const axios = require('axios'); module.exports = { config: { name: "imagine", aliases: ["text2image"], version: "3.0", author: "Aliester Crowley", countDown: 0, role: 0, shortDescription: { en: 'Create AI Art from Text' }, longDescription: { en: "Transform text into stunning AI-generated art using stable diffusion models." }, category: "image" }, onStart: async function ({ message, args }) { const text = args.join(" "); if (!text) { return message.reply("Please provide a prompt along with a model number if desired.\n\nimagine {prompt}\nExample: imagine a beautiful girl\n\nimagine {prompt}:{model number}\nExample: imagine a beautiful girl:43\n\nSupported models:\n" + "0. Absolute Reality V16\n" + "1. Absolute Reality V181\n" + "2. Analog Diffusion 1.0\n" + "3. Anything V3.0 (Pruned)\n" + "4. Anything V4.5 (Pruned)\n" + "5. Anything V5 (PrtRE)\n" + "6. AOM3A3 Orange Mix\n" + "7. Children's Stories V13D\n" + "8. Children's Stories V1 Semi-Real\n" + "9. Children's Stories V1 Toon Anime\n" + "10. Cyberrealistic V33\n" + "11. Deliberate V2\n" + "12. Dreamlike Anime 1.0\n" + "13. Dreamlike Diffusion 1.0\n" + "14. Dreamlike Photoreal 2.0\n" + "15. Dreamshaper 6 (Baked VAE)\n" + "16. Dreamshaper 7\n" + "17. Dreamshaper 8\n" + "18. Edge of Realism Eor V20\n" + "19. Eimis Anime Diffusion V1\n" + "20. Elldreth's Vivid Mix\n" + "21. Epic Realism Natural Sin RC1VAE\n" + "22. I Can't Believe It's Not Photography Seco\n" + "23. Juggernaut Aftermath\n" + "24. Lyriel V16\n" + "25. Mechamix V10\n" + "26. Meinamix Meina V9\n" + "27. Meinamix Meina V11\n" + "28. Open Journey V4\n" + "29. Portrait Plus V1.0\n" + "30. Realistic Vision V1.4 (Pruned, FP16)\n" + "31. Realistic Vision V2.0\n" + "32. Realistic Vision V4.0\n" + "33. Realistic Vision V5.0\n" + "34. Redshift Diffusion V10\n" + "35. Rev Animated V122\n" + "36. Run DiffusionFX 25D V10\n" + "37. Run DiffusionFX V10\n" + "38. SD V1.4\n" + "39. V1.5 (Pruned, Emaonly)\n" + "40. Shonin's Beautiful V10\n" + "41. The Ally's Mix II (Churned)\n" + "42. Timeless 1.0\n" + "43. ToonYou Beta 6" ); } let prompt, model; if (text.includes(":")) { const [promptText, modelText] = text.split(":").map((str) => str.trim()); prompt = promptText; model = modelText; if (isNaN(model) || model < 0 || model > 43) { return message.reply("❗ Invalid model number. Please specify a model number between 0 and 43."); } } else { prompt = text; model = "0"; } try { message.reply("✅ Processing your prompt. Please wait..."); const API = `${model}&prompt;=${encodeURIComponent(prompt)}`; const responsePromise = axios.get(API, { responseType: "arraybuffer" }); const timeoutPromise = new Promise((_, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error("Timeout: Processing took longer than 20 seconds.")); }, 20000); }); const response = await Promise.race([responsePromise, timeoutPromise]); if (response instanceof Error) { throw response; } const imageStream = await global.utils.getStreamFromURL(API); await message.reply({ attachment: imageStream }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); if (error.message === "Timeout: Processing took longer than 20 seconds.") { message.reply("❌ An error occurred while processing your prompt. Please try again later"); } else { message.reply("❌ An error occurred while processing your prompt. Please try again later."); } } } };