- Let's make a game!
- name:Idle Clicker Game
- by:Jeremiah Lopez
- desc:An idle clicker game, nothing else
- created:31/10/2023
- updated:15/11/2023
- version:1
- Settings
- background:stuff/skyBlue.jpg
- tiling background:stuff/royalBlue.jpg
- building cost increase:110%
- building cost refund:50%
- spritesheet:icons, 48 by 48, stuff/bigBlack.png
- stylesheet:stuff/bigBlack.png
- Layout
- *main
- contains:res, buttons
- *res
- contains:Resources
- class:fullWidth
- ps:show
- *buttons
- contains:Buttons
- *store
- contains:buildings, upgrades
- costs:show
- *buildings
- contains:BulkDisplay, Buildings
- header:Buildings
- tooltip origin:left
- costs:show
- *upgrades
- contains:Upgrades
- header:Upgrades
- costs:hide
- names:hide
- *unlockables
- contains:Upgrades, Achievements
- names:hide
- Buttons
- *tappityTap
- name:Tappity Tap
- desc:Click this to tap button. Grants 1 tick per click.
- on click:yield 1 tick
- icon:stuff/noobHead.png
- no text
- class:bigButton hasFlares
- icon class:shadowed
- tooltip origin:bottom
- tooltip class:red
- show clicks
- Resources
- *tick
- name:Ticks
- desc:This is money. You can't buy stuff without money.
- icon:icons[0,0]
- show earned
- *goldTick
- name:Gold Ticks
- desc:These are gold ticks. Use them to buy better buttons.
- icon:icons[0,0]
- show earned
- Buildings
- *toolShed
- name:Toolshed
- desc:Instead of working in a bucket on the side of the street, now you can work in a toolshed in order to produce 2 ticks per second.
- on tick:yield 2 tick
- cost:20 tick
- cost increase:110%
- cost refund:50%
- *momBasement
- name:Mom's Basement
- desc:Now you can work in your mom's basement, rent-free. Your mom's love drives you to work harder. Produces 5 ticks per second.
- on tick:yield 5 tick
- cost:250 tick
- cost increase:110%
- cost refund:50%
- *trailer
- name:Trailer
- desc:Now you have your own trailer to work in. Produces 10 ticks per second.
- on tick:yield 10 tick
- cost:750 tick
- cost increase:115%
- cost refund:50%
- *apartment
- name:Apartment
- desc:It's an apartment. What else? Produces 15 ticks per second.
- on tick:yield 15 tick
- cost:1500 tick
- cost increase:115%
- cost refund:50%
- *smallHouse
- name:Small House
- desc:Now you have your own house. Produces 25 ticks per second.
- on tick:yield 25 tick
- cost:2500 tick
- cost increase:120%
- cost refund:50%
- *officeBuilding
- name:Office Building
- desc:Now you have your own office building. You can now get employees and other office stuff. Produces 75 ticks per second.
- on tick:yield 75 tick
- cost:5650 tick
- cost increase:120%
- cost refund:50%
- Upgrades
- *clickNub
- name:Click Nub
- desc:It's what's in stock. 2x ticks/click.
- passive:multiply yield of tappityTap by 2
- cost:150 tick
- *clickPro
- name:Click Pro
- desc:Better than better. 2x ticks/click.
- passive:multiply yield of tappityTap by 2
- cost:500 tick
- *steelClicks
- name:Steel Clicks
- desc:Stainless clicks. 2x ticks/click.
- passive:multiply yield of tappityTap by 2
- cost:2000 tick
- Achievements
- *newbie
- name:Newbie!
- desc:You've clicked the button 1 time. You are a certified Newbie. Well done.
- req:1 tappityTap:clicks
- *clicka
- name:Clicka'
- desc:You've clicked the button 100 times! No clicka', I'm serious.
- req:100 tappityTap:clicks
- *tapTastic
- name:Tap-tastic!
- desc:Wowzers! You've clicked the button 1,000 times! That's tap-tastic!
- req:1000 tappityTap:clicks
- *ysoClicker
- name:Why So Clickerous?
- desc:You've clicked the button 100,000 times! Cool!
- req:100000 tappityTap:clicks
- *clickBot
- name:Clickbot
- desc:Are you using clickbot? You've clicked the button 10,000,000 times!
- req:10000000 tappityTap:clicks
- *autoClicker
- name:Auto-Clicker
- desc:No Way! You've clicked the button 100,000,000,000 times!
- req:100000000000 tappityTap:clicks
- Shinies
- *bronzeButton
- name:Bronze Button
- on click: yield (random(10,100)) tick
- movement:anywhere fade bounce moveRandom
- frequency:120
- duration:10
- *silverButton
- name:Silver Button
- on click:yield (random(100,000)) tick
- movement:anywhere growShrink
- frequency:360
- duration:7
- *goldButton
- name:Gold Button
- on click:yield (random(10,000,000)) tick
- movement:anywhere spinRandom moveRandom
- frequency:720
- duration:5
- *diamondButton
- name:Diamond Button
- on click:yield (random(100,000,000)) tick
- movement:anywhere growShrink
- frequency:960
- duration:5
- *platinumButton
- name:Platinum Button
- on click:yield (random(10,000,000,000)) tick
- movement:anywhere growShrink moveRandom
- frequency:2160
- duration:4