every second in "world": loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&a&lYEET &7| &a&l%loop-player%" set score "&c&m---------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 14 set score "&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 13 set score " &7Kills: &8» &c%{kills.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 12 set score " &7Deaths &8» &c%{deaths.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 11 set score " &7Playtime &8» &c%{playtime.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10 set score "&f" in sidebar of loop-player to 9 set score "&7&oyeetblue.minehut.gg" in sidebar of loop-player to 8 set score "&c&m---------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 7 on death: attacker is player victim is player add 1 to {kills.%attacker%} add 1 to {deaths.%victim%} send "&7You have killed &c%victim%" to attacker send "&c%attacker% &7has killed you!" to victim broadcast "&c%attacker% &7has killed &c%victim%" every 1 second in "world": loop all players: add 1 to {playtime.%loop-player%} command /stats: trigger: loop all players: send "&7Server: &aYeetBlue" send "&7Gamemode: &aSurvival" send "&7Kills: &a%{kills.%loop-player%}%" send "&7Deaths: &a%{deaths.%loop-player%}%" send "&7Playtime: &a%{playtime.%loop-player%}%" stop command /sethome : trigger: if arg 1 is set: set {home.%arg-1%} to position of player send "&7You have set your home &8(%arg-1%)" if arg 1 is not set: send "&7Correct usage: &c/sethome " command /home : trigger: if arg 1 is set: teleport player to {home.%arg-1%} send "&7You have teleported to your home! &8(%arg-1%)" if arg 1 is not set: send "&7Correct usage: &c/home " command /delhome : trigger: if arg 1 is set: delete {home.%arg-1%} send "&7You have deleted your home! &8(%arg-1%)" if arg 1 is not set: send "&7Correct usage: &c/delhome " command /gmc: trigger: send "&7You have switched gamemode from &aSurvival &7to &aCreative&7!" set player's gamemode to creative stop command /gms: trigger: send "&7You have switched gamemode from &aCreative &7to &aSurvival&7!"