From Innocent Baboon, 3 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
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  1.  我就坐在他們身邊,陪他們念書、寫作業;完成後,盯他們檢查或複習,確定每天的計畫都要實行。當他們有困難時,我會立刻協助他們找出解決的方法,比方說查字典或找參考書。
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  8.  無論是工作中、放長假,還是學生階段中,除了給自己「興趣」的最小成本的嘗試,也能透過這些學習,為自己的「未來的選擇」累積出準備的籌碼。
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  10.  https://tutorkingdom.hk :26Active younger mom babysiter and sweet minor kid daughter jumping dancing in fashionable household living room, content family mother with little one Female getting entertaining get pleasure from actively playing humorous activity jointly at your home
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  12.  還有甚麼需要讓專家知道?女女閱讀方面比較弱同慢,想教佢答題技巧,準備dse英文
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