Tarafından suqd/Halamix2, 3 Yıllar evvel, yazılmış Plain Text.
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Tıklamalar: 105
  1. Tested in NohBoard v0.17b.
  3. Put the StuntGP.kb file in NohBoard directory.
  4. Open NohBoard -> Right Click -> Settings -> Keyboard Category: Games -> Keyboard Layout: StuntGP.kb.
  5. Add NohBoard in OBS as "Window Capture". Recommended to set up background color of your NohBoard to the same color as background color in your OBS canvas.
  7. If you want to edit the layout, open StuntGP.kb layout file in Notepad and edit it to your liking. Format for each key is:
  8. key [key ID] [distance from left border] [distance from upper border] [key width] [key height] [text/symbol without Shift pressed] [text/symbol with Shift pressed] [ChangeOnCaps] [SmallFont]
  9. (without the [ ] of course lol)
  11. To get Key IDs, open azerty.kb or some other layout in Notepad, and check the names next to each key.
  13. ChangeOnCaps - 1 if the ShiftText should be shown when Caps Lock is enabled, 0 otherwise (numbers have this disabled, letters have this enabled)
  15. SmallFont - 1 if the text on the button should be drawn in a smaller font, 0 otherwise (generally, buttons with 1 character have this disabled, buttons with more characters have it enabled)