module.exports.config = { name: "info", version: "0.0.6", hasPermssion: 0, credits: "TANVIR_6X", //don't change the credits please description: "Admin and Bot info.", commandCategory: "INFO_YOUR", cooldowns: 1, dependencies: { "request":"", "fs-extra":"", "axios":"" } }; = async function({ api,event,args,client,Users,Threads,__GLOBAL,Currencies }) { const axios = global.nodemodule["axios"]; const request = global.nodemodule["request"]; const fs = global.nodemodule["fs-extra"]; //FUNCTION TEXT// var cap = [ ``]; // Enter your admin information here // //RESULT SERVICE// var result = cap[Math.floor(Math.random() * cap.length)]; var url = [ "" ]; //give your video url here // var callback = () => api.sendMessage({ body: result, attachment: fs.createReadStream(__dirname + "/cache/NamE.mp4") }, event.threadID, () => fs.unlinkSync(__dirname + "/cache/NamE.mp4")); return request(encodeURI(url[Math.floor(Math.random() * url.length)])).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + "/cache/NamE.mp4")).on("finish", callback); };