From Soft Macaw, 3 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
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  1. ❛ | pack logo credits, found on pinterest
  2. - Touch.pixiv.net
  3. - https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/58063170
  5. ❛ | art/desgin references
  7. thank you to these amazing people, I used their art as a reference for making some of the concrete block designs. These people are credited from the images I saw on reddit, pinterest, and tumblr.
  9. I also used other references found on the said sites but there is no credit found, while others are marked as error. I notified others that I used their design, but others don’t accept messages from people whom they do not follow so I can’t access them.
  11. Please keep in mind that they did the design while I draw and I changed some stuffs but overall, the designs were highly inspired by them!
  13. - you00155670
  14. - ac_mooncharm
  15. - daileyart
  16. - chicame
  17. - Ms. Doodle
  18. - melt_mori
  19. - tm__AC

Replies to Re: Re: Untitled rss

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Re: Re: Re: Untitled Gggvbbbb text 3 Years ago.