const fs = require("fs-extra"); const axios = require("axios"); module.exports = { threadStates: {}, config: { name: 'autoinsta', version: '1.0', author: 'Kshitiz', countDown: 5, role: 0, shortDescription: 'auto video downloader', longDescription: '', category: 'media', guide: { en: '{p}{n}', } }, onStart: async function ({ api, event }) { const threadID = event.threadID; if (!this.threadStates[threadID]) { this.threadStates[threadID] = { autoInstaEnabled: false, }; } if (event.body.toLowerCase().includes('autoinsta')) { if (event.body.toLowerCase().includes('on')) { this.threadStates[threadID].autoInstaEnabled = true; api.sendMessage("AutoInsta is now ON.", event.threadID, event.messageID); } else if (event.body.toLowerCase().includes('off')) { this.threadStates[threadID].autoInstaEnabled = false; api.sendMessage("AutoInsta is now OFF.", event.threadID, event.messageID); } else { api.sendMessage("type 'autoinsta on' to turn on and\n'autoinsta off' to turn off.", event.threadID, event.messageID); } } }, onChat: async function ({ api, event }) { const threadID = event.threadID; if (this.threadStates[threadID] && this.threadStates[threadID].autoInstaEnabled && this.checkLink(event.body)) { var { url } = this.checkLink(event.body); this.downLoad(url, api, event); api.setMessageReaction("?", event.messageID, (err) => {}, true); } }, downLoad: function (url, api, event) { var time =; var path = __dirname + `/cache/${time}.mp4`; this.getLink(url).then(res => { axios({ method: "GET", url: res, responseType: "arraybuffer" }).then(res => { fs.writeFileSync(path, Buffer.from(, "utf-8")); if (fs.statSync(path).size / 1024 / 1024 > 25) { return api.sendMessage("The file is too large, cannot be sent", event.threadID, () => fs.unlinkSync(path), event.messageID); } api.sendMessage({ body: "Successful Download!", attachment: fs.createReadStream(path) }, event.threadID, () => fs.unlinkSync(path), event.messageID); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); }, getLink: function (url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { axios({ method: "GET", url: `${url}&apikey=fuck` }).then(res => resolve( => reject(err)); }); }, checkLink: function (url) { if (url.includes("instagram")) { return { url: url }; } return null; } };