if script == "banana" then getgenv().Key = bananakey getgenv().OldBanana = false loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obiiyeuem/vthangsitink/main/BananaHub.lua"))() elseif script == "banana kaitun" then getgenv().Key = bananakey getgenv().SettingFarm ={ ["GodHuman"] = true, ["Priority Get Melee Sea 3"] = false, ["Auto Race V2-V3"] = true, ["Auto Saber"] = true, ["Auto Pole"] = false, ["Cursed Dual Katana"] = true, ["SoulGuitar"] = true, ["Teleport To Fruit"] = true, ["Hop Fruit 1M Quest Third Sea"] = false, ["White Screen"] = false, ["Buy Haki"] = { ["Enhancement"] = false, ["Skyjump"] = true, ["Flash Step"] = true, ["Observation"] = true, }, ["Blox Fruit Sniper"] = {}, ["Lock Fruit"] = {}, } loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obiiyeuem/vthangsitink/main/KaitunTrash.lua"))() elseif script == "wazure" then script_key = wazurekey getgenv().Team = "Pirates" getgenv().FixCrash = false getgenv().FixCrash2 = false loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://api.luarmor.net/files/v3/loaders/3b2169cf53bc6104dabe8e19562e5cc2.lua"))() elseif script == "wazure kaitun" then --idk elseif script == "wazure showitem" then getgenv().WaterMark = wazureshowitemwatermark script_key = wazurekey loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://api.luarmor.net/files/v3/loaders/a7e117dfcf8f6b9f6f561afa714c7d7f.lua"))() elseif script == "maru" then getgenv().Key = marukey getgenv().id = discordid loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xshiba/MaruBitkub/main/Mobile.lua"))() elseif script == "maru kaitun" getgenv().Script_Mode = "Kaitun_Script" getgenv().Key = marukey getgenv().id = discordid loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xshiba/MaruBitkub/main/Mobile.lua"))() elseif script == "luxury" then _G.Key = luxurykey _G.DiscordId = discordid loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NightsTimeZ/RoyryX/main/Loader.lua"))() elseif script == "luxury kaitun" then shared.Team = "Pirates" getgenv().Configs = { FpsBoost = true, SkipFarm = true, HopIfCantKill = true, BlockAllHop = false, FastAttack = true, NewFastAttack = true, NoAttackAnimation = true, StartKaitun = true, -- World 1 AutoPole = true, AutoSaber = true, AutoSecondSea = true, -- World 2 AutoRengoku = true, AutoQuestFlower = true, AutoRaceV3 = false, AutoBartiloQuest = true, AutoCursedCaptain = true, AutoDarkbeard = true, AutoFactory = true, AutoThirdSea = true, SkipGetItemGuitar = true, -- จะไม่ หาของทำ soul guiter ในโลก 2 เบบ หาจนกว่าจะได้ will not find item until get all item for do soul guiter ( open recommend เเนะนำให้เปิด ) AlliesFruit = {"Dragon-Dragon","Spirit-Spirit","Venom-Venom","Dough-Dough"}, -- จะไม่ใช้ผลพวกนี้ในการเปิดประตูไปโลก3 -- World 3 AutoHallowScythe = true, AutoBuddySword = true, AutoDoughKing = true, AutoSpikeyTrident = true, AutoTushita = true, AutoEliteHunter = true, AutoDarkDagger = true, AutoYama = true, AutoCanvander = true, AutoSoulGuitar = true, AutoRainbowHaki = true, AutoCursedDualKatana = true, -- Fighting Style AutoGodHuman = true, AutoSuperhuman = true, AutoDeathStep = true, AutoSharkmanKarate = true, AutoElectricClaw = true, AutoDargonTalon = true, AutoDFMastery = true, SettingsSkill = { -- ["Z"] = 0.1, -- ["X"] = 0.1, -- ["C"] = 0.1, -- ["V"] = 0.1, }, AutoSwordMastery = true, SelectRaritySword = {"Mythical","Legendary"}, -- Common , Uncommon,Rare,Legendary,Mythical SelectRedeemCodeLevel = 1, -- Raids SelectRateFruitRaid = 1000000, -- if fruit price less u rate then we use it to auto raids LimitFragmentsRaids = 100000, -- Devil Fruit SelectMainDF = {"Dragon-Dragon","Spirit-Spirit","Venom-Venom","Dough-Dough"}, -- ผลหลักที่จะกินเเทนผลรอง SelectSubDF = {"Ice-Ice","Sand-Sand","Dark-Dark","Quake-Quake","Light-Light"}, -- ผลรองจะกินไว้ก่อนเเล้วพอผลหลักมีก้จะเปลียนไปกินผิดหลัก AllowEatDFInventory = false, StartSniper = true, -- RAM RAMPort = 7963, RAMPassword = "", AutoDescription = false, -- Webhook StartWebhook = true, WebhookURL = "", WebhookMode = "Send Every 10 min", -- "Send Every 10 min","Send On Level Max And Every 10 min" -- CPU LockFPS = 120, LockFPSNow = true, WhiteScreen = false } _G.Key = luxurykey _G.DiscordId = discordid loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NightsTimeZ/RoyryX/main/Loader.lua"))() end