Racist rich girl from a very wealthy family.
Guarantee she has perfect credit, clean record and no negative financial/legal history of any kind.
Likes to treat service industry, especially non-white, like peasants.
Name: Lily Nicole Talmers
ID FRONT: http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/neo/uploads/171029/MATRIX_050957_APi_IMG_1331.jpg
ID BACK: http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/neo/uploads/171029/MATRIX_051121_Dbx_IMG_1332.jpg
PASSPORT: http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/neo/uploads/171029/MATRIX_051239_kiP_1a2c9bfca4d6a9b7d85460423613125e2613b997.jpg
PASSPORT CARD: http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/neo/uploads/171029/MATRIX_051343_MsD_0bf4969229851469327d9e3ed681dee67f8685ef.png
INSURANCE CARD FRONT (father's - blue cross): http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/neo/uploads/171029/MATRIX_051453_GWG_IMG_1531.jpg
INSURANCE CARD BACK (father's - blues cross): http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/neo/uploads/171029/MATRIX_051529_ZSv_IMG_1532.jpg
SSN Card: http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion/neo/uploads/171029/MATRIX_051653_dwj_6eb6ea4665a4efcdef1c511dad1b18675e435a21.jpg
Sex: F
Eye color: Green
Height: 5'2"
Birthday: 30 April 1997
Religious views: Greek Orthodox (devout)
Nation: USA (also applying for dual Greek citizenship through her Father's side)
Permanent (parent's home):
555 Pleasant Street
Birmingham, Michigan 48009
United States
Temporary/college (2017 - September 2018):
535 S 5th Ave,
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
United States
Employment: Student at University of Michigan
University of Michigan Student ID number: 20536376
Bank (likely): Chase
SSN: 378-21-6540
US Passport Number: 517656399
Michigan Driver's License number: T-456-522-630-330
Mother's maiden name: Elwell (Full: Kelly Elwell)
Father: Nicholas F Talmers
Mother: Kelly Talmers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lily.talmers
Other info: Frequent traveler (domestic and international), usually Delta Air. Oldest of four total siblings. Mother and Father still married. Traditional American, super wealthy, spoiled family.
The information is 100% accurate. Repost anywhere you please. Use for any purpose.
Replies to Re: DOX (complete) + COPY OF PASSPORT AND ID 