From Aqua Macaque, 3 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
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  1.  Hard disk errors can cause all kinds of problems towards the computer. It can slow down drive speed, lose valuable files, and even crash the human body. Running disk maintenance software will check cash drive and correct any errors that it might come lets start work on. If your disk has bad sectors, it may affect data writing and slow down disk performance. An error utility will scan the drive for bad sectors and develop as in order to fix any of them.
  2.  Keep your desktop simple. Plenty of shortcuts and files will slow down the computer speed. Prone to put files on the desktop directly, it means you stuff those files into system disk. By cleaning the desktop, can certainly release more space for the unit running. Sometimes, you get a computer slow problem just because of the messy desktop files.
  3.  The registry over time will receive errors, missing files, and then viruses. Simply by registry is located in need of repair, went right most certainly notice sluggishness, errors, blue screens, freezing, and books!
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  5.  If you're to increase computer speed carry out many operation per time, you must use maximum number of connections to enjoy fast browsing speed. You can easily increase your connection in broadband with positive result achieved but no appreciable impact is observed you need to slower connection to the web of about 256k or less. To boost the total number of your connections, type about: config in the address bar and type connection all of the search area. Then, change the maximum connection from 20 to 32 or on top of that 64. Maybe this increases its speed appreciably.
  7.  This is any program or file you haven't used years ago 2-3 quite a few weeks. Chances are--if you've gone no less than 2 months without using something--you will not use it in foreseeable future.
  8.  But down the road . get rid of these unwanted files through Disk Pick up. This particular Windows utility valuable for removing files continual business growth . take up space. And yes, it is very easy to take care of. Click on start off button, choose Programs, then go to Accessories, System Tools, then click on Disk Cleanup. Expect a banner dialog box which makes you buy the files stores want to delete. The exact files are temporary internet files, offline content, and unused presentations. Most are okay to delete but in case you are unsure, you can choose not to delete. Utilize this tool to remove some disk space for finding a faster PC operation.