaded: 0 cursed weapon(s). [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][TransformData:load:49]: Loaded: 28 transform templates. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][ReportTable:loadReportedCharData:126]: Loaded 0 bot reports [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GameServer:printSection:319]: ---------------------------------------------------------=[ Scripts ] [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][ShuttleData:load:56]: Loaded: 3 Shuttles. [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][GameServer::172]: Loading server scripts: [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][DBSpawnManager:load:108]: DBSpawnManager: Loaded 152 Instances [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][DBSpawnManager:load:109]: DBSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances [INFO ][2020-05-23 04:21:01][SpawnsData:init:55]: Initializing spawns...