function [ image ] = inversHaarTransform( obraz,im ) %COS Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here if ~isempty(im) obraz.image_1 = im; end [n, m] = size(obraz.image_1); image_1 = zeros(n*2,m); for i = 1:m np = obraz.detale_2(:,i) - obraz.detale_3(:,i)./2; p = np + obraz.detale_3(:,i); image_1(1:2:end,i) = np; image_1(2:2:end,i) = p; end image_2 = zeros(n*2,m); for i= 1:m np = obraz.image_1(:,i) - obraz.detale_1(:,i)./2; p = np + obraz.detale_1(:,i); image_2(1:2:end,i) = np; image_2(2:2:end,i) = p; end image = zeros(n*2,m*2); for i = 1:2*n np = image_2(i,:) - image_1(i,:)./2; p = np + image_1(i,:); image(i,1:2:end) = np; image(i,2:2:end) = p; end end % function [ image ] = inversHaarTransform( new_i,d ) % %INVERSHAARTRANSFORM Summary of this function goes here % % Detailed explanation goes here % new_i = new_i(1:length(d)); % np = new_i - d./2; % p = np + d; % image = []; % image = zeros(length(p)+length(np),1); % image(1:2:end) = np; % image(2:2:end) = p; % end %