Game 1 In-Game SnowySilver: you just fucked my wave...? SnowySilver: why?? SnowySilver: that was grief SnowySilver: talon got my wave so I was catching his wave so he wouldn't lose out on gold SnowySilver: the correct play was for me to rotate mid SnowySilver: you legit "ganked" to proxy my wave. SnowySilver: ruined my freez SnowySilver: and forced a double bounce SnowySilver: legit troll and griefing. SnowySilver: reporting after. get muted. I ain't dealing with trolls today. SnowySilver: Stop talking. You're duo SnowySilver: stop talking SnowySilver: play the game SnowySilver: my team is super toxic lmao. SnowySilver: can't even enjoy the game SnowySilver: without jg trolling my lane then getting flamed for no reason by his duo buddies. SnowySilver: really weird flex SnowySilver: no not really SnowySilver: best play was to push out bot to tower and go back and help make a play mid SnowySilver: it was 3v5 SnowySilver: talon is rekin SnowySilver: just check the replay. You'll be able to see chat and know who's a lier. SnowySilver: It feels really bad when you have a 3 stack flaming/trolling you SnowySilver: when half of them don't even know what they are talking about or know what happens. Just that they are friends I guess. SnowySilver: all I did was call out WW for trolling my wave with a proxy play SnowySilver: and this started SnowySilver: just fyi SnowySilver: Started what SnowySilver: I didn't flame SnowySilver: I asked you why you proxied my wave breaking my freez and ruining my wave SnowySilver: That doesn't mean you purposly troll your team mate and ruin their wave just because you think they haven't managed it. SnowySilver: I lost it because you flamed me and tilted me into typing SnowySilver: Don't flame your team. SnowySilver: you mean effect SnowySilver: why not SnowySilver: I need to make myself feel better somehow SnowySilver: your mental goes to shit when half your team shits on you for 0 reason SnowySilver: these guys just need to learn how to NOT shit on ppl lol SnowySilver: The problem is that jg trolled me got mad because I told him he trolled me, and then his friends jumped in for 0 reason to shit on me SnowySilver: snarky SnowySilver: pretty bad :( SnowySilver: I never said I was doing anything SnowySilver: I litterlly SnowySilver: just SnowySilver: told the ww SnowySilver: he trolled me SnowySilver: That's legit ALL I ever said to these ppl SnowySilver: I wasn't even mad or anything SnowySilver: just questioned that weird play SnowySilver: pretty much. It's pretty low to do what they did though. SnowySilver: thanks other team SnowySilver: you made them stop talking SnowySilver: now I can finally focus SnowySilver: lmao SnowySilver: kda doesn't matter SnowySilver: how come you can shit on me SnowySilver: but you won't shit on voli SnowySilver: big thonk SnowySilver: idk. I definitly didn't feed SnowySilver: deaths were way after laning phase SnowySilver: nah SnowySilver: you won't win that one kid SnowySilver: these guys want to lose SnowySilver: they tilted one of the carries into oblivion SnowySilver: aww is someone upset they lost SnowySilver: that's your fault SnowySilver: don't flame Post-Game SnowySilver: it's almost as if SnowySilver: if you flame SnowySilver: and tilt your team SnowySilver: you will lose SnowySilver: :O SnowySilver: basically. SnowySilver: I'm fine though. winning or losing is fine. SnowySilver: you did play bad SnowySilver: but you don't want to hear why you played bad SnowySilver: or how you could have done better SnowySilver: because you have some complex SnowySilver: you fed SnowySilver: top fed to hell SnowySilver: jg trolled SnowySilver: and fed SnowySilver: it was over SnowySilver: Not really. SnowySilver: lol