variables: {stone::%player%} = 0 on first join: set {stone::%player%} to 0 send "&8&m-------------------------------------------------" send "&aZeby napisac cos na czacie musisz wykopac 200 stone" send "&a Wykopales &c%{stone::%player%}%/200" send "&8&m-------------------------------------------------" on chat: if {stone::%player%} is less than 200: cancel event send "&8&m-------------------------------------------------" send "&aZeby napisac cos na czacie musisz wykopac 200 stone" send "&a Wykopales &c%{stone::%player%}%/200" send "&8&m-------------------------------------------------" else: uncancel event on mine stone: add 1 to {stone::%player%} on mine of stone: if {stone::%player%} is equal to 200: add 1 to {stone::%player%} command /staty: trigger: send "&c&m-------------------" send "&aWykopany Stone" send "&a %{stone::%player%}% " send "&c&m-------------------" command /chatdaj []: trigger: if arg 1 is set: add 200 to {stone::%arg 1%} send "&eOdblokowales mozliwosc pisania:&b %arg 1%" send "&c&m---------------------------------------------------" to player-arg send "&a%player% Odblokowal ci pisanie na chacie!" to player-arg send "&c&m---------------------------------------------------" to player-arg if arg 1 is not set: send "&c&m----------------------------" send "&4Blad: &cPoprawne uzycie /chatdaj (player)" send "Ta oto komeda odblukujesz komus pisanie na czacie bez kopania" send "&c&m----------------------------"