From JeusChrit, 1 Year ago, written in Plain Text.
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  1. Changelog (vs V98 for LMC):
  2. - Switching to the M23 lib as the base of the config brought these changes:
  3.    - Improved sharpness and more natural detail rendition
  4.    - Less and better processed noise on low light shots
  5.    - Significantly faster processing speed
  6.    - These changes affect all lenses, including the front camera.
  7. - Significantly improved HDR rendering:
  8.    - Fixed shots turning out underexposed when there's bright highlights on the scene
  9.    - Improved lightning on portrait shots
  10.    - Reduced shadow noise on contrasty scenes
  11.    - Increased Dehaze to improve image contrast
  12.    - Fixed dark faces on backlit shots using the front camera
  13.    - Fixed shadow clipping on the back lenses, which sometimes causes people's facial characteristics to turn black
  14. - Switched to a new Color Transform preset on the back lenses to improve color rendering:
  15.    - Red, Orange, Green and Yellow hues should be more accurate now
  16.    - Improved AWB on all lenses
  17.    - Fixed washed out colors on low light shots
  18.    - Reduced the green white balance tint that affected a couple of shots
  19.    - Switched to Google's stock Tone preset, GMM A5 for Gamma to improve Color Contrast
  20. - Attempted to enable Pet Detection
  21.    - Doesn't seem to work on my bunny, let me know how it does with your pets
  22. - Switched to a new noise model to reduce noise on all but the Macro and Photochrome lenses (IMX363 LG V50)
  23. - Disabled upscaling on the front camera to reduce noise
  24. - Blurred Preview is now enabled, meant to reduce processing time on Night Sight
  25. - Switched to the bt709 color format for video, to allow for better color depth.
  26. - Enabled Pixel 6+'s viewfinder animation (VFE)

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Re: V31 for SGCam - Changelog Changelog text 9 Months ago.