<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
<title>3D ONLINE GAME 2</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/examples.css?ver=1.0.0" />
<script src="/js/examples.js?ver=1.1.1"></script>
<script src="/lib/phaser.min.js?ver=3.52.0"></script>
<script src="/lib/enable3d/enable3d.phaserExtension.0.25.0.min.js"></script>
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<!--- <div id="info-text">Use WASD, SPACE and your Mouse.<br />Try to play it on your mobile device :)</div> -->
include '../core/db.php';
echo $_SESSION['user_id'];?>
const {
* Is touch device?
const isTouchDevice = 'ontouchstart' in window
class MainScene extends Scene3D {
constructor() {
super({ key: 'MainScene' })
init() {
this.accessThirdDimension({ maxSubSteps: 10, fixedTimeStep: 1 / 120 })
this.third.renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.LinearEncoding
this.canJump = true
this.move = false
this.moveTop = 0
this.moveRight = 0
async create() {
const { lights } = await this.third.warpSpeed('-ground', '-orbitControls')
const { hemisphereLight, ambientLight, directionalLight } = lights
const intensity = 0.65
hemisphereLight.intensity = intensity
ambientLight.intensity = intensity
directionalLight.intensity = intensity
//this.third.physics.add.box({ y: 10, x: 35 }, { lambert: { color: 'red' } })
// this.third.physics.debug.enable()
* Medieval Fantasy Book by Pixel (https://sketchfab.com/stefan.lengyel1)
* https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/medieval-fantasy-book-06d5a80a04fc4c5ab552759e9a97d91a
* Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
this.third.load.gltf('/assets/glb/book6.glb').then(object => {
const scene = object.scenes[0]
const book = new ExtendedObject3D()
book.name = 'scene'
// add animations
// sadly only the flags animations works
object.animations.forEach((anim, i) => {
book.mixer = this.third.animationMixers.create(book)
// overwrite the action to be an array of actions
book.action = []
book.action[i] = book.mixer.clipAction(anim)
book.traverse(child => {
if (child.isMesh) {
child.castShadow = child.receiveShadow = false
child.material.metalness = 0
child.material.roughness = 1
if (/mesh/i.test(child.name)) {
this.third.physics.add.existing(child, {
shape: 'concave',
mass: 0,
collisionFlags: 1,
autoCenter: false
child.body.setAngularFactor(0, 0, 0)
child.body.setLinearFactor(0, 0, 0)
var skins = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'loadskins.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
skins = data.split(",").map(String);
for (var i = 0; i < skins.length - 1; i++) {
let skin = skins[i];
const lokacijumasivs = [];
//// let objstr = obj[i].toString().split("");
//let objstr = obj[i];
//console.log("x", vertibasx[i]);
//console.log("y", vertibasy[i]);
//console.log("z", vertibasz[i]);
var obj = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getlocation.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
obj = data.split("*").map(String);
console.log("obj", obj);
const vertibasx = obj.slice(0,1);
const vertibasy = obj.slice(1,2);
const vertibasz = obj.slice(2,3);
* box_man.glb by Jan Bláha
* https://github.com/swift502/Sketchbook
* CC-0 license 2018
var object = await this.third.load.gltf(skin)
///this.third.load.gltf('/assets/glb/box_man.glb').then(object => {
const man = object.scene.children[0]
this.man = new ExtendedObject3D()
this.man.name = 'man'
this.man.rotateY(Math.PI + 0.1) // a hack
this.man.rotation.set(0, Math.PI * 1.5, 0)
//console.log("uzstada", vertibasx, vertibasy, vertibasx);
console.log("iteracija", i);
//if(vertibasx !== null && vertibasy !== null && vertibasz !== null){
//let verx = vertibasx[i];
//let very = vertibasy[i];
//let verz = vertibasz[i];
//console.log("shitais?", verx);
//console.log("2shitais?", very);
//console.log("3shitais?", verz);
this.man.position.set(vertibasx, vertibasy, vertibasz)
//} else {
//let verx = 754.2014;
//let very = 1000;
//let verz = -205.63472;
//this.man.position.set(verx, very, verz)
//this.man.position.set(59, 0, 79)
// add shadow
this.man.traverse(child => {
if (child.isMesh) {
child.castShadow = child.receiveShadow = true
// https://discourse.threejs.org/t/cant-export-material-from-blender-gltf/12258
child.material.roughness = 1
child.material.metalness = 0
* Animations
object.animations.forEach(animation => {
if (animation.name) {
this.man.animation.add(animation.name, animation)
* Add the player to the scene with a body
this.third.physics.add.existing(this.man, {
shape: 'sphere',
radius: 0.25,
width: 0.5,
offset: { y: -0.25 }
this.man.body.setAngularFactor(0, 0, 0)
// https://docs.panda3d.org/1.10/python/programming/physics/bullet/ccd
* Add 3rd Person Controls
this.controls = new ThirdPersonControls(this.third.camera, this.man, {
offset: new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0),
targetRadius: 3
// set initial view to 90 deg theta
this.controls.theta = 90
* Add Pointer Lock and Pointer Drag
if (!isTouchDevice) {
let pl = new PointerLock(this.game.canvas)
let pd = new PointerDrag(this.game.canvas)
pd.onMove(delta => {
if (pl.isLocked()) {
this.moveTop = -delta.y
this.moveRight = delta.x
// })
* Add Keys
this.keys = {
a: this.input.keyboard.addKey('a'),
w: this.input.keyboard.addKey('w'),
d: this.input.keyboard.addKey('d'),
s: this.input.keyboard.addKey('s'),
space: this.input.keyboard.addKey(32)
* Add joystick
if (isTouchDevice) {
const joystick = new JoyStick()
const axis = joystick.add.axis({
styles: { left: 35, bottom: 35, size: 100 }
axis.onMove(event => {
* Update Camera
const { top, right } = event
this.moveTop = top * 3
this.moveRight = right * 3
const buttonA = joystick.add.button({
letter: 'A',
styles: { right: 35, bottom: 110, size: 80 }
buttonA.onClick(() => this.jump())
const buttonB = joystick.add.button({
letter: 'B',
styles: { right: 110, bottom: 35, size: 80 }
buttonB.onClick(() => (this.move = true))
buttonB.onRelease(() => (this.move = false))
jump() {
if (!this.man || !this.canJump) return
this.canJump = false
this.man.animation.play('jump_running', 500, false)
delay: 650,
callback: () => {
this.canJump = true
update(time, delta) {
if (this.man && this.man.body) {
* Update Controls
this.controls.update(this.moveRight * 2, -this.moveTop * 2)
if (!isTouchDevice) this.moveRight = this.moveTop = 0
* Player Turn
//console.log("globals mainigais speed", speed);
const v3 = new THREE.Vector3()
const rotation = this.third.camera.getWorldDirection(v3)
var rotati = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getrotation.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
rotati = data.split("*").map(String);
const theta = Math.atan2(rotation.x, rotation.z)
const rotationMan = this.man.getWorldDirection(v3)
for (var i = 0; i < rotati.length - 1; i++) {
let rotatine = rotati[i];
const thetaMan = Math.atan2(rotationMan.x, rotationMan.z)
"postrotation.php", {
rotation: thetaMan
function (data) {
//console.log("rotacija", thetaMan);
//console.log("izsaukta", v3);
const l = Math.abs(theta - thetaMan)
let rotationSpeed = isTouchDevice ? 2 : 4
let d = Math.PI / 24
if (l > d) {
if (l > Math.PI - d) rotationSpeed *= -1
if (theta < thetaMan) rotationSpeed *= -1
} else {
const thetaMan = rotatine;
"postrotation.php", {
rotation: thetaMan
function (data) {
//console.log("rotacija", thetaMan);
//console.log("izsaukta", v3);
const l = Math.abs(theta - thetaMan)
let rotationSpeed = isTouchDevice ? 2 : 4
let d = Math.PI / 24
if (l > d) {
if (l > Math.PI - d) rotationSpeed *= -1
if (theta < thetaMan) rotationSpeed *= -1
* Player Move
if (this.keys.w.isDown || this.move) {
if (this.man.animation.current === 'idle' && this.canJump) this.man.animation.play('run')
"postanimation.php", {
animation: this.man.animation.current
function (data) {
//console.log("viens", x);
//console.log("izsaukta", v3);
const speed = [];
var getspeed = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getspeed.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
getspeed = data.split("*").map(String);
//console.log("getsp", getspeed);
for (var i = 0; i < getspeed.length - 1; i++) {
let getsp = getspeed[i];
//console.log("speed", getsp);
//console.log("speed.length", speed.length);
for (var i = 0; i < speed.length; i++) {
let speedi = speed[i];
console.log("speed array2", speedi);
const x = Math.sin(theta) * speedi,
y = this.man.body.velocity.y,
z = Math.cos(theta) * speedi
"postlocation.php", {
x: x,
y: y,
z: z,
function (data) {
//console.log("viens", x);
//console.log("izsaukta", v3);
this.man.body.setVelocity(x, y, z)
} else {
if (this.man.animation.current === 'run' && this.canJump) this.man.animation.play('idle')
"postanimation.php", {
animation: this.man.animation.current
function (data) {
//console.log("viens", x);
//console.log("izsaukta", v3);
* Player Jump
if (this.keys.space.isDown && this.canJump) {
const config = {
type: Phaser.WEBGL,
transparent: true,
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
width: window.innerWidth * Math.max(1, window.devicePixelRatio / 2),
height: window.innerHeight * Math.max(1, window.devicePixelRatio / 2)
scene: [MainScene],
...Canvas({ antialias: false })
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
enable3d(() => new Phaser.Game(config)).withPhysics('/lib/ammo/kripken')