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Get to know 5 elements of a good life
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according to Martin Seligman’s positive psychology.
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It’s called the PERMA model
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and the name of this model is the acronym
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of the first letters of its components.
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So P stands for Positive emotions,
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which means convey them and show them in your life.
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Strive to be in positive emotions.
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Bring joy, and hope, and show appreciation.
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E is for Engagement.
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Engagement means being present
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and taking care of attitude of commitment.
[00:37:100 → 00:42:000]
R is for Relationship. That means cooperation,
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and striving to create something with others.
[00:45:100 → 00:47:000]
M is for Meanings.
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That means feeling that what I do has greater meaning
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and having faith in this meaning.
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A is for accomplishment and achievement.
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These are the 5 elements of a good life,
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and I wish you this good life.