openFollowersWindow().then(function () {     populateUnfollowsPool();     digestUnfollowsPool(); }); function openFollowersWindow() {     var onFollowersWindowWasOpenedListeners = [];     var openWindowTimeout = 3000;     var followersElement = getFollowersElement();;     function digestOnFollowersWindowWasOpenedListeners() {         onFollowersWindowWasOpenedListeners.forEach(function (onFollowersWindowWasOpenedListener) {             onFollowersWindowWasOpenedListener();         });     }     var wasOpened;     setTimeout(function () {         // TODO Verify that the window was indeed opened         wasOpened = true;         digestOnFollowersWindowWasOpenedListeners();     }, openWindowTimeout);     return {         then: function (onFollowersWindowWasOpened) {             if (wasOpened) {                 onFollowersWindowWasOpened();             } else {                 onFollowersWindowWasOpenedListeners.push(onFollowersWindowWasOpened);             }         }     }; } function getFollowersElement() {     return getFollowersElementWithUsername(getUsername()); } function getUsername() {     var pageTitleElement = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0];     if (!pageTitleElement) throw new Error('No title to get username from');     return pageTitleElement.innerHTML; } function getFollowersElementWithUsername(username) {     var followersElement = document.querySelectorAll('a[href="/' + username + '/following/"]')[0];     if (!followersElement) throw new Error('No followers element was found');     return followersElement; } var unfollowsPool; function populateUnfollowsPool() {     var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');     unfollowsPool = [];     for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {         var button = buttons[i];         if (button.innerHTML.includes('Following')) {             var randomTimeoutForUnfollow = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) * 1000;             console.log('Following button!');             var unfollow = {                 buttonElement: button,                 timeout: randomTimeoutForUnfollow             };             unfollowsPool.push(unfollow);         }     } } function digestUnfollowsPool() {     if (unfollowsPool.length === 0) {         console.log('Unfollow pool empty, repopulating');         populateUnfollowsPool();     }     var unfollow = unfollowsPool.shift();     var unfollowTimeout = unfollow.timeout;     console.log('Clicking unfollow button in ', unfollowTimeout);     setTimeout(function () {         var unfollowButtonElement = unfollow.buttonElement;         unfollowButtonElement.scrollIntoView(true);         console.log('Clicking unfollow button');;         console.log('Clicked. Continuing digesting unfollow pool');         digestUnfollowsPool();     }, unfollowTimeout); }