From Scanty Gorilla, 2 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
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  1. It is essential to point out that from the beginning: we are an outdoor family. This means we spend the most time possible in the great outdoors. We have pets, cats, as well as dogs. They are our very happy campers. We are however aware of where and how we came to be here. Plus we are aware of where we can find water. We're not willing to give up our vices or leave home without entertainment. We insist on bringing our generator as well as a beautiful 32" screen. Many people believe that we're nomads who wander. Our dad is an attorney at an unethical company that offers a very high wage. Mother says, that's why that he loves to go camping 4 times a month to try to scrub off the dirt of his job.. What's the reason I believe that forest brooks are cleanest and the best for this job.
  3. While we enjoy spending hours by the fire, we also sing songs and play games while our felines are on their day in the area. The funny thing is that they always come back to us to do the going home part. Joiner is a hunter/helper dog and he always comes across our cats after we return. They don't lose any weight and love being there.
  5. We love our smartphones and tablets when we are around the campfire, it is not something we disapprove of. We are tech-savvy and don't care when they get lost, even during camping excursions. While our father doesn't seem to be bothered, he switches off his mobile throughout the weekend. He says it makes him feel more relaxed. youtube mp34 After a tiring day of fishing and hunting and catching, we take a large meal in the forest. We are glued to TV, music videos, and shows that we downloaded off the internet prior to when we leave. It is not possible to gain Internet access while in the woods all the time. Our parents might not mind us on the phone as we eventually go through and delete all emails, and we no longer have any games. We typically save videos to YouTube's clip converters, or other sites for downloading videos prior to when going on vacations. Of course, HULU with its download features can be extremely helpful, since it allows us to watch hours worth of shows and movies downloaded and copied to our laptops prior to our trip. Videos and series are not just great for making camping trips more enjoyable, they are excellent to get there. Three hour trips in a campervan often be boring. This is what my father likes. He can concentrate on the road and the huge machine is hard to control, therefore he needs to focus on that.
  8. We'll continue to utilize GPS when we go camping. Knowing where you are and how to get back to civilization is vital in times of need. We haven't had anything serious take place during our travels, but we've heard stories of snow avalanches, dirt, and mud which can really ruin people's vacations. GPS will always tell you where to go to security, provided that you are aware of where safety could be located. And friendly satellites in the sky will always point GPS in the correct direction. Another aspect of technology is employed to help us get safely to and fro the camping spot. Helicopters can be dispatched to the location you are in by zooming in on it, in case of emergency. You should also have GPS along on any trip that is remote. We hope you do not overlook technology when it's essential for everyday life.
  10. Website: https://ytmp34.cc