Here are some Alone Suggestions I would like to see if the game was ever touched on again. Please, take this all with a lot of salt. There was a lot to look over and its hard to “perfect” all of these suggestions. As well, apologies for grammar issues as a large portion of this was written on mobile. Also, I pinned this so that it doesn’t get buried under other chats. I hope that the few good suggestions improve the game and the bad ones can help give inspiration for better, and more beneficial suggestions. I hope that in the future the past monetization mistakes from alone are learned from, and changed. Introduction Scrapping Alone 2 this may be an unpopular opinion, but scrap the remake. If the BR is what the remake was going to be like, it didn't feel too good. Gun play wasn’t very satisfying, map didn't have a lot of character, it was also small and locations didn't feel distinct from one another. Original alone was much less rushed and had just more quality overall in my opinion. Stick with the original. (i understand it had to be rushed though, and this is my personal opinion) Feature Revamps Possible Removal of FPP I like FPP as it allows for more “tactical” and intense game experiences when you can’t see around you 24/7. It also feels more immersive than TPP. But I also like TTP for it keeps a fast paced and speedy feel to gameplay. But it should probably one or the other as recoil is going to be hard to balance between the two, not to mention the disadvantages of FPP. I would say keep TPP and FPP but you just can’t ADS in FPP. This is so you guys can push updates faster without coding in ads stuff/models but it still allows you to go in first person in those specific close range situations. Though, honestly I would love to keep both, but I know that would probably be a lot of work for you guys to constantly change and balance out. Weapon Overhaul The way weapons work is kinda odd. Since the bullets come from the barrel rather than going straight to the crosshair, tracking can be difficult and moving makes it very hard to hit shots. I say it’s best to more so build off of this problem rather than try to solve it. add things like proning to reduce visual recoil, custom visual and physical recoil patterns for each gun, attachments to reduce visual recoil, attachments for Better hip fire, guns with different Bullet velocity and other mechanics to improve this type of gunplay. Do not scrap the current gun system as it makes ALONE different from other shooter games as like has a mix of Arcady but also tactical/intense feel other games fail to capture. Weapon Balancing Every weapon should be semi viable. The next weapon shouldn’t be the literal same weapon just with more damage and maybe slight difference in visual recoil(like right now). Weapons should have different recoil patterns, different amounts of visual recoil, and damage. Every weapon should be unique. Like compare the ASVAL to AK47. ASVAL SHOULD have low visual recoil, it’s already silenced, it should shoot pretty fast and have decent hip fire accuracy though low damage. AK47 SHOULD be way cheaper, (5k compared to around 12k ) but has high recoil, not silenced, shoots a slow speed, bad hip fire but high damage. Weapon choice should be a preference that unlocks more options as you grind rather than the same progression style of a simulator. As well this rewards skill more as if you can handle the recoil and hit your shots you may win the gunfight rather than your opponent having a better weapon and out gunning you. This also allows noobs to have a chance against high level players. Recoil Make recoil patterns make more sense. Currently it’s 1 bullet a space then the rest of the bullets(as far as I know). It should be unique for every gun and if your not controlling the recoil your crosshair should be going up not staying still.(like right now) recoil doesn’t have to be crazy but it should have a bit of character to it. Hotbar Adjustments Since fights take place in a variety of ranges and situation, two weapons and maybe a melee would improve the game significantly. As well there should be a few slots for consumables on the hotbar. Attachments Revamp Silencers **No silencer** alerts more nearby zombies when firing and shows a red dot of your location for a decent period on the mini-map but has higher damage. **With Silencers** reduces damage and sometimes range(depends on silencer) but attracts less zombies and has no dot on minimap but may vary depending on silencer type. Weapon Sound Levels Weapons all have sound levels. A sound level is how much a zombie notices/hears a gun shot. There’s a total of 6 levels. The higher the level the louder it is and the more zombies that are alerted in a larger radius. For example, a barret would be a level 6 sound level alerting many zombies in a large area but a pistol would have a level 2. A suppressed pistol would have a level 1. Something like a unsuppressed scar would have an around a level 4. An LMG would have around a 5 or 6. How attachments should work To keep it simple there should be a few main attachment slots for most weapons. Certain guns may not have all avaliable attachments. Attachments also say the EXACT number of whatever there’re changing As well add ADS speed. Certain attachments increase or lower aim down sight speed. Attachments should also have a limit of 3-4 attachments to create more strategy in setups. **Scopes:** Improve accuracy(bullets shooting where there supposed to) But creates more visual recoil. Scopes greater than a certain zoom may have scope sway. Mags: Increase ammo or change ammo type. Some ammo may do special things but those usually come with significant disadvantages like very low movement speed and low accuracy etc. Muzzle Attachments **Silencers:** Already mentioned previously what they do above. Some silencers may do more or less than listed above. **Compensators:** Reduce recoil by small amounts, make recoil patterns a bit more controllable may also extend range. _____________________ **Barrels:** Can increase bullet velocity, damage, and a few other things. **Grips:** reduce/ increase variety of things. Mainly accuracy, hip fire accuracy, stability, and recoil. Under barrel attachments lasers: significantly increase hip fire accuracy Flashlights: allow you to see in dark areas and may slightly increase accuracy. (Add new areas that need flashlights to encourage players to explore) ______________________ Stocks: can reduce visual recoil, increase accuracy, mobility and sometimes reduce scope sway, Revamp Bounties When you get a bounty(starting at 5 kills), you are stopped from entering the safe zone, and if you reset or leave the game you’ll lose an extremely large amount of money. When you kill someone a 15 sec timer begins and you pop up in a large very unspecific red area on the mini map. Each kill the red area becomes more specific, the timer increases by 15 sec. and each kill raises the amount of money the bounty is worth. (Going up each kill). once you reach a high amount of kills the red area will cap out and not be any more specific. The timer will keep on increasing though per kill. If you wait out the timer, the bounty will end and you’ll get 50% of your bounty amount. (Certain perks may help prevent these downsides listed later below) The only reasoning I suggested this, was because passive players don’t like getting killed by pvpers (like me) and I was trying to think of a way to solve that, though this idea has many flaws. Revamp item spawning Make item spawning more random. Certain areas have higher chances of spawning good loot. Usually harder to get too or have stronger zombies though. New Features Perks Perks unlock at different levels though most under level 10-15. No perk is necessarily better than the other and they are more so a play style customizer. The ones that may be a bit unbalanced have downsides to them. You can hold 1 maybe 2 perks at one time. Some examples that could be implemented below. Some fit PVP some fit PvE and some fit a mix of both. (Examples that may need extensive balancing) Fast Med | Unlocked: Level __ Consumables heal slightly more HP. Quick Draw | Unlocked: Level __ Switch out weapons slightly faster. Grinder | Unlocked: Level __ Slightly more money from zombies. Researcher | Unlocked: Level __ Slightly EXP from zombies. Stockpile | Unlocked: Level __ 1-2 slots more inventory space. Leaning Simple. Q and E allow you to lean left or right. Weapon Movement Speed Different weapons have different weights. LMGs/Snipers will be heavier than something like an SMG. Weapon weight only takes effect when you’re holding the weapon.(this is to maintain the arcadyish feeling)Certain attachments may lower movement speed but most won’t unless specifically mentioned. (mainly mags) Unlockable Camos Camos are unlocked from doing challenges in-game. Unlocking a camo for a gun only unlocks it for that gun. A total of 5 zombie challenges and 5 PVP challenges. Ex (assault rifles) Zombie Challenge 1: Kill Zombies Zombie Challenge 1 Camo 1: 50 Zombies Zombie Challenge 1 Camo 2: 200 zombies Zombie Challenge 1 Camo 3: 400 zombies Zombie Challenge 1 Camo 4: 600 zombies Zombie Challenge 2: Headshot Zombies Zombie Challenge 2 Camo 1: 50 Zombies Zombie Challenge 2 Camo 2: 200 zombies Zombie Challenge 2 Camo 3: 400 zombies Zombie Challenge 2 Camo 4: 600 zombies Etc Master Camos Master camos are earned by doing all of the PVP or PVE challenges for a gun. When you complete all of the PVP or PVE challenges for a gun it will reward you with a Master Camo. When you do this for 5 guns of the same time (ex 5 assault rifles) it will reward you with another master camo, but this time it goes for every single gun of that type. This is so end game players have something to grind or just to mess around and do even if they’ve done pretty much everything. Ex Completed all PVP challenges for AK47: Metallic Gold Master Camo (only gives it for the AK) Completed all PVP challenges for M4A1: Metallic Gold Master Camo (only gives it for the M4A1) Completed all PVP challenges for SA80: Metallic Gold Master Camo (only gives it for the SA80) Completed all PVP challenges for ASVAL: Metallic Gold Master Camo (only gives it for the ASVAL) Completed all PVP challenges for Scar-H: Metallic Gold Master Camo (only gives it for the Scar-H) Completed PVP challenges for 5 AR’s: Red Diamond Camo (gives it for all AR’s) Vehicles Vehicles are earned by gaining enough money and buying them from a salvation. To spawn your car you go to salvation and spawn it. If your car is unlocked people can enter the car though not drive it. Vehicles have HP and can be blown up by gunfire and zombies. If you’re in a car as it explodes you will take a large amount of damage. People around the car in a close vicinity will also die. Vehicles attract nearby zombies. You can run zombies over but it will lower your car’s hp. To repair your cars HP you simply respawn it. (This would most likely have to be changed significantly as there are definite flaws) More Movement Options Add basic things like proning that will reduce noise, zombies alerted, and maybe a small amount of visual recoil. Maybe tilting as well. The amount of new movement options is limitless, though don’t add too many as it can get very messy very fast. More Zombie Types/Boss Zombies Speedy zombies, tanky zombies, glass cannon zombies, fire breathing zombies, aoe zombies, the possibilities are endless. Also, maybe add boss zombies that are mainly in highly contested areas (bunker, prison, crater) who give a lot of cash and maybe even special items. Possible Weapon Drops If certain zombies dropped weapons (like boss zombies) I think it would definitely add more replay ability but these weapons would have to be pretty much PVE only weapons as that would be extremely un balanced for pvp. it would work out though as the PVE players have something to grind for and PVP players don’t have to deal with a broken weapon(s?) there could also be possible dropped gear but again it would have to be pretty much only good for PVE as to not have broken stuff. You could make it good for PVE only by changing damage values against players to be low and against zombies high. (Again, this has a lot of flaws and would most likely be terrible) Akimbo Most/all pistols have an Akimbo attachment, allowing them to be akimbo. You cannot ADS akimbo pistols but they move very fast and have a fairly accurate hip fire, though usually little range and best for point blank. (unbalanced babyy) Different Vest Types No vests with more HP than the current max (ttk would be way too slow snd unbalanced) but maybe vests with different purposes. Some may reduce zombie damage, some may make you take less damage from ranged zombie attacks or melee zombie attacks. Some may even attract zombies. Different Salvations Different salvation adds new areas to explore. At different salvations, some items may be limited to that salvation only. (ex certain guns, vehicles etc) it also sets your spawn to that specific salvation. Guns accuracy lowers when hip firing Self explanatory. Spread is higher and recoil is more wild. Timer when you exit salvation to go back in To prevent the fun but sorta annoying spawn battles. Around 1-2 minutes. Ability to melee with guns Self Explanatory. Climbing Certain walls, certain buildings and other specific objects can be climbed allowing you to get higher ground and better placement. Different Reticle types Different reticles unlocked from purchase in game or maybe doing simple tasks. Only if you keep in FPP Weather Certain areas will have weather conditions where you’ll get some kind of debuff and need a certain misc item, vest or other item to traverse the land. More misc items Possible 1 use items to attract zombies, to spend longer time under water and other utilities. Headshots Self explanatory. More damage with shots to the head. Red hitmarker when headshots are hit. Different damage for different body parts Self explanatory. Different damage amounts depending on what body part you hit. Split into Head, Torso, Legs, arms/hands. Same goes for zombies. Full map A map of the land. Shows red dots to mark players close to you if there shooting without a silencer or the shadow perk. To uncover the map, you must explore that area. This is to encourage exploration of the map. Quests Complete quests given by npc’s to do tasks for items, money and exp. Some quest lines wont have much meaning but some may have linking to the story of ALONE. Quests are mainly designed for more stuff to do. Some quests may be needed to access certain areas. Tutorial A simple tutorial going over the basics for new players Trading With a new update there may be rare items/things so maybe trading could be introduced for people who don't want to grind for such items? Depends if there is a lot of different items or not for trading to actually be useful Monetization the majority of what I originally had for this section is absolutely littered with pay to win and just bad ideas over all, so really find the system that works best for you guys, and not credits. Credits were just donations and were bound to fail especially considering how expensive yet pretty worthless they were. The best option is probably cosmetics though in the form of animated gun skins and clothing items as well as possible tracers. Also, change the credit prices to similar prices of robux bundles, as there kinda wonky as of memory. Season Pass A 30-50 tier battle pass encompassed of high quality full body skins, shirts, pants, gun camos, special camos and vehicle camos. (people wont buy it unless they look really good) The big star of the battle pass should be the two really good full body skins at the start and 1 amazing skin at the end. It would cost 950 or 1000 robux equivalent of credits. A season pass comes every season. Seasons In order to keep updates consistent and to get the community hype. Maybe a new season every 2-3 months depending on how long you want seasons to be and how fast you believe you can create updates. Each update would have a theme (maybe a story line but that may get too complex) and add new guns, bux fixes, map changes and locations, attachments, gun skins and other extensive content to keep the game fresh and players happy. (honestly you don't even have to do that much. A few new locations and guns and were set lol)