#Skrypt napisany przez Msczosnal #żeby ustawic miejsce na spawn zombie trzeba stworzyc region, ktory ustawic mozna w opcjach. options: czas: 5 #czas respawnu w sekundach, bedzie 1 sekunda wiecej poniewaz jest every 1 second! limit: 20 #limit zombie do zrespienia region: pomoc #Nazwa regionu w ktorym maja sie respic zombie variables: {zombiaki} = 0 command /spawnzombie: trigger: if {zombie::*} is not set: if player is in "{@region}": add location of player to {zombie::*} send "&aUstawiles spawn zombie" else: send "&cNie znajdujesz sie na regionie ''{@region}''" else: send "&cSpawn zombie jest ustawiony, jezeli chcesz go przeniesc wpisz /usun" on spawn: if event-entity is not player: if event-entity is in "{@region}": cancel event on death of zombie: if name of victim is "&7Zombie": remove 1 from {zombiaki} every 1 second: if {zombiaki} is greater or equal to {@limit}: stop else: loop {zombie::*}: add 1 to {zombiaki} wait {@czas} seconds spawn 1 zombie at location of loop-value set the name of last spawned entity to "&7Zombie" command /usun: trigger: set {zombiaki} to 0 loop {zombie::*}: remove loop-value from {zombie::*} loop all zombies: if name of loop-entity is "&7Zombie": delete loop-entity every 5 second: loop all zombies: if name of loop-zombies is "&7Zombie": loop-zombie is in "{@region}": apply fire resistance to loop-entity for 10 second else: kill loop-zombie