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  2.  Shiatsu is an alternative kind of Japanese bodywork affected by concepts in traditional Chinese medicine including the concept of pathways. Shiatsu also borrows some notions from acupuncture, acupressure and other oriental medical practices. This modality is derived from a Japanese massage technique known as anma. This article concentrates on the description of Shiatsu and its benefits over traditional methods.
  3.  Shiatsu is sometimes used interchangeably with Tui Na massage, the traditional massage therapy which includes the use of pressure from the palms to the numerous points of the human body, which are believed to correspond to many different internal organs or systems. In Shiatsu, the practitioner applies pressure to specific points along the meridian energy pathway. This technique is thought to correct ailments in the active level since energy is believed to flow through meridians and follow specific paths between the different sections of the human body. This path may appear convoluted due to the existence of knots. The patient may feel tingling, muscle soreness or discomfort at these energy paths. In addition to the physical advantages of Shiatsu therapy, patients may also be treated for psychological issues like stress, fatigue, anxiety and other related ailments.
  4.  Shiatsu was designed by Japanese pupil psychiatrists who thought that there were different zones or meridians across the entire body that connected with the organs or systems with the Qi that's thought to be the life force which nourishes and energizes the entire body. This energy is believed to be able to go from one organ or system to another via skin, muscles and circulatory system. Shiatsu practitioners believe that a misaligned or misaligned meridian is responsible for ailments such as back pain and aching. The key to handling these conditions is to locate the proper channel or chi, which can be considered to run across the meridians and stimulate the Qi.
  5.  Shiatsu originated from two chief sources, which are kung fu and acupuncture. https://chicagoop.com/busan/ The primary source was used to train the professional in the suitable use of the procedure, while the second supply of Shiatsu was seen as the genuine reason for the condition as it addresses the main cause itself - that the lack of proper pressure. A practitioner performing Shiatsu is believed to be directing energy across the entire body stations and helping to correct an imbalance or blockage across the various meridians which is what's thought to be causing the pain. This type of therapy is often used together with other kinds of therapy, especially those that are regarded as traditional western medicine. Some Shiatsu practitioners will also be qualified to perform Swedish massage.
  6.  Shiatsu is similar to traditional Western medicine in the way that the treatment is implemented as well as the treatment process itself. Compared to the needles that are inserted into certain parts of the human body, Shiatsu utilizes pressure or acupressure on the different pressure points across the body. This method has the advantage of not getting the exact same side effects as conventional medicine since there are no needles or any sort of drug involved. However, there are a few common side effects which include nausea, nausea, decreased blood pressure, increased blood sugar and headaches.
  7.  There are numerous schools of thought that emerged from the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine. 1 school, which is very powerful and widely used among practitioners of Shiatsu is called the Yang energy college. This school believes that energy exists in all living things including plants, animals and people. When there's an imbalance between the Yang energy along with the Yin energy, it leads to negative effects, which include pain and illness. In order to remedy this imbalance, the pro conducts shiatsu about the various regions of the human body, especially on the limbs and joints, so as to discharge the accumulated stress and help restore the body's balance.
  8.  A second school of thought concerning the positive advantages of shiatsu lies in the fact it can help treat a wide variety of ailments including muscular and skeletal issues, joint and muscle aches, cramps, stress, anxiety, stress and other similar symptoms. A number of these problems could result from regular life and could possibly be a result of the way we subject ourselves, how we eat or how we do our daily actions. To be able to alleviate such symptoms, shiatsu could possibly be used in addition to, or instead of traditional medication. For example, if your muscles are suffering from too much strain or if you have aches and pains related to overexertion, then you are able to apply shiatsu in the affected area to help reduce the symptoms.
  9.  Shiatsu can also be utilised in conjunction with traditional Chinese medicine in the kind of acupuncture or acupressure. Acupuncture is every time a skilled acupuncturist stimulates specific points within the body so as to ease pain or to enhance health and vitality. On the flip side, acupressure is the procedure of applying pressure by hand to certain points within the body in order to cure or promote well being.