From Burly Penguin, 3 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
  1.  Mother?! Sire?! Why have you forsaken me? Is this any better because of love? Or was income and long term pride? Does someone even truly understand what Love is? Is Love not something to become proud towards? What was I born to do other than to love? I do not choose to anything else except for Love.
  2.  Is love an emotion, a feeling, a verb or noun? The route to love could be long or so long, can be lovely, can be adventurous, can be filled with joy or pain, could be a quantity of things. I looked inside the definition of love and this is what I ran across. Love can be a profoundly tender, passionate affection for anyone else. When I Googled, "What is it about love," I found: QUIZ: Is it Love? WOW - now you can have a quiz help to make sure it's love! (I'm not sure if I need to do that)..
  3.  Love is roughly how the other person makes you feel. The fact of the matter is that love involves non-verbal reactions - synaptic (chemical) connections within our brains. Since I love to research, I did some research on Really love.
  4.  I for you to so many single women and I hear, "Where will be men?" I listen to so many single men and they say, "Where will be women?" Ought to "NOT" be out there since I'm hearing the same thing from both sexes; or do they and the results reason we haven't found the one for us is because we have been so busy in dating so many men and men women, it is really been a distraction in truly discovering ourselves out and functioning on US? Someone said in Don Miguel Ruiz book, The Mastery of love that ought to be 100% complete in ourselves purchase to attract that perfect one that. Once you accept yourself just the way you are, the next thing is merely your husband.
  5.  If we fall into Sleep, check your grip of Hypnos and into Love, the embrace of Eros; then do we too fall from Nirvana? It is said that the wage of sin is Mortality. We pay this wage to Thanatos. Then we spend our time with Hades, our creator of the UnderWorld.
  6.  True love, the a person who comes to you for an expensive calling, a whole life soul mate, emerges when you can see beyond the physical. Like your family or children, a long time soul mate is here to an individual to find your true self and purpose. Yet here to snap your ego and your limited patterns that comes from unrealistic expected values. They're here to make life hell, and create life magical, mystical and miraculous.
  7.  If a universal spiritual awakening is plenty of to ask, then mankind needs to get saved by some other means - an all-powerful external energy. An intervention is needed. Faith can provide that possibleness. (It turns out the book of Job was right life time memories - there's no suspense!) Faith recognises this salvation is not limited by some exclusive classification. https://csgrid.org/csg/team_display.php?teamid=969977 has room for everyone because he fully understands the "Why?" of every individual. Because he understands, he forgives.