import math def dist(point1, point2): return ((point1[0] - point2[0]) ** 2 + (point1[1] - point2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 # thanks to def rect(r, theta): """ theta in degrees returns tuple; (float, float); (x,y) """ x = r * math.cos(math.radians(theta)) y = r * math.sin(math.radians(theta)) return x, y # thanks to def polar(x, y): """ returns r, theta(degrees) """ r = (x ** 2 + y ** 2) ** .5 theta = math.degrees(math.atan2(y,x)) return r, theta def angle_mod_360(angle): """ Maps an angle to the interval -180, +180. Examples: angle_mod_360(362) == 2 angle_mod_360(270) == -90 :param angle: angle in degree :return: angle in degree. Between -180 and +180 """ n = math.floor(angle/360.0) angle_between_0_and_360 = angle - n*360.0 if angle_between_0_and_360 <= 180.0: return angle_between_0_and_360 else: return angle_between_0_and_360 - 360 def get_waypoints_ordered_in_driving_direction(params): # waypoints are always provided in counter clock wise order if params['is_reversed']: # driving clock wise. return list(reversed(params['waypoints'])) else: # driving counter clock wise. return params['waypoints'] def up_sample(waypoints, factor): """ Adds extra waypoints in between provided waypoints :param waypoints: :param factor: integer. E.g. 3 means that the resulting list has 3 times as many points. :return: """ p = waypoints n = len(p) return [[i / factor * p[(j+1) % n][0] + (1 - i / factor) * p[j][0], i / factor * p[(j+1) % n][1] + (1 - i / factor) * p[j][1]] for j in range(n) for i in range(factor)] def get_target_point(params): waypoints = up_sample(get_waypoints_ordered_in_driving_direction(params), 20) car = [params['x'], params['y']] distances = [dist(p, car) for p in waypoints] min_dist = min(distances) i_closest = distances.index(min_dist) n = len(waypoints) waypoints_starting_with_closest = [waypoints[(i+i_closest) % n] for i in range(n)] r = params['track_width'] * 0.9 is_inside = [dist(p, car) < r for p in waypoints_starting_with_closest] i_first_outside = is_inside.index(False) if i_first_outside < 0: # this can only happen if we choose r as big as the entire track return waypoints[i_closest] return waypoints_starting_with_closest[i_first_outside] def get_target_steering_degree(params): tx, ty = get_target_point(params) car_x = params['x'] car_y = params['y'] dx = tx-car_x dy = ty-car_y heading = params['heading'] _, target_angle = polar(dx, dy) steering_angle = target_angle - heading return angle_mod_360(steering_angle) def score_steer_to_point_ahead(params): best_stearing_angle = get_target_steering_degree(params) steering_angle = params['steering_angle'] error = (steering_angle - best_stearing_angle) / 60.0 # 60 degree is already really bad score = 1.0 - abs(error) return max(score, 0.01) # optimizer is rumored to struggle with negative numbers and numbers too close to zero def reward_function(params): return float(score_steer_to_point_ahead(params))