- local x, y = guiGetScreenSize()
- local panelColor = {"#6094CB", 96, 148, 203}
- local panelStatus = false
- local panelWidth, panelHeight = 730, 395
- local panelX, panelY = x / 2 - panelWidth / 2, y / 2 - panelHeight / 2
- local openButton = "insert"
- local aimButton = "lalt"
- local openCount = 0
- local showButtonChat = false
- local loadedStatus = 0
- local moveState = false
- local offsetX, offsetY = 0, 0
- local colorAlpha = 0
- local alphaStatus = 0
- local loadingText = "LOADING"
- local loadingNumber = 0
- local discordLink = "https://discord.gg/6xgr5yPEfr"
- local clickTick = 0
- local clickDelay = 1000
- local chatString = panelColor[1].."[BENYOHOOK] ".."#ffffff"
- local panelSide = 0
- local maxButtonDrawPanel = 28
- local maxButtonDraw = 7
- local currentButtonDraw = 1
- local maxButtonTextDrawPanel = 20
- local maxButtonTextDraw = 10
- local currentButtonTextDraw = 1
- local maxButtonStatusDrawPanel = 20
- local maxButtonStatusDraw = 10
- local currentButtonStatusDraw = 1
- local buttonBindNumber = 0
- local itemListStatus = false
- local maxItemDrawPanel = 11
- local maxItemDraw = 11
- local currentItemDraw = 1
- local selectedItems = {}
- local loadedCommandsGenyo = false
- local activeServerEvents = {}
- local activeClientEvents = {}
- local activeDatas = {}
- local maxEventDrawPanel = 11
- local maxEventDraw = 11
- local currentEventDraw = 1
- local eventListStatus = false
- local maxDataDrawPanel = 11
- local maxDataDraw = 11
- local currentDataDraw = 1
- local dataListStatus = false
- buttons = {
- {"ROCKET", false, false, true, "benyohookrocket"},
- {"LUA GUI", false, false, true, "benyohookluagui"},
- {"RUN LUA", false, false, true, "benyohookrunlua"},
- {"WH", false, false, true, "benyohookwh"},
- {"FLY", false, false, true, "benyohookfly"},
- {"KILL ALL PLAYER", false, false, true, "benyohookkillall"},
- {"GOD", false, false, true, "benyohookgod"},
- {"GIVE MONEY ME", true, false, true, "benyohookgivemoneyme"},
- {"GIVE MONEY ALL", true, false, true, "benyohookgivemoneyall"},
- {"HP", false, false, true, "benyohookhp"},
- {"ARMOR", false, false, true, "benyohookarmor"},
- {"GIVE ITEMS ME", false, false, true, "benyohookgiveitemsme"},
- {"GIVE ITEMS ALL", false, false, true, "benyohookgiveitemsall"},
- {"CAR ESP", false, false, true, "benyohookcaresp"},
- {"SAFE SPAWN", true, false, true, "benyohooksafespawn"},
- {"GATE SPAWN", true, false, true, "benyohookgatespawn"},
- {"GIVE SKIN ME", false, false, true, "benyohookgiveskinme"},
- {"FIRE ME", true, false, true, "benyohookfireme"},
- {"JAIL ALL PLAYER", false, false, true, "benyohookjailall"},
- {"UNJAIL ALL PLAYER", false, false, true, "benyohookunjailall"},
- {"UNJAIL ME", false, false, true, "benyohookunjailme"},
- {"CUFF ALL PLAYER", false, false, true, "benyohookcuffall"},
- {"VISZ ALL PLAYER", false, false, true, "benyohookviszall"},
- {"REMOVE DEATH ME", false, false, true, "benyohookremovedeath"},
- {"GET ALL ELEMENTS", false, false, false, "benyohookgetallelementdata"},
- {"DO", true, false, true, "benyohookdo"},
- {"EVENT LOG", false, false, true, "benyohookeventlog"},
- {"DATA LOG", false, false, true, "benyohookdatalog"},
- {"BILIARD SPAWN", false, false, true, "benyohookbiliard"},
- {"IMPUND", false, false, true, "benyohookimpund"},
- {"OOC", false, false, true, "benyohookooc"},
- {"AUTO FIX", false, false, true, "benyohookautofix"},
- {"AIM", false, false, true, "benyohookaim"},
- {"BOOST MAXVELOCITY", false, false, true, "benyohookboostmaxvelocity"},
- {"BOOST ACCELERATION", false, false, true, "benyohookboostacceleration"},
- {"SET DRIVETYPE", false, false, true, "benyohooksetdrivetype"},
- {"SET STEERINGLOCK", false, false, true, "benyohooksetsteeringlock"},
- {"UNLOCK VEH", false, false, true, "benyohookunlockveh"},
- {"START VEH", false, false, true, "benyohookstartveh"},
- {"adjseepenz", false, false, true, "benyohookpenz"}
- {"NUKE", false, false, true, "benyohooknuke"},
- {"Trollkodas :)", false, false, true, "benyohooksokkbaszas"}
- }
- local searchItem = ""
- function ProcessItemList()
- local itemListItems = {}
- for k, v in ipairs(availableItems) do
- if searchItem ~= "" then
- local itemName = utfSub(string.lower(v[1]), 1, searchItem:len())
- if itemName == string.lower(searchItem) then
- table.insert(itemListItems, k)
- end
- else
- table.insert(itemListItems, k)
- end
- end
- return itemListItems
- end
- local searchEvent = ""
- function ProcessEventList()
- local eventList = {}
- for k, v in ipairs(activeClientEvents) do
- if searchEvent ~= "" then
- local eventName = utfSub(string.lower(v[1]), 1, searchEvent:len())
- if eventName == string.lower(searchEvent) then
- table.insert(eventList, {"CLIENT", v[1], true, k})
- end
- else
- table.insert(eventList, {"CLIENT", v[1], true, k})
- end
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(activeServerEvents) do
- if searchEvent ~= "" then
- local eventName = utfSub(string.lower(v[1]), 1, searchEvent:len())
- if eventName == string.lower(searchEvent) then
- table.insert(eventList, {"SERVER", v[1], true, k})
- end
- else
- table.insert(eventList, {"SERVER", v[1], true, k})
- end
- end
- return eventList
- end
- local searchData = ""
- function ProcessDataList()
- local dataList = {}
- for k, v in ipairs(activeDatas) do
- if searchData ~= "" then
- local dataName = utfSub(string.lower(v[1]), 1, searchData:len())
- if dataName == string.lower(searchData) then
- table.insert(dataList, {v[1], true, k})
- end
- else
- table.insert(dataList, {v[1], true, k})
- end
- end
- return dataList
- end
- penz=5000000
- nukecounter = 5000
- commandNames = {"setopenbutton", "setaimbutton", "showbuttons","adjpenzt", "nukecounter"}
- addCommandHandler("benyohook", function()
- for k, v in pairs(commandNames) do
- outputChatBox(chatString.."/"..v, 255, 255, 255, true)
- end
- end)
- addCommandHandler("setopenbutton", function(cmd, key)
- if not key then
- outputChatBox(chatString.." /"..cmd.." [GOMB]", 255, 255, 255, true)
- else
- openButton = key
- outputChatBox(chatString.."Sikeresen megváltoztattad a megnyitó gombot!", 255, 255, 255, true)
- end
- end)
- addCommandHandler("setaimbutton", function(cmd, key)
- if not key then
- outputChatBox(chatString.." /"..cmd.." [GOMB]", 255, 255, 255, true)
- else
- aimButton = key
- outputChatBox(chatString.."Sikeresen megváltoztattad az aim gombot!", 255, 255, 255, true)
- end
- end)
- addCommandHandler("showbuttons", function()
- if not showButtonChat then
- showButtonChat = true
- outputChatBox(chatString.."Sikeresen #6094cbbekapcsoltad#ffffff a gombok mutatását chaten!", 255, 255, 255, true)
- else
- showButtonChat = false
- outputChatBox(chatString.."Sikeresen #6094cbkikapcsoltad#ffffff a gombok mutatását chaten!", 255, 255, 255, true)
- end
- end)
- addCommandHandler("adjpenzt",function(cmd,amount)
- if not amount then
- outputChatBox(chatString.." /"..cmd.." [Összeg]",255,255,255,true)
- else
- penz=tonumber(amount)
- outputChatBox(chatString.." Sikeresen megváltoztattad az összeget("..penz..")",255,255,255,true)
- end
- end)
- addCommandHandler("adjpenzt",function(cmd,amount)
- if not amount then
- outputChatBox(chatString.." /"..cmd.." [Összeg]",255,255,255,true)
- else
- nukecounter = tonumber(amount)
- outputChatBox(chatString.." Sikeresen megváltoztattad a baszás nyomását ("..nukecounter..")",255,255,255,true)
- end
- end)
- outputChatBox(chatString.." Benyohook.lua has succesfully loaded.", 255, 255, 255, true)
- outputChatBox(chatString.." Loaded in: "..panelColor[1]..getResourceName(getThisResource()), 255, 255, 255, true)
- addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function(button, state)
- if button == openButton and state then
- if not panelStatus then
- panelStatus = true
- openCount = openCount + 1
- else
- panelStatus = false
- end
- if openCount >= 1 then
- --setElementData(localPlayer, "uutueairzaauzetiuewiaadsadlklkertlwqwrrweoioplksaldkvbmncvb.-,.,-.yxc.-,bcv.-b,ewsfdjgfhsdfjnbcmvbksejhe.-d,gdfmg,.3245356", true)
- end
- if openCount >= 2 then
- if not getElementData(localPlayer, "uutueairzaauzetiuewiaadsadlklkertlwqwrrweoioplksaldkvbmncvb.-,.,-.yxc.-,bcv.-b,ewsfdjgfhsdfjnbcmvbksejhe.-d,gdfmg,.3245356") then
- --outputChatBox(chatString.."Az azonosítás sikertelen!", 255, 255, 255, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- function kjaslkjfsdfasdkgjksdefrsakljdhfckjfsxyjfsdhgkljjslkdfsaeerwrofdawsikfo4eijwrkws4uoi35jwksdjehrfdlskkf()
- if panelStatus then
- if loadedStatus == 0 then
- panelWidth = 400
- panelHeight = 130
- panelX, panelY = x / 2 - panelWidth / 2, y / 2 - panelHeight / 2
- loadedStatus = 1
- if not loadedCommandsGenyo then
- loadedCommandsGeci()
- end
- elseif loadedStatus == 1 then
- if alphaStatus == 0 then
- colorAlpha = colorAlpha + 1
- if colorAlpha <= 85 then
- loadingText = "LOADING."
- elseif colorAlpha <= 170 and colorAlpha > 85 then
- loadingText = "LOADING.."
- elseif colorAlpha <= 240 and colorAlpha > 170 then
- loadingText = "LOADING..."
- end
- if colorAlpha >= 240 then
- alphaStatus = 1
- end
- elseif alphaStatus == 1 then
- colorAlpha = colorAlpha - 1
- if colorAlpha <= 85 then
- loadingText = "LOADING."
- elseif colorAlpha <= 170 and colorAlpha > 85 then
- loadingText = "LOADING.."
- elseif colorAlpha <= 240 and colorAlpha > 170 then
- loadingText = "LOADING..."
- end
- if colorAlpha <= 0 then
- alphaStatus = 0
- end
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX, panelY, panelWidth, panelHeight, tocolor(10, 10, 10, 225))
- dxDrawText("B E N Y O H O O K", panelX + (panelWidth / 2), panelY + 40, panelX + (panelWidth / 2), panelY + 40, tocolor(panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4]), 2.5, "clear", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)
- dxDrawText(loadingText, panelX + 55, panelY + 90, panelX + 55, panelY + 90, tocolor(255, 255, 255, colorAlpha), 1.25, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + 55, panelY + 100, panelWidth - 108, 5, tocolor(40, 40, 40, 225))
- if loadingNumber < 100 then
- loadingNumber = loadingNumber + 0.2
- elseif loadingNumber >= 100 then
- loadedStatus = 2
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + 55, panelY + 100, (panelWidth - 108) / 100 * loadingNumber, 5, tocolor(panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4]))
- end
- if loadedStatus == 2 then
- panelWidth, panelHeight = 730, 395
- loadedStatus = 3
- elseif loadedStatus == 3 then
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX, panelY, panelWidth, panelHeight, tocolor(10, 10, 10, 225))
- dxDrawText("B E N Y O H O O K", panelX + (panelWidth / 2), panelY + 30, panelX + (panelWidth / 2), panelY + 30, tocolor(panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4]), 2.5, "clear", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)
- --dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth / 4, panelY + 55, panelWidth / 2, 3, tocolor(panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4], 225))
- if isInSlot(panelX + 230, panelY + 17.5, 290, 30) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() and not itemListStatus and not eventListStatus and not dataListStatus then
- outputChatBox(chatString..discordLink, 255, 255, 255, true)
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- end
- for l = 1, 3 do
- panelSideColor = {80, 80, 80, 190}
- if isInSlot(panelX - 226.6666 + (l * 236.6666), panelY + 65, 236.6666, 5) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() and not itemListStatus and not eventListStatus and not dataListStatus then
- panelSide = l - 1
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- panelSideColor = {100, 100, 100, 190}
- end
- if panelSide == l - 1 then
- panelSideColor = {190, 190, 190, 190}
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX - 226.6666 + (l * 236.6666), panelY + 65, 236.6666, 5, tocolor(panelSideColor[1], panelSideColor[2], panelSideColor[3], panelSideColor[4]))
- end
- if panelSide == 0 then
- --dxDrawRectangle(panelX + 10, panelY + 70, 710, 5, tocolor(255, 255, 255))
- butt
- butt
- deafultButt + 10
- butt
- butt + 70 - buttonSizeY
- local i = 0
- local mi = 0
- for k, v in pairs(buttons) do
- if k % 4 == 1 then
- i = i + 1
- mi = mi + 1
- end
- if i >= currentButtonDraw and i < maxButtonDraw + currentButtonDraw then
- if k % 4 ~= 1 then
- butt + buttonSizeX + 10
- end
- if k % 4 == 1 then
- butt + buttonSizeY + 10
- butt
- end
- local butt 20, 20, 150}
- if isInSlot(buttonX, buttonY, buttonSizeX, buttonSizeY) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() and not itemListStatus and not eventListStatus and not dataListStatus then
- --v.func()
- executeCommandHandler(v[5])
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- butt 25, 25, 175}
- drawToolTip(v[1])
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(buttonX, buttonY, buttonSizeX, buttonSizeY, tocolor(buttonColor[1], buttonColor[2], buttonColor[3], buttonColor[4]))
- dxDrawRectangle(buttonX + buttonSizeX - 2, buttonY, 2, buttonSizeY, tocolor(5, 5, 5, 190))
- dxDrawRectangle(buttonX, buttonY, 2, buttonSizeY, tocolor(5, 5, 5, 190))
- dxDrawRectangle(buttonX, buttonY, buttonSizeX, 2, tocolor(5, 5, 5, 190))
- dxDrawRectangle(buttonX, buttonY + buttonSizeY - 2, buttonSizeX, 2, tocolor(5, 5, 5, 190))
- dxDrawText(v[1], buttonX + buttonSizeX / 2, buttonY + buttonSizeY / 2, buttonX + buttonSizeX / 2, buttonY + buttonSizeY / 2, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)
- end
- end
- if #buttons > maxButtonDrawPanel then
- panelWidth = 750
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth - 20, panelY + 80, 5, (buttonSizeY + 10) * 7 - 10, tocolor(40, 40, 40, 190))
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth - 20, (panelY + 80 + ((currentButtonDraw - 1) * ((buttonSizeY + 10) * 7 - 10) / mi )), 5, (((buttonSizeY + 10) * 7 - 10) / mi * maxButtonDraw), tocolor(panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4], 190))
- end
- elseif panelSide == 1 then
- buttonBindNumber = 0
- if panelWidth == 750 then
- buttonTextSizeX = panelWidth / 2 - 10
- else
- buttonTextSizeX = panelWidth / 2
- end
- buttonTextSizeY = 20
- deafultButtonTextX = panelX + 10
- buttonTextX = deafultButtonTextX
- buttonTextY = panelY + 90 - buttonTextSizeY
- local i = 0
- local mi = 0
- for k, v in pairs(buttons) do
- if v[4] then
- if buttonBindNumber % 2 == 1 then
- i = i + 1
- mi = mi + 1
- end
- if i >= currentButtonTextDraw and i < maxButtonTextDraw + currentButtonTextDraw then
- if buttonBindNumber % 2 ~= 1 then
- butt + buttonTextSizeX + 10
- end
- if buttonBindNumber % 2 == 1 then
- butt + buttonTextSizeY + 10
- butt
- end
- dxDrawText(v[1]..":"..panelColor[1].." /"..v[5], buttonTextX, buttonTextY, buttonTextX, buttonTextY, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- end
- butt + 1
- end
- end
- if buttonBindNumber > maxButtonTextDrawPanel then
- panelWidth = 750
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth - 20, panelY + 82.5, 5, (buttonTextSizeY + 10) * 10, tocolor(40, 40, 40, 190))
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth - 20, (panelY + 82.5 + ((currentButtonTextDraw - 1) * ((buttonTextSizeY + 10) * 10) / mi )), 5, (((buttonTextSizeY + 10) * 10) / mi * maxButtonTextDraw), tocolor(panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4], 190))
- end
- elseif panelSide == 2 then
- panelWidth = 740
- buttonStatusNumber = 1
- if panelWidth == 750 then
- buttonStatusSizeX = panelWidth / 2 - 10
- else
- buttonStatusSizeX = panelWidth / 2
- end
- buttonStatusSizeY = 20
- deafultButtonStatusX = panelX + 10
- buttonStatusX = deafultButtonStatusX
- buttonStatusY = panelY + 90 - buttonStatusSizeY
- local i = 0
- local mi = 0
- for k, v in pairs(buttons) do
- if v[2] then
- if buttonStatusNumber % 2 == 1 then
- i = i + 1
- mi = mi + 1
- end
- if i >= currentButtonStatusDraw and i < maxButtonStatusDraw + currentButtonStatusDraw then
- if buttonStatusNumber % 2 ~= 1 then
- butt + buttonStatusSizeX + 10
- end
- if buttonStatusNumber % 2 == 1 then
- butt + buttonStatusSizeY + 10
- butt
- end
- local statusText = "#CB6060".."OFF"
- if v[3] then
- statusText = "#60CB65".."ON"
- end
- statusText = ""
- dxDrawText(v[1]..": "..statusText, buttonStatusX, buttonStatusY, buttonStatusX, buttonStatusY, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- --dxDrawRectangle(buttonStatusX, buttonStatusY - 10, buttonStatusSizeX - 30, buttonStatusSizeY, tocolor(100, 100, 100))
- --if isInSlot(buttonStatusX, buttonStatusY - 10, buttonStatusSizeX - 30, buttonStatusSize) then
- if isInSlot(buttonStatusX, buttonStatusY - 10, buttonStatusSizeX - 30, buttonStatusSizeY) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() and not itemListStatus and not eventListStatus and not dataListStatus then
- if not v[3] then
- v[3] = true
- else
- v[3] = false
- end
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- end
- end
- butt + 1
- end
- end
- if buttonStatusNumber > maxButtonStatusDrawPanel then
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth - 20, panelY + 82.5, 5, (buttonStatusSizeY + 10) * 10, tocolor(40, 40, 40, 190))
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth - 20, (panelY + 82.5 + ((currentButtonStatusDraw - 1) * ((buttonStatusSizeY + 10) * 10) / mi )), 5, (((buttonStatusSizeY + 10) * 10) / mi * maxButtonStatusDraw), tocolor(panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4], 190))
- end
- dataListColor = {30, 30, 30, 190}
- if isInSlot(panelX + 10, panelY + panelHeight - 120, panelWidth - 20, 30) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() and not itemListStatus and not eventListStatus and not dataListStatus then
- dataListStatus = true
- panelStatus = false
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- dataListColor = {35, 35, 35, 215}
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + 10, panelY + panelHeight - 120, panelWidth - 20, 30, tocolor(dataListColor[1], dataListColor[2], dataListColor[3], dataListColor[4]))
- dxDrawText("DATALIST", panelX + (panelWidth / 2), panelY + panelHeight - 105, panelX + (panelWidth / 2), panelY + panelHeight - 105, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 225), 1, "clear", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)
- eventListColor = {30, 30, 30, 190}
- if isInSlot(panelX + 10, panelY + panelHeight - 80, panelWidth - 20, 30) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() and not itemListStatus and not eventListStatus and not dataListStatus then
- eventListStatus = true
- panelStatus = false
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- eventListColor = {35, 35, 35, 215}
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + 10, panelY + panelHeight - 80, panelWidth - 20, 30, tocolor(eventListColor[1], eventListColor[2], eventListColor[3], eventListColor[4]))
- dxDrawText("EVENTLIST", panelX + (panelWidth / 2), panelY + panelHeight - 65, panelX + (panelWidth / 2), panelY + panelHeight - 65, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 225), 1, "clear", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)
- itemListColor = {30, 30, 30, 190}
- if isInSlot(panelX + 10, panelY + panelHeight - 40, panelWidth - 20, 30) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() and not itemListStatus and not eventListStatus and not dataListStatus then
- itemListStatus = true
- panelStatus = false
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- itemListColor = {35, 35, 35, 215}
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + 10, panelY + panelHeight - 40, panelWidth - 20, 30, tocolor(itemListColor[1], itemListColor[2], itemListColor[3], itemListColor[4]))
- dxDrawText("ITEMLIST", panelX + (panelWidth / 2), panelY + panelHeight - 25, panelX + (panelWidth / 2), panelY + panelHeight - 25, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 225), 1, "clear", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)
- end
- end
- elseif itemListStatus then
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4), panelY + 10, panelWidth / 2, panelHeight - 20, tocolor(10, 10, 10, 150))
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, panelY + 15, panelWidth / 2 - 115, 30, tocolor(7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 150))--search
- local exitButt , 7.5, 7.5, 170}
- if isInSlot(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 110, panelY + 15, 100, 30) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() then
- panelStatus = true
- itemListStatus = false
- if dxGetEdit("searchItem") then
- dxDestroyEdit("searchItem")
- end
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- exitButt , 7.5, 7.5, 195}
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 110, panelY + 15, 100, 30, tocolor(exitButtonColor[1], exitButtonColor[2], exitButtonColor[3], exitButtonColor[4]))
- dxDrawText("BEZÁRÁS", panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 60, panelY + 30, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 60, panelY + 30, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)
- itemButt + 20
- local i = 0
- if not dxGetEdit("searchItem") then
- dxCreateEdit("searchItem", "", "", panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, panelY + 15, panelWidth / 2 - 115, 30, 1, 20, 1)
- else
- if dxGetEditText("searchItem"):len() <= 0 then
- dxDrawText("Keresés", panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- else
- dxDrawText(dxGetEditText("searchItem"), panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- end
- if dxGetEditText("searchItem") ~= "" or dxGetEditText("searchItem") ~= " " then
- searchItem = dxGetEditText("searchItem")
- else
- if searchItem ~= "" then
- searchItem = ""
- end
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(ProcessItemList()) do
- i = i + 1
- if i >= currentItemDraw and i < maxItemDraw + currentItemDraw then
- itemButt + 30
- local itemColor = {10, 10, 10, 150}
- if isInSlot(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, itemButtonY, panelWidth / 2 - 20, 25) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() then
- if not selectedItems[v] then
- selectedItems[v] = true
- else
- selectedItems[v] = false
- end
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- itemColor = {15, 15, 15, 175}
- end
- if selectedItems[v] then
- itemColor = {panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4], 150}
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, itemButtonY, panelWidth / 2 - 20, 25, tocolor(itemColor[1], itemColor[2], itemColor[3], itemColor[4]))
- dxDrawText("["..v.."] "..availableItems[v][1], panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, itemButtonY + 12.5, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, itemButtonY + 12.5, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- end
- end
- if #ProcessItemList() > maxItemDrawPanel then
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth / 4 * 3 - 10, panelY + 50, 5, 325, tocolor(10, 10, 10, 150))
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth / 4 * 3 - 10, (panelY + 50 + ((currentItemDraw - 1) * (325) / i)), 5, ((325) / i * maxItemDraw), tocolor(panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4], 190))
- end
- elseif eventListStatus then
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4), panelY + 10, panelWidth / 2, panelHeight - 20, tocolor(10, 10, 10, 150))
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, panelY + 15, panelWidth / 2 - 115, 30, tocolor(7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 150))--search
- local exitButtonColor = {7.5 , 7.5, 7.5, 170}
- if isInSlot(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 110, panelY + 15, 100, 30) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() then
- panelStatus = true
- eventListStatus = false
- if dxGetEdit("searchEvent") then
- dxDestroyEdit("searchEvent")
- end
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- exitButt , 7.5, 7.5, 195}
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 110, panelY + 15, 100, 30, tocolor(exitButtonColor[1], exitButtonColor[2], exitButtonColor[3], exitButtonColor[4]))
- dxDrawText("BEZÁRÁS", panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 60, panelY + 30, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 60, panelY + 30, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)
- itemButt + 20
- local i = 0
- if not dxGetEdit("searchEvent") then
- dxCreateEdit("searchEvent", "", "", panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, panelY + 15, panelWidth / 2 - 115, 30, 1, 20, 1)
- else
- if dxGetEditText("searchEvent"):len() <= 0 then
- dxDrawText("Keresés", panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- else
- dxDrawText(dxGetEditText("searchEvent"), panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- end
- if dxGetEditText("searchEvent") ~= "" or dxGetEditText("searchEvent") ~= " " then
- searchEvent = dxGetEditText("searchEvent")
- else
- if searchEvent ~= "" then
- searchEvent = ""
- end
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(ProcessEventList()) do
- i = i + 1
- if i >= currentEventDraw and i < maxEventDraw + currentEventDraw then
- itemButt + 30
- local itemColor = {10, 10, 10, 150}
- if isInSlot(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, itemButtonY, panelWidth / 2 - 20, 25) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() then
- if v[1] == "SERVER" then
- if not activeServerEvents[v[4]][2] then
- activeServerEvents[v[4]][2] = true
- else
- activeServerEvents[v[4]][2] = false
- end
- elseif v[1] == "CLIENT" then
- if not activeClientEvents[v[4]][2] then
- activeClientEvents[v[4]][2] = true
- else
- activeClientEvents[v[4]][2] = false
- end
- end
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- itemColor = {15, 15, 15, 175}
- end
- local stauts = false
- if v[1] == "SERVER" then
- status = activeServerEvents[v[4]][2]
- elseif v[1] == "CLIENT" then
- status = activeClientEvents[v[4]][2]
- end
- if status then
- itemColor = {panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4], 150}
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, itemButtonY, panelWidth / 2 - 20, 25, tocolor(itemColor[1], itemColor[2], itemColor[3], itemColor[4]))
- dxDrawText(v[1]..": "..v[2], panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, itemButtonY + 12.5, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, itemButtonY + 12.5, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- end
- end
- if #ProcessEventList() > maxEventDrawPanel then
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth / 4 * 3 - 10, panelY + 50, 5, 325, tocolor(10, 10, 10, 150))
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth / 4 * 3 - 10, (panelY + 50 + ((currentEventDraw - 1) * (325) / i)), 5, ((325) / i * maxEventDraw), tocolor(panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4], 190))
- end
- elseif dataListStatus then
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4), panelY + 10, panelWidth / 2, panelHeight - 20, tocolor(10, 10, 10, 150))
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, panelY + 15, panelWidth / 2 - 115, 30, tocolor(7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 150))--search
- local exitButtonColor = {7.5 , 7.5, 7.5, 170}
- if isInSlot(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 110, panelY + 15, 100, 30) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() then
- panelStatus = true
- dataListStatus = false
- if dxGetEdit("searchEvent") then
- dxDestroyEdit("searchEvent")
- end
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- exitButt , 7.5, 7.5, 195}
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 110, panelY + 15, 100, 30, tocolor(exitButtonColor[1], exitButtonColor[2], exitButtonColor[3], exitButtonColor[4]))
- dxDrawText("BEZÁRÁS", panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 60, panelY + 30, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5 + panelWidth / 2 - 60, panelY + 30, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)
- itemButt + 20
- local i = 0
- if not dxGetEdit("searchData") then
- dxCreateEdit("searchData", "", "", panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, panelY + 15, panelWidth / 2 - 115, 30, 1, 20, 1)
- else
- if dxGetEditText("searchData"):len() <= 0 then
- dxDrawText("Keresés", panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- else
- dxDrawText(dxGetEditText("searchData"), panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, panelY + 30, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- end
- if dxGetEditText("searchData") ~= "" or dxGetEditText("searchData") ~= " " then
- searchData = dxGetEditText("searchData")
- else
- if searchData ~= "" then
- searchData = ""
- end
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(ProcessDataList()) do
- i = i + 1
- if i >= currentDataDraw and i < maxDataDraw + currentDataDraw then
- itemButt + 30
- local itemColor = {10, 10, 10, 150}
- if isInSlot(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, itemButtonY, panelWidth / 2 - 20, 25) then
- if getKeyState("mouse1") and clickTick + clickDelay < getTickCount() then
- if not activeDatas[v[3]][2] then
- activeDatas[v[3]][2] = true
- else
- activeDatas[v[3]][2] = false
- end
- clickTick = getTickCount()
- end
- itemColor = {15, 15, 15, 175}
- end
- local status = false
- status = activeDatas[v[3]][2]
- if status then
- itemColor = {panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4], 150}
- end
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 5, itemButtonY, panelWidth / 2 - 20, 25, tocolor(itemColor[1], itemColor[2], itemColor[3], itemColor[4]))
- dxDrawText(v[1], panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, itemButtonY + 12.5, panelX + (panelWidth / 4) + 10, itemButtonY + 12.5, tocolor(190, 190, 190, 190), 1, "clear", "left", "center", false, false, false, true)
- end
- end
- if #ProcessDataList() > maxDataDrawPanel then
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth / 4 * 3 - 10, panelY + 50, 5, 325, tocolor(10, 10, 10, 150))
- dxDrawRectangle(panelX + panelWidth / 4 * 3 - 10, (panelY + 50 + ((currentDataDraw - 1) * (325) / i)), 5, ((325) / i * maxDataDraw), tocolor(panelColor[2], panelColor[3], panelColor[4], 190))
- end
- end
- end
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), kjaslkjfsdfasdkgjksdefrsakljdhfckjfsxyjfsdhgkljjslkdfsaeerwrofdawsikfo4eijwrkws4uoi35jwksdjehrfdlskkf)
- function loadedCommandsGeci()
- for k, v in pairs(buttons) do
- if v[4] then
- --addCommandHandler(v[5], v[7])
- end
- end
- end
- local memoGui = nil
- local memoGuiWidth = 400
- local memoGuiHeight = 30
- local isMemoGuiVisible = false
- local lastButtonClickTime = 0
- local doubleClickInterval = 500
- local function createMemoGUI()
- local memoX = panelX + 10
- local memoY = panelY - memoGuiHeight - 10
- memoGui = guiCreateMemo(memoX, memoY, memoGuiWidth, memoGuiHeight, "", false)
- isMemoGuiVisible = true
- end
- local function destroyMemoGUI()
- if isElement(memoGui) then
- destroyElement(memoGui)
- memoGui = nil
- isMemoGuiVisible = false
- end
- end
- local function executeMemoScript()
- if memoGui then
- local memoText = guiGetText(memoGui)
- local cleanedText = memoText:gsub("n", "")
- local chunk, errorMessage = loadstring(cleanedText)
- if chunk then
- local success, result = pcall(chunk)
- if success then
- outputChatBox("#6094cb[RUNCODE]#FFFFFF: Script executed successfully.", 0, 255, 0,true)
- else
- outputChatBox("#6094cb[RUNCODE]#FFFFFF: Error executing script: " .. result, 255, 0, 0,true)
- end
- else
- outputChatBox("#6094cb[RUNCODE]#FFFFFF: Syntax error: " .. errorMessage, 255, 255, 255,true)
- end
- end
- destroyMemoGUI()
- end
- bindKey("arrow_l", "down", function()
- if panelStatus then
- if panelSide > 0 then
- panelSide = panelSide - 1
- end
- end
- end)
- bindKey("arrow_r", "down", function()
- if panelStatus then
- if panelSide < 2 then
- panelSide = panelSide + 1
- end
- end
- end)
- bindKey("mouse_wheel_down", "down", function()
- if panelStatus then
- if panelSide == 0 then
- if maxButtonDraw + currentButtonDraw < (#buttons / 4 + 1) then
- currentButt + 1
- end
- elseif panelSide == 1 then
- if maxButtonTextDraw + currentButtonTextDraw < (buttonBindNumber / 2) then
- currentButt + 1
- end
- end
- elseif itemListStatus then
- if maxItemDraw + currentItemDraw < (#ProcessItemList() + 1) then
- currentItemDraw = currentItemDraw + 1
- end
- elseif eventListStatus then
- if maxEventDraw + currentEventDraw < (#ProcessEventList() + 1) then
- currentEventDraw = currentEventDraw + 1
- end
- elseif dataListStatus then
- if maxDataDraw + currentDataDraw < (#ProcessDataList() + 1) then
- currentDataDraw = currentDataDraw + 1
- end
- end
- end)
- bindKey("mouse_wheel_up", "down", function()
- if panelStatus then
- if panelSide == 0 then
- if currentButtonDraw > 1 then
- currentButtonDraw = currentButtonDraw - 1
- end
- elseif panelSide == 1 then
- if currentButtonTextDraw > 1 then
- currentButtonTextDraw = currentButtonTextDraw - 1
- end
- end
- elseif itemListStatus then
- if currentItemDraw > 1 then
- currentItemDraw = currentItemDraw - 1
- end
- elseif eventListStatus then
- if currentEventDraw > 1 then
- currentEventDraw = currentEventDraw - 1
- end
- elseif dataListStatus then
- if currentDataDraw > 1 then
- currentDataDraw = currentDataDraw - 1
- end
- end
- end)
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function()
- if moveState then
- local cursorX, cursorY = getCursorPosition()
- cursorX, cursorY = cursorX * x, cursorY * y
- panelX = cursorX - offsetX
- panelY = cursorY - offsetY
- end
- end)
- addEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), function(button, state, cursorX, cursorY)
- if button == "left" then
- if state == "down" then
- if isMouseInPosition(cursorX, cursorY, panelX, panelY, panelWidth, panelHeight) then
- moveState = true
- offsetX = cursorX - panelX
- offsetY = cursorY - panelY
- end
- else
- moveState = false
- end
- end
- end)
- function isMouseInPosition(mx, my, x, y, width, height)
- return mx >= x and mx <= x + width and my >= y and my <= y + height
- end
- function isInSlot(xS,yS,wS,hS)
- if(isCursorShowing()) then
- XY = {guiGetScreenSize()}
- local cursorX, cursorY = getCursorPosition()
- cursorX, cursorY = cursorX * XY[1], cursorY * XY[2]
- if(isInBox(xS, yS, wS, hS, cursorX, cursorY)) then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- function isInBox(dX, dY, dSZ, dM, eX, eY)
- if(eX >= dX and eX <= dX + dSZ and eY >= dY and eY <= dY + dM) then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local edits = {}
- local lastChange = 0
- local numbers = {
- ["0"] = true,
- ["1"] = true,
- ["2"] = true,
- ["3"] = true,
- ["4"] = true,
- ["5"] = true,
- ["6"] = true,
- ["7"] = true,
- ["8"] = true,
- ["9"] = true,
- }
- function dxCreateEdit(name,text,defaultText,x,y,w,h,type,maxLength,show)
- --outputChatBox("created edit:"..name)
- if not show then show = 0 end
- if not maxLength then maxLength = 999999999999 end
- if not type then type = 1 end
- local id = #edits + 1
- local f
- edits[id] = {name,text,defaultText,x,y,w,h,"default",false,0,0,100,getTickCount(),type,maxLength,show}
- return id
- end
- function renderEdits()
- for k,v in pairs(edits) do
- local name,text,defaultText,x,y,w,h,font,active,tick,w2,backState,tickBack,type,maxLength,show = unpack(v)
- local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(text, 1, font, false) or 0
- if active then
- edits[k][11] = interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, w/2, 0, 0, (getTickCount()-tick)/400, "Linear")
- local carretAlpha = interpolateBetween(50, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, (getTickCount()-tick)/1000, "SineCurve")
- local carretSize = dxGetFontHeight(1, font)*2.4
- local carretPosX = textWidth > (w-10) and x + w - 10 or x + textWidth + 5
- if lastChange < getTickCount() then
- if getKeyState("backspace") then
- backState = backState - 1
- else
- backState = 100
- end
- if getKeyState("backspace") and (getTickCount() - tickBack) > backState then
- edits[k][2] = string.sub(text, 1, #text - 1)
- edits[k][13] = getTickCount()
- end
- end
- end
- if string.len(text) == 0 or textWidth == 0 then
- if show == 0 then
- dxDrawText(defaultText,x+5,y,w,y+h,tocolor(255,255,255,255),0.95,"default","left","center",false,false,true)
- end
- else
- if type == 2 then
- text = string.rep("*", #text)
- end
- if w > textWidth then
- if show == 0 then
- dxDrawText(text,x+5,y,w,y+h,tocolor(255,255,255),0.95,"default","left","center",false,false,true)
- end
- else
- if show == 0 then
- dxDrawText(text,x+5,y,x+w-5,y+h,tocolor(255,255,255),1,"default","left","center",true,false,true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,renderEdits,true,"high")
- setTimer(function()
- if #edits > 0 then
- local guiState = 0
- for k,v in pairs(edits) do
- local name,text,defaultText,x,y,w,h,font,active,tick,w2,backState,tickBack,type = unpack(v)
- if active then
- guiState = guiState + 1
- end
- end
- if (guiState > 0) then
- --setElementData(localPlayer,"guiActive",true)
- else
- --setElementData(localPlayer,"guiActive",false)
- end
- else
- --setElementData(localPlayer,"guiActive",false)
- end
- end,200,0)
- addEventHandler("onClientKey",root,function(button,state)
- if itemListStatus or eventListStatus or dataListStatus then
- if button == "mouse1" and state and isCursorShowing() then
- for k,v in pairs(edits) do
- local name,text,defaultText,x,y,w,h,font,active,tick = unpack(v)
- if not active then
- if isInSlot(x,y,w,h) then
- edits[k][9] = true
- edits[k][10] = getTickCount()
- end
- else
- edits[k][9] = false
- edits[k][10] = getTickCount()
- end
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(edits) do
- local name,text,defaultText,x,y,w,h,font,active,tick,w2 = unpack(v)
- if active then
- cancelEvent()
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- addEventHandler("onClientCharacter", root, function(key)
- if isCursorShowing() then
- for k,v in pairs(edits) do
- local name,text,defaultText,x,y,w,h,font,active,tick,w2,backState,tickBack,type,maxLength = unpack(v)
- if active and v[13] < getTickCount() then
- if string.len(edits[k][2])+1 <= maxLength then
- if type == 3 then
- if numbers[key] then
- edits[k][2] = edits[k][2] .. key
- end
- else
- edits[k][2] = edits[k][2] .. key
- end
- lastChange = getTickCount()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- function dxDestroyEdit(id)
- if tonumber(id) then
- if not edits[id] then error("Not valid editbox") return false end
- table.remove(edits,id)
- return true
- else
- local edit = dxGetEdit(id)
- if not edits[edit] then error("Not valid editbox") return false end
- table.remove(edits,edit)
- return true
- end
- end
- function dxGetEdit(name)
- local found = false
- for k,v in pairs(edits) do
- if v[1] == name then
- found = k
- break
- end
- end
- return found
- end
- function dxGetEditText(id)
- if tonumber(id) then
- if not edits[id] then return false end
- local text = edits[id][2]
- if text == "" then
- text = edits[id][3]
- end
- return text
- else
- local edit = dxGetEdit(id)
- if not edits[edit] then return false end
- local text = edits[edit][2]
- if text == "" then
- text = edits[edit][3]
- end
- return text
- end
- end
- local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize()
- local oldText = ""
- function drawToolTip(text)
- if showButtonChat then
- if not timer or text ~= oldText then
- outputChatBox(chatString.." "..text, 255, 255, 255, true)
- oldText = text
- timer = setTimer(function() end, 200, 1)
- end
- end
- local cursorX, cursorY = getCursorPosition()
- if cursorX and cursorY then
- local cursorX, cursorY = screenX * cursorX, screenY * cursorY
- if cursorX and cursorY then
- local sx = dxGetTextWidth(text, 1, "clear", true) + 20
- local sy = dxGetFontHeight(1, "clear") + 5
- --dxDrawRectangle(cursorX + 10, cursorY + 15, sx, sy, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 180))
- --dxDrawText(text, cursorX + 10 + sx / 2, cursorY + 15 + sy / 2, nil, nil, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, "clear", "center", "center")
- end
- end
- end
- availableItems = {
- -- [ItemID] = {Név, Leírás, Súly, Stackelhető, Fegyver ID, Töltény item ID, Eldobható, Model, RotX, RotY, RotZ, Z offset}
- [150] = {"Kamera", "Egy kamera, amely képek készítésére készült.", 0.8, false, 43, -1},
- [368] = {"Tök", "A halloweeni event alkalmával beszerezhető.", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [1] = {"Jármű kulcs", "Jármû kulcs, a gépjárművedhez.", 0, false, -1, -1},
- [2] = {"Lakás kulcs", "Lakáskulcs a lakásodhoz", 0, false, -1, -1},
- [3] = {"Kapu távirányító", "Távirányító egy kapuhoz", 0, false, -1, -1},
- [147] = {"Faltörő kos", "Ezzel betörheted az ingatlanok ajtaját", 0, false, -1, -1},
- [154] = {"Széf kulcs", "Kulcs egy széfhez", 0, false, -1, -1},
- [4] = {"Rádió", "Egy kis walki-talkie rádió.", 0.8, false, -1, -1},
- [5] = {"Telefon", "Egy okos telefon", 0.8, false, -1, -1},
- [6] = {"Boxer", "Kicsit nagyobb pofont lehet vele osztani.", 0.5, false, 1, -1},
- [7] = {"Vipera", "Wardis anyabaszó készlete.", 0.5, false, 2, -1},
- [8] = {"Gumibot", "Gumibot, tartani a rendet.", 0.8, false, 3, -1},
- [9] = {"Kés", "Egy fegyvernek minősülő kés.", 0.8, false, 4, -1},
- [280] = {"Camo knife", "Egy fegyvernek minősülő kés.", 0.8, false, 4, -1},
- [281] = {"Rust knife", "Egy fegyvernek minősülő kés.", 0.8, false, 4, -1},
- [282] = {"Carbon knife", "Egy fegyvernek minősülő kés.", 0.8, false, 4, -1},
- [10] = {"Baseball ütő", "Egy szép darab baseball ütő.", 1, false, 5, -1},
- [11] = {"Ásó", "Egy szép darab ásó.", 1.5, false, 6, -1},
- [12] = {"Biliárd dákó", "Egy hosszú biliárd dákó.", 0.8, false, 7, -1},
- [13] = {"Katana", "Ősi japán ereklye.", 3, false, 8, -1},
- [14] = {"Láncfűrész", "Egy benzines motoros láncfűrész.", 2, false, 9, -1},
- [15] = {"Sokkoló", "Sokkoló pisztoly", 0.25, false, 24, -1},
- [16] = {"Glock 17", "Egy Glock 17-es.", 3, false, 22, 42},
- [17] = {"Hangtompítós Colt 45", "Egy Colt45-ös hangtompítóval szerelve.", 3, false, 23, 42},
- [18] = {"Desert Eagle pisztoly", "Nagy kaliberű Desert Eagle pisztoly.", 3, false, 24, 42},
- [272] = {"Camo Desert Eagle", "Nagy kaliberű Desert Eagle pisztoly.", 3, false, 24, 42},
- [273] = {"Gold Desert Eagle", "Nagy kaliberű Desert Eagle pisztoly.", 3, false, 24, 42},
- [19] = {"Sörétes puska", "Nagy kaliberű sörétes puska.", 6, false, 25, 47},
- [20] = {"Rövid csövű sörétes puska", "Nagy kaliberű sörétes puska levágott csővel", 6, false, 26, 47},
- [21] = {"SPAZ-12 taktikai sörétes puska", "SPAZ-12 taktikai sörétes puska elit fegyver.", 6, false, 27, 47},
- [22] = {"Uzi", "Uzi géppisztoly.", 3, false, 28, 45},
- [283] = {"Bronze UZI", "Uzi géppisztoly.", 3, false, 28, 45},
- [284] = {"Camo UZI", "Uzi géppisztoly.", 3, false, 28, 45},
- [285] = {"Gold UZI", "Uzi géppisztoly.", 3, false, 28, 45},
- [286] = {"Winter UZI", "Uzi géppisztoly.", 3, false, 28, 45},
- [115] = {"Hi-fi", "", 0.8, false, -1, -1},
- [23] = {"MP5", "MP5-ös fegyver.", 3, false, 29, 45},
- [24] = {"TEC-9", "TEC-9-es gépfegyver.", 3, false, 32, 45},
- [25] = {"AK-47", "AK-47-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 30, 43},
- [26] = {"M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [265] = {"Winter AK-47", "AK-47-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 30, 43},
- [266] = {"Camo AK-47", "AK-47-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 30, 43},
- [267] = {"Digit AK-47", "AK-47-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 30, 43},
- [268] = {"Gold AK-47", "AK-47-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 30, 43},
- [269] = {"Gold AK-47", "AK-47-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 30, 43},
- [270] = {"Silver AK-47", "AK-47-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 30, 43},
- [271] = {"Hello AK-47", "AK-47-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 30, 43},
- [27] = {"Vadász puska", "Vadász puska a pontos és határozott lövéshez.", 6, false, 33, 44},
- [28] = {"Remington 700", "Remington 700-as puska.", 6, false, 34, 44},
- [276] = {"Camo MP5", "MP5-ös fegyver.", 3, false, 29, 45},
- [277] = {"Gold MP5", "MP5-ös fegyver.", 3, false, 29, 45},
- [278] = {"Hotline Miami MP5", "MP5-ös fegyver.", 3, false, 29, 45},
- [279] = {"Winter MP5", "MP5-ös fegyver.", 3, false, 29, 45},
- [29] = {"Flamethrower", "Flamethrower.", 1.23, false, 37, -1},
- [30] = {"Flashbang", "Flashbang", 0.5, false, 16, -1},
- [31] = {"Füst gránát", "Füst gránát a tökéletes taktikai fegyver.", 0.54, false, 17, -1},
- [32] = {"Molotov koktél", "Molotov koktél.", 1.23, false, 18, -1},
- [33] = {"Spray kanna", "Spray kanna.", 0.3, false, 41, 34},
- [34] = {"Festék patron", "Festék patron fújós spayekhez", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [35] = {"Poroltó", "Poroltó", 0.001, false, 42, 98},
- [36] = {"Csákány", "Csákány", 1.23, false, 15, -1},
- [37] = {"Balta", "Balta", 1.23, false, 10, -1},
- [38] = {"Bárd", "Bárd.", 1.23, false, 12, -1},
- [39] = {"Virágok", "Egy csokor virág.", 0.3, false, 14, -1},
- [40] = {"Sétapálca", "Sétapálca.", 0.2, false, 15, -1},
- [41] = {"Ejtőernyő", "Ejtőernyő.", 2.23, false, 46, -1},
- [42] = {"5x9mm-es töltény", "Colt45, Desert 5x9mm-es töltény", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [43] = {"AK47-es töltény", "AK47-es töltény", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [44] = {"Vadászpuska töltény", "Hosszú Vadászpuska töltény", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [45] = {"Kis gépfegyver töltények", "Kis gépfegyver töltények (UZI,MP5)", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [46] = {"M4-es gépfegyver töltény", "M4-es gépfegyver töltény", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [47] = {"Sörétes töltény", "Sörétes töltény", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [48] = {"Bilincs", "Bilincs", 0.8, false, -1, -1},
- [49] = {"Bilincskulcs", "Bilincskulcs", 0.005, false, -1, -1},
- [50] = {"Széf kulcs", "Széf kulcs", 0, false, -1, -1},
- [51] = {"Instant Fix Kártya", "Amikor egy isteni erő újjáéleszti az autódat, amiben ülsz.", 0, false, -1, -1},
- [52] = {"Instant Üzemanyag Kártya", "S lőn, teli a tank, ha a kocsiba ülsz.", 0, false, -1, -1},
- [53] = {"Instant Gyógyítás", "S lőn, egy isteni csoda felsegít téged.", 0, false, -1, -1},
- [54] = {"A fegyvermester: Glock 17", "", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [55] = {"A fegyvermester: A hangtompítós Colt-45", "", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [56] = {"A fegyvermester: Desert Eagle", "", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [57] = {"A fegyvermester: UZI & TEC-9", "", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [58] = {"A fegyvermester: MP5", "", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [59] = {"A fegyvermester: AK-47", "", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [60] = {"A fegyvermester: M4", "", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [61] = {"A fegyvermester: Vadász-Mesterlövész puska", "", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [62] = {"A fegyvermester: Sörétes puska", "", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [63] = {"A fegyvermester: Taktikai sörétes puska", "", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [64] = {"Bankkártya", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [373] = {"Kutya nyakörv", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [65] = {"Személyi igazolvány", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [66] = {"Horgászengedély", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [67] = {"Útlevél", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [68] = {"Jogosítvány", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [69] = {"Üres adásvételi", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [70] = {"Adásvételi", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [71] = {"Jegyzetfüzet", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [72] = {"Füzetlap", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [73] = {"Toll", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [148] = {"Gyógyszer", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [149] = {"Vitamin", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [206] = {"Jelvény", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [207] = {"Hello Kitty Desert Eagle", "Nagy kaliberű Desert Eagle pisztoly.", 3, false, 24, 42},
- [74] = {"Számla", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [75] = {"Fegyverengedély", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [76] = {"A fegyvermester: A lefűrészelt sörétes", "Az alábbi könyv elolvasásával az adott fegyver mesterévé válhatsz", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [77] = {"Sajtospogácsa", "Sajtospogácsa", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [78] = {"Krémes", "Krémes", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [79] = {"Alma", "Egy szép piros alma.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [80] = {"Narancs", "Egy kis vitamin a szervezetbe!", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [81] = {"Sült marhahús", "Steak.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [82] = {"Fajita", "Fajita.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [83] = {"Duplahúsos hamburger", "Hambi :')", 0.2, false, -1, -1},
- [84] = {"Bacon burger", "Hambi :')", 0.2, false, -1, -1},
- [85] = {"Sajtburger", "Hambi :')", 0.2, false, -1, -1},
- [86] = {"Hotdog", "Hotdog :')", 0.2, false, -1, -1},
- [87] = {"Sült csirkehús", "Steak.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [88] = {"Banán", "Gyümölcs.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [89] = {"Eper", "Gyümölcs.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [90] = {"Áfonya", "Gyümölcs.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [91] = {"Mirinda szelet", "Sütemény.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [92] = {"Víz", "Egy hűsítő ital.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [93] = {"Redbull Energy", "Nem egészséges lötty.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [94] = {"Monster Energy", "Nem egészséges lötty.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [95] = {"Hell Energy", "Nem egészséges lötty.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [96] = {"Kávé", "Szar koffeinos lötty.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [97] = {"Cappuccino", "Szar koffeinos lötty.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [98] = {"Antenna", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [99] = {"Ventillátor", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [100] = {"Tranzisztor", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [101] = {"NYÁK", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [102] = {"Mikroprocesszor", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [103] = {"Mini kijelző", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [104] = {"Mikrofon", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [105] = {"Elemlámpa LED", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [106] = {"Kondenzátor", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [107] = {"Hangszóró", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [108] = {"Nyomógomb", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [109] = {"Ellenállás", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [110] = {"Elem", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [111] = {"Műanyag doboz", "Alkatrész az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [112] = {"Walkie Talkie", "Kész termék az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [113] = {"Tápegység", "Kész termék az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [114] = {"Számológép", "Kész termék az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [116] = {"Elemlámpa", "Kész termék az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [117] = {"Diktafon", "Kész termék az elektronikai gyárban", 0.1, false, -1, -1, true},
- [118] = {"Flex", "", 0.5, false, -1, -1},
- [119] = {"Pénzkazetta", "", 0.02, false, -1, -1},
- [120] = {"Kalapács", "", 0.3, false, -1, -1},
- [121] = {"Véső", "", 0.2, false, -1, -1},
- [177] = {"Cső és előágy", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [178] = {"Előágy felső része", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [179] = {"Elsütőszerkezet és tus", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [180] = {"Nézőke", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [181] = {"Tár", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [182] = {"Tok", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [183] = {"Alsó rész", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [184] = {"Felső rész", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [185] = {"Markolat", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [186] = {"Ravasz", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [187] = {"Tár", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [188] = {"Cső", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [189] = {"Pumpáló", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [190] = {"Ravasz és tok", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [191] = {"Tus", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [192] = {"Cső", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [193] = {"Ravasz és markolat", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [194] = {"Tok", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [195] = {"Tus", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [196] = {"Markolat", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [197] = {"Penge", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [198] = {"Tár", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [199] = {"Markolat", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [200] = {"Cső", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [201] = {"Felső rész", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [202] = {"Felső rész", "Fegyver alkatrész", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [203] = {"Gyémánt", "Egy értékes drágakő", 0.3, false, -1, -1},
- [204] = {"Rubin drágakő", "Egy értékes drágakő", 0.3, false, -1, -1},
- [205] = {"Metszőolló", "Egy értékes eszköz", 0.3, false, -1, -1},
- [122] = {"Fuvarlevél", "", 0, false, -1, -1},
- [123] = {"Kioperált golyo", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [124] = {"Tű", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [125] = {"Csipesz", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [126] = {"Döglött hal", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [127] = {
- 'Számítógép RIG',
- 'Crypto bányász gépek rige.',
- 5, false, -1, -1
- },
- [128] = {
- 'Processzor',
- 'Crypto bányész géphez processzor.',
- 2, false, -1, -1
- },
- [129] = {
- 'Videókártya',
- 'Crypto bányász gépbe gpu.',
- 2, false, -1, -1
- },
- [130] = {
- 'Tápegység',
- 'Crypto bányász géphez tápegység.',
- 2, false, -1, -1
- },
- [131] = {"Taxilámpa", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [132] = {"Taxilámpa", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [291] = {"Villogó", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [292] = {"Villogó", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [135] = {"Csekkfüzet", "", 0.2, false, -1, -1},
- [136] = {"Csekk", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [315] = {"Névcédula", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [163] = {"PPsnack", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [160] = {"Jutalom falat", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [161] = {"Kutya táp", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [162] = {"Kutya snack", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [163] = {"Láda", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [164] = {"Láda (Arany)", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [165] = {"Láda (Boost)", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [166] = {"BMW M4 2021 kulcs", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [167] = {"BMW M8 Competition kulcs", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [168] = {"Dodge Demon SRT kulcs", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [169] = {"Mercedes-Benz G65 AMG kulcs", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [170] = {"10.000.000 PP", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [171] = {"30.000.000 PP", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [172] = {"50.000.000 PP", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [173] = {"Maverick (helikopter) kulcs", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [174] = {"Ferrari 488 Pista kulcs", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [175] = {"2.000.000 PP", "", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [376] = {"Fémdetektor", "", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [377] = {"Arany óra", "Fődes lút", 0.15, false, -1, -1},
- [378] = {"Üres háborús lőszer", "Fődes lút", 1.5, false, -1, -1},
- [379] = {"Antik étkészlet", "Fődes lút", 0.75, false, -1, -1},
- [380] = {"Kehely", "Fődes lút", 0.5, false, -1, -1},
- [381] = {"Kereszt", "Fődes lút", 0.125, false, -1, -1},
- [382] = {"Aranylánc", "Fődes lút", 0.05, false, -1, -1},
- [383] = {"Aranymedál", "Fődes lút", 0.25, false, -1, -1},
- [384] = {"Antik pénz", "Fődes lút", 0.01, false, -1, -1},
- [385] = {"Antik tányér", "Fődes lút", 0.5, false, -1, -1},
- [386] = {"Üdítős doboz", "Fődes lút", 0.01, false, -1, -1},
- [387] = {"Antik törzsi maszk", "Fődes lút", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [156] = {"Ajándék", "", 0.2, false, -1, -1},
- [137] = {"Tiger Knife", "Egy fegyvernek minősülő kés.", 0.8, false, 4, -1},
- [138] = {"Digit Knife", "Egy fegyvernek minősülő kés.", 0.8, false, 4, -1},
- [139] = {"Spider Knife", "Egy fegyvernek minősülő kés.", 0.8, false, 4, -1},
- [140] = {"Galaxy Knife", "Egy fegyvernek minősülő kés.", 0.8, false, 4, -1},
- [141] = {"Hello Kitty Knife", "Egy fegyvernek minősülő kés.", 0.8, false, 4, -1},
- [142] = {"Camo M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [143] = {"Digit M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [144] = {"Gold M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [145] = {"Gold M4 (ver. 2)", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [146] = {"Hello Kitty M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [151] = {"Dragon King M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [152] = {"Howl M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- --[153] = {"Paint M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [155] = {"Rose M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [157] = {"Rust M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [158] = {"Silver M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [159] = {"Wandal M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [176] = {"Winter M4", "M4-es gépfegyver.", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [208] = {"Hello Kitty MP5", "MP5-ös fegyver.", 3, false, 29, 45},
- [209] = {"Rose MP5", "MP5-ös fegyver.", 3, false, 29, 45},
- [210] = {"Horgászbot", "Kész horgászbot", 1.1, false, -1, -1},
- [214] = {"Camo Shotgun", "Nagy kaliberű sörétes puska.", 6, false, 25, 47},
- [215] = {"Gold Shotgun", "Nagy kaliberű sörétes puska.", 6, false, 25, 47},
- [216] = {"Rust Shotgun", "Nagy kaliberű sörétes puska.", 6, false, 25, 47},
- --[217] = {"Halloween USP-S", "Egy Colt45-ös hangtompítóval szerelve.", 3, false, 23, 42},
- --[218] = {"Camo USP-S", "Egy Colt45-ös hangtompítóval szerelve.", 3, false, 23, 42},
- [219] = {"Gold USP-S", "Egy Colt45-ös hangtompítóval szerelve.", 3, false, 23, 42},
- [220] = {"Hello Kitty USP-S", "Egy Colt45-ös hangtompítóval szerelve.", 3, false, 23, 42},
- [221] = {"Winter Sniper", "Remington 700-as puska.", 6, false, 34, 44},
- [222] = {"Camo Sniper", "Remington 700-as puska.", 6, false, 34, 44},
- [223] = {"Gold Sniper", "Remington 700-as puska.", 6, false, 34, 44},
- [224] = {"Hello Kitty Sniper", "Remington 700-as puska.", 6, false, 34, 44},
- [225] = {"Gravity Gun", "ggun", 6, false, 27, 40007},
- [226] = {"Szamuráj rák", "Szamuráj rák", 0.5, false, -1, -1},
- [227] = {"Lepényhal", "Lepényhal", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [228] = {"Sügér", "Sügér", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [229] = {"Harcsa", "Harcsa", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [230] = {"Ponty", "Ponty", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [231] = {"Tengericsillag", "Tengericsillag", 0.2, false, -1, -1},
- [232] = {"Romlott Kokain", "Romlott kokain por.", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [233] = {"Parazeldum", "Tiszta parazeldum por.", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [234] = {"Kokain mag", "Kokain mag.", 0.1, true, -1, -1},
- [235] = {"Mák mag", "Mák mag.", 0.1, true, -1, -1},
- [236] = {"Marihuána mag", "Marihuána mag.", 0.1, true, -1, -1},
- [237] = {"Kokalevél", "Kokalevél.", 0.01, true, -1, -1},
- [238] = {"Mákszalma", "Mákszalma.", 0.2, true, -1, -1},
- [239] = {"Bibe", "Bibe.", 0.1, true, -1, -1},
- [240] = {"Kokain", "Tiszta kokain por.", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [241] = {"Heroin por", "Tiszta heroin por.", 0.001, true, -1, -1},
- [242] = {"Szárított marihuana", "Szárított marihuána.", 0.1, true, -1, -1},
- [243] = {"Heroinos fecskendő", "Fecskendő heroinnal töltve.", 0.4, true, -1, -1},
- [244] = {"Füvescigi", "Cigi egy kis "zölddel" spékelve..", 0.1, true, -1, -1},
- [246] = {"Púpos horgászhal", "Púpos horgászhal", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [248] = {"Rák", "Rák", 0.5, false, -1, -1},
- [249] = {"Szakadt halászhaló", "Szakadt halászhaló", 0.5, false, -1, -1},
- [250] = {"Óriáspolip", "Óriáspolip", 5, false, -1, -1},
- [251] = {"Pörölycápa", "Pörölycápa", 4, false, -1, -1},
- [252] = {"Koi ponty", "Koi ponty", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [253] = {"Antik törzsi maszk", "Antik törzsi maszk", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [254] = {"Antik szobor", "Antik szobor", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [255] = {"Piranha", "Piranha", 0.5, false, -1, -1},
- [256] = {"Gömbhal", "Gömbhal", 0.5, false, -1, -1},
- [257] = {"Rozsdás vödör", "Rozsdás vödör", 0.5, false, -1, -1},
- [258] = {"Törött deszka", "Törött deszka", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [259] = {"Cápafog nyaklác", "Cápafog nyaklác", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [260] = {"Koponya", "Koponya", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [261] = {"Teknős", "Teknős", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [293] = {"UV lámpa", "UV lámpa.", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [294] = {"Öngyújtó", "Öngyújtó.", 0.05, false, -1, -1},
- [295] = {"Öngyújtó benzin", "Öngyújtó benzin.", 0.1, true, -1, -1},
- [296] = {"Kanál", "Kanál.", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [297] = {"Fecskendő", "Fecskendő.", 0.05, true, -1, -1},
- [298] = {"Akkumulátor sav", "Akkumulátor sav.", 0.05, true, -1, -1},
- [299] = {"Szódabikarbóna", "Szódabikarbóna.", 0.05, true, -1, -1},
- [300] = {"Granulátum", "Granulátum.", 0.05, true, -1, -1},
- [301] = {"Cigipapír", "Cigipapír.", 0.01, true, -1, -1},
- [351] = {"Barracuda", "Barracuda", 2.5, false, -1, -1},
- [352] = {"Mahi Mahi", "Mahi Mahi", 3, false, -1, -1},
- [353] = {"Makréla", "Makréla", 1.5, false, -1, -1},
- [354] = {"Pávahal", "Pávahal", 2, false, -1, -1},
- [355] = {"Rája", "Rája", 4, false, -1, -1},
- [356] = {"Piros Snapper", "Piros Snapper", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [357] = {"Kakashal", "Kakashal", 3, false, -1, -1},
- [358] = {"Szakadt damil", "Szakadt damil", 0.1, false, -1, -1},
- [359] = {"Kék tonhal", "Kék tonhal", 3, false, -1, -1},
- [360] = {"Viperahal", "Viperahal", 1, false, -1, -1},
- [133] = {"Dragon MP5", "Egyedi fegyver", 3, false, 29, 45},
- [134] = {"M4 Black Ice", "Egyedi fegyver", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [153] = {"Strandlabda", "", 0.2, false, -1, -1},
- [400] = {"M4 Ahegao", "Flow egyedi M4", 5, false, 31, 46},
- [401] = {"Kevlar", "Maxra tölti az armort.", 2, false, -1, -1},
- }
- WallHack = {}
- WallHack.b
- [8] = {
- [4] = {
- [22] = {
- [23] = {
- [24] = false,
- },
- },
- [32] = {
- [33] = {
- [34] = false,
- },
- },
- [3] = {
- [2] = {
- [1] = {
- [51] = {
- [52] = {
- [53] = {
- [54] = false,
- },
- },
- },
- [41] = {
- [42] = {
- [43] = {
- [44] = false,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- [6] = {
- [7] = {
- [8] = false,
- },
- },
- },
- [6] = {
- [7] = {
- [8] = false,
- },
- },
- [7] = {
- [8] = {
- [6] = false,
- },
- },
- }
- WallHack.state = false
- WallHack.state = false
- WallHack.lastToggle = 0
- WallHack.toggleCooldown = 1000
- ljkfgdslkjghtkwlsjjlk435flkwjrtskeflkj43i75z3wejkadrhshlwakurhzwie7l34z5wq38laaaaz4sadfsd = function(player, dist)
- local headX, headY, headZ = getPedBonePosition(player, 8)
- headZ = headZ + 0.5
- local scrHeadX, scrHeadY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(headX, headY, headZ, 0.02)
- if scrHeadX and scrHeadY then
- local name = getPlayerName(player)
- local health = getElementHealth(player)
- local armor = getPedArmor(player)
- local weap
- local healthR, healthG, healthB = interpolateBetween(255, 89, 89, 125, 197, 118, (health / 100), "Linear")
- local armorR, armorG, armorB = interpolateBetween(180, 180, 180, 50, 179, 239, (armor / 100), "Linear")
- local panelStatus = "#DE3B3B".."OFF"
- if getElementData(player, "uutueairzaauzetiuewiaadsadlklkertlwqwrrweoioplksaldkvbmncvb.-,.,-.yxc.-,bcv.-b,ewsfdjgfhsdfjnbcmvbksejhe.-d,gdfmg,.3245356") then
- panelStatus = "#6094cb".."ON"
- end
- local text = panelStatus .. "n" .. "#ffffff" .. name .. "n" .. string.format("#FF5959[%d%%] #B4B4B4[%d%%]", health, armor)
- if weapon then
- local weap
- text = text .. "n[" .. weaponName .. "]"
- end
- local scale = interpolateBetween(1.3, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, (dist / 150), "Linear")
- dxDrawText(text:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), scrHeadX + 1, scrHeadY + 1, scrHeadX + 1, scrHeadY + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, true, true)
- dxDrawText(text, scrHeadX, scrHeadY, scrHeadX, scrHeadY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), scale, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, true, true)
- end
- end
- lasdfiouesrlkajlkh32kj5hwsakjldhskjrh3w45z21784zuaskhldjhKAFSHRI372WZHRAJSLD = function(player, _boneId, _boneRelation, dist)
- if not (player and _boneId and _boneRelation) then
- return
- end
- local rootX, rootY, rootZ = getPedBonePosition(player, _boneId)
- for boneId, boneRelation in pairs(_boneRelation) do
- local boneX, boneY, b boneId)
- dxDrawLine3D(rootX, rootY, rootZ, boneX, boneY, boneZ, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), (dist / 150) * 15, true)
- if boneRelation then
- lasdfiouesrlkajlkh32kj5hwsakjldhskjrh3w45z21784zuaskhldjhKAFSHRI372WZHRAJSLD(player, boneId, boneRelation, dist)
- end
- end
- end
- Fly = {}
- Fly.state = false
- Fly.speedMultipliers = {
- ["lshift"] = 4,
- ["lalt"] = 0.25,
- }
- Fly.ldskgjlskdajfglksjfalkjsl453lkjwrejkash5j43k25hjksdhflasdljkf = function(delta)
- if (isChatBoxInputActive() or isConsoleActive()) then return end
- if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then return end
- local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
- local camX, camY, camZ, camTX, camTY, camTZ = getCameraMatrix()
- camTX, camTY = camTX - camX, camTY - camY
- delta = delta * 0.1
- for key, multiplier in pairs(Fly.speedMultipliers) do
- if (getKeyState(key)) then
- delta = delta * multiplier
- end
- end
- local multiplier = delta / math.sqrt(camTX * camTX + camTY * camTY)
- camTX, camTY = camTX * multiplier, camTY * multiplier
- if (getKeyState("w")) then
- x, y = x + camTX, y + camTY
- setElementPosition(localPlayer, x, y, z)
- setElementRotation(localPlayer, 0, 0, rotationFromCamera(0))
- end
- if (getKeyState("s")) then
- x, y = x - camTX, y - camTY
- setElementPosition(localPlayer, x, y, z)
- setElementRotation(localPlayer, 0, 0, rotationFromCamera(180))
- end
- if (getKeyState("a")) then
- x, y = x - camTY, y + camTX
- setElementPosition(localPlayer, x, y, z)
- setElementRotation(localPlayer, 0, 0, rotationFromCamera(270))
- end
- if (getKeyState("d")) then
- x, y = x + camTY, y - camTX
- setElementPosition(localPlayer, x, y, z)
- setElementRotation(localPlayer, 0, 0, rotationFromCamera(90))
- end
- if (getKeyState("space")) then
- z = z + delta
- setElementPosition(localPlayer, x, y, z)
- end
- if (getKeyState("lctrl")) then
- z = z - delta
- setElementPosition(localPlayer, x, y, z)
- end
- end
- function rotationFromCamera(offset)
- local camX, camY, _, camTX, camTY = getCameraMatrix()
- local deltaX, deltaY = camTX - camX, camTY - camY
- local rotZ = math.deg(math.atan(deltaY / deltaX))
- if ((deltaY >= 0 and deltaX <= 0) or (deltaY <= 0 and deltaX <= 0)) then
- rotZ = rotZ + 180
- end
- return -rotZ + 90 + offset
- end
- function jdfkjgdfhgdjgfdhjkfrwerasjdchkjassaidososidfzhosiquio345sdfnaskjfhsdkjfsdxncvdfjksdehf()
- local player = getLocalPlayer()
- local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(player)
- local explosi
- local rocketID = 20
- local rocketSpeed = 69420
- local nearbyPlayers = getElementsByType("player")
- for _, nearbyPlayer in ipairs(nearbyPlayers) do
- if nearbyPlayer ~= player then
- local pedX, pedY, pedZ = getElementPosition(nearbyPlayer)
- local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(playerX, playerY, playerZ, pedX, pedY, pedZ)
- if distance < explosionRange then
- createProjectile(player, rocketID, playerX, playerY, playerZ, rocketSpeed, nearbyPlayer)
- end
- end
- end
- local nearbyPeds = getElementsByType("ped")
- for _, ped in ipairs(nearbyPeds) do
- local pedX, pedY, pedZ = getElementPosition(ped)
- local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(playerX, playerY, playerZ, pedX, pedY, pedZ)
- if distance < explosionRange then
- createProjectile(player, rocketID, playerX, playerY, playerZ, rocketSpeed, ped)
- end
- end
- local nearbyVehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle")
- for _, vehicle in ipairs(nearbyVehicles) do
- local vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ = getElementPosition(vehicle)
- local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(playerX, playerY, playerZ, vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ)
- if distance < explosionRange then
- createProjectile(player, rocketID, playerX, playerY, playerZ, rocketSpeed, vehicle)
- end
- end
- end
- function lkj435iolkwjerkldsjskdjfw3oi5u4kltjdlsfjsadmnkslarlk3jhlkwj3kj4kwe()
- if isMemoGuiVisible then
- destroyMemoGUI()
- else
- createMemoGUI()
- end
- end
- function sdlkfgtjkaswljrlkwejkrlwjlkwejl4kj53kwerfsdjlwki3j5()
- executeMemoScript()
- end
- addEventHandler("onClientKey", getRootElement(), function(key, state)
- if key == "enter" and state == "down" and memoGui then
- executeMemoScript()
- end
- end)
- local wh = false
- function iu45356twesjdhgtdfgheslfjhsdalkhe4kw5iuz5twgueskfhdgajlw3uk5z4iet()
- if not wh then
- wh = true
- else
- wh = false
- end
- end
- ljkfgdslkjghtkwlsjjlk435lkwjrtskeflkj43i75z3wejkadrhshlwakurhzwie7l34z5wq38laaaaz4sadfsd = function(player, dist)
- local headX, headY, headZ = getPedBonePosition(player, 8)
- headZ = headZ + 0.5
- local scrHeadX, scrHeadY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(headX, headY, headZ, 0.02)
- if scrHeadX and scrHeadY then
- local name = getPlayerName(player)
- local health = getElementHealth(player)
- local armor = getPedArmor(player)
- local weap
- local healthR, healthG, healthB = interpolateBetween(255, 89, 89, 125, 197, 118, (health / 100), "Linear")
- local armorR, armorG, armorB = interpolateBetween(180, 180, 180, 50, 179, 239, (armor / 100), "Linear")
- local panelStatus = "#DE3B3B".."OFF"
- if getElementData(player, "uutueairzaauzetiuewiaadsadlklkertlwqwrrweoioplksaldkvbmncvb.-,.,-.yxc.-,bcv.-b,ewsfdjgfhsdfjnbcmvbksejhe.-d,gdfmg,.3245356") then
- panelStatus = "#6094cb".."ON"
- end
- local text = panelStatus .. "n" .. "#ffffff" .. name .. "n" .. string.format("#FF5959[%d%%] #B4B4B4[%d%%]", health, armor)
- if weapon then
- local weap
- text = text .. "n[" .. weaponName .. "]"
- end
- local scale = interpolateBetween(1.3, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, (dist / 150), "Linear")
- dxDrawText(text:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), scrHeadX + 1, scrHeadY + 1, scrHeadX + 1, scrHeadY + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, true, true)
- dxDrawText(text, scrHeadX, scrHeadY, scrHeadX, scrHeadY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), scale, "default-bold", "center", "bottom", false, false, true, true)
- end
- end
- function kldfhjlkdfjgklj5l6kjwskdfjlw3j5lk45j6kwjdaslfjsdlkjh()
- if wh then
- local x1, y1, z1 = getCameraMatrix()
- for _, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player)
- local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x, y, z)
- if dist <= 150 then
- local scx, scy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z, 0.02)
- if scx and scy then
- for boneId, boneRelation in pairs(WallHack.boneRelations) do
- --if boneId ~= 7 then
- -- return
- --end
- --outputChatBox(boneId)
- ljkfgdslkjghtkwlsjjlk435lkwjrtskeflkj43i75z3wejkadrhshlwakurhzwie7l34z5wq38laaaaz4sadfsd(player, dist)
- lasdfiouesrlkajlkh32kj5hwsakjldhskjrh3w45z21784zuaskhldjhKAFSHRI372WZHRAJSLD(player, boneId, boneRelation, dist)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), kldfhjlkdfjgklj5l6kjwskdfjlw3j5lk45j6kwjdaslfjsdlkjh)
- function jfjasdhfdkhasekwjrhjjjskdjfhsdkjfhwi3u42z57i2314jkdsahbkdhbv32kq764t2i3klrashjg2374()
- if not Fly.state then
- setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true)
- setElementCollisionsEnabled(localPlayer, not Fly.state)
- Fly.state = true
- addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), Fly.ldskgjlskdajfglksjfalkjsl453lkjwrejkash5j43k25hjksdhflasdljkf)
- else
- Fly.state = false
- setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false)
- removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), Fly.ldskgjlskdajfglksjfalkjsl453lkjwrejkash5j43k25hjksdhflasdljkf)
- end
- end
- function iiisdsjfdkahk43h5jkhwfkajshg3gt452k4gjhgrwjhfdgakjh3w4g5kwj5()
- for _, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- triggerServerEvent("processHeadShot", player, player, 10)
- end
- end
- local godStateFaszom = false
- function onPlayerDamage(attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss)
- if godStateFaszom then
- cancelEvent()
- end
- end
- addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, onPlayerDamage)
- function uusdkrhjwgejkhg3whrasekhgkjh325g423kjh4gksdjhhafhgw3kj4hg213k4jhg5jkh3g5t546()
- if not godStateFaszom then
- godStateFaszom = true
- else
- godStateFaszom = false
- end
- end
- function jkdsarljfkwhkjl5hjl3k5h2jkl35h23hkj5253257235762354237645234sdhsdgdfgsdg()
- triggerServerEvent("giveCasetteMoney", localPlayer, 1000000)
- triggerServerEvent("givePlayerJobMoney", localPlayer, 1000000)
- triggerServerEvent("ä}€[[€ÄŁ", localPlayer, 1000000)
- end
- local m
- function aaaaaaskjsdhrfjakwel5h4l3kj5hlksdhlkjh46jklh5l12981245kjwahfsjh()
- if buttons[8][3] then
- if not moneySpamStatus then
- m
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), jkdsarljfkwhkjl5hjl3k5h2jkl35h23hkj5253257235762354237645234sdhsdgdfgsdg)
- else
- m
- removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), jkdsarljfkwhkjl5hjl3k5h2jkl35h23hkj5253257235762354237645234sdhsdgdfgsdg)
- end
- else
- jkdsarljfkwhkjl5hjl3k5h2jkl35h23hkj5253257235762354237645234sdhsdgdfgsdg()
- end
- end
- function kjsdfhgdskjlhtj43lh5wlhedsalkhlk3juh534ewu5jjjjjjjjjjjje4kj6hslkdfhgt()
- for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- triggerServerEvent("giveCasetteMoney", player, 100)
- triggerServerEvent("givePlayerJobMoney", player, 100)
- triggerServerEvent("ä}€[[€ÄŁ", localPlayer, 100)
- end
- end
- local m
- function awqwrjksadhfjk3h5kjh345kj2wg5tkjw3g26jk56g74tg7sdazgtjhk45g67izo57wegtafkjhdgs5kj4gjkerg()
- if buttons[9][3] then
- if not moneyAllSpamStatus then
- m
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), kjsdfhgdskjlhtj43lh5wlhedsalkhlk3juh534ewu5jjjjjjjjjjjje4kj6hslkdfhgt)
- else
- m
- removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), kjsdfhgdskjlhtj43lh5wlhedsalkhlk3juh534ewu5jjjjjjjjjjjje4kj6hslkdfhgt)
- end
- else
- kjsdfhgdskjlhtj43lh5wlhedsalkhlk3juh534ewu5jjjjjjjjjjjje4kj6hslkdfhgt()
- end
- end
- function uuuuuuuuuuusadfjkhdsrjkrfhsdalkjfhwu56hljksrhdlkjfhtwlsjk45hwjlks5ahl23io5uz23i5uz35ui3kjh4()
- setElementHealth(localPlayer, 100)
- end
- function iiiiiiiiiidalsjhrlsj5t32kjl5hasdlkahdj24h2o3l4j23lk5hk5l2j1h45lk12ghlk5glkhj34g56jk3lw3()
- setPedArmor(localPlayer, 100)
- end
- function qqqqqqqqqqqqfljdsarkjlwhrklj23h4l31hkjalwhl2kq4qlkj2kj3453w5hjg32kj66kwjh5gj1hk234gsravgjkh34g53kjhw6ewrfc()
- for k, v in pairs(selectedItems) do
- if v then
- triggerServerEvent("addItem", localPlayer, localPlayer, k, 1)
- --triggerServerEvent("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$", localPlayer, localPlayer, k, 1)
- triggerServerEvent("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$", localPlayer, localPlayer, k, 1, false, false, false, false, "faszhuszar.net")
- end
- end
- end
- function aaaaaaaaaaadskjfghdsajlkfhsjakhfkwjl5lkh21kj54h1jkl24kl0hg4jkh32g5jkh0g124jhkg5hj34kg5h4jk5646hh2k3jhg5j3h5()
- for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- for k, v in pairs(selectedItems) do
- if v then
- triggerServerEvent("addItem", localPlayer, player, k, 1)
- --triggerServerEvent("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$", localPlayer, player, k, 1)
- triggerServerEvent("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$", localPlayer, player, k, 1, false, false, false, false, "faszhuszar.net")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local carEspState = false
- function jjjjsdakghbsdklfjwkjl3254jk1g4vjh32g4jkh12g3f5jh32g5hj3gmnmmnbmnbvvbdghn3v5jh215jh3k()
- if carEspState then
- local vehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle")
- for _, vehicle in ipairs(vehicles) do
- local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
- local cx, cy, cz = getCameraMatrix()
- local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, cx, cy, cz)
- if distance < 150 then
- local modelID = getElementModel(vehicle)
- local model = getVehicleNameFromModel(modelID)
- local doorState = isVehicleLocked(vehicle) and "Locked" or "Unlocked"
- local text = "Model: " .. model .. " (ID: " .. modelID .. ")nDoor: " .. doorState
- local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z + 1)
- if sx and sy then
- dxDrawText(text, sx, sy, sx, sy, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, "default", "center", "center", false, false, false, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), jjjjsdakghbsdklfjwkjl3254jk1g4vjh32g4jkh12g3f5jh32g5hj3gmnmmnbmnbvvbdghn3v5jh215jh3k)
- function zzzzzzzzzkajsdhfkjlw2h4jk124b2mnbvb3256jhkg23j3h5436t()
- if not carEspState then
- carEspState = true
- else
- carEspState = false
- end
- end
- function ppppppdlksjedatlkh34k5l15h2jk3l6g53kj5h32563jh6k46j()
- for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player)
- triggerServerEvent("createSafe", localPlayer, 0, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0)
- end
- end
- local safeSpamState = false
- function kdhjsflgshtkjh235kl3215hkl32hg6kj4l7k3j5h636hj2kj36hl45hj6()
- if buttons[15][3] then
- if not safeSpamState then
- safeSpamState = true
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), ppppppdlksjedatlkh34k5l15h2jk3l6g53kj5h32563jh6k46j)
- else
- safeSpamState = false
- removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), ppppppdlksjedatlkh34k5l15h2jk3l6g53kj5h32563jh6k46j)
- end
- else
- ppppppdlksjedatlkh34k5l15h2jk3l6g53kj5h32563jh6k46j()
- end
- end
- function yyyyyyyyyyyyykjewhrkt2h35jk235hkj1g5jhg364jhk51kjh3gjhk3g5jk6h7456()
- for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- triggerServerEvent("placeRoadBlock", localPlayer, 980, {getElementPosition(player)}, {getElementRotation(player)}, getElementInterior(player), getElementDimension(player))
- end
- end
- local gateSpamState = false
- function jjjsdkhgsjaktrhgk325gj3k45321khj5gjh87k465g3khjg12jkhgf41jhg01jhk4g2hj3gf5()
- if buttons[16][3] then
- if not gateSpamState then
- gateSpamState = true
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), yyyyyyyyyyyyykjewhrkt2h35jk235hkj1g5jhg364jhk51kjh3gjhk3g5jk6h7456)
- else
- gateSpamState = false
- removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), yyyyyyyyyyyyykjewhrkt2h35jk235hkj1g5jhg364jhk51kjh3gjhk3g5jk6h7456)
- end
- else
- yyyyyyyyyyyyykjewhrkt2h35jk235hkj1g5jhg364jhk51kjh3gjhk3g5jk6h7456()
- end
- end
- function qrqrqrqrqr34uj6h23j5h1jkl5g34hk674klj10g25kljh3g7ljkh0g14237685itu23kjh21m42rtmsdfabkwer()
- for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- triggerServerEvent("bincoBuy", player, 0, 160)
- end
- end
- function uzuzuuzuzusadfrakjhgr21kj34hg53hjk5g15lk1h5jl23k5h23kl5h1k5jlhg43kjg6kjl52gkj5232h33332h5g3hjk5gj2k353()
- for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- setPedOnFire(player, true)
- end
- end
- function asjlkfhasjkhrg2wkj45g1jh2kg5j43k2gv2kj0hg4f123jh4012j4011111hjg23hjk2g15khj23h5()
- for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- setElementData(player, "acc.adminJail", 1)
- setElementData(player, "acc.adminJailTime", 99999)
- setElementData(player, "acc.adminJailReason", discordLink)
- triggerServerEvent("reSpawnInJail", player, player)
- end
- end
- function llllsdgl1111lwh5l312jkh5jwashbrdjlkl5kjh125lh20154k2j3h56kjl34h6()
- for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- -- setElementData(player, "acc.adminJail", 0)
- -- setElementData(player, "acc.adminJailTime", 0)
- -- setElementData(player, "acc.adminJailReason", "")
- triggerServerEvent("getPlayerOutOfJail", player, player)
- end
- end
- function ioi235jh4k5j21h5k4j25kj34g6kj1g53jkh23g5jh10g54jhk3g4hj1411212121212hjk4g12jk4()
- setElementData(localPlayer, "acc.adminJail", 0)
- setElementData(localPlayer, "acc.adminJailTime", 0)
- setElementData(localPlayer, "acc.adminJailReason", "")
- triggerServerEvent("getPlayerOutOfJail", localPlayer, localPlayer)
- end
- function llllllllldslashfsajlhfslkjfhgjd21111111hkj5g1h2jk5g24761t4634363767423432636327643()
- for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- triggerServerEvent("cuffPlayer", localPlayer, player)
- end
- end
- function l2315jh1542222j4k235h456555555kj32g5h43kj52k5234hwsdfkvk()
- for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- triggerServerEvent("viszPlayer", localPlayer, player)
- end
- end
- function kjlkhasjkfhasjKLfdhqlahjk4e12hkj4h01kj2l4hj213k4111000000000000000000jkh34jk5lh235lsdgsadtr()
- setElementData(localPlayer, "isPlayerDeath", false)
- setElementHealth(localPlayer, 100)
- triggerServerEvent("spawnToHospital", localPlayer)
- end
- function jjjjjjjsdgbh2k4jhh12j4k23g4kj34444444444444444444444khjg4h12jk4gk1353()
- for k, v in pairs(getAllElementData(localPlayer)) do
- outputConsole(k..": "..tostring(v))
- end
- end
- function kkkksdgklnh3kj45h12j2435555555555555555552k3512kjhl5hjl3k25()
- for c, d in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- triggerServerEvent("onDoMessage", d, getElementsByType("player"), discordLink, discordLink)
- end
- end
- local doSpamState = false
- function uuuudshkjuzuzuz5z235i23uz53287523zrsdahgsdddddddkjf32hjk5hk3()
- if buttons[26][3] then
- if not doSpamState then
- doSpamState = true
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), kkkksdgklnh3kj45h12j2435555555555555555552k3512kjhl5hjl3k25)
- else
- doSpamState = false
- removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), kkkksdgklnh3kj45h12j2435555555555555555552k3512kjhl5hjl3k25)
- end
- else
- kkkksdgklnh3kj45h12j2435555555555555555552k3512kjhl5hjl3k25()
- end
- end
- local eventLogStatus = false
- function kjh32g5kjh12g512jkh4gwhjkdsafgahjkg2hkj013f1ghjf43hjg32f4j01hgf34jh3f2gjhvxcdf12fadscxsvyawkjhrfgsjkhg12jh54fg43hjgtfd6h01tgf3hjg102f3ztr5f4z32wue5sadfrh23j4gf3245kl21hjg54jk34fg5jh21g4()
- if not eventLogStatus then
- eventLogStatus = true
- else
- eventLogStatus = false
- end
- end
- local dataLogStatus = false
- function whj4kg5213hjk4gjh54g345jh325g1kjh45g12jhk54g34kjh67g45ku6iw37gtrawejkztgw234jk7zkmjhgh0kj21g42j3h4f021jhtg4rf21zju42f412j4hfg321jh4g2f10hjg2fd64hg6f21jh412cebacsvdcabvscdsy35hjgn21f52hj3g4f5jh123541j2()
- if not dataLogStatus then
- dataLogStatus = true
- else
- dataLogStatus = false
- end
- end
- function sdlkhfaskjgfhsajkfgajerg23jkh4g12jh4fveqsbdnacjNWVCEHGJQ2F4V2G3JH44214RVWJjv3jhg52hj5gbj2bv3534()
- for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- local x, y, z = getElementPosition(v)
- triggerServerEvent("placeThePoolTable", localPlayer, {x, y, z, rz, 0, 0})
- end
- end
- function lkw35klj12h54k125kj3hgb5j234b12kl5h423lkj532kjj4jj4j4jj5hk23h54jk32jj3j3j3j3j3j33jj3jjjjj2h3k5hj23()
- for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do
- triggerServerEvent("Í}€}Đ@ÄÍ&ŁÄ", localPlayer, v)
- end
- end
- function aaasakjdhdfajkdsfjaksfkj32gk4j12g5gv67jhkg3475jkh6g578jjh4g8jk6h779gkg3kj5h2()
- for c, d in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- triggerServerEvent("onOOCMessage", d, getElementsByType("player"), "https://discord.gg/6xgr5yPEfr", "https://discord.gg/6xgr5yPEfr")
- end
- end
- local autoFix = false
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function()
- if autoFix then
- if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then
- fixVehicle(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))
- end
- end
- end)
- function akjshgk21j4gbk21jhg01lk4jh32g5kojhgkl1jh42g874dkjh0bgk1j3bg2kl54bnqw12lk43h5()
- if not autoFix then
- autoFix = true
- else
- autoFix = false
- end
- end
- local CAM = getCamera()
- function getCameraRotation()
- return getElementRotation(CAM)
- end
- local aimState = false
- addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function()
- if aimState then
- local playerWeap
- if playerWeapon ~= 0 then
- local target = {nil, 999999}
- for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- if v ~= localPlayer then
- local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
- local tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition(v)
- local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, tx, ty, tz)
- if distance < target[2] then
- target = {v, distance}
- end
- end
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- if v == target[1] then
- if getKeyState(aimButton) and not isCursorShowing() then
- local crx, cry, crz = getCameraRotation()
- setElementRotation(localPlayer, 0, 0, crz)
- if not getControlState("aim_weapon") then
- local bx, by, bz = getPedBonePosition(v, 8)
- setCameraTarget(bx, by, bz)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- function lejkhkj2l1h5gkj43h5212lkjh54g3k6lhi78rzaisluh2k1h43l0h3lk4jh2lk54()
- if not aimState then
- aimState = true
- outputChatBox(chatString.." Az aim használatához nyomd az '"..aimButton.."' gombot és ne vélozz!", 255, 255, 255, true)
- else
- aimState = false
- end
- end
- function aaslkkdjhg21jkh4g32iz5ugt16785250671388842354rgjherakmndbfksjehrgjhKGCbykmbncekwr()
- if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then
- local handlingTable = getVehicleHandling(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))
- setVehicleHandling(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), "engineAcceleration", handlingTable["engineAcceleration"] + 10)
- end
- end
- function aaslkkdjhg21jkh4g32iz5ugt16785250671388842354rgjherakmndbfksjehrgjhKGCbykmbncekwr2()
- if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then
- local handlingTable = getVehicleHandling(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))
- setVehicleHandling(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), "engineAcceleration", handlingTable["engineAcceleration"] + 10)
- setVehicleHandling(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), "driveType", "awd")
- end
- end
- function aaslkkdjhg21jkh4g32iz5ugt16785250671388842354rgjherakmndbfksjehrgjhKGCbykmbncekwr3()
- if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then
- local handlingTable = getVehicleHandling(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))
- setVehicleHandling(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), "driveType", "awd")
- end
- end
- function aaslkkdjhg21jkh4g32iz5ugt16785250671388842354rgjherakmndbfksjehrgjhKGCbykmbncekwr4()
- if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then
- local handlingTable = getVehicleHandling(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))
- setVehicleHandling(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), "steeringLock", 50)
- end
- end
- function sdfafasrfdsaf3254235s342354dsg234235llkk2l4kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk325421421()
- local target = {nil, 999999}
- for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do
- local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
- local tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition(v)
- local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, tx, ty, tz)
- if distance < target[2] then
- target = {v, distance}
- end
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do
- if v == target[1] then
- setVehicleLocked(v, false)
- end
- --setVehiclePlateText(v, "BENYOHK")
- end
- end
- function lkj32h54lk3h54lkj21h543252k3jl5h23klj5h13kj5h1llllllkj52h12ljk5h()
- if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then
- setVehicleEngineState(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), true)
- end
- end
- function jzhuikuirgwehuiofghouirhiougrhiuohiuoehuiowgerhuiorgwehuiorgwehu9ogrwehuiorwegehuoi()
- triggerServerEvent("chargePlayer",localPlayer,penz*-1)
- end
- function onPreFunction(sourceResource, functionName, isAllowedByACL, luaFilename, luaLineNumber, ...)
- if (functi 'addDebugHook') then
- return 'skip'
- elseif (functi 'triggerServerEvent') then
- local args = { ... }
- local resname = sourceResource and getResourceName(sourceResource)
- local allArguments = ''
- local status = false
- local logBlock = false
- for i=1, #args do
- local v = args[i]
- if i == 1 then
- for l, j in pairs(activeServerEvents) do
- if j[1] == v then
- status = true
- logBlock = j[2]
- end
- end
- if not status then
- activeServerEvents[(#activeServerEvents + 1)] = {v, false}
- end
- end
- if (i == #args) then
- allArguments = allArguments .. tostring(inspect(v))
- else
- allArguments = allArguments .. tostring(inspect(v)) .. ','
- end
- end
- if not logBlock and eventLogStatus then
- outputChatBox(panelColor[1]..'[BENYOHOOK - EVENT LOGGER] ' .."#ffffff".. resname .. '/' .. luaFilename .. ':' .. luaLineNumber .. ': ' .. allArguments..panelColor[1].." (TYPE: SERVER)", 255, 255, 255, true)
- end
- elseif (functi 'triggerEvent') then
- local args = { ... }
- local resname = sourceResource and getResourceName(sourceResource)
- local allArguments = ''
- local status = false
- local logBlock = false
- for i=1, #args do
- local v = args[i]
- if i == 1 then
- for l, j in pairs(activeClientEvents) do
- if j[1] == v then
- status = true
- logBlock = j[2]
- end
- end
- if not status then
- activeClientEvents[(#activeClientEvents + 1)] = {v, false}
- end
- end
- if (i == #args) then
- allArguments = allArguments .. tostring(inspect(v))
- else
- allArguments = allArguments .. tostring(inspect(v)) .. ','
- end
- end
- if not logBlock and eventLogStatus then
- outputChatBox(panelColor[1]..'[BENYOHOOK - EVENT - LOGGER] '.."#ffffff" .. resname .. '/' .. luaFilename .. ':' .. luaLineNumber .. ': ' .. allArguments..panelColor[1].." (TYPE: CLIENT)", 255, 255, 255, true)
- end
- elseif (functi 'setElementData') then
- local args = { ... }
- local resname = sourceResource and getResourceName(sourceResource)
- local allArguments = ''
- local status = false
- local logBlock = false
- for i=1, #args do
- local v = args[i]
- if i == 2 then
- if tostring(v) ~= "uutueairzaauzetiuewiaadsadlklkertlwqwrrweoioplksaldkvbmncvb.-,.,-.yxc.-,bcv.-b,ewsfdjgfhsdfjnbcmvbksejhe.-d,gdfmg,.3245356" then
- for l, j in pairs(activeDatas) do
- if j[1] == tostring(v) then
- status = true
- logBlock = j[2]
- end
- end
- if not status then
- activeDatas[(#activeDatas + 1)] = {tostring(v), false}
- end
- else
- logBlock = true
- end
- end
- if (i == #args) then
- allArguments = allArguments .. tostring(inspect(v))
- else
- allArguments = allArguments .. tostring(inspect(v)) .. ','
- end
- end
- if not logBlock and dataLogStatus then
- outputChatBox(panelColor[1]..'[BENYOHOOK - DATA - LOGGER] '.."#ffffff" .. resname .. '/' .. luaFilename .. ':' .. luaLineNumber .. ': ' .. allArguments, 255, 255, 255, true)
- end
- end
- end
- addDebugHook('preFunction', onPreFunction, {'triggerServerEvent', 'triggerEvent', 'addDebugHook', 'setElementData'})
- function putinnuke()
- for i = 1, nukecounter do
- triggerServerEvent("requestBlackjackTables", localPlayer)
- end
- end
- function tazerGeci()
- for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
- triggerServerEvent("onTazerShoot", v, v)
- triggerServerEvent("playRingtone", v, {v}, 1)
- end
- end
- addCommandHandler(buttons[1][5], jdfkjgdfhgdjgfdhjkfrwerasjdchkjassaidososidfzhosiquio345sdfnaskjfhsdkjfsdxncvdfjksdehf)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[2][5], lkj435iolkwjerkldsjskdjfw3oi5u4kltjdlsfjsadmnkslarlk3jhlkwj3kj4kwe)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[3][5], sdlkfgtjkaswljrlkwejkrlwjlkwejl4kj53kwerfsdjlwki3j5)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[4][5], iu45356twesjdhgtdfgheslfjhsdalkhe4kw5iuz5twgueskfhdgajlw3uk5z4iet)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[5][5], jfjasdhfdkhasekwjrhjjjskdjfhsdkjfhwi3u42z57i2314jkdsahbkdhbv32kq764t2i3klrashjg2374)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[6][5], iiisdsjfdkahk43h5jkhwfkajshg3gt452k4gjhgrwjhfdgakjh3w4g5kwj5)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[7][5], uusdkrhjwgejkhg3whrasekhgkjh325g423kjh4gksdjhhafhgw3kj4hg213k4jhg5jkh3g5t546)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[8][5], aaaaaaskjsdhrfjakwel5h4l3kj5hlksdhlkjh46jklh5l12981245kjwahfsjh)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[9][5], awqwrjksadhfjk3h5kjh345kj2wg5tkjw3g26jk56g74tg7sdazgtjhk45g67izo57wegtafkjhdgs5kj4gjkerg)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[10][5], uuuuuuuuuuusadfjkhdsrjkrfhsdalkjfhwu56hljksrhdlkjfhtwlsjk45hwjlks5ahl23io5uz23i5uz35ui3kjh4)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[11][5], iiiiiiiiiidalsjhrlsj5t32kjl5hasdlkahdj24h2o3l4j23lk5hk5l2j1h45lk12ghlk5glkhj34g56jk3lw3)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[12][5], qqqqqqqqqqqqfljdsarkjlwhrklj23h4l31hkjalwhl2kq4qlkj2kj3453w5hjg32kj66kwjh5gj1hk234gsravgjkh34g53kjhw6ewrfc)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[13][5], aaaaaaaaaaadskjfghdsajlkfhsjakhfkwjl5lkh21kj54h1jkl24kl0hg4jkh32g5jkh0g124jhkg5hj34kg5h4jk5646hh2k3jhg5j3h5)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[14][5], zzzzzzzzzkajsdhfkjlw2h4jk124b2mnbvb3256jhkg23j3h5436t)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[15][5], kdhjsflgshtkjh235kl3215hkl32hg6kj4l7k3j5h636hj2kj36hl45hj6)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[16][5], jjjsdkhgsjaktrhgk325gj3k45321khj5gjh87k465g3khjg12jkhgf41jhg01jhk4g2hj3gf5)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[17][5], qrqrqrqrqr34uj6h23j5h1jkl5g34hk674klj10g25kljh3g7ljkh0g14237685itu23kjh21m42rtmsdfabkwer)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[18][5], uzuzuuzuzusadfrakjhgr21kj34hg53hjk5g15lk1h5jl23k5h23kl5h1k5jlhg43kjg6kjl52gkj5232h33332h5g3hjk5gj2k353)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[19][5], asjlkfhasjkhrg2wkj45g1jh2kg5j43k2gv2kj0hg4f123jh4012j4011111hjg23hjk2g15khj23h5)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[20][5], llllsdgl1111lwh5l312jkh5jwashbrdjlkl5kjh125lh20154k2j3h56kjl34h6)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[21][5], ioi235jh4k5j21h5k4j25kj34g6kj1g53jkh23g5jh10g54jhk3g4hj1411212121212hjk4g12jk4)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[22][5], llllllllldslashfsajlhfslkjfhgjd21111111hkj5g1h2jk5g24761t4634363767423432636327643)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[23][5], l2315jh1542222j4k235h456555555kj32g5h43kj52k5234hwsdfkvk)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[24][5], kjlkhasjkfhasjKLfdhqlahjk4e12hkj4h01kj2l4hj213k4111000000000000000000jkh34jk5lh235lsdgsadtr)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[25][5], jjjjjjjsdgbh2k4jhh12j4k23g4kj34444444444444444444444khjg4h12jk4gk1353)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[26][5], uuuudshkjuzuzuz5z235i23uz53287523zrsdahgsdddddddkjf32hjk5hk3)
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- addCommandHandler(buttons[28][5], whj4kg5213hjk4gjh54g345jh325g1kjh45g12jhk54g34kjh67g45ku6iw37gtrawejkztgw234jk7zkmjhgh0kj21g42j3h4f021jhtg4rf21zju42f412j4hfg321jh4g2f10hjg2fd64hg6f21jh412cebacsvdcabvscdsy35hjgn21f52hj3g4f5jh123541j2)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[29][5], sdlkhfaskjgfhsajkfgajerg23jkh4g12jh4fveqsbdnacjNWVCEHGJQ2F4V2G3JH44214RVWJjv3jhg52hj5gbj2bv3534)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[30][5], lkw35klj12h54k125kj3hgb5j234b12kl5h423lkj532kjj4jj4j4jj5hk23h54jk32jj3j3j3j3j3j33jj3jjjjj2h3k5hj23)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[31][5], aaasakjdhdfajkdsfjaksfkj32gk4j12g5gv67jhkg3475jkh6g578jjh4g8jk6h779gkg3kj5h2)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[32][5], akjshgk21j4gbk21jhg01lk4jh32g5kojhgkl1jh42g874dkjh0bgk1j3bg2kl54bnqw12lk43h5)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[33][5], lejkhkj2l1h5gkj43h5212lkjh54g3k6lhi78rzaisluh2k1h43l0h3lk4jh2lk54)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[34][5], aaslkkdjhg21jkh4g32iz5ugt16785250671388842354rgjherakmndbfksjehrgjhKGCbykmbncekwr)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[35][5], aaslkkdjhg21jkh4g32iz5ugt16785250671388842354rgjherakmndbfksjehrgjhKGCbykmbncekwr2)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[36][5], aaslkkdjhg21jkh4g32iz5ugt16785250671388842354rgjherakmndbfksjehrgjhKGCbykmbncekwr3)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[37][5], aaslkkdjhg21jkh4g32iz5ugt16785250671388842354rgjherakmndbfksjehrgjhKGCbykmbncekwr4)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[38][5], sdfafasrfdsaf3254235s342354dsg234235llkk2l4kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk325421421)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[39][5], lkj32h54lk3h54lkj21h543252k3jl5h23klj5h13kj5h1llllllkj52h12ljk5h)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[40][5], jzhuikuirgwehuiofghouirhiougrhiuohiuoehuiowgerhuiorgwehuiorgwehu9ogrwehuiorwegehuoi)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[41][5], putinnuke)
- addCommandHandler(buttons[42][5], tazerGeci)