from urllib.request import * from json import * from datetime import * from operator import * import math class Earthquake: def __init__(self, place, mag, longitude, latitude, time): # place - string # mag - float # longitude - float # latitude - float # time - int = place self.mag = mag self.longitude = longitude self.latitude = latitude self.time = time def __eq__(self, other): return == and math.isclose(self.mag, other.mag) and math.isclose(self.longitude, other.longitude) and math.isclose(self.latitude, other.latitude) and self.time == other.time # Print object function. Print each object with correct formatting # # Move the printEarthquake down because of function order # def getChoice(): print("Options:") print(" (s)ort") print(" (f)ilter") print(" (n)ew quakes") print(" (q)uit") print("") choice = input("Choice: ").lower() return choice def quake_from_feature(f): place = f["properties"]["place"] mag = f["properties"]["mag"] longitude = f["geometry"]["coordinates"][0] latitude = f["geometry"]["coordinates"][1] badTime = f["properties"]["time"] time = badTime / 1000 earthquake = Earthquake(place, float(mag), float(longitude), float(latitude), int(time)) return earthquake def read_quakes_from_file(filename): inFile = open(filename, "r") newlist = [] for line in inFile: linelist = line.split() place = " ".join(linelist[4:]) mag = linelist[0] longitude = linelist[1] latitude = linelist[2] time = linelist[3] earthquake = Earthquake(place, float(mag), float(longitude), float(latitude), int(time)) newlist.append(earthquake) inFile.close() return newlist def filter_by_mag(quakes, low, high): newlist = [] for x in quakes: if (x.mag >= low) and (x.mag <= high): newlist.append(x) return newlist def filter_by_place(quakes, word): newlist = [] for x in quakes: status = if status > 0: newlist.append(x) return newlist def get_json(url): with urlopen(url) as response: html = htmlstr = html.decode("utf-8") return loads(htmlstr) def time_to_str(time): return datetime.fromtimestamp(time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def printEarthquake(earthquakes): print("Earthquakes:") print("------------") for x in earthquakes: time = time_to_str(x.time) print("(%.2f" % x.mag + ") %40s" %, "at", time, "(%7.3f, %.3f)" % (x.longitude, x.latitude)) print("") def choice_S(allQuakes): choice = input("Sort by (m)agnitude, (t)ime, (l)ongitude, or l(a)titude? ").lower() print("") if choice == "m": allQuakes.sort(key=attrgetter("mag"), reverse=True) if choice == "t": allQuakes.sort(key=attrgetter("time"), reverse=True) if choice == "l": allQuakes.sort(key=attrgetter("longitude"), reverse=True) if choice == "a": allQuakes.sort(key=attrgetter("latitude")) printEarthquake(allQuakes) def choice_F(allQuakes): choice = input("Filter by (m)agnitude or (p)lace? ").lower() # print("") if choice == "m": low = float(input("Lower bound: ")) high = float(input("Upper bound: ")) print("") printEarthquake(filter_by_mag(allQuakes, low, high)) if choice == "p": word = input("Search for what string? ").lower() print("") printEarthquake(filter_by_place(allQuakes, word)) def choice_N(allQuakes): EQD = get_json('') # print(EQD["features"][0]) featList = EQD["features"] oldListLength = len(allQuakes) # print(featList[0]) for x in range(len(featList)): newQuake = quake_from_feature(featList[x]) if newQuake not in allQuakes: allQuakes.append(newQuake) newListLength = len(allQuakes) if newListLength > oldListLength: print("nNew quakes found!!!n") printEarthquake(allQuakes) def write_quakes_to_file(filename, allQuakes): out_file = open(filename, "w") for eq in earthquakes: out_file.write(f"{eq.mag} {eq.longitude} {eq.latitude} {eq.time} {}n") out_file.close() # newQuake = quake_from_feature(f) # if newQuake == True and (newQuake in allQuakes == False): # allQuakes.append(newQuake) # print("New quakes found!!!") # printEarthquake(allQuakes) # valX = read_quakes_from_file("quakes.txt") # # printEarthquake(valX) # printEarthquake(filter_by_place(valX, "ca")) # print(read_quakes_from_file("quakes.txt")) --- MAIN BELOW --- from quakeFuncs import * def main(): # print("Earthquakes:") # print("------------") feature = get_json("") print("") allQuakes = read_quakes_from_file("quakes.txt") printEarthquake(allQuakes) choice = getChoice() while choice != "q": if choice == "s": choice_S(allQuakes) if choice == "f": choice_F(allQuakes) if choice == "n": choice_N(allQuakes) choice = getChoice() if choice == "q": write_quakes_to_file("quakes.txt", allQuakes) quit() if __name__ == "__main__": main()