const axios = require('axios'); const fs = require('fs'); module.exports = { config: { name: 'sdxl', version: '1.0', author: 'rehat--', countDown: 0, role: 0, longDescription: { en: 'Text to Image' }, category: 'ai', guide: { en: '1 | DreamshaperXL10' + '\n2 | DynavisionXL' + '\n3 | JuggernautXL' + '\n4 | RealismEngineSDXL' + '\n5 | Sdxl 1.0' } }, onStart: async function ({ message, args, event, api }) { const permission = ["100044530383890","100041424796903","100037727202161"]; if (!permission.includes(event.senderID)) { api.sendMessage( `❌ | Command "sdxl" currently unavailable buy premium to use the command.`, event.threadID, event.messageID ); return; } try { const info = args.join(' '); const [prompt, model] = info.split('|').map(item => item.trim()); const text = args.join(" "); if (!text) { return message.reply("❎ | Please provide a prompt"); } const modelParam = model || '2'; const apiUrl = `${prompt}&model;=${modelParam}`; await message.reply('Please wait...⏳'); const form = {}; form.attachment = []; form.attachment[0] = await global.utils.getStreamFromURL(apiUrl); message.reply(form); } catch (error) { console.error(error); await message.reply('❎ | Sorry, API has a skill issue'); } } };