if player doesn't have permission "antylogout.*": on damage: if attacker is player: if victim is player: if {antylogout::%victim%} is not set: send "&cJestes podczas walki! Nie logaj!" to victim set {antylogout::%victim%} to 20 every 1 seconds: loop all players: if {antylogout::%loop-player%} is set: if {antylogout::%loop-player%} is greater than 0: remove 1 from {antylogout::%loop-player%} set action bar of loop-player to "&4&lAntyLogout &c&l(%{antylogout::%loop-player%}%)" else: clear {antylogout::%loop-player%} send "&aSkonczyles walczyc." to loop-player set action bar of loop-player to "&2&lAntyLogout" on quit: if {antylogout::%player%} is set: kill player broadcast "&cGracz %player% wylogowal sie podczas walki!" on death: clear {antylogout::%victim%} on command: if {antylogout::%player%} is set: if command is not "helpop": cancel event send "&4Uzywanie komend podczas pvp jest niemozliwe. Jedynie /helpop." on rightclick on ender chest: if {antylogout::%player%} is set: cancel event send "&cPodczas walki nie mozna otwierac enderchesta!"