def listToString(s): # initialize an empty string str1 = " " # return string return (str1.join(s)) dict = {68: 'dnmjhmj', 45: 'ccccnnghjjjjjjjyey', 3: 'hjlrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwt', 21: 'a', 24: 'cbnmnbn', 97: 'mjmjujjedtjtyyt', 63: 'baaaaaaaaaaaa', 9: 'abbbssskkklllw', 59: 'djkjkjfjkfmk', 48: 'dhgjkuyfuuj', 12: 'shfnhnhn', 42: 'dyjukryejumdeyu', 69: 'abbcg', 39: 'eeettyurjiri', 23: 'shfdnjhmmk', 51: 'gtweerijklv', 55: 'dstejussnvxm', 33: 'aasssssgggw', 66: 'htttttwrtkkkkg', 75: 'jklddddddew', 78: 'fgsggggggg', 88: 'vnxcnbxdhjg', 76: 'xzsgbxsfghnyj', 64: 'ahahattttaaaaa', 15: 'yiiiuuuucc', 22: 'dhjuyyyyyyyyyyyyo', 27: 'oprtttyyowwwwddddddddk', 35: 'sghgfhsgkj', 18: 'dlggh', 57: 'wwddddgtttqqqlllo', 36: 'aaaaaaabbbbbbb', 81: 'aaaaaaab', 56: 'yhsyhjuiuopopppp', 30: 'abcgggjjkkkwwwllwwwwwwf', 19: 'vzvzvzbvxxxx', 44: 'zvbnbhnhshnghndmhgjmjh', 17: 'hdjkkkkkreaaa', 61: 'mmmmmswyhjsw', 28: 'djhfmhjm', 65: 'ejjjjjjjjjjm', 29: 'dhmnjmk', 37: 'ttttttttttwywjummmmmm', 94: 'qryuwyuutiutjdgggggggggmn', 31: 'ccccmmmfffffkr', 52: 'hshhyhtyhtyh', 6: 'nxzcsrtwryu', 34: 'asrhsytjutyjiki', 58: 'fkjjkkfjjfghj'} print(" Nowy słownik to : \n ", dict) tab = [] tab = dict.items() tab2 = [*dict.values()] print(" Lista z wartościami słownika ",tab2) for i in tab2: a = listToString(i) count = 0 maxcount = 0 lastCharacter = "" longestcharacter = "" for ch in a: if (ch == lastCharacter): count += 1 if (count > maxcount): maxcount = count longestcharacter = ch else: count = 1 lastCharacter = ch print(i) print(longestcharacter) print(maxcount) print(i, " najdłuższy łańcuch znaków to ", longestcharacter, " jego długość to ", maxcount)