package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; public class Histories { ArrayList histories = new ArrayList<>(5); public Histories() { String tekst = "U see big classroom with many chairs. On almost every chair sits one student. In" + " this moment you recalled that today is exam day! In whole classroom only one chair is free." + " Bad news. It's the chair in front of your professor. What will you do young student? "; Map mapa = new TreeMap<>(); mapa.put('W', new Way("Sit in this chair and try to pass this exam (You didn't attend this lecture)", 2)); mapa.put('S', new Way("Pretend that you have made a mistake and run as fast as you can", 3)); History history = new History(tekst, mapa); histories.add(history); } public History getHistory(int id) { return histories.get(); } }