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<title>3D ONLINE GAME 2 (game engine for various glb files) - http://mytechservinginternetmeals.blogspot.com/2022/02/video-game-development-4.html</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/examples.css?ver=1.0.0" />
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<!--- <div id="info-text">Use WASD, SPACE and your Mouse.<br />Try to play it on your mobile device :)</div> -->
include_once 'db.php';
$sessionid = $_SESSION['user_id'];
echo $user_data['username'];
//header('Location: index.php');
////echo $sessionid;
//skripts kurš pie katras čaraktera kustību apstājas updeito tabulas sadaļu *location*
//skripts kurš katru lietotāju kura datetime sakrīt ar intervālu pēdējās 15 min, zīmē ekrānā
</h1> <a href="logout.php">Logout.</a>http://mytechservinginternetmeals.blogspot.com/2022/02/video-game-development-4.html ZAJEBAL
const {
* Is touch device?
const isTouchDevice = 'ontouchstart' in window
var choicef = 1;
var textbubble = [];
class MainScene extends Scene3D {
constructor() {
super({ key: 'MainScene' })
init() {
this.accessThirdDimension({ maxSubSteps: 10, fixedTimeStep: 1 / 120 })
this.third.renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.LinearEncoding
this.canJump = true
this.move = false
this.moveTop = 0
this.moveRight = 0
async create() {
const { lights } = await this.third.warpSpeed('-ground', '-orbitControls')
const { hemisphereLight, ambientLight, directionalLight } = lights
const intensity = 0.65
hemisphereLight.intensity = intensity
ambientLight.intensity = intensity
directionalLight.intensity = intensity
//this.third.physics.add.box({ y: 10, x: 35 }, { lambert: { color: 'red' } })
// this.third.physics.debug.enable()
* Medieval Fantasy Book by Pixel (https://sketchfab.com/stefan.lengyel1)
* https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/medieval-fantasy-book-06d5a80a04fc4c5ab552759e9a97d91a
* Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
google maps fragment from real map mixed with random skatepark armatures (hand drawn),
some grass added but glb file does not loads textures,
enable3d javascript engine does not show the color file added to it
writing in computer does not really change anything, or does it, cause where is that thing?
on screen
//const groundGeometry = new PlaneGeometry( 20000, Const groundTexture = new TextureLoader().load('assets/img/grass.jpg');
//var positions = []
//positions.push(new THREE.Vector3(-1,0,0))
//positions.push(new THREE.Vector3(+1,0,0))
//var mesh = new THREEx.createGrassTufts(positions)
this.third.physics.collisionEvents.on('collision', data => {
const { bodies, event } = data
console.log("test", bodies[0].name, bodies[1].name, event)
this.third.load.gltf('/assets/glb/outside_the_box3.glb').then(object => {
const scene = object.scenes[0]
const book = new ExtendedObject3D()
book.name = 'scene'
// add animations
// sadly only the flags animations works
object.animations.forEach((anim, i) => {
book.mixer = this.third.animationMixers.create(book)
// overwrite the action to be an array of actions
book.action = []
book.action[i] = book.mixer.clipAction(anim)
book.traverse(child => {
if (child.isMesh) {
child.castShadow = child.receiveShadow = false
child.material.metalness = 0
child.material.roughness = 1
if (/mesh/i.test(child.name)) {
this.third.physics.add.existing(child, {
shape: 'concave',
mass: 0,
collisionFlags: 1,
autoCenter: false
child.body.setAngularFactor(0, 0, 0)
child.body.setLinearFactor(0, 0, 0)
//this.third.load.gltf('/assets/glb/grass_field.glb').then(object => {
//this.third.load.gltf('/assets/glb/box.glb').then(object => {
//const scene = object.scenes[0]
//const book = new ExtendedObject3D()
//book.name = 'scene2'
//add animations
//sadly only the flags animations works
//object.animations.forEach((anim, i) => {
//book.mixer = this.third.animationMixers.create(book)
//overwrite the action to be an array of actions
//book.action = []
//book.action[i] = book.mixer.clipAction(anim)
//book.traverse(child => {
//if (child.isMesh) {
//child.castShadow = child.receiveShadow = false
//child.material.metalness = 0
//child.material.roughness = 1
//if (/mesh/i.test(child.name)) {
//this.third.physics.add.existing(child, {
//shape: 'concave',
//mass: 0,
//collisionFlags: 1,
//autoCenter: false
//child.body.setAngularFactor(0, 0, 0)
//child.body.setLinearFactor(0, 0, 0)
//this.third.load.gltf('/assets/glb/box.glb').then(object => {
//const scene = object.scenes[0]
//const book2 = new ExtendedObject3D()
//book2.name = 'scene3'
//this.book2.position.set(-454.2014, 1, -205.63472)
//// add animations
//// sadly only the flags animations works
//object.animations.forEach((anim, i) => {
//book2.mixer = this.third.animationMixers.create(book)
//// overwrite the action to be an array of actions
//book2.action = []
//book2.action[i] = book.mixer.clipAction(anim)
//book2.traverse(child => {
//if (child.isMesh) {
//child.castShadow = child.receiveShadow = false
//child.material.metalness = 0
//child.material.roughness = 1
//if (/mesh/i.test(child.name)) {
//this.third.physics.add.existing(child, {
//shape: 'concave',
//mass: 0,
//collisionFlags: 1,
//autoCenter: false
//child.body.setAngularFactor(0, 0, 0)
//child.body.setLinearFactor(0, 0, 0)
var skins = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'loadskins.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
skins = data.split(",").map(String);
for (var i = 0; i < skins.length - 1; i++) {
let skin = skins[i];
console.log("times", i);
const lokacijumasivs = [];
//// let objstr = obj[i].toString().split("");
//let objstr = obj[i];
//console.log("x", vertibasx[i]);
//console.log("y", vertibasy[i]);
//console.log("z", vertibasz[i]);
var obj = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getlocation.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
obj = data.split("*").map(String);
// console.log("obj", obj);
const vertibasx = obj.slice(0,1);
const vertibasy = obj.slice(1,2);
const vertibasz = obj.slice(2,3);
* box_man.glb by Jan Bláha
* https://github.com/swift502/Sketchbook
* CC-0 license 2018
///update shito ik pa laikam ar chata table saturu, paradit visiem
///paradit tukshu vai pazudinat ja ieraksts veikts paris sekundes pirms
var getchat = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getchat.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
getchat = data.split("*").map(String);
}, 600);
//for (var i = 0; i < getchat.length - 1; i++) {
var uu;
var location2;
var location3;
var location4;
uu = getchat[0]
location2 = parseInt(obj[0]);
location3 = location2 + 185;
location4 = location3.toString();
console.log("uu", location4);
}, 600);
const foo = () => {
this.add.text(location4,328, uu, { fontSize: '24px' });
}, 600);
var object = await this.third.load.gltf(skin)
///this.third.load.gltf('/assets/glb/box_man.glb').then(object => {
const man = object.scene.children[0]
console.log("zb", man);
this.man = new ExtendedObject3D()
this.man.name = 'man'
this.man.rotateY(Math.PI + 0.1) // a hack
this.man.rotation.set(0, Math.PI * 1.5, 0)
//console.log("uzstada", vertibasx, vertibasy, vertibasx);
console.log("iteracija", i);
//if(vertibasx !== null && vertibasy !== null && vertibasz !== null){
//let verx = vertibasx[i];
//let very = vertibasy[i];
//let verz = vertibasz[i];
//console.log("shitais?", verx);
//console.log("2shitais?", very);
//console.log("3shitais?", verz);
if(vertibasx && vertibasy && vertibasz){
this.man.position.set(vertibasx, vertibasy, vertibasz)
} else {
this.man.position.set(754.2014, 1, -205.63472)
//} else {
//let verx = 754.2014;
//let very = 1000;
//let verz = -205.63472;
//this.man.position.set(verx, very, verz)
//this.man.position.set(59, 0, 79)
// add shadow
this.man.traverse(child => {
if (child.isMesh) {
child.castShadow = child.receiveShadow = true
// https://discourse.threejs.org/t/cant-export-material-from-blender-gltf/12258
child.material.roughness = 1
child.material.metalness = 0
* Animations
object.animations.forEach(animation => {
if (animation.name) {
this.man.animation.add(animation.name, animation)
* Add the player to the scene with a body
this.third.physics.add.existing(this.man, {
shape: 'sphere',
radius: 0.25,
width: 0.5,
offset: { y: -0.25 }
this.man.body.setAngularFactor(0, 0, 0)
// https://docs.panda3d.org/1.10/python/programming/physics/bullet/ccd
* Add 3rd Person Controls
this.controls = new ThirdPersonControls(this.third.camera, this.man, {
offset: new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0),
targetRadius: 3
// set initial view to 90 deg theta
this.controls.theta = 90
* Add Pointer Lock and Pointer Drag
if (!isTouchDevice) {
let pl = new PointerLock(this.game.canvas)
let pd = new PointerDrag(this.game.canvas)
pd.onMove(delta => {
if (pl.isLocked()) {
this.moveTop = -delta.y
this.moveRight = delta.x
// })
* Add Keys
* Add joystick
if (isTouchDevice) {
const joystick = new JoyStick()
const axis = joystick.add.axis({
styles: { left: 35, bottom: 35, size: 100 }
axis.onMove(event => {
* Update Camera
const { top, right } = event
this.moveTop = top * 3
this.moveRight = right * 3
const buttonA = joystick.add.button({
letter: 'A',
styles: { right: 35, bottom: 110, size: 80 }
buttonA.onClick(() => this.jump())
const buttonB = joystick.add.button({
letter: 'B',
styles: { right: 110, bottom: 35, size: 80 }
buttonB.onClick(() => (this.move = true))
buttonB.onRelease(() => (this.move = false))
jump() {
if (!this.man || !this.canJump) return
this.canJump = false
this.man.animation.play('jump_running', 500, false)
delay: 650,
callback: () => {
this.canJump = true
update(time, delta) {
this.keys = {
a: this.input.keyboard.addKey('a'),
w: this.input.keyboard.addKey('w'),
d: this.input.keyboard.addKey('d'),
s: this.input.keyboard.addKey('s'),
space: this.input.keyboard.addKey(32)
if(choicef === 1) {
this.keys = {
a: this.input.keyboard.addKey('a'),
w: this.input.keyboard.addKey('w'),
d: this.input.keyboard.addKey('d'),
s: this.input.keyboard.addKey('s'),
space: this.input.keyboard.addKey(32)
if(choicef === 2){
this.input.keyboard.removeCapture([ 32 ]);
var area = document.getElementById('textarea');
area.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
//alert("uzlieku pa virsu");
choicef = 2;
var elem = document.getElementById('enable3d-phaser-canvas');
elem.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
console.log("uzlieku pa virsu");
choicef = 1;
area.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
// Cancel the default action, if needed
// Trigger the button element with a click
var textarea = document.getElementById('textarea').value;
//avar groupidTRIM = document.getElementById("groupchatID").innerHTML;
//var groupid = "grupa";
var username;
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getusername.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
username = data;
var kopadata = username + " " + textarea;
type: "post",
url: "groupchatfunction.php",
data: {
textarea: textarea
cache: false,
success: function(html) {
//izmēģinam ievietot kastīti ja aizsūtas ziņa
// this.third.physics.add.box({ y: 10, x: 754.2014 }, { lambert: { color: 'red' } })
/// tekstu ieposto datubāzē , izmaina globālo masīvu ar tekstu un tā īpašnieku
/// vēlāk globālo masīvu zīmē gluži kā čarakteru iekš update funkcijas, iekļauj sarakstā visas ziņas
// un uzzīmē thought buble virs čaraktera galvas ar iedomāto tekstu
var kopadata2 = kopadata;
var doit = textbubble.push(kopadata2);
//var messageelements = '<div class="msg_a"><span data-tooltip="now" data-tooltip-position="bottom">' + textarea + '</span></div><br>';
//$( "#outputmessages" ).append(messageelements);
//var elem = document.getElementById('msg_body');
//elem.scrollTop = elem.scrollHeight;
//}, 1200);
document.getElementById('textarea').value = '';
if (this.man && this.man.body) {
* Update Controls
this.controls.update(this.moveRight * 2, -this.moveTop * 2)
if (!isTouchDevice) this.moveRight = this.moveTop = 0
* Player Turn
//console.log("globals mainigais speed", speed);
const v3 = new THREE.Vector3()
const rotation = this.third.camera.getWorldDirection(v3)
var rotati = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getrotation.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
rotati = data.split("*").map(String);
const theta = Math.atan2(rotation.x, rotation.z)
const rotationMan = this.man.getWorldDirection(v3)
for (var i = 0; i < rotati.length - 1; i++) {
let rotatine = rotati[i];
const thetaMan = Math.atan2(rotationMan.x, rotationMan.z)
"postrotation.php", {
rotation: thetaMan
function (data) {
//console.log("rotacija", thetaMan);
//console.log("izsaukta", v3);
const l = Math.abs(theta - thetaMan)
let rotationSpeed = isTouchDevice ? 2 : 4
let d = Math.PI / 24
if (l > d) {
if (l > Math.PI - d) rotationSpeed *= -1
if (theta < thetaMan) rotationSpeed *= -1
} else {
const thetaMan = rotatine;
"postrotation.php", {
rotation: thetaMan
function (data) {
//console.log("rotacija", thetaMan);
//console.log("izsaukta", v3);
const l = Math.abs(theta - thetaMan)
let rotationSpeed = isTouchDevice ? 2 : 4
let d = Math.PI / 24
if (l > d) {
if (l > Math.PI - d) rotationSpeed *= -1
if (theta < thetaMan) rotationSpeed *= -1
* Player Move
if (this.keys.w.isDown || this.move) {
if (this.man.animation.current === 'idle' && this.canJump) this.man.animation.play('run')
"postanimation.php", {
animation: this.man.animation.current
function (data) {
//console.log("viens", x);
//console.log("izsaukta", v3);
const speed = [];
var getspeed = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getspeed.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
getspeed = data.split("*").map(String);
//console.log("getsp", getspeed);
for (var i = 0; i < getspeed.length - 1; i++) {
let getsp = getspeed[i];
//console.log("speed", getsp);
//console.log("speed.length", speed);
const v3 = new THREE.Vector3()
var rotati = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getrotation.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
rotati = data.split("*").map(String);
console.log("rotāciju masīvs", rotati);
for (var i = 0; i < rotati.length; i++) {
const rotation = rotati[i];
} else {
const rotation = this.third.camera.getWorldDirection(v3)
console.log("rotation", rotation);
const theta = Math.atan2(rotation.x, rotation.z)
const rotationMan = this.man.getWorldDirection(v3)
//console.log("globals mainigais speed", speed);
//console.log("theta", theta);
for (var i = 0; i < speed.length; i++) {
//console.log("xT", Math.sin(theta));
let speedi = parseInt(speed[i]);
//console.log("speed array2", speedi);
//console.log("xT2", Math.sin(theta));
const x = Math.sin(theta) * 4,
y = this.man.body.velocity.y,
z = Math.cos(theta) * 4
console.log("y mainas randomā", y);
var obj2 = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getlocation.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
obj2 = data.split("*").map(String);
//console.log("obj2", obj2);
let vertibasx = obj2.slice(0,1);
let vertibasy = obj2.slice(1,2);
let vertibasz = obj2.slice(2,3);
let xv = parseInt(vertibasx[i]) + x;
let zv = parseInt(vertibasz[i]) + z;
//nepareizā lokācija
//"postlocation.php", {
//x: xv,
//y: 0,
//z: zv,
//function (data) {
////console.log("viens", x);
////console.log("izsaukta", v3);
this.man.body.setVelocity(x, y, z)
} else {
const v3 = new THREE.Vector3()
const rotation = this.third.camera.getWorldDirection(v3)
const theta = Math.atan2(rotation.x, rotation.z)
const rotationMan = this.man.getWorldDirection(v3)
const x = Math.sin(theta) * 4,
y = this.man.body.velocity.y,
z = Math.cos(theta) * 4
var obj2 = [];
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: 'getlocation.php',
data: {},
success: function (data) {
obj2 = data.split("*").map(String);
//console.log("obj2", obj2);
let vertibasx = obj2.slice(0,1);
let vertibasy = obj2.slice(1,2);
let vertibasz = obj2.slice(2,3);
let xv = parseInt(vertibasx[i]) + x;
let zv = parseInt(vertibasz[i]) + z;
//nepareizā lokācija
//"postlocation.php", {
//x: xv,
//y: 0,
//z: zv,
//function (data) {
////console.log("viens", x);
////console.log("izsaukta", v3);
//šeit jābūt kodam kas updeitos koordinātes ja nespiež nevienu pogu bet papriekšu custom rotācija
if (this.man.animation.current === 'run' && this.canJump) this.man.animation.play('idle')
"postanimation.php", {
animation: this.man.animation.current
function (data) {
//console.log("viens", x);
//console.log("izsaukta", v3);
* Player Jump
if (this.keys.space.isDown && this.canJump) {
const config = {
type: Phaser.WEBGL,
transparent: true,
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
width: window.innerWidth * Math.max(1, window.devicePixelRatio / 2),
height: window.innerHeight * Math.max(1, window.devicePixelRatio / 2)
scene: [MainScene],
...Canvas({ antialias: false })
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
enable3d(() => new Phaser.Game(config)).withPhysics('/lib/ammo/kripken')
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