command /dragoncase [] [] []: trigger: if player has permission "rihc.pandora": if arg 1 is not "32" or "5" or "100" or "4" or "200" or "10" or "15" or "give" or "daj": send "&8» &7Poprawne uzycie: &c/DragonCase " to player if arg 1 is "32" or "jeden": if arg 2 is not set: send all players title "&8&l✘ &2&l&oDRAGONCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Przygotuj 1 wolny slot!" for 4 seconds wait 5 seconds broadcast " " broadcast "&8» &7Caly serwer otrzymal &2DragonCase &8(&ex32&8)" broadcast " " send all players title "&c&l✘ &2&l&oDRAGONCASE &c&l✘" with subtitle "&7Otrzymales &8(&7x32&8)" for 4 seconds give 32 chest named "&8» &2&l&oDragonCase" to all players stop if arg 2 is set: if arg 2 is online: send "&8» &6%player% &7dal &6%arg-2% &7premiumcase &8(&ex32&8)" to all ops send player title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&6%arg 2% &7otrzymal case!" for 4 seconds send arg-2 title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Otrzymales &8(&7x32&8) &7od &6%player%" for 4 seconds give 32 of chest named "&8» &c&l&oPremiumCase" to inventory of arg 2 else: send "&c&lBlad! &7Nie odnaleziono takiego gracza!" if arg 1 is "5" or "dwa": if arg 2 is not set: send all players title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Przygotuj 1 wolny slot!" for 4 seconds wait 5 seconds broadcast " " broadcast "&8» &7Caly serwer otrzymal &cPremiumCase &8(&ex5&8)" broadcast " " send all players title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Otrzymales &8(&7x5&8)" for 4 seconds give 5 chest named "&8» &c&l&oPremiumCase" to all players stop if arg 2 is set: if arg 2 is online: send "&8» &6%player% &7dal &6%arg-2% &7premiumcase &8(&ex5&8)" to all ops send player title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&6%arg 2% &7otrzymal case!" for 4 seconds send arg-2 title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Otrzymales &8(&7x5&8) &7od &6%player%" for 4 seconds give 5 of chest named "&8» &c&l&oPremiumCase" to inventory of arg 2 else: send "&c&lBlad! &7Nie odnaleziono takiego gracza!" if arg 1 is "10000" or "trzy": if arg 2 is not set: send all players title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Przygotuj 1 wolny slot!" for 4 seconds wait 5 seconds broadcast " " broadcast "&8» &7Caly serwer otrzymal &cPremiumCase &8(&ex10000&8)" broadcast " " send all players title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Otrzymales &8(&7x1000&8)" for 4 seconds give 1000 chest named "&8» &c&l&oPremiumCase" to all players stop if arg 2 is set: if arg 2 is online: send "&8» &6%player% &7dal &6%arg-2% &7premiumcase &8(&ex1000&8)" to all ops send player title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&6%arg 2% &7otrzymal case!" for 4 seconds send arg-2 title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Otrzymales &8(&7x10000&8) &7od &6%player%" for 4 seconds give 10000 of chest named "&8» &c&l&oPremiumCase" to inventory of arg 2 else: send "&c&lBlad! &7Nie odnaleziono takiego gracza!" if arg 1 is "4" or "cztery": if arg 2 is not set: send all players title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Przygotuj 1 wolny slot!" for 4 seconds wait 5 seconds broadcast " " broadcast "&8» &7Caly serwer otrzymal &cPremiumCase &8(&ex4&8)" broadcast " " send all players title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Otrzymales &8(&7x4&8)" for 4 seconds give 4 chest named "&8» &c&l&oPremiumCase" to all players stop if arg 2 is set: if arg 2 is online: send "&8» &6%player% &7dal &6%arg-2% &7premiumcase &8(&ex4&8)" to all ops send player title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&6%arg 2% &7otrzymal case!" for 4 seconds send arg-2 title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Otrzymales &8(&7x4&8) &7od &6%player%" for 4 seconds give 4 of chest named "&8» &c&l&oPremiumCase" to inventory of arg 2 else: send "&c&lBlad! &7Nie odnaleziono takiego gracza!" if arg 1 is "200" or "piec": if arg 2 is not set: send all players title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Przygotuj 1 wolny slot!" for 4 seconds wait 5 seconds broadcast " " broadcast "&8» &7Caly serwer otrzymal &cPremiumCase &8(&ex200&8)" broadcast " " send all players title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Otrzymales &8(&7x200&8)" for 4 seconds give 200 chest named "&8» &c&l&oPremiumCase" to all players stop if arg 2 is set: if arg 2 is online: send "&8» &6%player% &7dal &6%arg-2% &7premiumcase &8(&ex200&8)" to all ops send player title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&6%arg 2% &7otrzymal case!" for 4 seconds send arg-2 title "&8&l✘ &c&l&oPREMIUMCASE &8&l✘" with subtitle "&7Otrzymales &8(&7x200&8) &7od &6%player%" for 4 seconds give 200 of chest named "&8» &c&l&oPremiumCase" to inventory of arg 2 else: send "&c&lBlad! &7Nie odnaleziono takiego gracza!" else: send "&c&lBlad! &7Nie posiadasz wymaganych uprawnien!" variables: {pcase::%player%} = false on place of chest: if player's tool is chest named "&8» &2&l&oDragonCase": cancel event set block to air remove 1 chest named "&8» &2&l&oDragonCase" from player chance of 15%: add 1 to {szansa2::%player%} drop 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 drop 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 drop 1 diamond chestplate of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 drop 10 end stone named "&8» &c&l&oGenerator Stone" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lMAGICZNA STONIARKA|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Typ&8: &6NORMAL|| &f&l• &7Odnawia sie co&8: &61s&7||&8» &7Instrukcja&8:|| &f&l• &7Polz na ziemi!|| ||&8&m----------&r||" loop all players: if {pcase::%loop-player%} is false: send "&8&m---------&r &f&lDragonCase &8&m---------&r" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8» &7Gracz &2%player% &7wylosowal z &9PremiumCase" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Miecz &8(&e5&7/&e2&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Kilof &8(&e5&7/&e3&7/&e3&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Klata &8(&e4&7/&e3&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Generator stone &8(&7x&e10&8)" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &8» &7PremiumCase chwilowo nie mozna kupic!" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8&m---------&r &f&lDragonCase &8&m---------&r" to loop-player stop chance of 15%: add 1 to {szansa2::%player%} drop 1 diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 drop 1 diamond sword of knockback 2 drop 1 diamond leggings of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 drop 7 end portal frame named "&8» &c&l&oBoy Farmer" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lMAGICZNY OBSFARMER|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Typ&8: &6NORMAL|| &f&l• &7Czas reakcji&8: &60.4s&7||&8» &7Instrukcja&8:|| &f&l• &7Polz na ziemi!|| ||&8&m----------&r||" loop all players: if {pcase::%loop-player%} is false: send "&8&m---------&r &f&lPREMIUMCASE &8&m---------&r" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8» &7Gracz &2%player% &7wylosowal z &9PremiumCase" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Helm &8(&e4&7/&e3&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7BoyFarmer &8(&7x&e7&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Miecz &8(&eKNOCKBACK&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Spodnie &8(&e4&7/&e3&8)" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &8» &7PremiumCase chwilowo nie mozna kupic!" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8&m---------&r &f&lPREMIUMCASE &8&m---------&r" to loop-player stop chance of 15%: add 1 to {szansa2::%player%} drop 1 diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 drop 1 diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 drop 5 sandstone named "&8» &c&l&oSand Farmer" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lMAGICZNY SANDFARMER|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Typ&8: &6NORMAL|| &f&l• &7Czas reakcji&8: &60.4s&7||&8» &7Instrukcja&8:|| &f&l• &7Polz na ziemi!|| ||&8&m----------&r||" loop all players: if {pcase::%loop-player%} is false: send "&8&m---------&r &f&lPREMIUMCASE &8&m---------&r" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8» &7Gracz &2%player% &7wylosowal z &9PremiumCase" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Buty &8(&e4&7/&e3&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7&mPandora&r &8(&cWYLACZONA&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7SandFarmer &8(&7x&e5&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Helm &8(&e4&7/&e3&8)" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &8» &7PremiumCase chwilowo nie mozna kupic!" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8&m---------&r &f&lPREMIUMCASE &8&m---------&r" to loop-player stop chance of 10%: add 1 to {szansa2::%player%} drop 1 diamond sword of sharpness 6 and fire aspect 2 drop 1 bow of punch 2 and infinity 1 and unbreaking 3 drop 4 chest named "&8» &c&l&oPremiumCase" drop 64 diamond block loop all players: if {pcase::%loop-player%} is false: send "&8&m---------&r &f&lPREMIUMCASE &8&m---------&r" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8» &7Gracz &2%player% &7wylosowal z &9PremiumCase" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Bloki diamentow &8(&7x&e64&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7PremiumCase &8(&7x&e4&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Miecz &8(&e6/2&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Luk &8(&e3/2/1&8)" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &8» &7PremiumCase chwilowo nie mozna kupic!" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8&m---------&r &f&lPREMIUMCASE &8&m---------&r" to loop-player stop chance of 15%: add 1 to {szansa2::%player%} drop 1 diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 drop 1 diamond chestplate of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 drop 1 diamond leggings of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 drop 1 diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 drop 12 enchanted golden apple drop 14 golden apple drop 10 ice named "&8» &c&l&oFosa Farmer" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lMAGICZNY KOPACZFARMER|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Typ&8: &6NORMAL|| &f&l• &7Czas reakcji&8: &60.3s&7||&8» &7Instrukcja&8:|| &f&l• &7Polz na ziemi!|| ||&8&m----------&r||" loop all players: if {pcase::%loop-player%} is false: send "&8&m---------&r &f&lPREMIUMCASE &8&m---------&r" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8» &7Gracz &2%player% &7wylosowal z &9PremiumCase" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Koxy &8(&7x&e12&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Refile&r &8(&7x&e14&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7FosaFarmer &8(&7x&e10&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Caly set &8(&e4&7/&e3&8)" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &8» &7PremiumCase chwilowo nie mozna kupic!" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8&m---------&r &f&lPREMIUMCASE &8&m---------&r" to loop-player stop else: add 1 to {szansa2::%player%} drop 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 drop 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 drop 1 diamond chestplate of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 drop 10 end stone named "&8» &c&l&oGenerator Stone" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lMAGICZNA STONIARKA|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Typ&8: &6NORMAL|| &f&l• &7Odnawia sie co&8: &61s&7||&8» &7Instrukcja&8:|| &f&l• &7Polz na ziemi!|| ||&8&m----------&r||" loop all players: if {pcase::%loop-player%} is false: send "&8&m---------&r &f&lPREMIUMCASE &8&m---------&r" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8» &7Gracz &2%player% &7wylosowal z &9PremiumCase" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Miecz &8(&e5&7/&e2&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Kilof &8(&e5&7/&e3&7/&e3&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Klata &8(&e4&7/&e3&8)" to loop-player send " &a&l• &7Generator stone &8(&7x&e10&8)" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send " &8» &7PremiumCase chwilowo nie mozna kupic!" to loop-player send " " to loop-player send "&8&m---------&r &f&lPREMIUMCASE &8&m---------&r" to loop-player stop command /pcase []: aliases: premiumcase, caseik, key, wiadomosci, czat, pcase, case description: blad w systemie, zaladuj ponownie! usage: error in the plugin executable by: players trigger: open chest with 5 rows named "&7Wiadomosci &6Premiumcase!" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable if {pcase::%Player%} is false: format slot 9 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 13 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 14 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 27 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 28 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 29 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 30 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 31 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 32 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 33 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 34 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 35 of player with 1 light green stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wlaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &aKliknij, aby wylaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wylacz %player%" format slot 19 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wlaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &aKliknij, aby wylaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wylacz %player%" format slot 20 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wlaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &aKliknij, aby wylaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wylacz %player%" format slot 21 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wlaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &aKliknij, aby wylaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wylacz %player%" format slot 22 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wlaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &aKliknij, aby wylaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wylacz %player%" format slot 23 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wlaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &aKliknij, aby wylaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wylacz %player%" format slot 24 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wlaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &aKliknij, aby wylaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wylacz %player%" format slot 25 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wlaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &aKliknij, aby wylaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wylacz %player%" format slot 26 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wlaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &aKliknij, aby wylaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wylacz %player%" if {pcase::%player%} is true: format slot 9 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 13 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 14 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 27 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 28 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 29 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 30 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 31 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 32 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 33 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 34 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 35 of player with 1 red stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wylaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &cKliknij, aby wlaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wlacz %player%" format slot 19 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wylaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &cKliknij, aby wlaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wlacz %player%" format slot 20 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wylaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &cKliknij, aby wlaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wlacz %player%" format slot 21 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wylaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &cKliknij, aby wlaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wlacz %player%" format slot 22 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wylaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &cKliknij, aby wlaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wlacz %player%" format slot 23 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wylaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &cKliknij, aby wlaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wlacz %player%" format slot 24 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wylaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &cKliknij, aby wlaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wlacz %player%" format slot 25 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wylaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &cKliknij, aby wlaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wlacz %player%" format slot 26 of player with 1 paper named "&8&l• &e&lWIADOMOSCI &8&l•" with lore "&8&m----------&r|| || &2&lPREMIUMCASE|| ||&8» &7Informacje&8:|| &f&l• &7Przelaczone na&8: &6wylaczone&7|| &f&l• &7Mozesz zienic&8: &6tak|| ||&8&m----------||&r &7• &cKliknij, aby wlaczyc &7•" to close then run "wlaczpremiumcase wlacz %player%" format slot 36 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 37 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 38 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 39 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 40 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 41 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 42 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 43 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 44 of player with 1 gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable command /wlaczpremiumcase [] []: trigger: if arg 1 is not "wlacz" or "wylacz": send "&c&lBlad! &7Nie posiadasz wymaganych uprawnien!" if arg 1 is "wlacz": set {pcase::%arg-2%} to false send "&8&l» &7Wiadomosci (case) zostaly &6wlaczone!" to arg-2 if arg 1 is "wylacz": set {pcase::%arg-2%} to true send "&8&l» &7Wiadomosci (case) zostaly &6wylaczone!" to arg-2